First published May 10, 2023, by one of the foremost revisionist intellectuals today, Miles Mathis
Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on June 1, 2024.
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at by private research – Just my opinion and speculation, which is my right under the First Amendment.
So, Trump is talking about fake news while helping create it.
Hard to believe I am the only one saying this.
Of all the people that have allegedly graduated from law school, not one of them can see this trial is a farce?
Not just as in rigged, but as in staged in a dummy court by the CIA or some other entity.
Mainstream media is giving you all the clues, admitting this makes no legal sense.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
And I say that not as a Trump supporter.
I don’t in fact support Trump, as my readers know.
I wouldn’t vote either Red or Blue with a gun to my head.
They admit this crazy lady E. Jean Carroll doesn’t even know when Trump raped or accosted her, not even the year.
Elizabeth Jean Carroll (born December 12, 1943) is an American journalist, author, and advice columnist. Her “Ask E. Jean” column appeared in Elle magazine from 1993 through 2019, becoming one of the longest-running advice columns in American publishing. In her 2019 book, What Do We Need Men For?: A Modest Proposal, Carroll accused CBS CEO Les Moonves and Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in the mid-1990s. Both Moonves and Trump denied the allegations.
They admit the judge allowed the trial to proceed against all law and precedent, when other women were allowed to testify, they had similar experiences with Trump, without being cross-examined by defense.
The judge controversially allowed other women to testify that they had similar experiences with Trump.
Typically, such evidence of character — purporting to prove that a defendant committed a specific act based on an alleged propensity to commit similar acts — is inadmissible except in a few very specific circumstances.
Because the case was not a criminal case, the plaintiff’s legal team was allowed to comment negatively on Trump’s refusal to testify, and the jury was allowed to draw negative inferences from it.
All proof of the fake.
If Trump had previously been convicted of raping or assaulting one of these women, then that would be admissible as character.
It would have been proved and could stand as evidence.
But women just coming in and telling stories isn’t evidence of anything.
It might or might not be true.
Also, proof of the fake is Trump being allowed not to appear, only sending in video of his deposition.
You have to laugh.
Do you think if someone sued you for rape and it went to court, you would be allowed to blow it off and send in a tape?
Which just reminds us rape is not a tort.
It is a crime.
A criminal offense, which should be investigated by police and processed through the criminal system.
See here for instance, which outlines some of the problems here.
Civil Sexual Assault Lawsuits – FindLaw
After reading that, you may come to understand that the whole idea of civil suits being easier to prove than criminal ones is false in itself, mostly made up to explain how high-profile fake suits like this one are won.
Think of OJ Simpson and many others.
THE O. J. SIMPSON TRIAL was Faked as were the murders – Library of Rickandria
That is when the idea of concurrent civil suits winning where criminal ones failed comes from.
Even this page is spinning the law, telling you that in a civil suit the jury only needs to believe there is a greater than 50% chance the claims are true.
Nope, that isn’t what “preponderance of evidence” means.
Or it didn’t in the old days, before the CIA took over the courts and definitions.
It is true that a web search on this now leads with a bunch of places giving you that 51% definition from “some scholars”, but in the old days it wasn’t defined like that.
ACADEMIC FREEDOM – Library of Rickandria
Those “some scholars” are recent fake scholars paid to say that, but when I was in school there was nothing about 51%.
Just think about it:
it makes no sense, does it?
Would a legal system—criminal, civil, or otherwise—really base itself on something so stupid as a 51% rule?
With life as uncertain as it is, do you really think courts or juries are going to award multimillion dollars settlements based on a difference of 2%?
What human could even weigh evidence that accurately?
It is absurd on the face of it.
Just so you know, Jean Carroll was Miss Indiana University in 1963 and Miss Cheerleader USA.
In 1965 she appeared on To Tell the Truth.
Ironic, that.
We then have a nearly 20-year gap in her bio, when in the mid-80s she began writing for SNL.
Saturday Night “Jive” – Library of Rickandria
In 1993 she landed an advice column in Elle magazine.
What were her qualifications for giving anyone advice in 1993?
Are SNL writers or ex-cheerleaders gurus now?
Is that where you want to go for your information?
Carroll was married to black journalist John Johnson, though Johnson’s Wiki bio has nothing to say about Carroll.
John Johnson (born June 20, 1938) is an American television anchorman, senior correspondent, documentary filmmaker, and visual artist. He was a reporter on New York City television news for many years.
But tying into our research here, we find Johnson was the WABC reporter on the OJ Simpson case.
He also covered the Attica Prison Riot, where 33 prisoners allegedly died.
Oh, the tangled webs these people weave.
His paintings have been shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Because, as you see, he is just that good.
