by Tracy R. Twyman on November 16, 2011, from ImplosionGroup Website / also from Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine / Italian version
October 28th, 1998, a number of newspapers across the country ran an Associated Press article entitled:
“Presidential Hopefuls Share Blue Blood Lines.”
The article, based on information put forth by Burke’s Peerage, claims that every single President of the United States has had a notable amount of royal European ancestry, and in each Presidential race, the one with the most royal genes is the one who wins – every single time.
This tendency has been noted in supposedly Democratic European politics as well, prompting some to charge that a global conspiracy exists to keep power within the hands of a specific gene pool.
This charge is not entirely baseless, and many books have been written tracing the modern aristocratic bloodlines back to the royal houses of:
and beyond.
On Hoova, Hoovids & Hebrews – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The charge is further supported by the fact that many of the supposed conspirators proudly boast about the ancient origins of their ancestry.
The traditional explanation for why power is passed down through the ages by blood has been the mystical Divine Right of Kings.
This dates back to the 17th century and states that a king is created by God, and kingly authority resides in the blood irrespective of anything else.
Many have claimed that there is a genetic characteristic carried in the blood itself which makes this so, but what would it be?
Is there a legitimate physiological reason behind the Divine Right of Kings?
Fields of the Nephilim
The all-important element of the Divine Right is that it comes from God, or “the gods,” alternately.
Demons: The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
And who were these gods?
Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Authors such as:
are authoritatively convinced that kingship was created by an advanced race of beings called the Anunnaki, also called the Nephilim in the Old Testament.
These were the ones who created the human race and interbred with a portion of it to create the kingly caste which until this day has still maintained control over the Earth.
These celestial creatures have been variously identified with:
- Dragons
- Elves
- Fairies
- Gnomes
- Leprechauns
- Sprites
- Nymphs
- Pixies
- Angels
- Demons
- Devils
- Witches
- Giants
- Vampires
- Werewolves
and just about every mythical being you can imagine.
Some, like Gardner and Sitchin, claim that they come from another planet.
Others, like de Vere, say that they’re multi-dimensional, or that they’re from the Hollow Earth.
Some, like David Icke, say that they are humans inhabited by the spirits of multidimensional reptiles, capable of shapeshifting into reptile form at any time.
Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Still others claim that they were humanoid, but more than human, with pale white skin.
The human hybrid offspring that they created as the Royal/Priestly caste was, according to most, the Aryans, who usually had red hair with green eyes – in stark contrast to the traditional Hitlerian vision.
Tuatha de Danaan: History of the Red-Haired Race – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Nicolas de Vere, the leader of an organization called The Dragon Court which claims to represent this royal Aryan caste, writes,
“the depiction of the Aryan (Scythian) as a tall, ruddy-complexioned blonde moist yeoman-farmer-warrior-god has no basis in truth.”
He further suggests that the “yeoman-farmer“
tribes which we now think of as Aryan were actually of a different race but had hired the extra-human Aryans to be their leaders.
These Aryans were also the masterminds behind the:
- Indian
- Hittite
- Greek
- Egyptian
- Hebrew
- Sumerian
and Pre-Sumerian Ubaid civilizations.
Many believe that their descendants can be found amongst the segment of the population with the RH Negative blood type, roughly 5% of the Earth’s population, most of them Europeans.
These people are often born with:
- an extra vertebra
- have a lower than normal body temperature
- can rarely mate with one another successfully, which suggests that they may indeed be a hybrid species
Conspiracy enthusiast Arizona Wilder takes it a step further by stating:
“The Aryan bloodline is alien to this planet… There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock (the Merovingians being one), and all of them have to a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer reptiles.”
The other 12 families have been identified as:
- Astor
- Bundy
- Collins
- Dupont
- Freeman
- Kennedy
- Li
- Onassis
- Reynolds
- Rockefeller
- Rothschild
- Russell
and Van Duyn, with the rest of the European Royal Families being categorized as Merovingian.
