Invoking and Evoking the Elements
Invoking the elements is very advanced and can be very dangerous.
I am speaking from experience here.
There are many authors who write from a theoretical and scholastic prospective and have not had the direct experience with certain meditations and psychic practices.
I am going to give you *my* personal experiences with the meditations that follow.
these are my own direct experiences and some of what I experienced, you may or may not as we are individuals, but these meditations are:
- highly effective
- powerful
- dangerous
If you:
- Are not physically and/or mentally healthy
- If you take *any* psychiatric medications or medications that affect your brain/nervous system
- If you suffer from high blood pressure
- If you have heat flashes from menopause
- If you suffer bouts of depression
- If you do not know yourself 100%
- If you are pregnant
- If you are prone to having seizures or have epilepsy
I strongly encourage you to turn back and work other meditations that are safer.
Once you have overcome any problems mentioned above using safer meditations, you can proceed at a very slow pace if you think you are ready.
Let me explain:
With invoking the elements, here are some examples of what can happen:
Invoking fire will make you hot, depending on how many breaths you do (only seven and under are recommended for those who have not had experience with this element).
Even with adepts, 20 breaths can be extreme.
While you are doing the fire meditation for the first time, more than likely while you are doing it, you will feel little or nothing.
Do not make the mistake of doing any more breaths because you might feel nothing!
More than likely, you will feel the effects hours later.
The effects of invoking fire include a fever, feeling BURNING HOT after a warm glow/aura manifests, insomnia, and since water is the opposite of fire, you can get a backlash of water, and this can manifest in depression.
These effects can last several hours to several days.
Each one of us has imbalances of certain elements and invoking the elements can cause even more imbalance, so it is also important to know your strengths and weaknesses in certain elements.
Invoking air can over-stimulate the nervous system.
Air can make you very irritable and oversensitive for a few hours to several days, depending on how much you take in.
I have always been a person of extremes, and I am daring, so I have never put any limitations on myself with meditations, though I have always used common sense.
Things to note:
Now, with invoking these elements over a period of time, we become resistant to extremes of temperature, we can warm or cool our bodies at will and we can be adept at pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, and other astral disciplines.
If you are planning to do the elemental meditations, I strongly encourage you to keep written entries in a black book or journal regarding how these exercises affect you.
Mastering the elements is one of the highest forms of magick, while others play around with props.
The elements are based upon the four corners and directions.
They are the foundation of the universe when working magick.
Invoking and directing the elements is used to empower sigils and talismans.
Each ritual or working normally has an elemental theme.
By making use of the elements the power of any working is drastically amplified.
Elemental magick is extremely advanced and powerful magick.
There are two ways of invoking the elements.
One way is total invocation as I have done (no breathing them back out and the most dangerous) and the other way is easier is to breathe the element back out into the ether.
You can work up from this.
Each one of us has strengths and weaknesses with certain elements.
Nearly all of us have imbalances of the elements in our souls.
The following meditations will correct these.
Several hours or a day after invoking an element, sit quietly and meditate on how you feel.
How did you feel during the past 24 hours?
It is important to be able to *feel* the elements in order to direct and control them.
To properly invoke, direct, and control the elements, you should be balanced in all of the elements.
Most of us have imbalances.
These can usually be seen in our astrology charts.
Fire is opposite Water, and Air is opposite Earth.
The opposite element is what is needed to fix the imbalance.
It is important to be aware that invoking the lacking element can create a temporary backlash in the over-dominant element.
Invoking or Evoking the Elements will require you to know how to enter a trance.
When your goals are personal and pertain to yourself, this is the time to invoke energy and project it from yourself.
Evoking energy is different.
When spells are for others, it is important to evoke energy, as energy that you project from yourself will establish a connection with the person you send it to.
Both in cursing and healing, for obvious reasons, this is undesirable.
The energy you use must be taken from the universe.
It is very important to master both evocation and invocation of the elements in order to progress to advanced levels of ability.
