At some point during the last decade, public thinking on the subject reached an important threshold.
No longer was it unsafe to publicly talk about the subject. Evidence for the existence of actual, living extraterrestrials is now discussed vigorously, both in print and in major broadcast venues.
Prime-time documentaries and daytime talk shows discuss aliens and alien encounters regularly.
In the United States, for example, as part of a project run by Citizens for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), nearly 600 former defense, intelligence and federal aviation officials testified on videotape about their experiences with UFO’s and, in some cases, live, in-the-flesh aliens.
Dr. Steven Greer – End Illegal Secrecy, Begin a New Civilization. – Dr. Steven Greer
CSETI witnesses volunteered to testify before Congress in order to pressure the US government into disclosing its evidence for the existence of, and direct contact with, extraterrestrials.
As journalist Jim Marrs wrote in his book, Alien Agenda:
“Most telling is the established fact that the (US) government has denied the existence of UFO’s and any interest in the issue, while internal documents made public through the years show that a very real and serious interest has—and continues—to exist.”
Edgar Dean “Ed” Mitchell (September 17, 1930 – February 4, 2016) was a United States Navy officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, ufologist, and NASA astronaut. As the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14 in 1971 he spent nine hours working on the lunar surface in the Fra Mauro Highlands region, and was the sixth person to walk on the Moon. He was the second Freemason to set foot on the Moon, after Buzz Aldrin.
Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell told journalist John Earls in 1978,
“Make no mistake, Roswell happened.
I’ve seen secret files which show the government knew about it but decided not to tell the public.”
The Roswell Incident: Philip Corso – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
CEO’s of top-ranking US corporations now make public admissions about the subject.
In a recent book manuscript, a former CEO of IBM stated that the semiconductor industry is based upon technology that was reverse engineered from recovered alien artifacts.
In addition, Jack Schulman, former president and founder of the American Computer Corporation, maintained a web site for years on which he wrote that the “transfer capacitor,” a high-speed computer device made by his company, was modeled on plans given to him by an Army general who told Schulman they were based on recovered alien devices.
A few years ago, Joe Firmage, co-founder and part owner of US Web corporation, wrote that the computer industry’s debt to reverse-engineered alien technology is “an open secret” among Silicon Valley executives.
What do US media have to say about the subject?
On March 18-19, 1995, Disney Executive Michael Eisner and Lucas Arts test-marketed a non-fiction TV special announcing that UFOs are real, not fantasy.
Michael Dammann Eisner (born March 7, 1942) is an American businessman and former chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of The Walt Disney Company from September 1984 to September 2005. Prior to Disney, Eisner was president of rival film studio Paramount Pictures from 1976 to 1984, and had brief stints at the major television networks NBC, CBS, and ABC.
The program aired in five states:
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Alabama
- Tennessee
and California.
Featuring Disney CEO Michael Eisner, the documentary made the following assertions:
“Mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history: actual contact with intelligent life from other planets.” And, “Intelligent life from distant galaxies is now attempting to make open contact with the human race, and tonight we’ll show you the evidence.”
Times have clearly changed.
On the children’s shelf at your local library are a variety of books about aliens, UFOs, and the Roswell case.
Unlike baby boomers, more recent generations have seen considerable evidence regarding UFO’s and aliens.
As a result, they are more open-minded about such subjects.
The examples above provide but a glimpse of a larger body of evidence, some of which is listed in the bibliography at the end of this book.
For those yet skeptical about human interaction with aliens, I can only suggest further reading.
Sample the best videos and talk to friends about the subject.
Test new information for scientific consistency.
Readers will find that out of the many thousands of reports about alien encounters, there’s widespread agreement about alien manner and character.
People in disparate places report strikingly similar experiences, over and over again.
Their descriptions of alien craft and technology agree with a growing number of government whistleblowers who say they’ve either seen or have worked on recovered alien technology in secret defense installations.
Given the quantity and quality of corroborating sources on the subject, even the most die-hard of skeptics must ask:
why would men and women who worked in the White House, astronauts and other government officials, lie in a way that could only harm their careers if their stories weren’t true?
Scores of military officers have risked their pensions for speaking out on the subject.
Few can expect material gain by doing so.
Unlike other reports, this book is not about UFOs and secret military bases.
It was written to provide a clear and detailed characterization of alien mind in its various forms.
Based upon years of research and direct experience with human-alien interactions, the following chapters describe both the thinking, and the behavior of aliens who come from planets that vary in their range of technological advancement beyond that of humans.
This primer should help to fill in some of the gaps in public knowledge, many of which are due to a black budget structure’s inexplicably compulsive compartmentalization.
Trapped within a hive of dead ends and death threats, most black budget employees, themselves, must search on their own for a broader overview of the subject.
For those who await a fair and honest government disclosure about aliens, I must advise caution.
Due to the undue influence of certain private estates on such subjects, the US government is limited to a deeply compromised secrecy, ambiguous leaks and propaganda portraying most aliens as the enemy.
It’s difficult to imagine the current regime admitting that it has lied to the public for decades.