13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
These are the people referred to by the fanatical group, the Sons of Jared, when they,
“pledge an implacable war against the descendants of the Watchers, who as notorious pharaohs, kings and dictators, have throughout history dominated mankind.. like super-gangsters, a celestial Mafia ruling the world.”
The Book of Enoch says that the sons of the Nephilim, are destined to,
“afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle and work destruction on the earth.”
Nicolas de Vere, himself a Prince of the Dragon Blood, sees it quite differently.
He sees them as the rightful shepherds of the human flock.
He states:
The fairies were tuned to a higher frequency of perception and activity generally.
In the past, therefore, because the Fairies were, for millennia, physiologically bred and exhaustively trained to operate at a higher level than men, humans often invited them to become social navigators…
A dragon was one who saw clearly, and the clarity of vision engendered was always classically associated with wisdom, which itself produces power….
The Anunnaki and their quasi-human offspring are attributed with remarkable traits.
They lived for thousands of years, were capable of:
- levitation
- dimension-hopping
- clairvoyance
and other magical powers, all a product of applied eugenics.
De Vere explains:
“Selective unions gave the race the opportunity to breed outstanding magicians whose gift of natural perception and understanding and whose ability to access the ’Otherworld’ helped to produce and guide brilliant kings who ruled with elegant aplomb.
The ability to perform magic was carried in the blood and of that blood,”
“the Elves were relied upon by their client races to be able to see things and perform feats that these client races couldn’t.”
Laurence Gardner, himself a former member of the Dragon Court, concurs:
“in short, these people were bred to be leaders of mankind, and they were both mentally and physically maintained in the high ward state.”
But what property did they inherit in the blood which makes this possible?
The experts are nearly unanimous about the fact that the answer is endocrinology.
Says de Vere:
“hormonal levels [are] influenced by genetic inheritance and that hormones [affect] the individual’s perceptions, psychological unicameralism and the subsequent ability to transcend and perceive the intricacies of the cosmos.
Elven blood [is) rich in these substances.”
Starfire bloodfests
“The best blood is of the moon, monthly…” Aleister Crowley
Book of the Law – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness.
Perhaps it is fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the “Seat of the Soul,” “Me Third Eye,” and the organ through which psychic powers are exercised.
In fact, it actually functions as an organ of sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some sensitivity to light in higher mammals, since melatonin production increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin means “night worker!”)
Writes Laurence Gardner:
High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness – a state simply of ’knowing.’
In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set.
Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces:
the live melatonin.
Rumor has it that the members of the supersecret society Skull & Bones, to which both George Bush and his son belong, engage in a ceremony called “The Obscene Rite,” which involves the consumption of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice in order to get the fresh secretions.
Supplements bought over the counter are ineffective because, as Gardner explains,
“their inherent secretions are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human glandular manufacture.”
Aryan bloodline is alien to this planet…
There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock all of them have a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the shape changer reptiles.
But the Aryan overlords who ruled over mankind in ancient days had a simpler way of acquiring this fluid.
Their ancestor-gods, the Anunnaki, had endocrine systems that produced large amounts of this and other beneficial substances, so they drank it straight from the source:
the menstrual blood and vaginal fluids of the goddesses themselves.
This they referred to lovingly as “Starfire” and drank in a ritual ceremony called the Black Mass, after which the Catholic Mass is said to have been modeled.
Later, as direct contact with the Anunnaki ceased, the fluids were collected from sacred priestesses referred to as “Scarlet Women,” or “Grail Maidens.”
The Origin of the Dragon Lords of the Rings – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Readers will recognize the Scarlet Woman as the Whore of Revelations, as well as the title which Aleister Crowley gave to all of his sex magick partners.
“These sacred, royal princesses” writes de Vere, “virgins of High Birth and Pure Blood, at an optimum age would be chosen to act as feeding females,”
whose essences contained such valuable substances as,
“oxytocin, prolactin, melatonin, seratonin, adenosyne triphosphate, dopamine, telomerase, and retinol.”
There is another important ingredient in the mix here.
De Vere explains,
“many think that only men have semen when in fact women also have it.”
And so, a Starfire ritual involves the use of a golden straw.
