First published November 19, 2017, by Miles Mathis
As usual, this is just my opinion, based on internet research anyone can do.
We saw in a previous paper that Steve Jobs is Jewish.
Steve Jobs: BOLD, BRILLIANT, BRUTAL… FAKE – Library of Rickandria
Well, so is Bill Gates.
He is from the same families as the Bushes and all the other Presidents.
This is not guesswork. It is posted at Geni.com, though you have to dig a bit.
The answer is available, you just have to ask the question and then not be diverted by other people.
Don’t ask people on forums.
Don’t ask Snopes.
Don’t ask Yahoo.
The Jewish Hand Behind the Internet: Yahoo! – Library of Rickandria
Don’t ask anonymous bozos at information sites.
Don’t ask Jew or not Jew.
Jew or Not Jew: Choosing the Chosen People
Ask the genealogies and prepare to go deep.
To start with, there is the usual mystery and mystification about Bill Gates’ name.
He is sometimes listed as Bill Gates, Jr., and sometimes as Bill Gates III.
Both are wrong, according to the documents.
His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather are all named William Henry Gates, which would make him Bill Gates IV.
Bill is supposed to be a genius, but it looks like these people can’t even count to four.
Ravens can count to four, so the Gates aren’t even as smart as birds.
Is “Bill Gates” even related to these people, or is he just an actor hired to play a part?
Whenever we have found purposely wrong names before, it indicated some kind of hoax or project being run.
My guess is that is happening here.
We will look at that again below.
Large parts of Bill Gates’ genealogy are scrubbed, but we can still see through it.
Gates is not only a Gates, he is:
- a Gibbs
- a Curtis
- a Maxwell
- a Reid
and an Oakley.
One of Bill’s recent Oakley ancestors married a Judd.
That’s clearly Jewish.
In the Curtis line, we go back to Scituate, Plymouth County, where they were linked to:
- Moores
- Randalls
- Perrys
- Lowes
- Fishes
- Lincolns
and Palmers.
The Palmers are the most important there, but they are scrubbed.
The Lincolns of Plymouth are very obviously Jewish, with given names like:
- Caleb Mordecai
- Ephraim
- Ruth
- Huldah
and Joshua.
The Lincolns married the Hobarts, which takes us back to England and quickly links us to the surnames Fox and Crane.
Through the Cranes, Gates is related to Sir Robert Crane, 1st Baronet of Chilton.
Sir Robert Crane, MP, 1st Baronet of Chilton (1586 – 1643) – Genealogy (geni.com)
This links us immediately to the Careys and Walpoles—including Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford and Prime Minister, and his son Horace Walpole, the 4th Earl of Orford.
Through him we link to the Churchills and everyone else we have been studying.
The Fox in Gates’ line is scrubbed, but this probably links us to George Fox who founded the Quakers.
George Fox (July 1624 – 13 January 1691) was an English Dissenter, who was a founder of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers or Friends. The son of a Leicestershire weaver, he lived in times of social upheaval and war. He rebelled against the religious and political authorities by proposing an unusual, uncompromising approach to the Christian faith. He travelled throughout Britain as a dissenting preacher, performed hundreds of healings, and was often persecuted by the disapproving authorities.
The SOCIETY of FRIENDS Looks Like Another JEWISH FRONT – Library of Rickandria
We will have more indication of that when the Quakers come up again below.
The Lowes are also important, since we saw them in the line of John Kerry, where they were admitted being Jewish.
John Kerry is a Kohen.
John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is an American attorney, politician, and diplomat who served as the 68th United States secretary of state from 2013 to 2017 in the administration of Barack Obama. A member of the Forbes family and of the Democratic Party, he previously represented Massachusetts in the United States Senate from 1985 to 2013 and later served as the first U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate from 2021 to 2024. Kerry was the Democratic nominee for president of the United States in the 2004 election, losing to then-incumbent president George W. Bush. He remains the most recent Democrat to have lost the popular vote in a presidential election.
The Gibbs and Palmers are very important, especially since we find them together.
They are both from the peerage as well.
The Gibbs are from Anglesey and Isle of Man.
Think the Bee Gees, brothers Gibb.
See Henry Huck Gibbs, 1st Baron Aldenham, and Governor of the Bank of England in the 1870s.
The Palmers are also important in the peerage.
They descend from Robert Palmer, 1st Earl of Castelmaine, whose mother was of the Herberts (Marquesses of Powis).
This should remind you of singer Robert Palmer, whose father is admitted having been in British Intelligence.
Robert Allen Palmer (19 January 1949 – 26 September 2003) was an English singer and songwriter. He was known for his powerful, soulful voice, and sartorial elegance, and his stylistic explorations, combining soul, funk, jazz, rock, pop, reggae, and blues. Over his four-decade career, Palmer is perhaps best known for the song “Addicted to Love” and its accompanying video, which came to “epitomise the glamour and excesses of the 1980s”.
Also related to the:
- Vaughans
- Somersets
- Russells
- Molyneux
and Breretons.
Palmer married a Villiers, of the Dukes of Cleveland.
Also see 1st Baronet Palmer, who was director of the Suez Canal Company.
These Baronets were the real-life Sheriffs of Nottingham.
The Palmers are now Viscounts, closely related to the Egerton-Warburtons, Reeds, and Milles (think Charles Milles Manson).
That later became Mills, as in Hayley Mills, etc.
Since Bill Gates is a Reid, we have another probable link there.
It also links him to faux-Communist and all-round fake person John Reed.
JOHN REED Faked both his Life & Death – Library of Rickandria
Bill Gates’ maternal grandfather James Willard Maxwell, Jr. was a prominent banker in Lincoln, Nebraska.
James Willard Maxwell Jr. (1901-1960) – Find a Grave Memorial
He lived until 1960.
