The nearby universe is a protected, alien policed reality.
- quarantine
- embargo
- isolation
- deception
- intervention
- surveillance
- breeding samples
- protection
- camouflage
- plausible deniability
Think about the coming wave, the coming convergence of diverse human and alien and cosmic influences.
Who are the essential usurper players in the game?
Who in power has the most to lose in facing the prospect of a voluntary evolutionary uplift and paradigm change from Patriarchy to balance between?
Who indeed?
The essential players.
Remember everything in this document is entirely hypothetical, it’s science fiction, this is a fantasy play.
You figured that out by now, haven’t you?
I’ve never seen a classified document in my life, swear to God, don’t lose any sleep.
Human apotheosis in the ET situation, religion wise, can be a stairway to heaven, as sky watching cults, both sun and moon worship.
The sun worshippers were/are macho male Phallic worshipping, violently One-God fixated, mostly warriors and capitalists, focused on competition, winning, use of any force in the name of redistribution of resources of power in their own concentrated favor.
Sacred Blood of War, Blood of Christ and Wine—high valuing of space Property and territorial separation and control Masculine Domination Over (impunity).
The moon worshippers were/are equal opportunity.
- Feminine Nature worshipping
- embracing Diverse spirits of Nature, mostly agrarians and artisans
- empathic for cooperation
- teamsmanship
- group mindedness
Sacred Blood of Womb, Blood of Life and Soma—high valuing of cycles Time and continuity of inclusive connections Feminine Dominion With (together) the gender difference that gives the Masculine principle a bad name is a twisted growth.
This occurs when Masculine tries to operate without Feminine energy in balance, in real partnership.
There was the hostile takeover and radical ‘downsizing’ of Goddess Religions 3-6,000 years ago, all over Europe and Asia.
- Muslim
- Judaist
- Christian
faiths were the latest wave over the last 3000 years.
The systems try to usurp and condemn any continually resurfacing elements of Goddess cults since then, usually remnant preserved in regional indigenous cultures.
The hostile takeover was successful, and after radical downsizing, they slyly, and blatantly, took over markets – the hearts and souls of human beings – and the ‘superstitious’ symbols that drive them.
These symbols have become well known religious symbols.
What’s this suppressed Goddess history stuff got to do with aliens?
They might not be here if we had not executed such a hostile takeover of the Goddess religions, or they might be already integrated with our very different culture.
The ancient hostile takeover could be one of the reasons ET is such a big deal to us now, since we pushed our spiritual connection with nature to an all-time low while pushing our knowledge of how to manipulate it to an all-time high.
Now a high tech ‘spirituality’ has found high tech ‘gods’.
But could it also be that Patriarchal religions are the sole reason humanity has not been integrated with ET already?
Patriarchal institutions may have been designed to keep man in power over God and Goddess and separate from Nature more than many would like to admit.
What’s this new religion ‘appropriation’ of all these nature ritual power symbols, as part of the hostile takeover?
Re-deployed assets?
What’s this all got to do with Above Top-Secret intelligence, military activities and especially all the partnered alien program activities going on?
Position maneuvering?
What’s this all got to do with alien abductions?
Breeding Programs?
Evacuation preparations?
Ambassador training?
Harvest puppets?
What’s this got to do with crop circles?
Alien or ‘nature’ communication Systems?
Bypassing normal authority channels?
Alien unconscious conditioning?
Ahh, just about now you’re starting to get a glimpse of the grand complexity of the overall circuitry, and thus the gawddang conundrum.
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