A larger issue is the spiritual energy vortexes and other physical cosmic fluxes are opening up in this region of the universe.
Dimensional permeability between us and other worlds and spirit realms is increasing.
Tremendous energies are available for assimilation or destruction it appears, depending on how the energies and influences are integrated or resisted.
Sometimes the old standard symbolic ritualistic practices won’t work anymore, others will work too well and become almost frightening in their power.
Watch to see this happening more and more over the next ten years.
A shaman can navigate in and out of inner worlds, but insane people are those who cannot cross back and forth under conscious control, that’s the only difference.
Shamanism – Library of Rickandria
Shamans know how to distribute their attentional awareness to include all of who they are, without losing certain references of who they were and being able to return to that starting identity at will.
Insane people have attention distribution control disorder.
The line between psychotic belief and religious belief is thin, and mass psychosis is something that can really happen.
Before Dr. Mack, and maybe even still after Dr. John Mack, the American Psychiatric Association is more than ready to declare just about every maven related to the UFO, NWO, and religious conspiracy worlds as nuts.
The Family – Library of Rickandria
These mavens and contactee and abductee people are all victims of mass hysteria cults, brain disorders, or they are sociopathic predators or hate crime suspects, or people exhibiting dangerous forms of psychosis, promoting paranoia, schizophrenia, inciting mass hysteria, mass delusion, and other conditionally arrestable hate crime offences for those rogues that get too close to the public trust.
In other words, if it could, in a well-structured world, the science establishment would consign all ET telepathic contact to insanity.
There would be mandatory ordered drugging to ‘cure’ people of having ‘insane spiritual experiences’ and of promoting insanity in the population at large.
It is not pop culture anymore, it is a social hysteria response, a response system that must be stopped.
But we haven’t got laws like that yet…
One reason the military is involved in creating hybrids is the attempt to produce alien-human beings capable of both human type of control and also alien ability to effect telepathic interface.
This is a situation where telepathic capacity is made stronger than the power of language to:
- impede
- deflect
- destroy
telepathic reception.
With a normal person, the power of language is almost by itself sufficient to place consciousness into a limited band capacity of attention distribution.
Experience not within the vocabulary of articulation becomes ignored and avoided.
With a hybrid, the telepathic overcomes the hypnotism of language.
Lack of telepathic interface is often only the conscious energy in play that edits the acquisition stream well before open field conscious reception can occur.
Drop the invested autonomic control energies, controlling:
- attention
- mind
- feeling
- intuition
Then open and expand the inclusion domain of extended awareness, ‘seeing’ into an emotionally felt spatial, volumetric imaginal energetic domain encompassment.
Then access is granted.
Harder than it sounds?
The Mind Control Police are the next generation of big brother, already here, if we can believe the droves of coherent sounding people telling litanies of MIB and black helicopter and human security forces harassment, or other kinds or terrible liberties not believed by Readers Digest.
They are capable of tagged predictive audio-visual thought stream remote monitoring, and psychotronic influence that would qualify anyone for Bedlam.
The psionic broadcasting and antenna detection systems try to influence and sense thought-wave and emotion-wave scalar space events and EM-like resonances.
It is like the unworthy trying to remove the blade of Excalibur from the stone and no matter their strength and fame from afar, they are all frustrated and fail.
Then the pure of heart Arthur arrives, born of the dragon, and born of the mystical goddess energy of the land of dragons and Merlin.
Arthur has the touch of the righteous, and the sword comes out without effort of might but by the immediate communion and intent of the truly right.
And the only real ‘righteousness’ is knowing wholeness, sensitive inclusion, inexorable evolution towards:
- love
- tolerance of beliefs
- humility
- forbearance
and essential character that is congruent, and co-oriented with Nature, telepathically.
The radionic frequencies of the nature of Excalibur make it a prime sacred symbolic munition of truth, is a force that connects worlds, the power of the dragon made manifest as a concentrate, as a wielded weapon of the trans-dimensional symbolic value, and, yes, righteousness of Father God, and the Mother Earth.
The Barriers Between Worlds of Beingness & Power (basecamp.com)
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