Were it to do so, the public would uncover further deceptions, which would risk the secrecy of those relatively few families who’ve profited by a variety of crimes against humanity.
To assist the reader in making sense of statements made by actual, living extraterrestrials in communication with humans, some of which are reported here for the first time, I include a brief discussion of alien thought regarding science and a larger, off-world political & ecological backdrop, as reported by a variety of aliens in ongoing human-alien interactions.
Also, for the first time in print publicly, this book features detailed reports about the distribution of certain large-scale populations beyond our local galaxy group, some larger supercluster implications of the inter-galactic ecology, and discussion about social forms on a universal scale.
Several extraterrestrial sources have reported on both the size, and disposition of multi-planetary mega-populations, societies that long ago expanded to inhabit thousands of planets, a feat that is reportedly discouraged, if not impossible to repeat, at present, due to the strain on available resources, both in this galaxy and within a physically finite universe.
Other alien sources have reported on hyper-advanced populations whose historical time frame would stretch the human imagination.
Given the fact that we’re now decades past first contact, an understanding of our off-world neighbors is no longer merely an option; it’s a necessity.
We should assume that the study of aliens may be far more advanced within secret military and intelligence circles than the public generally knows.
For example, at the Navy’s Papoose Dry Lake facility north of Las Vegas and at the new US space command center in the Wasatch mountains east of Salt Lake City, we can expect to find defense university extensions that teach advanced classes about aliens.
After decades of direct experience with aliens and alien technology, they should, by now, feature courses in alien psychology, alien technology (i.e. “electrogravity” plus what David Adair calls “electromagnetic fusion”), what little is known about alien history, and more.
For those who’ve never read reports directly based on alien sources and extensive, ongoing alien-human communications, please keep the following in mind.
At present, the US government’s Unacknowledged Special Access Projects possess voluminous, but narrowly filtered data about life off-world.
Black budget analysis of aliens advances with time, while that of the public lags far behind.
For decades there has been an unchecked concentration of power within black budget circles, which has bred a sense of impunity among the worst black budget offenders, a sense of desperation among others.
Lacking basic legal controls and public oversight, the most murderous black budget criminals tend to thrive unabated.
Narcotics moneys are widely reported to be laundered through intelligence structures to keep such programs away from public scrutiny and to give those who profit by such secrecy a free hand to do as they choose.
Given their penchant for secrecy and compartmentalization, the uniformed services have become convenient tools for a new kind of oppression that has little or nothing to do with the US Constitution.
The danger to this planet grows increasingly severe with time.
In the same manner that other researchers quote qualified sources on important topics, this book quotes a variety of aliens.
Given the importance of the subject and the critical nature of our circumstance at a delicate, yet momentous time, aliens are opening up to humans in ways that many once thought improbable.
This is but one of many books that is made possible due to such interactions.
Most of the alien sources who offered information and quotes featured in this book remain anonymous, due to the political complexities of the situation here on earth and within a larger legal-ecological context, in which various alien groups seek to interact with humans.
Suffice it to say, there is some disagreement, off-world, about doing so.
Certain alien sources took risks by giving out information—due to the contrary efforts of at least one highly intrusive off-world regime:
the so-called IFSP (Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets)—which was first reported by Los Angeles Times journalist Phillip Krapf in 1997.
There have also been contrary gestures by corrupt elements of yet another, more advanced structure, which appears to view the IFSP in terms of basic efficacy for the clean-up, if not elimination, of undesirable elements.
Although most off-world sources referred to in this book go unnamed, they can nonetheless be characterized by generic type (i.e. the nature of their interaction with humans), and by disposition.
Specific sources featured in this book range from the so-called “Elders,” to another, much larger population native to the Milky Way.
In addition, information has been offered by other aliens representing native Milky Way populations who currently monitor the human situation, plus a larger community of hyper-advanced, ecologically minded aliens, some of whom offer specific information yet prefer to remain ambiguous.
Finally, some material comes from a variety of the three-and-a-half to four feet tall “gray” aliens (anonymous for reasons that will be made clear later), considerably less from taller (5 feet 7 inches +) aliens who look like grays but have more sharply slanted eyes.
Like others reporting on the subject, I’ve noted that some among the shorter gray contingent (presumably native to the original gray planet) seem to resent the taller kind, who appear to have been genetically engineered by an entirely different population (numerous sources say it was a population that LA Times journalist Phillip Krapf calls the “Verdants”) to tend to the shorter grays after their home planet’s demise.
Michael Salla, PhD, notes that former Navy Intelligence Advisor William Cooper says he saw government documents about the tall grays.
In addition, film producers Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler claim to have witnessed actual Air force film footage of a meeting between humans and tall grays at Holloman Air force base in 1971.
UFOs: Past, Present, and Future – Wikipedia
Given that the sources for this book are inherently limited, further effort has been made to non-intrusively probe various aliens’ understandings of the larger, inhabited universe.
More than half a century after Roswell, it’s obvious that alien culture has, by now, seeded our planet with ideas and technology in a way that is analogous to the influence of one human culture upon others throughout history.
