by Tracy R. Twyman, from Dagobert’s Revenge Website / recovered through WayBackMachine Website
Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine is based on a theory of history, a concept of theology, and a body of literature that exploded onto the public consciousness in the early 1980s with the publication of the best-selling Holy Blood, Holy Grail, by:
This book presented a radical new theory:
that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, but lived on to father children with his wife, Mary Magdalen, whose descendants intermarried with what became the Royal House of France.
Real History of Christianity – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
And it all started with Henry Lincoln’s investigation in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau.
Rennes le Château – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
It was in this tiny village in the south of France that a poor parish priest named Berenger Sauniere discovered 4 parchments that were to change his life, and the surrounding village, forever.
François-Bérenger Saunière (11 April 1852 – 22 January 1917) was a French Catholic priest in the village of Rennes-le-Château, in the Aude region. He was a central figure in the conspiracy theories surrounding the village, which form the basis of several documentaries and books such as the 1982 Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Elements of these theories were later used by Dan Brown in his best-selling 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code, in which the fictional character Jacques Saunière is named after the priest. Saunière served in Rennes-le-Château from 1885 until he was transferred to another village in 1909 by his bishop. He declined this nomination and subsequently resigned. From 1909 until his death in 1917, he was a non-stipendiary Free Priest (an independent priest without a parish, who did not receive any salary from the church because of suspension), and who from 1910 celebrated Mass at an altar constructed in a special conservatory by his Villa Bethania. Saunière’s refusal to leave Rennes-le-Château to continue his priesthood in another parish incurred permanent suspension. The epitaph on Saunière’s original 1917 gravestone read “priest of Rennes-le-Château 1885-1917”.
Two of these parchments were genealogies of this magazine’s mascot, Dagobert II, the last of the Frankish dynasty of Priest-Kings known as the Merovingians.
The other two contained ciphered messages which, when decoded, displayed the following:
“To Dagobert II, King, and to Sion belong this treasure and he is there dead.”
“Shepherdess – No temptation that Poussin and Teniers hold the key; Peace 681 By the cross and this horse of God I destroy this dæmon of the guardian at noon blue apples.”
After finding these parchments, this once-poor parish priest became suddenly and inexplicably wealthy, perhaps because of having found some buried treasure.
(Achille) Claude Debussy (French: [aʃil klod dəbysi]; 22 August 1862 – 25 March 1918) was a French composer. He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born to a family of modest means and little cultural involvement, Debussy showed enough musical talent to be admitted at the age of ten to France’s leading music college, the Conservatoire de Paris. He originally studied the piano, but found his vocation in innovative composition, despite the disapproval of the Conservatoire’s conservative professors. He took many years to develop his mature style, and was nearly 40 when he achieved international fame in 1902 with the only opera he completed, Pelléas et Mélisande. Debussy’s orchestral works include Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (1894), Nocturnes (1897–1899) and Images (1905–1912). His music was to a considerable extent a reaction against Wagner and the German musical tradition. He regarded the classical symphony as obsolete and sought an alternative in his “symphonic sketches”, La mer (1903–1905). His piano works include sets of 24 Préludes and 12 Études. Throughout his career he wrote mélodies based on a wide variety of poetry, including his own. He was greatly influenced by the Symbolist poetic movement of the later 19th century. A small number of works, including the early La Damoiselle élue and the late Le Martyre de saint Sébastien have important parts for chorus. In his final years, he focused on chamber music, completing three of six planned sonatas for different combinations of instruments. With early influences including Russian and Far Eastern music and works by Chopin, Debussy developed his own style of harmony and orchestral colouring, derided – and unsuccessfully resisted – by much of the musical establishment of the day. His works have strongly influenced a wide range of composers including Béla Bartók, Olivier Messiaen, George Benjamin, and the jazz pianist and composer Bill Evans. Debussy died from cancer at his home in Paris at the age of 55 after a composing career of a little more than 30 years.
He began hanging out with members of the Parisian upper-crust occult set, such as composer Claude Debussy and opera singer Emma Calve.
Emma Calvé, born Rosa Emma Calvet (15 August 1858 – 6 January 1942) was a French operatic dramatic soprano. Calvé was probably the most famous French female opera singer of the Belle Époque. Hers was an international career, and she sang regularly at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, and the Royal Opera House, London.
He began redecorating his church and surrounding property in a most bizarre fashion, leaving behind strange clues in an effort to communicate to future generations the secret that he had learned from the parchments.
These clues, many involving the use of:
- occult
- qabalistic
- alchemical
- Masonic
and Templar-oriented symbolism, seem to indicate the involvement of a secret society known as the Priory of Sion.
The Priory of Sion – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion) was a chivalrous fraternity created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France.
Merovingian Bloodline: The Lost Kings – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
They were officially founded as the Order de Sion by Godfroi de Bouillon, in either 1090 or 1099.
This was just prior the First Crusade, which was also headed by de Bouillon.
Their official headquarters was the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem.
In March 1117 they had Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (who, it is said, owed his throne to them due to their efforts on his behalf) negotiate the constitution of the Order of the Temple, A.K.A. the Knights Templar, as the military and administrative arm of the Order de Sion.
Baldwin I (1060s – 2 April 1118) was the first count of Edessa from 1098 to 1100 and king of Jerusalem from 1100 to his death in 1118. He was the youngest son of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne, and Ida of Lorraine and married a Norman noblewoman, Godehilde of Tosny. He received the County of Verdun in 1096, but he soon joined the crusader army of his brother Godfrey of Bouillon and became one of the most successful commanders of the First Crusade.
