First published February 15, 2023, by Miles Mathis
So, a reader sent me a link today to an interview by Jay Weidner of Mike Williams, Sage of Quay (whatever that means) at YouTube.
The reader said Jay Weidner was a big fan of mine and they were talking about the Beatles and conspiracy theory.
Basically, outing the Beatles as a Tavistock creation.
So, I watched it.
I have to admit I got a bad feeling from the first frame, before Williams even came on.
Weidner contacted me a couple of times years ago, trying to build an alliance, but I wasn’t interested.
I seem to remember he was working for or with Gaia Media, and they wanted to interview me.
He was vouching for them, but I didn’t buy it.
I basically blew them all off, though I didn’t say anything rude.
Just that I wasn’t interested.
I looked at the other people Weidner was involved with, and that Gaia was involved with, and pegged them as some sort of CIA front.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria
I didn’t wish to be connected to them, or to be spun by them.
So, they had to find other ways to spin me, and I now know one way they have been doing that:
through this guy Williams.
And also, through Weidner.
According to my brief research, Williams arose on YouTube in 2014 but wasn’t doing anything on the Beatles until 2016.
One of his first interviews was with David Icke, not a good sign.
FYI: David Icke – Library of Rickandria
He also did a 2 hour show on Manson in 2017 with Neil Sanders, reselling that whole thing as real, though giving it a slightly different spin.
He has also worked with Sofia Smallstorm.
I have also declined to be interviewed by her.
So, we already have him pegged.
Added Feb. 16:
I am told by readers that Williams is also a Flat Earther, so case closed.
The Flat Earth PSYOP: Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria
Another sent me a pic of him in a military uniform.
That figures.
Just to remind you, my paper on Lennon came out in August of 2014 and my paper on Manson came out two months earlier.
Proof that John Lennon Faked his Death – Library of Rickandria
So, here’s a question for you:
if Weidner is a fan of mine, why is he interviewing this guy Williams, who is undercutting everything I have done?
Also, strange that this guy’s name is Mike Williams, and mine is Miles Williams Mathis.
Just a coincidence, right?
But I can prove who I am, just look me up at Intelius.
I have a long-detailed bio posted and even extensive memoirs.
Mike Williams’ bio doesn’t even exist.
Or I couldn’t find it.
This is all I found:
“Mike is a critical thinker”
That’s it.
There is no bio posted on his website.
Here is the cover of his album “Leaving Dystopia”
So, he’s just telling us who he is, isn’t he?
He explains it this way:
The triangle (pyramid) represents Air, Water, and Fire as well as the Holy Trinity and the Creative Principle.
The eye represents the Creator.
These sacred symbols have been misused by the cultic “elite” (controllers) and people with negative/misguided intent.
The symbolism on Mike’s album is meant to present the symbols in their proper context.
Oh, OK, kind of like what the Freemasons say.
Decoding Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry Using the Unified Field – Library of Rickandria
It’s all harmless, doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Communism & Masonry: Two Fronts of the Jew World Order – Library of Rickandria
Also look closely at Williams’ hat in the pic above.
Fender guitars and a date.
Which is. . . one of the CIA.
They are always signaling one another.
1946, year He says in this interview he was in corporate America for decades (as was Weidner), which is a red flag off the top.
But without being told where he is from, we can’t even look him up on people searches, since there are far too many Mike Williams to narrow down.
What was he doing before 2014?
No one knows.
He and his pals seem to have crawled out of the woodwork specifically to blow smoke around my research.
Whatever his real name is, his accent betrays him as upper-class backbay Boston or possibly Martha’s Vineyard, since he sounds like Jack Kennedy, but shaded off for his audience.
This interview centers around the 2009 book The Memoirs of Billy Shears, which Williams sells as an insider’s guide to the Beatles, written by Paul McCartney himself to tell us the real story.
The Memoirs of Billy Shears – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
He says it is sold as fiction only due to nondisclosure agreements McCartney made, and we are supposed to believe MI6 would be OK with that.
OK to blow the cover of the entire project as long as you sell it as fiction.
The main line in the first half of the interview is that the real Paul was killed in a ritual sacrifice in 1966 due to a pact with Satan and replaced with this guy Billy Shears.
This is to bury my research showing McCartney are twins.
HELP! Do you want to know a Secret? Paul McCartney is Twins – Library of Rickandria
For some reason it is very important to keep you off that truth.
That paper came out in April of 2016, and Williams began his misdirection on Paul soon afterwards.
Williams is also keen to get your eyes off my proof that Lennon faked his death, and he sells that death as real several times in the interview.
Proof that John Lennon Faked his Death – Library of Rickandria
He and Weidner admit many of the smaller points about the Beatles, some of which I pointed out and some of which were known before me, but this is to keep you off the bigger things:
the fact that the Beatles were peerage brats with connections to the Queen, not rough kids from working class Liverpool.