Aliens take pains to emphasize that they think of “civilization” in generic, universal terms, due to widespread sharing of ideas and ecological concerns, plus an inter-dimensioning of various alien societies, over time.
However, such thinking tends to obscure discrete separations between hyper-advanced beings and more recently developed societies.
Apparently, some more advanced beings tend to rationalize the misdeeds of lesser aliens in terms of reducing potential threats to the larger ecology.
All of the aliens studied in this book are highly intelligent.
As will be noted later, many exhibit a deep appreciation of art and music.
Some display a literally multi-dimensional sense of humor.
They read voluminously and tend to have studied diverse subjects, making them the equivalent of humans with multiple academic degrees.
Starting at a relatively early age, aliens study other alien populations and reportedly progress into complex mathematics, plus the hyper-dimensional implications of “negative energy” (the basis for electrogravity), and more.
In many ways, by beginning from a more complex, multi-dimensional framework, such lessons are easier for alien children to learn, rather than harder, as some humans might think.
Aliens piece together the universe in a way that is more logical and consistent than do humans.
Nonetheless, failures can occur—with epic consequences.
Even among hyper-advanced alien societies that seem to defy the human notions of time and possibility, the smugness of technological refuge can corrupt the thinking and the behavior of certain individuals.
Such aliens fear the reckless, undisciplined impulses of the current human population.
Unless humans do more to correct their ecologically irresponsible leadership, hard-liners among hyper-advanced off-world populations will become increasingly disaffected, which could compromise Earth’s chances for long-term survival.
When aliens begin to interact with a given individual, he or she may be overwhelmed by the breadth and character of the experience.
For abductees, the experience may be traumatic.
To be immobilized and used as a kind of guinea pig for unknown genetic purposes can be terrifying, which is why abductors like the “gray” aliens try to soothe abductees with ambiguous explanations.
During the course of abductions, grays have spoken about a larger universal purpose and impending ecological dangers on earth, even as they remove sperm or egg samples, sometimes a fetus, from an abducteé.
Some gray aliens evince urgency mixed with subtle pleas for human sympathy, possibly due to fateful ironies in previous gray history plus their current role within a large and impersonal off-world hierarchy.
Contacts of the sort can disorient a human.
In basic legal terms, they are a violation, a use of humans for an off-world agenda that may not be entirely well-intended.
Abductees report that “screen memories” are technologically effected in order to hide the abduction event.
Other means are used to gain abducteé sympathy.
As a result, abductees feel confused but deeply impressed by the technology and communications skills of the abductors.
An abducteé who remembers an abduction is often made to feel special, as though granted unique insights that may be important to all of humankind.
This is important because such persons gain a more cosmic awareness that can be held over their heads, later, in order to stifle criticism and unwanted exposure of the abductors.
In a more legally-correct encounter, i.e. telepathic communication and direct face-to-face encounters, a human may be perplexed by the science and methods of the off-world party.
Beginning from a relatively backward set of assumptions, the human is at a stark disadvantage.
Some experiencers say they gain insight on extra-dimensional physics and off-world relations during their encounters.
During interactions that broach on a kind of diplomacy or a cultural exchange of sorts, humans are cultivated, introduced to challenging new concepts that aliens explicitly demonstrate, in various ways.
Having communicated with aliens in various ways for thousands of hours since explicit interactions began in 1995, in my case, I should add another caution.
Irrespective of what any author says, the reader should maintain a healthy skepticism of unsubstantiated reports, especially those with internal inconsistencies or glaring scientific errors.
Until you’ve seen extensive proof for the existence of aliens, you may want to consider primers like this in parallel to what you already know.
When, at some future time, you feel satisfied that what you’ve read is plausible, you may want to return to the subject—it is important.
Over time, insights gained through interactions with aliens will re-define our science, our history, and more.
Finally, for those who are new to discussions about off-world dynamics, I should note that some humans have been in contact with aliens for at least half a century, probably more.
Apparently, in my case, the precursors to having been contacted are my penchant for investigative research, my study of the underside of US history, my interest in new developments in astrophysics and cosmology, plus my interest in deepening the larger human commonality.
For years I’ve interacted with aliens in a way that is semi-public, in that most of the process (ongoing at this date) has been monitored by a larger community of like-minded humans.
This demonstrates an alien willingness to come out from behind the curtain and semi-publicly help humans understand subjects that, in the longer term, are of vital, global concern.
As such, I don’t consider the interactions as having been directed on a personal level, given that they are of common concern.
This book introduces a number of concepts:
- an alternative topological model of mind that’s useful in understanding alien psychology
- new methods for testing alien (and human) sources for the accuracy of their information
- methods for nearly instantly mapping the alien presence on earth
- plus methods for locating culprits and the details of any criminal violation of the human ecology
Based upon recent research into what aliens describe as an important “negative cycle” in physics, this can be accomplished by non-intrusively checking a large part of the space-time continuum for its “memory” of the violator’s doings, a non-local kind of information capacity.
Aliens do this on a daily basis.
Alien Mind – A Primer: A Critical Threshold
Alien Mind: A Primer – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
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