The CIA & Art – Library of Rickandria
If you still don’t think Jean Carroll is an agent, you should know that she titled her 2019 memoir What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal, which pretty much says it all.
What do we need men for?: a modest proposal – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
The “modest proposal” bit is an implication that men are good for nothing but being ground up into dog food, the reference being Jonathan Swift’s famous Modest Proposal.
So, this is a Men-are-Pigs, split-the-sexes thing again.
Mental Health & the Men are Pigs Project – Library of Rickandria
Carroll has been working on this project for most of her life, since they admit her Elle column was constantly telling women they didn’t need men.
If you are a man, maybe you should consider a class action lawsuit against Carroll and her publishers and CIA handlers for:
- assault
- libel
- emotional distress
and civil rights violations.
Shouldn’t be too hard to find a preponderance of evidence for that.
I have given it to you in my papers on Men-are-Pigs.
Mental Health & the Men are Pigs Project – Library of Rickandria
You should also realize that the Donald Trump controversy is staged mostly to promote Carroll and help sell this wretched book.
She probably gave away copies on the stand.
They probably put copies of the book in the jury’s swag bags.
But let’s return to the jury finding.
We are supposed to believe the jury also found Trump had defamed Carroll; by calling her crazy and saying he wasn’t attracted to her.
I have news for you:
the standard for defamation in the US is way higher than that.
If the standard were low enough to justify this finding, all of society would collapse under the weight of defamation lawsuits.
The late-night talk shows would have to give up all commentary, and SNL’s Weekend Update would be no more.
All opinion segments in the news would have to end, The View would be defunct, and CNN and MSNBC All opinion segments in the news would have to end, The View would be defunct, and CNN and MSNBC would be put in receivership.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
The jury did throw out the charge of rape but found that Trump had battered and sexually abused Carroll three decades ago.
And how did Carroll’s team prove that?
With what preponderance of evidence?
The stories don’t provide even a single stick of evidence, and what evidence could there be 30 years later?
Does she still have some old bruises from 1993?
Since her story is she was raped by Trump in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in under three minutes, there can be no possible evidence of that 30 years later.
Prada, Jimmy Choo, Gucci, Lanvin, Dolce & Gabbana – Bergdorf Goodman
The whole story is ridiculous on the face of it, since how could she possibly find herself in a lady’s dressing room with Trump unless she wanted him to be there?
She would need:
- tape
- pictures
- a confession
or eyewitness testimony, and we are not told there was any of that.
If there had been any of that, her lawyers wouldn’t have had to bring in a bunch of other crazy lying ladies to tell their stories.
Which is exactly why those stories aren’t normally admissible as evidence:
they are exactly as unverifiable as Carroll’s story.
The courtroom is a venue for verifiable evidence, not for airing old grievances.
This is not storytelling hour.
One or all of these women may have been raped or abused, I have no way of knowing, but a court cannot take anyone’s word for it.
There has to be evidence.
If there is no evidence, there can be no preponderance of evidence.
But in these new projects, all that is out the window.
In these CIA dummy courts, they have completely rewritten all the rules of law, and you no longer have people testifying under cross examination.
Instead, you have a long line of family members and friends giving emotional speeches, before, during, and after proceedings.
You have people involved in the trial giving interviews to the media during the trial.
You have the judge televised saying ridiculous things—like forbidding mentioning the Constitution in court—while playing monopoly with jurors during recesses.
It is an absolute clown show, staged not only for people who have never studied the law, but for people who can’t spell “law”.
Only an absolute ninny would believe anything now being reported in the news.
Oh, and E. Jean’s red hair above?
Compare to Phil Spector’s hair in my previous article.
Harvey Phillip “Phil” Spector (December 26, 1939 – January 16, 2021) was an American record producer and songwriter best known for his innovative recording practices and entrepreneurship in the 1960s and his two trials and conviction for murder in the 2000s.
It is part of the joke.
And part of the project.
You are supposed to hate her.
She is the Women-are-Pigs part of the script, while Trump is the Men-are-Pigs part.
Both works together to split the sexes and split the country.
And what does Trump get from agreeing to be a part of this fiction?
He gets to look straight.
He gets to look like a tough guy.
But most of all he gets to confuse the Gentiles, guaranteeing the continued hegemony of his people.
How the Jews Deceive the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
Late addendum:
I found E. Jean’s family of Carrolls in Fort Wayne, IN, but Jean isn’t listed by that name with them.
Not under Elizabeth or Jean.
Also not listed under those names for New York, where I assume she lived while working for SNL.
So, she appears to be living under her mother’s name:
Elizabeth Jean.
Her birthname may be hidden.
Her father comes from the Carrolls of Columbus, OH, who were big dry goods merchants there.