Fire (Advanced)
Invoking Fire
Go into a light to medium trance and visualize yourself in the middle of a large sphere of Fire.
Now, do the energy breathing.
Breath in the Fire from all sides of your body, front, back, top of your head and bottom of your feet.
Imagine and feel yourself getting burning hot.
Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SEVEN BREATHS!
You have two options for this exercise:
1. You can breathe the Fire back out into the Ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when you are finished with the seven breaths (This is the safest way)
2. You can retain the Fire. With retention of the elements, you will progress faster, understand how each element feels and affects you and increase your ability to handle each element, but remember- this is not for everyone.
It is better to take things slower and use caution.
Remember to always use common sense.
To be adept, one must master blowing (directing the exhale) the element out as we will in following meditations.
For example, blowing out the Element of Fire after you have invoked enough of it and your body can withstand high amounts of this element, you can raise the temperature of objects and even set them on fire, using only your mind.
Unlike the other method of pyrokinesis on this website, with the above, you can even be miles from your object.
Invoking Fire will make you hot.
Depending on how many breaths you do (only seven and under are recommended for those who have not had experience with this element).
Even with adepts, 20 breaths can be extreme.
While you are doing the Fire meditation for the first time, more than likely while you are doing it, you will feel little or nothing.
More than likely, you will feel the effects hours later.
The effects of Invoking Fire include a fever, feeling BURNING HOT after a warm glow/aura manifests, insomnia, and since Water is the opposite of Fire, you can get a backlash of Water, and this can manifest in depression.
These effects can last several hours to several days.
Evoking Fire
Get into a trance and visualize you are in the middle of fire.
Feel the heat and hear the hissing and crackling of the flames and feel the burning.
Now, begin to collect and condense that fire into a sphere in front of you.
Draw the Fire element from all directions into the sphere in front of you.
The more of the Fire element you direct into the sphere, the more dense, material, and hotter it will become.
You should feel the heat while you are doing this.
The more you compress and condense the Fire, the more the heat will grow.
You should actually have the sensation of literally being in an oven.
Now dissolve the sphere of Fire by visualizing it dissipating – the exact opposite of when you brought it together.
Keep working at visualizing it dissipating, losing its strength, power and heat and eventually dissolving into nothing.
Evoke the Element of Fire again, but this time, have a glass of tepid water in front of you and draw the Fire from all directions and condense it into the glass of water.
It is best to use a clear glass with this exercise.
Imagine the water getting hotter and hotter with the Fire Element.
If you are successful, the water will increase in temperature by a few degrees.
When finished, you can taste the water, and it should have an unusual taste to it if you were successful.
Later on, when you find you can raise the temperature of tepid water, then work with colder and colder water and practice the same.
Air (Advanced)
Invoking Air
Sit quietly and go into a light to medium trance.
Now, imagine yourself in the air.
Feel the lightness and breathe in the Air Element.
It is important to imagine yourself feeling lighter and lighter and airy.
Imagine that your body is becoming lighter, as light as air itself to where you can no longer feel your body.
Feel as if you are floating.
Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SEVEN BREATHS!
You have two options for this exercise:
1. You can breathe the Air back out into the Ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when you are finished with the seven breaths (This is the safest way)
2. You can retain the Air.
With retention of the elements, you will progress faster, understand how each element feels and affects you and increase your ability to handle each element, but remember- this is not for everyone.
It is better to take things slower and use caution.
Remember to always use common sense.
After some 12-24 hours, sit quietly and meditate a few minutes on how you feel after invoking air.
The Air Element is used in rituals to incite chaos. Air can over-stimulate the nervous system until you get used to it so it is important to go slowly. Invoking Air is used for levitation.
Evoking Air
Get into a trance and visualize you are in the middle of air, fill the entire room with it.
Draw the air from all directions simultaneously into a sphere in front of you.
Fill and pack the sphere with the Air Element.
You should feel very light, as though you are floating.
When you are finished packing the Air into the sphere, dissolve it as you did with the Fire sphere.
