History is the Truth that they want you to remember.
A Study of History by Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria
Legends are the Truth that they pushed too far.
Myths are the Truth that they want you to forget.
Where Did Our Gods Go? Seeking Our Mythologies – Library of Rickandria
There is Truth, in all things.
Once you cross that threshold, where you see the occult [hidden] communication that they use, you see it everywhere because it IS everywhere.

Kabbalah, Hermeticism & the Occult – Library of Rickandria
What was once subliminal becomes open, right there staring you in the face – like wearing, permanent, They Live glasses.
From Theosophy to the Beat Generation or How even the Occult was Disguised – Library of Rickandria
The irony is that most ancient symbols are Pagan, but they have been hijacked by a certain breakaway civilization & have been used for their own purposes.
Stolen from the Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
Even the history of the symbols haven been contorted & changed to benefit their own history.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
Take for example 666, Star of “David”, Swastika, even the Freemason “G” symbol – all Pagan.
The Stolen Six-Pointed Star – Library of Rickandria
Fun fact, Freemasonry was once just Masonry (before the aristocrats) & thousands of years before that, it was called Crata Repoa – an ancient Egyptian (Pagan) Sun Cult.
Communism & Masonry: Two Fronts of the Jew World Order – Library of Rickandria
In 1776, 2 months before another “revolution” in yet another rising nation, a certain group infiltrated Freemasonry for the final time & forever changed that Secret Society – thus infecting the “Illuminati”, as well – which started off Pagan/Gentile/Goyim controlled.
Pagan Programs Before the Jewish Infiltration – Library of Rickandria
Our founding fathers were ALL against this group that had tentacles all over the world, especially Europe.
U.S Founding Fathers’ Statements Concerning the Jews – Library of Rickandria
But this new land, was marked by the Knights Templar long before Columbus arrived.
Columbus: Last One in America – Library of Rickandria
The plot to build a new Atlantis (which the breakaway civilization descended from) was in play.
The New Atlantis – Library of Rickandria
The chance to build another Empire within a new Gentile nation.
How the Jews Deceive the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
But sadly, like many host nations, that nation was quietly & secretly taken over, from the very beginning.

Relentless Problems with the Jews Go Back for Thousands of Years – Library of Rickandria
How does Russia feel about having their identity erased & scattered in their own diaspora over the centuries, through a series of wars that were instigated by the same group that creates ALL wars & conflicts.
The Jews Were the Ruling Caste of the USSR – Library of Rickandria
The last Russian Czar’s bloodline was a Gentile dynasty that dated back to the Viking era.
Soviet Union & Jewish Ritual Murder – Library of Rickandria
One Gentile nation that is enemies with many Gentile nations – all being controlled from within, by the same group that is causing all the chaos & bloodshed in the world.
One Gentile nation cut into pieces & scattered into the wind to form other Gentile nations with the same ancestry – yet conditioned to fear & reject their neighbors.
Communism is a program that was forced upon the Russians that quietly spread across the world because that’s what the NWO bound group that created it, wanted to accomplish.
Exposing Communism – Library of Rickandria
Communism is just Christianity without Christ, who is merely a thoughtform that is powered by the psychic energy of more than 50% of the world following the desert Abrahamic religions that again, were created by the breakaway civilization we all know – who stole everything they came across & were expulsed out of practically every Gentile nation – yet they prevailed & secretly took over many of the same nations, via bloodlines & secret societies.
Brotherhoods & Secret Societies – Library of Rickandria
To be continued….

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