Earth Magic
Earth Magic is amplified through Invoking and Directing the Earth Element and includes:
- Money
- fertility
- abundance
- material gain
- wealth
- healing
- communication with nature spirits
- financial gain
- earnings increases
- possessions
- riches
- indulgence
- pleasure
The Earth element is used in death rituals and can be used along with death energy, used in binding rituals, and to absorb, conceal, for self-control, endurance, and patience.
Air Magic
Air Magic is amplified through Invoking and Directing the Air Element and includes:
- Intellect
- computers
- communication
- audio
- video
- TV
- electronics
- books
- literature
The Will.
- passing exams
- improving the mind
- concentration
- mental power
- learning ability
- speech
- writing
- publishing
- media concerns
- gossip
- slander
- interviews
- brothers
- sisters
- neighbors
- rumors
- theft
- all areas of study and communication
- also, astral projection
- overcoming addictions
- breaking habits
Good for:
- friendship
- imagination
- creativity
- inspiration
and charisma.
Air also incites:
- confusion
- chaos
- irritability
- nervousness
- nervous exhaustion
- arguments
and discord.
Fire Magic
Fire Magic is amplified with Invoking and Directing the Fire Element.
Fire Magic includes:
- Confidence
- fame
- success in gambling
- pleasure
- securing popularity/charisma
- increasing health and vitality
- healing
- protection
- success
- magical power
- creativity
- enthusiasm
- energy
- stamina
- major changes
- adaptability
- attraction
- sudden changes
- stimulation
- gaining control
- changing luck
- inciting justice
- revenge
- anger
- pure sexual lust
- physical gratification
- courage
- determination
- dealing with enemies
- athletics (especially competitive)
- strength
- magical energy for Black Magic
- intensity
- sexual energy
- dynamism
- passionate love
- physical desire
and will power.
Good for self-empowerment before workings of Black Magic.
When used in Black Magic, Fire as opposed Earth is used to bring on:
- sudden attacks
- accidents
- bloodshed
- violence
and hatred.
Fire can also be used to incite:
- wars
- anarchy
- cruelty
- fires
and injuries.
Properly Evoking and Directing the Fire Element will raise the temperature in whatever it is directed to.
Water Magic
Water Magic is Sex Magic and any magic where body fluids are used.
Sex Magic can be used with other elements as well but is ruled by the Water Element.
Water Magic is amplified through Invoking and Directing the Water Element and includes:
- Healing
- love
- making love, (affectionate; Fire is for lust/sex)
- fidelity
- reconciliation
- beauty
- youth
- friendships
- attraction
- harmony
- social functions
- indulgence
- pleasure
- Psychic ability
- telepathy
- mind reading
- Spirit communication
- absorbing knowledge telepathically
Good for beginnings and growth.
- The home and immediate surroundings
- imagination
- memory
- psychic awareness/dreams
- spirituality
- meditation
- psychic related
- meditative/hypnotic
- fertility
- marriage
and balance.
- jealousy
- greed
- suspicion
- resentment
- sickness
- disease
and disharmony.
Water when directed to another can cause one to be overly emotional, have violent reactions, lash out, and have a very difficult time with being objective.
Quintessence in Magic
The Akasha/Ether/Quintessence acts as a primer and from my own experience, it strengthens a working and can be used to connect.
This element is closely related to Fire and when working with it on a daily basis, one will find the body temperature rises.
The rise in body temperature seems to be lasting.
When willing something to be, it can be imprinted in the Quintessence, making it much more powerful.
In absorbing the Quintessence, which is ultra-violet light, one way is to visualize a “black light” which was popular in the 1970’s to make posters glow.
The color of the black light is the color of the Quintessence.
More Information About the Elements
Opposed to the plethora of warnings in the older meditation texts, one should gradually build their tolerance to the elements.
We have found these warnings to have no more credibility than the “three-fold” crap.
Some of us, me included, have breathed in Fire for well over 100 breaths, BUT we worked up to this level patiently over a period of time.
In order to perform Fire Magic with formidable intensity, one must be able to hold the fire element in large amounts and have a tolerance for it.
The same goes for the other elements.
One who can hold their Fire Element is capable of totally incinerating a victim of a Black Magick spell, who has no tolerance to this element.
This comes in time.
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