Stich a device would have been inserted into the virgin’s urethra to the depth of about one inch, whilst the partner in the rite inserted his or her finger into the vagina and massaged the “roof of the mouth” or uppermost wall of the canal nearest the open or ’mouth’ of the vagina, behind the pubic bone.
After a few conducive moments perhaps, orgasm would occur and the fluid from the gland would discharge itself through the straw, either into the waiting mouth of the recipient, or onto a “grail platter” or dish held next to the vulva.
Keen readers will recognize this as identical to a sex magick ritual advocated by Aleister Crowley for members of his Order or Oriental Templars (OTO).
The only difference is that his rite also involved the use of male semen which was called the “Red Tincture“ or “coagulated blood,” while the female fluids were called “Gluten“ or “The White Tincture.”
Together they made “The Elixir of Life,” and in alchemy blood and semen are the prima matra or first matter of the great work.
What is Prima Matra? – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
“This is the true Key to Magick,”
writes Crowley.
“That is, by the right use of this secret man may impose his Will on Nature herself.”
Monatomic Gold – the substitute
According to de Vere and others, ingesting the fluids of mundane women has only a slight effect, certainly not enough to maintain a royal Dragon family in the manner to which they’re accustomed.
And after a few thousand years the genetic purity of their Grail maidens began to deteriorate, so the Starfire lost its potency.
This reportedly began around 1960 BC and is equated with the time that an edict was handed down to Noah by God demanding that the consumption of all blood cease immediately. (Gen. 9:4)
Thus, a substitute had to be found, and so the alchemical process was created as a means of artificially creating the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone, also known as “potable gold.”
This is created using a black powder known as occultum, the universal solvent which has the power to transmute metals.
When placed against gold it converted it into a white powder which could be ingested.
It is said to cause nothing less than immortality, as it sets off a self-correcting mechanism in your DNA that lasts for thousands of years.
It also bestows the enhanced melatonin production and magical powers associated with Startfire, including:
- clairvoyance
- dimension-hopping
- flying capabilities
It is believed that this “white gold” is the same as the “Shew-bread“ and “Manna from Heaven“ mentioned in the Old Testament.
Today, there are those who publicly proclaim knowledge of the Philosopher’s Stone.
A man named David Hudson claims to have created a technique for manufacturing this white gold, which he’s patented as ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements).
White Gold – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Ormus is a name associated with the Holy Grail, and so readers may not be surprised to learn that Hudson himself is related to the Merovingian Grail family through Claude de Guise.
Claude de Lorraine, Duke of Guise (20 October 1496 – 12 April 1550) was a French aristocrat and general. He became the first Duke of Guise in 1528. He was a highly effective general for the French crown. His children and grandchildren were to lead the Catholic party in the French Wars of Religion.
Basically, the powder is created by putting gold into a higher atomic state through a series of intense heating and cooling sessions, during which it loses and gains weight radically, as though portions of the mass were being transferred into another dimension.
David Hudson describes the magical quantum properties of his white gold:
These M-state elements have been observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation…
They may enhance energy flow in the microtubules inside every living cell.
Ingesting in-state gold has different effects on the body than the effects of ingesting metallic gold.
At 2 mg. it totally has gotten rid of Karposi Sarcomas on AIDS patients.
Within 2 hours, their white blood cell count goes from 2500 to 6500…
Stage 4 cancer patients have taken it orally, and after 4 5 days have no cancer left any place in the body.
It’s been used on Lou Gehrig’s disease, it’s been used on MS, it’s been used on MD, it’s been used on arthritis.
It literally corrects the DNA.
Sympathy for the Devil
All of this puts a nice, friendly face on the whole thing, which is currently a secret power held only by an elite caste of Aryans who use it to lord themselves over the rest of the human population.
And there are those who have said that the “substitute” white gold never did away with the original practice of blood-drinking as a method for obtaining the substances they needed.
David Icke and his associate, Arizona Wilder, have campaigned the globe to inform its citizens with Chicken Little-like hysteria that most of its:
- financiers
- politicians
- aristocrats
are actually under the control of Reptilian beings from another dimension, who are inhabiting their bodies.