She is also a Rowlands, coming in that line from Wales, possibly linking her to J. K. Rowling, whose family name was originally Rowlands.
The Great Harry Potter Hoax – Library of Rickandria
Jean’s father Thomas was a flight test engineer for North American Aviation during WWII, which was of course Rockwell, now Boeing.
More WWII Fakes – Library of Rickandria
He met Jean’s mother Betty McKinney in Hollywood after the war, and she may be even more connected.
Except that she is fully scrubbed to prevent us from making those connections.
She is not linked to any McKinneys in her profile, and the name may be fudged.
It could be McKinsey or McKinley, for instance.
My guess is McKinley, linking us to that President.
William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was an American politician who served as the 25th president of the United States from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. A member of the Republican Party, he led a realignment that made Republicans largely dominant in the industrial states and nationwide for decades. He presided over victory in the Spanish American War of 1898; gained control of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Cuba; restored prosperity after a deep depression; rejected the inflationary monetary policy of free silver, keeping the nation on the gold standard; and raised protective tariffs.
President William McKinley, another fake assassination – Library of Rickandria
The most likely thing here, based on all my previous papers, is that Trump and Carroll are cousins.
In every other case that is what I have found, with the victim and the perp in these theatrical productions being pretty close cousins.
They keep it all in the family.
FAMILY – Library of Rickandria
I found a possibility of their relationship through the Rowlands of Wales, who married the Bulkeley Viscounts in 1749.
This linked them immediately to the upper levels of the peerage in:
- Wales
- England
- Scotland
We then link to the MacLeods through the Campbells.
Trump’s mother is a MacLeod.
It is also possible Jean Carroll’s mother is not a McKinney, but a MacKinnon, since the MacKinnons are closely related to the MacLeods.
I also found a Betty Jean Carroll, 92, of Fort Wayne and Dayton, OH, related to McCartneys, and the MacLeods are related to the McCartneys as well.
Elizabeth Carroll Phone Number, Address & Background Info | Intelius
So, it is possible we have links to Paul McCartney here.
Sir James Paul McCartney CH MBE (born 18 June 1942) is an English singer, songwriter and musician who gained worldwide fame with the Beatles, for whom he played bass guitar and shared primary songwriting and lead vocal duties with John Lennon.
HELP! Do you want to know a Secret? Paul McCartney is Twins – Library of Rickandria
Addendum May 12:
More information is coming out that confirms my belief Trump and Carroll are cousins.
A 2021 Tweet was reprinted where Carroll said she was a “massive fan” of Trump’s The Apprentice.
Given the mainstream story, that makes no sense.
But if this was all staged by cousins in the Phoenician Navy, it makes perfect sense.
Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria
Addendum January 30, 2024:
They keep drawing this farce out, as you know, to draw attention from real events.
It’s a standard eyes-off operation.
What I didn’t discover originally has now come out due to other researchers.
I didn’t look closely at the names involved, though I should have.
The judge is Lewis Kaplan.
Lewis Avins Kaplan (born December 23, 1944) is an American lawyer and jurist who serves as a senior United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. He was the presiding judge in a number of cases involving high-profile defendants, including E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump, Virginia Giuffre v. Prince Andrew, United States v. Bankman-Fried, and trials of Al Qaeda terrorists such as Ahmed Ghailani.
Carroll’s lead attorney is Roberta Kaplan.
Roberta Ann Kaplan (born 1966), also known as Robbie Kaplan, is an American lawyer focusing on commercial litigation and public interest matters. Kaplan successfully argued before the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of LGBT rights activist Edith Windsor, in United States v. Windsor, a landmark decision that invalidated a section of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and required the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages. She was a partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison before starting her own firm in 2017. In 2018, she co-founded the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund.
Kaplan is a Jewish name, of course, but they tell us these two aren’t related.
Isaac Kappy Faked his Death – Library of Rickandria
They admit, however, that they come out of the same law firm.
Judge Kaplan was a partner at Paul, Weiss in the 1990s, where he mentored Roberta Kaplan for at least two years, steering her rise in the firm.
Why would he do that if they aren’t related?
This isn’t hearsay, it comes from another partner at Paul, Weiss, who leaked this information to the press.
But that isn’t all of it.
Carroll’s other attorney, Shawn Crowley, is also connected to Judge Kaplan, having clerked for him.
Shawn G. Crowley | Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP
Not only that, but Judge Kaplan performed her wedding.
So, she is likely another relative.
Cousins all round, as is usual in these fake events..
We aren’t told if she is related to Aleister Crowley.
Aleister Crowley – Library of Rickandria
I went to Instantcheckmate and Intelius to try to prove these two Kaplans ARE related, and guess what?