Water (Advanced)
Invoking Water
Go into a light to medium trance and imagine that you are completely under water in a large pool or lake.
The water should be still. Just relax.
Breathe in the Water from all sides of your body, front, back, top of your head and bottom of your feet.
Imagine yourself getting ice cold.
Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SEVEN BREATHS!
You have two options for this exercise:
1. You can breathe the Water back out into the ether after each inhalation and even breathe it out some more when you are finished with the seven breaths (This is the safest way)
2. You can retain the Water.
With retention of the elements, you will progress faster, understand how each element feels and affects you and increase your ability to handle each element, but remember- this is not for everyone.
It is better to take things slower and use caution.
Remember to always use common sense.
After some 12-24 hours, sit quietly and meditate a few minutes on how you feel after invoking Water.
The more advanced you become, the more you will feel the coldness of the Water element.
You should feel like a block of ice.
Adepts are able to keep the body cold as ice even in the hottest of summer weather.
The Water element can incite depression, so it is important to go slowly.
Water is used in rituals involving attraction.
Evoking Water
Get into a trance and visualize you are in the middle of an ocean or lake.
Draw the Water Element from all directions.
Feel the Water at first as a cold vapor, the closer you draw it to your body, as you condense the Water more and more, you should feel icy cold.
Now, pack the Water Element into a sphere in front of you and then dissolve it, the same as you did with the Fire and Air.
Let it evaporate away into nothingness.
Earth (Advanced)
Invoking Earth
To invoke the Earth Element, go into a light to medium trance and visualize yourself in the middle of a large sphere of heavy dense gravity.
Now, do the energy breathing.
Breathe in the Earth from all sides of your body, front, back, top of your head and bottom of your feet.
Imagine yourself getting heavier to where you are like lead and can no longer move – like you are buried under several feet of dirt.
Feel the gravity of the Earth pulling you.
Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SEVEN BREATHS!
You have two options for this exercise:
1. You can breathe the Earth Element back out into the Ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when you are finished with the seven breaths (This is the safest way)
2. You can retain the Earth.
With retention of the elements, you will progress faster, understand how each element feels and affects you and increase your ability to handle each element, but remember- this is not for everyone. It is better to take things slower and use caution.
Remember to always use common sense.
After some 12-24 hours, sit quietly and meditate a few minutes on how you feel after invoking Earth.
Evoking Earth
Get into a trance and draw a gray mass, similar to clay, from all directions simultaneously.
The closer you bring it to yourself, it becomes browner and browner, rich like soil and denser.
Fill the room entirely with the heavy mass of the Earth element and visualize it compacting into a sphere.
Feel the heaviness and the gravity and its pressure on your body.
When finished, dissolve it as you did with the other elements.
Quintessence (Advanced)
Invoking the Akasha/Quintessence/Ether
I have found the Quintessence [Akasha/Ether] to act as a medium in amplifying energies and the powers of the soul.
Ether is also said to impart “invisibility“ in the way of one not being noticed.
If you try this, it is very important to also do this with the void in not thinking, as thoughts give off energy.
Of course, this does not mean physical invisibility, but invisibility in not being noticed, like a well-trained Ninja can do.
1. Visualize and feel yourself in the center of an unlimited space.
This will feel like floating.
There is no above or below, or sideways.
The Quintessence is ultra-violet, very similar to what is known as a black light.
For those of you who are familiar with the black lights of the 1970’s and how they illuminated florescent colors on posters, this is the color you should be visualizing as it is very powerful.
Black lights are ultra-violet.
If you are not familiar just type “black light” into a search engine; also see “images” of black lights; and black light bulbs.
This energy is the first step in the non-visible spectrum of light.
The soul is composed of both the visible and non-visible spectrums of light.
2. Breathe in the Akasha/Ether, visualizing yourself completely surrounded by the ultra-violet energy as you would with energy breathing and fill your entire being with it for eleven breaths.