Icke states:
“To hold their human form, these entities need to drink human (mammalian) blood and access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their ’human’ expression.
If they don’t, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like.”
Icke believes that most of this blood is obtained in human sacrifice rituals engaged in by the Satanic Illuminati.
Illuminati: Order of the Illumined Wise Men – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
He explains:
“From what I understand from former ’insiders’, the blood (energy) of babies and small children is the most effective for this, as are blond-haired, blue-eyed people.
Hence these are the ones overwhelmingly used in sacrifice, as are red-haired people also.”
His compatriot, Arizona Wiilder, goes into a bit more detail when she writes,
“They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim – in a trance of terror – which promotes secretion of the pineal gland – at that point, they cannot hold human form any longer and begin to shapeshift in anticipation of supper.”
Wilder claims to have witnessed Laurence Gardner drinking blood and shapeshifting during a sacrifice at Montauk, New York, as well as a number of others who were transformed during similar bloodfests, including,
- Bush and his two sons
- Albright
- Kissinger
- Reagan and Nancy
- J. Rockefeller
- Ford
- Carter and LB Johnson
- Queen Mum
- Queen Liz II
- Princess Margaret
- Charles
- Tony Blair
- Prince Philip
- Zecharia Sitchin
She acknowledges that Starfire rituals go on as well:
In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France, green glowing fluorescent rocks tam stored menstrual blood black to be used at that special ritual.
All the British House apparently have jewel-encrusted goblets to drink the blood from the symbolic female grail and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of a stir.
Some Spencers were at these rituals, but Diana would not attend… the smell of Diana’s periods would have caused Charles to shapeshift – especially whilst sleeping because the reptiles cannot retain their human form without concentration.
Yes, Diana Faked Her Death – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
This may shed new light on Prince Charles’ reported desire to become a tampon.
Aware of these charges, Laurence Gardner and Nicolas de Vere have tried to clear the record.
They’ve acknowledged that vampirism does take place at their rituals, but maintain that they only drink the blood of their own family members, who participate willingly.
“You cannot take the essences by force, they are only given in love,”
he says, otherwise,
“their systems will react by producing chemicals during one’s assault upon them that will completely knock out the chemicals traditionally required.”
They claim that vampirisin was originally the purview of a few noble families who practiced it in order to maintain their powers.
“The most famous stories,” writes de Vere, “those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this conclusion.”
He and Gardner enthusiastically embrace Dracula as one of their own:
“This Sacred Prince, a Hermetic scholar and initiate, a student of magic, Magus, Witch Lord and Dragon Prince, counterbalanced the bloodlust of his forebears with a refined knowledge and advanced practice of Grail procedure.”
This is because he was a member of Sigismund’s Dragon Court in Hungary, and therefore of the Grail blood, who also attended a hermetic academy called the Austrian School of Solomon.
“The orthodox establishment’s fear of Dracula,” writes, Gardner, “was not his treatment of enemies but his in-depth knowledge of alchemy, kingship and the ancient Star Fire customs.”
As for the claim that they use these rituals to conjure up dragon ancestors from another dimension, de Vere calmly admits that this is the case, and that the participants have their bodies taken over by these spirits, who,
“rise from the dead to take possession of the witch’s soul!”
He further explains:
Any spirit including the archangels, conjured by the witch or magician was actually the ancestor of the witch…
It was carried in the witch’s blood which, the purer it was through the unbroken descent from the Dragons, the stronger would be the return from the ancestors within.
In other words, they brought together and spoke or gesticulated a series of mnemonics that would trigger off precontrived, imprinted states of consciousness that acted as doorways into deeper seats of consciousness.
The charge of Satanism is not entirely refuted either, but de Vere proffers that they are not worshipping Satan so much as honoring one of their forefathers, who they stick right in the family tree along with Jesus, David and the rest.