Also, that they were/are all Jewish.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
Also, that Lennon is a Stanley of the Earls of Derby, linking him to Hitler and all the other con jobs of the 20th century.
Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria
Since I got way further down the rabbit hole than anyone else on the Beatles, and Weidner is supposed to be a big fan of mine, you might think he would ask Williams about some of my research.
Nope, that was clearly not allowed here.
Have to pretend I don’t exist, and those theories don’t exist.
It looks like comments are also being scrubbed, since no one is mentioning me there.
This is YouTube, after all.
If these guys were telling you anything revolutionary, they would be banned.
In the second half, Weidner does mention my keying on “the curse is cast” in Dylan’s lyrics, saying that is strange.
Bob Dylan’s Real Link to the Rolling Stones – Library of Rickandria
I am sure he got that from me but doesn’t say so.
He also says a lot of the shootings in his lifetime were staged—which we know he got from me—but he says he can’t get into it due to YouTube rules.
So, I guess we are supposed to believe these guys didn’t mention me because that would be immediate YouTube death.
Right after that he is talking about the tunnels beneath Laurel Canyon and says,
“I used to live in that area”
One of the funniest parts for me is where Weidner claims the current McCartney is 6’4” while the original one was about 5’11”.
Those measurements are about 6” off.
Weidner has been reading too many Ben Affleck bios.
Paul McCartney is about 5’10”, while his twin Mike McCartney is about the same height as Ringo, 5’6”.
Sir Richard Starkey MBE (born 7 July 1940), known professionally as Ringo Starr, is an English musician, songwriter and actor who achieved international fame as the drummer for the Beatles. Starr occasionally sang lead vocals with the group, usually for one song on each album, including “Yellow Submarine” and “With a Little Help from My Friends”. He also wrote and sang the Beatles songs “Don’t Pass Me By” and “Octopus’s Garden”, and is credited as a co-writer of four others.
They admit that is how tall Ringo is, and we have pics of him walking next to “Paul” McCartney in 1964.
They are the exact same height.
In the last few minutes both guys try to tell us our problems are ultimately caused by inter-dimensional beings.
Aliens, not Jews or Phoenicians.
How the Jews Deceive the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
The rich people are just puppets of aliens, and so aren’t responsible for their own actions.
Williams says it is a “mind pathogen”.
Yes, Mike, it is a mind pathogen.
It is called greed.
It is called LYING.
But good to know that is the Kool-Aid Weidner and Williams are selling.
In checking Weidner’s playlist, we find he was blowing the same sort of smoke just a month ago around my seminal paper on the Phoenicians, promoting instead the “ideas” of Karim el Koussa, who is selling a theory that is my theory upside down.
Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria
I have joined the Judeans and Phoenicians, showing that they are the same family under two names, one before 500BC and one after.
The Judeans or Israelites are just neo-Phoenicians, with the Phoenicians pretending to go extinct as cover.
But Koussa wants to nip that discovery in the bud, so he wants you to think that even Jesus wasn’t a Jew.
According to him, Jesus was from Galilee, which made him a Gentile or Phoenician.
So, he not only wants to keep the old fake divisions, but he also wants to create more.
That is sort of hard to do since it requires him overlooking the fact that the royal houses of Jerusalem and Tyre had been intermarrying for centuries, at least back to the time of Solomon.
Koussa also seems to have been assigned the destruction of my research on the Crusades and the Knights Templar, though that can’t be:
his book came out before my paper.
Philip III the Bold & the Crusades – Library of Rickandria
I guess they knew I would get there eventually, and they needed to pre bomb the truth.
Six months earlier Weidner also blows smoke around my Titanic paper.
The Titanic: The Fraud that Keeps on Giving – Library of Rickandria
He says it was all planned, but not that it was faked, and that the Titanic was never sunk at all.
Eight months ago, we find him repeating some of my research on JFK but blackwashing it by making it look ridiculous.
At one point his guest, Ryder Lee of Raised by Giants Pod, actually says that if JFK had lived, he would have still been President in 1969 for the Moon Landing, and Weidner doesn’t correct him.
That was on July 20, 1969, and Nixon had been President since January 20.
So, someone can’t do math over there.
Weidner also sells—for no reason but to create noise—the idea Kennedy has a “tin plate” that he puts up to his face, with Jackie pulling a string to make a squib go off, creating the explosion we see.
All patently ridiculous and not necessary to any possible theory.
But by focusing on the Zapruder film, Weidner (a “big fan of mine”, remember) is doing exactly what I said not to do:
focusing on meaningless minutiae.
I dismissed the Zapruder film as a complete fraud, so what does Weidner do?
He devotes a whole show to it, creating new diversions.
Boy, did I have this guy pegged years ago or what?
He now looks like little more than a Fetzer clone, without the fake trials.
James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is an American professor emeritus of the philosophy of science at the University of Minnesota Duluth, known for promoting conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial. Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.
weidner.pdf (mileswmathis.com)
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