FEEL this energy and focus your mind and astral senses upon it.
3. Meditate on the feeling you get from invoking this energy for 10-15 minutes.
“It has been mentioned in the theoretical part that the elements originate in the akasha principle, by which they are dominated and kept in the correct balance.
After a long time of exercising, a magician who has achieved good results with the elements will also be able to control the finest principle that is the astral ether.”
“We have heard that akasha is the primary source, the sphere of all causes.
Any deliberate cause, such as a wish, a thought, any imagination created in this sphere together with the dynamic conviction is bound to be realized with the help of the elements, regardless of the level or sphere on which the realization necessarily has to be performed.
This is one of the greatest magick mysteries and a universal key for the magician, who will understand its range only later on in the course of his development.” – Franz Bardon “Initiation into Hermetics”
Initiation into Hermetics – Anna’s Archive
Excerpt from “Using the Elements for Divination Purposes (Advanced)”
It is imperative one has at least some experience with invoking the elements for working this type of divination successfully.
A generally high level of advancement is required to divine properly through the elements.
The four main elements can be used to this in order to divine properly.
Rotating the Elements (Advanced)
Rotating the elements is very advanced.
One should already be adept with circulating energy through the chakras.
One of the most important steps in advanced meditation is to circulate the elements through each of the chakras.
This is very advanced and is done after condensing the element into a chakra it rules and then circulating it.
Work on mastering each one.
You should definitely FEEL the element- i.e., searing hot for fire, ice cold for water, heavy for earth, and light for air.
Quintessence is warm to hot.
This is very advanced and should only be attempted by experienced meditators.
This will provide an important foundation for more advanced works.
The ancients used the seasons to facilitate their workings.
Satanic Holidays – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
This is a part of the four points.
Summer is hot and meditating on and Invoking the Element of Fire is easier for beginners.
Just make sure you have a place to cool down.
Spring is a good time to work with Air, Fall is great for Earth, and Winter is good for working with Water, as it is cold.
The next step should be combining the elements, such as circulating Water after circulating Fire and then circulating Quintessence.
This is all very powerful.
The Waxing and Full Moon acts to transform the fiery rays of The Sun into the Element of Water.
Energy from both the Sun and Moon should also be Invoked and circulated.
Rotating the Element of Fire
- Breathe in the Element of Fire into your entire body.
- Condense the Fire into a small ball inside your Base Chakra.
- Now, direct that ball into your Sacral Chakra, then your Solar Chakra, your Throat Chakra, your Third Eye, your Crown Chakra and then down from your Crown Chakra into your 6th Chakra behind your Third Eye and to the back of your head- through the Rear Sixth Chakra and on down your spine at each chakra. Take your time with this, burning each of your chakras thoroughly. This is very empowering and cleansing.
- When finished, either direct the Fire ball to your Base Chakra or expell it through your Solar Plexus Chakra.
Do the same with the other elements, including the Quintessence.
Doing this with the Chi or Pineal secretions is also very powerful AND pleasurable.
In the beginning, you should only work with and master one element per meditation session.
Fire can also be Invoked from the Sun- the hotter the Sun, the better.
Concentrating the Elements (Advanced)
- Quiet your mind.
- Breathe in the Element of Fire and upon the exhale, direct all of it to your Base Chakra, so it is concentrated.
- Do this for five breaths.
- Meditate upon and feel the heat in your Base Chakra.
If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you can substitute directing the Water Element into your Sacral Chakra.
Either do one or the other.
What this does is to train you to concentrate and direct an element.
This can also be done outside of your body and for advanced magick, you will need this skill.
It must be taken slowly though.
This is very advanced.
The Fire Element will stimulate your kundalini.
Directing the elements to specific parts of the body can also be used to heal.
This can be very dangerous and can cause permanent damage to these two very sensitive organs.
For adepts, organs other than the brain or heart are usually able to handle condensed elements.
The organs are not the chakras.
Breathing in elements into your chakras is fine.
Elemental Meditation – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)