“The Sabbatical Goat of the Black Mass was Chem Zoroaster,”
he writes,
“one of the early ancestors of the ancient Dragon Families,”
“Satan was also called by the witches ’Christ, son Dei.’ …Jesus’ heredity and the descent of the druidic dynasties… was devilish, because the descent of both bloodlines was from the Sumerian Enki who was the Akkadian Samael: the Roman Lucifer and thus the Catholic Satan.”
Enki: Mighty Creator God – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
But the Dragon Court members make no apology for this, because,
“to any intelligent person, to any true seer, concepts like white or black magic or good and evil are irrational, childish nonsense; both in terms of logic and actual fact.”
Every Elf for Himself
“This is our Law, and the Law of the Strong.” — Crowley, ibid.
To the charges of,
“conspiring to take over the world,”
the Dragons deny that they give two licks what the rest of humanity does with itself.
Their primary concern is,
“the restoration of their own Tribes, their own Nation and their own Homelands…. the foundation of their own distinct society.. re-introducing their old social structures and values.”
This results in “The Grail Code,” a system of Egalitarian, Chivalric ethics that govern how dragons treat other members of their race.
“it is not the code that efficiently orders the behavior of the Dragon Families in their dealings with those not of the Grail Blood.”
They acknowledge and defend their own elitist attitudes towards mankind, whom they regard as,
“thoroughly stupid and dimwitted, with a clear indication that this condition is genetically inherited.”
Whereas in contrast,
“The Elves were naturally transcendent of spirit and their queens and kings were insulated from the common round of nuisances and petty concerns by minds which were bred for deeper matters.”
Despite their hatred of humanity, they will kindly agree to be the guardians of our governments again (if they aren’t secretly doing so already), should the population choose to accept them, and offer them the thrones of the Earth, which de Vere and friends indicate are rightfully theirs anyway.
They are just waiting for mankind to realize it again.
We will have to deal with the fact that these “Elves“ seem to be in possession of a material that bestows long life as well as fantastic physical, mental, and spiritual powers, giving them a distinct advantage through which they are clearly attempting to lord over us, while they allow our populations to wallow in disease, death, and spiritual degradation.
As an excuse, de Vere and Gardner claim that the Starfire and White Gold are only effective for those already of the Dragon Blood anyway, because the rest of us,
“won’t have the right blood serum or the right connections in their cerebral lobes.”
De Vere denies the claims of most people who believe themselves to be of this bloodline.
“Some people argue that because of the outbreeding of the old families, there must be millions of people ’of the fairy blood’ living today: but such a statement flies in the face of accepted facts of history.
The genuine old royal families rarely outbred at all, whilst the later, fake parvenu, tinker nobility whom people now confuse with them often did.”
So that leaves little hope for you and me of ever obtaining the fruits of this magnificent “Philosopher’s Stone,” which “gives youth to the old” and is described as “the summation of the heart’s desire.”
And if such a substance were available to the public,
- How much would it cost?
- Would it be obtainable by everyone or only the rich and privileged?
- What if it could be administered for free in the water supply or was available in tablet form at your local pharmacy, covered by your health insurance policy?
- What would happen to our already exploding population?
As a species, mankind will have to decide how to deal with the information – provided that the information is aired in public someday, and provided our “thoroughly stupid and dim-witted” populace can figure out what to do with it.
Will we take advantage of what could be our greatest opportunity to advance as a species, or will we allow it to be used against us by a caste of Aryan overlords who despise us (and who are literally the spawn of Satan!)
Then again, will we perhaps wish to accept their rule, and the benefits of being led by an advanced race whose powers and insight are greater than our own.
After all, there are those who believe that civilization is created by and can only be maintained by an established elite.
Would we want to meddle with that, and allow positions of power to be overrun by inferior men?
Perhaps it is worth considering whether an elite can truly be made by enhancing human faculties, or whether such powers are purely in the blood sources.
Gardner, Laurence:
Genesis of the Grail Kings – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Michaelsen, Scott:
Portable Darkness: An Aleister Crowley Reader – Anna’s Archive
Moon, Peter
The Black Sun & the Vril Society – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access) (Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection)
De Vere, Nicolas
From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The Biological Basis of Elitism and “The Divine Right” Rule
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