Information & images by Angelika Whitecliff, converted from Incredible Video to linked text by LOR on 10/17/2024
Fallen Angels aka Extraterrestrials
Ancient records:
Show, that in the Dawn of Humanity
Extraterrestrials (Fallen Angels)
established domination over the Earth.
The Serpent in the Garden of Eden
Who tempted Eve
Was a Reptilian Extraterrestrial
disrupting a genetic experiment
Overseen by human-looking aliens.
Over thousands of years, competing extraterrestrial groups have vied for control over humanity.
Reptilian Empire vs. Galactic Federation.
Turning point in Atlantis
Atlantis became an epicenter for this other worldly struggle
It’s destruction in 9700 BC
led to the ascendancy of the Draconian Reptilians
over the Galactic Federation
In controlling human evolution.
Earth becomes a prison planet.
Perpetual wars, famines & poverty have been humanity’s legacy
as a result of the proxy war between the Reptilians
and the Galactic Federation.
Fall of the Roman Empire
430 AD, under Draconian influence, Atilla the Hun,
overran Eurasia to precipitate
the final collapse of the 1000 year old empire,
Soon after, the era of Mohammad & rise of Islam began,
Demanding the end of worshipping false gods
And depicting angels & demons.
The end of the Roman Empire
was the end of the Age of the Gods.
AKA Extraterrestrials.
Mohammad Accords
In 600 AD, an agreement was reached between the Extraterrestrial factions.
They would no longer directly appear before humanity, but instead influence Earth’s regional leaders.
Negative ET Influences
Great Conquerors were helped by Reptilian entities
Genghis Khan
Napoleon Bonaparte
Adolf Hitler
LOR Note:
All the historical people outed by Miles Williams Mathis as Canaanites/Phoenicians/Jews.
They were ALL helped because unending wars provided the Reptilians
with the blood sacrifice of civilians
AND countless human soldiers
to battle to the DEATH.
Positive ET Influences
Many great inventors & reformers in history
were helped by the Galactic Federation.
Martin Luther
Issac Newton
John Locke
Benjamin Franklin
This ET group’s goal was to release advanced technologies that could stimulate human development
to increase prosperity & raise human consciousness.
Birth of America & the Mysterious Stranger
In 1776, the Galactic Federation intervened, they sent a representative who addressed the debating members of the Continental Congress.
This Mysterious Stranger passionately praised freedom from tyrannical rule
and urged the signing of Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.
Earth Alliance vs. Deep State
In Modern times, the Earth Alliance formed
It is a loose association of:
- world leaders
- statesmen
- scientists
- economic strategists
- military brass
and even religious reformers dedicated to raising human consciousness
and resolving the age-old scourges of:
- war
- poverty
- oppression
Solar Warden
The U.S. NAVY’s Secret Space Program interacts directly with positive ET factions
and is a member of the Earth Alliance.
In opposition, the Reptilians control
Business and Political leaders
the Vatican
Major Media
This group is known by many names:
The Cabal
the Illuminati
the Invisible Government
and TODAY, the Deep State
Nikola Tesla
BORN 1856 and DIED 1943, Nikola Tesla was inspired by the Galactic Federation to provide the world with inventions
that could liberate humanity.
Those who helped Tesla & who wanted to release his technologies to the world were part of the Earth Alliance.
JP Morgan
and other elites, who shut down Tesla & his inventions
were influenced by the Draconians.
World War I Erupts
Earth Alliance hopes end for releasing Tesla’s technologies globally.
John Trump
studied some of Tesla’s advanced technologies.
and helped evaluate their importance for the FBI in 1943.
Prof. Trump also worked on adapting Tesla & other advanced technologies
for the U.S. Secret Space Programs.
Galactic Federation & the Trump Family
Galactic Federation secretly working with Trump Family for DECADES.
In the 1980’s, John Trump revealed MANY advanced technology secrets to his nephew, Donald.
In 2015, Donald Trump was approached by a group of U.S. Military Intelligence officials to run for President, for the good of the country.
Full Disclosure of suppressed technologies was a key goal of the Trump Association.
According to Prof. Haim Eshed,
“The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet.
Trump was on the verge of revealing… but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying:
wait, let people calm down first.
They don’t want to start mass hysteria.
They want to first make us sane & understanding.
They have been waiting for humanity to evolve & reach a stage where we will generally understand what space & spaceships are.” – January 5, 2021
Trump wanted to restore relations with Russia
to bring about full disclosure.
Russia’s President, Vladamir Putin, is also actively working with human-looking ETs who are part of the Galactic Federation.
Putin has helped Russians to learn about ETs living among us.
As with Trump, Deep State controlled media has ruthlessly targeted Putin, & demonized efforts toward good U.S.-Russia relations.
Hawaii False Flag
In January of 2018, Deep State launched a false flag missile attack
against Hawaii.
This was an effort to embroil:
- North Korea
- the U.S.
- China
in a nuclear war.
The attempt was thwarted by the Earth Alliance.
China is aware that the Deep State is trying to foment war with the U.S.
The New World Order agenda
Xi Jinping is struggling
against a powerful faction within China’s Communist Party
led by his predecessor & nemesis Jiang Zemin.
The Deep State is trying to remove Xi from office.
According to an Insider, Xi has set up an interplanetary research program involving Positive Extraterrestrials.
India has an ancient heritage as a leading space power
with numerous spacecraft called Vimanas.
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi believes
ancient Vedic India built Vimanas
capable of interplanetary travel, using anti-gravity propulsion.
Modi also says that Karna from the Mahabharata was a genetically engineered super soldier.
Modi is telling India’s scientists that Vimanas are REAL.
Flight records of Vimana character & performance are currently being studied
In India’s Secret Space Program.
Prime Minister Modi is India’s Donald Trump.
He’s been ruthlessly attacked by media since coming to power in 2014 on a platform of
Making India Great Again.
LOR Note:
Like MAGA, but MIGA, like Make Israel Great Again…
Modi is working towards human technological advancement with the Galactic Federation.
WHITE HATS & the Liberation of Earth
- Donald Trump
- Vladamir Putin
- Xi Jianping
- Narendra Modi
are part of the Earth Alliance.
The Earth Alliance wants disclosure of suppressed technologies
and to liberate humanity from millennia of negative Extraterrestrial control.
The Deep State is desperately attempting to contrive major wars between
U.S. & Russia
India & China
to end cooperation despite Earth Alliance leaders being targeted, vilified & lied about by the Deep State controlled media.
Each leader is loved
by the majority.
The Truth cannot be stopped.
Earth’s coming liberation is ASSURED.
But how we get there is still to be determined.
Short Film: History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda & the Coming Global Revolution (rumble.com)
Historical Overview of the Extraterrestrial Human Experiment on Earth (basecamp.com)
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