There is no Roberta Kaplan of New York, age 57-8.
No Robbie Kaplan, either, which is what she goes by.
She may be Robin Kaplan, living under a fudged name specifically to hide her bio.
I also couldn’t find her searching on Cleveland, her alleged birthplace.
I couldn’t find her parents, either.
Richard and Eleanor.
I found a Richard Morris Kaplan in Cleveland, 89, who might be a match, but he is not related to Eleanor or Roberta.
He also has Boca Raton on his list, and I found an Eleanor Kaplan there, age 84/88, and she has a Robert on her list but no Roberta.
Richard also has a Robert on his list.
Continuing to dig, we find our best match Robin Kaplan, 58, also has Boca Raton and Tenafly, NJ, on her list.
Richard Kaplan has many addresses in that part of NJ as well.
As for Shawn Crowley, we find her, age 40, aka Shawn Geovjian, no Raymond Tolentino on her list, though he is given as her husband here.
Geovjian is her maiden name.
Her mother is listed as Lisa Geovjian, age 72, of Jupiter, FL.
Several of her other relatives are listed from there, so it isn’t just somewhere the mother retired to.
The family is big there.
So are the Crowleys.
Strange, since Jupiter also came up in my searches for Roberta Kaplan.
There is a Roberta Kaplan there as well.
Shawn’s father is Mark Geovjian from Michigan.
His parents are John and Helen of Vermont.
A web search finds that Shawn Crowley was also counsel for Hillary Clinton’s side when Trump sued her in 2022.
Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton, et al 22-13410 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit | Justia
Crowley is listed as counsel for the DNC in initial filings, as well as for Deborah Wasserman Schultz.
Deborah Wasserman Schultz (/ˈwɑːsərmən/; born September 27, 1966) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Florida’s 25th congressional district, first elected to Congress in 2004. A member of the Democratic Party, she is a former chair of the Democratic National Committee.
That is kind of strange, and tells me two things:
all these Trump cases, being fake, have a small group of actors playing the parts.
1) Trump v. Clinton was also fake.
2) Crowley is a CIA actor attorney, like we saw with Marcia Clark in the OJ Simpson case.
THE O. J. SIMPSON TRIAL was Faked as were the murders – Library of Rickandria
Everyone, including Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institution, has been ordered to pretend these court cases are real, when he must know it is fake.
Victor Davis Hanson (born September 5, 1953) is an American classicist, military historian, and conservative political commentator. He has been a commentator on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times, and other media outlets.
But all these people on both sides have to go along to keep your eyes off the real world.
Job one for them is the creation of this matrix of fake events they sell as the news every day, to move you on from:
- the vaccine genocide
- the manufactured wars
- the gigantic bank thefts
and many other things.
The Real Matrix – Library of Rickandria
Next day:
Trump’s attorney Alina Habba is also a problem, though I just discovered it.
Alina Saad Habba (born March 25, 1984) is an American lawyer and managing partner of Habba, Madaio & Associates LLP, a law firm based in Bedminster, New Jersey, with an office in New York City. Since 2021, Habba has been a legal spokesperson for former U.S. president Donald Trump, and a senior advisor for MAGA, Inc., Trump’s Super PAC.
Zerohedge called her a model in a story today, so I looked her up.
Marc Jacobs (born April 9, 1963) is an American fashion designer. He is the head designer for his own fashion label, Marc Jacobs, and formerly Marc by Marc Jacobs, a diffusion line, which was produced for approximately 15 years, before it was discontinued after the 2015 fall/winter collection.
Sure enough, she got her start working at Marc Jacobs in fashion.
She started her own firm in 2020, and Wiki tells us she has worked as lead counsel in only two other cases, one of them involving her husband’s parking garage company.
The other one was representing a college student suing for refund of tuition during Covid.
So, sort of a strange choice by Trump as his attorney for this case.
She met Trump in at his golf club in New Jersey, we are told.
Her first case for Trump was the suit against the New York Times, et al, which was dismissed
“For failing on Constitutional grounds.”
Freedom of the press, I guess, the Constitution says nothing about the press being free to libel and make up stories.
At any rate, that failure didn’t affect her relationship with Trump, we assume because they were scripted to lose, and she also represented him against Summer Zervos.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations – Wikipedia
Zervos dropped the charges after Trumped countersued and the theater had run its course in the media.
Habba also worked on Trump v. Clinton, which we have already concluded was another vaudeville.
So, it looks like Habba was hired as a pretty face and actress, as we would expect here.
More Proof the Trump Trials are Vaudeville – Library of Rickandria
Miles Mathis: The Trump Rape Trial was—of course—Faked (basecamp.com)
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