The Templar order, which had already been around more than a decade, was headed by Hugues de Payens, who was also a founding member of the Order de Sion.
Hugo de Paganis, better known by the French translation Hugues de Payens or Payns (c. 1070 – 24 May 1136), was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. In association with Bernard of Clairvaux, he created the Latin Rule, the code of behavior for the Order.
They are not mentioned again in history until 1152, when King Louis VII of France brought them 95 new members and gave them the priory of Saint-Samson at Orléans.
Louis VII (1120 – 18 September 1180), called the Younger or the Young (French: le Jeune) to differentiate him from his father Louis VI, was king of France from 1137 to 1180. His first marriage was to Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine, one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in western Europe. The marriage temporarily extended the Capetian lands to the Pyrenees.
The Templars, according to tradition, were created for the purpose of safeguarding pilgrims on the road to the Holy Land, and they are most famous for their brave fighting on behalf of Christiandom for the capture of Jerusalem.
However, evidence indicates that this was not at all an orthodox Christian organization, but that their secret rituals and doctrine were much more mystical, hermetic, and occult-oriented, and derived not from the Church, but from Christ himself.
Now the Knights Templar had quite a career after the Crusades.
Philip III the Bold & the Crusades – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
They basically took over Europe financially, dominating all the major industries, especially that of money lending.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
They invented the modern checking system, and within a few years had all of Europe’s kings indebted to them.
This is why, even though they were disbanded by the Pope and the Grand Master burnt at the stake for heresy, some people believe that the Templars still exist today, continuing to manipulate the affairs of Europe behind the scenes.
The Swiss nation, especially, is believed to be controlled by them.
The same can be said for the Priory of Sion, which continues to this day, according to the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
In fact, a number of illustrious figures in history, including:
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Robert Boyle
- Isaac Newton
- Victor Hugo
- Claude Debussy
and Jean Cocteau have served as the Priory’s Grand Masters, or Nautionniers (Navigators).
The Priory has been credited by some with the creation of the European Union.
The same insignia which they proposed for the flag of the United States of Europe in the 1950s is being used on the flag of the EU today.
Former President of France François Mitterand was believed to be a member of the Priory, and many other very powerful people.
François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterrand[a] (26 October 1916 – 8 January 1996) was a French politician and statesman who served as President of France from 1981 to 1995, the longest holder of that position in the history of France. As a former Socialist Party First Secretary, he was the first left-wing politician to assume the presidency under the Fifth Republic.
They are also said to be in league with:
- the CIA
- MI5
- the Mafia
As for the Merovingians, their bloodline continues on.
Through incestuous intermarriage, most of the royal families of Europe can claim descent from them.
And from these royal families, have come all 44 of the United States Presidents.
Who exactly were the Merovingians, you may ask, and what is so special about them?
They were the first kings of what is now France, the first to unify the kingdom, and the first to preside over the prototype of the Holy Roman Empire.
They were granted the title of New Constantine in perpetuity by the Pope, some believe, because the Vatican recognized the descent of the Merovingian bloodline from that of Jesus Christ, who, according to this theory, was the husband of Mary Magdalen, and sired a child through her.
Mary and her child later fled to France, were their descendants married into the local Visigothic nobility.
This would explain why the Vatican granted the Merovingians the title New Constantine, in recognition of the descent from the King of Kings himself.
It also explains why the Knights Templar wished to take control of Jerusalem – because they considered it their rightful inheritance.
Christ, as the biological son of Joseph, was a descendant of King David, and therefore the rightful king of Jerusalem, so his descendants would have been as well. It would also explain why the Templars were called the “Guardians of the Grail“, and as many have pointed out, “Holy Grail“ comes from the French word “Sangreal”, which could just as easily be translated as “royal blood“, meaning the bloodline of Christ.
But why, many have asked, if he was not the son of God, and did not die on the cross for our sins, should his bloodline be so important. If the people who ascribe to this theory do not believe in his divinity, why should they care about his descendants?
This is something that has never been adequately explained in past genre literature, but Boyd Rice and I believe that we have the answer, which we will describe in full in our upcoming book.
Fact is, Jesus was the “Son of God”, but not he pseudo-mystical force that supposedly impregnated Mary’s virgin womb.
It goes back to King David, and further than that, to ancient Sumer, Atlantis, and the very beginnings of human history.
For the kings of the ancient world were the “gods“ whose rule is now recorded in the mythologies of every past and present culture across the globe, and their descendants are the human kings who have reigned since the Flood, when the gods left the Earth.
The bloodline of Christ and King David, and of almost all royal houses throughout history can be traced back to these “gods” or Pre-diluvian kings.
That is where the concept of kingship came from, and that is where all of our ancient traditions, religious principles, and all of the basic arts and sciences of civilization came from.
And the secret hermetic doctrine of occultism, which is popular in the underground today, can be traced there as well.
The implications of our theory are absolutely mind-blowing.
It synthesizes a number of facts and theories regarding:
- history
- folklore
- secret societies
and occultism that have so far remained disparate, creating a “Unified Field Theory” of the Grail mystery, where all interpretations of the Holy Grail – as:
- a cup
- a stone
- a tablet
- a secret doctrine
- a spiritual experience
or a royal bloodline – are reconciled with one another.
BLOODLINES – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
We are not saying that every part of our theory is absolutely correct, but with what we’ve learned we certainly can’t be all wrong.
And if even a fraction of our theory is correct, then human history will have to be rewritten.
The implications of what we have to present to you, in our forthcoming book, and in the future issues of this magazine, are positively staggering.
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