Programming on objects
If you ever set an intention for an object like a crystal or whatever you want, then you have programmed it.
Though probably not in the following way.
So, programming essentially is setting an intention or job for an object.
Technique 1:
Grab an object of your choice:
- a pencil
- a pen
- a crystal
anything you want really.
With the object sitting in front if you relax and clear your mind.
Feel the objects energy and connect with said object.
Now in your mind, visualize what you want this object to do.
Do you want it to spin around?
Do you want it to absorb negative energy?
Do you want it to put out positive energy?
Now to set the intentions it may be good for you to actually not only know it but be able to picture the object doing said intention.
Like if you want it absorb negativity.
Picture the object absorbing a color on energy of your choice that represents negativity.
Here are just some ways to set the intentions:
Place your hand in front of the object and imagine your thought/intentions running down your arm into the object.
Picture your intentions coming through your third eye, and into the objects.
If it helps, you could say the intention out loud and visualize it going into the objects that way.
Words can be very powerful!
That’s about it for basic programming.
Try to do this with your construct as well, the only difference would be that to connect it may be easier/better to link!
You can make your construct do whatever you wish for it to do.
Move in any direct you wish.
Light up.
Heat up/cool down.
Open up.
Turn into another medium.
Programming with distance
Example used:
The basis of this skill enables you to be able to send constructs over long distance, to a location or to a specific person or being.
(To do this skill you will have to know how to link)
Get Calm and relaxed, feel your energy etc.
Make the construct of your choice, be it a cube, pyramid, complicated mess, Idk – your choice (would prefer you stick to the basics just to start though).
Set the intention of what you want the construct to do, in this case heal, but make sure to specify what you are healing?
A sickness?
A wound?
Negative emotions?
Once you have figured out what you are healing there are two ways in which you can use the healing energy.
Easy Way
Simply say what exactly you want healed, and just picture the box filling itself with said healing energy.
Complex Way
Instead of simply saying it, you can picture a certain way you want the healing to occur.
Like imagining their chakras or wounds going from red or green, or energetic bandages wrapping them or the wound in loving and healing energy.
And send this ideas/picture out through a link cord into the box.
After getting the energy into the box, make sure to SOLIDIFY the connection!
Or you just wasted a lot of your time.
It may help to create a safety shield around the construct, just to protect it through travel.
Then create a strong link cord from you to the person.
Send the construct over taking your time to make sure it gets there in one piece.
Solidify the connection, before breaking the cord.
So, you can either put just the energy and intention in, or make the construct actually perform the action with said intention and energy.
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