One of Bill’s great aunts on his mother’s side married a Gaston Moch, son of Alphonse Moch.
This links us to the famous artist Alphonse Mucha, Jewish.
Alfons Maria Mucha (Czech: [ˈalfons ˈmuxa] ⓘ; 24 July 1860 – 14 July 1939) known internationally as Alphonse Mucha, was a Czech painter, illustrator, and graphic artist. Living in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, he was widely known for his distinctly stylized and decorative theatrical posters, particularly those of Sarah Bernhardt. He produced illustrations, advertisements, decorative panels, as well as designs, which became among the best-known images of the period.
I like Mucha, so don’t get me wrong.
I simply go where the evidence leads.
He isn’t one of my favorites, but I have to admit he was a very good illustrator.
Mucha married Marie Chytil, whose father was a Fishl.
This links Mucha to postmodern “artist” Eric Fishl.
Eric Fischl (born March 9, 1948) is an American painter, sculptor, printmaker, draughtsman and educator. He is known for his paintings depicting American suburbia from the 1970s and 1980s.
Mucha’s sister married a Kuber, Jewish.
Wiki admits Mucha was Jewish.
The Mochs in Gates’ genealogy link us to:
- Guggenheims
- Horbergers
- Reuffs
and Wahls, proving they were also Jewish.
Other names in Gates’ extended line at this point include:
- Selleck
- Fry
- Bates
- Silvester
- Cheseborough
- Griffit
and Turner.
The name Selleck links him to Tom Selleck and Mick Jagger.
The name Turner links him to artist J.M.W. Turner.
The name Maxwell is also from the peerage, linking Gates to physicist James Clerk Maxwell.
Bill’s mother was a prominent Maxwell herself, being on the board of directors of First Interstate BancSystem.
First Interstate BancSystem – Wikipedia
It is in Billings, Montana.
That was named for the Billings family.
Remember Lem Billings, JFK’s lover?
Kirk LeMoyne “Lem” Billings (April 15, 1916 – May 28, 1981) was an American businessman known for his close and long-time friendship with John F. Kennedy and the Kennedy family. Billings was a prep school roommate of Kennedy, an usher at his wedding and a campaigner for his successful 1960 presidential bid. Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. called him “my second son,” and he sometimes acted as escort for several of the Kennedy women. Billings served with Sargent Shriver as a trustee for the Kennedy family trusts.
Looks like JFK was Gay & other interesting news – Library of Rickandria
We will see him again below.
First Interstate is a large bank holding company, which means it is a front for many banks.
Charles Henry King (March 12, 1853 – February 27, 1930) was an American businessman and banker who was instrumental in founding several cities in the states of Nebraska and Wyoming. He saw opportunity with the expansion of the railroad west and built up related retail businesses, banks and freight operations. His fortune was estimated at $20 million. He was also the paternal grandfather of U.S. President Gerald Ford, who was born in his home in Omaha.
This system of banks in the West can be traced back to a bank founded by Charles Henry King, grandfather of Gerald Ford.
Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (/ˈdʒɛrəld/ JERR-əld;[1] born Leslie Lynch King Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was an American politician who served as the 38th president of the United States from 1974 to 1977. He previously served as the leader of the Republican Party in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1965 to 1973, and as the 40th vice president under President Richard Nixon from 1973 to 1974. Ford succeeded to the presidency when Nixon resigned in 1974, but was defeated for election to a full term in 1976. Ford is the only person to serve as president without winning an election for president or vice president.
King was from Omaha, Nebraska.
Remember, Bill Gates’ paternal grandfather was a top banker in nearby Lincoln, Nebraska.
What this indicates to me is that the roots of the Gates’ wealth comes from banking, not computers.
In other words, Bill Gates would be obscenely wealthy even if computers had never been invented.
Let that sink in.
Added later:
the Maxwell name should tell you why Gates was hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein:
he was a cousin of these people through Ghislaine Maxwell.
We know Epstein is Jewish, but so is Ghislaine.
Her mother was Elisabeth Meynard, whose mother was a Petel.
They are Jewish and Meynard is famous for her Journal of the Holocaust.
Wiki tells us the Meynards were Huguenot aristocrats, but that is the usual dodge.
We have seen it a thousand times.
It is admitted that they were silk merchants, owning big factories and being very rich, which of course points at the Phoenicians, not the Huguenots.
Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria
Charles Henry King’s mother was a Shepherd, linking him to all the same families we have seen before.
Think Sam Shepard and Cybill Shepherd, for a start.
This links us to:
and many others.
Charles King’s son married Dorothy Ayer Gardner Ford.
Note the middle name.
This links her to the Ayers/Ayres/Eyres/Sayres/Zayres family, which links her to Bill Gates.
It also links her to Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, creating a tight circle in this paragraph.
Dorothy’s father was Levi Addison Gardner.
The first name is a clue, since it is Jewish.
His wife was Adele Ayer.
Charles King’s wife was Martha Porter.
That surname is in Bill Gates’ genealogy.
His paternal grandmother was a Rice, and her grandmother was a Porter.
So, Bill’s 2g-grandmother was a Porter.
Where did she die?
King County, Washington.
This links Bill Gates to the Kings and Porters, and through them to Gerald Ford.
Charles King built a 14-room mansion in Omaha in 1908, with a vast ballroom.
He was one of the wealthiest men in the West.
Besides being involved in banking, he was also involved in the railroad and other transportation companies.
He was also involved in the wool trade with his sons.
This also pegs them as Jewish.
If you want to know who the Kings are, just go to the peerage, where they are now closely related to the:
- Fitzgeralds (Earls of Kildare)
- Moncktons
- Reids
- Moores
- Hoares
- the Baronets
- Barons Walker (related to the Barclays)
and the Baronets Gore-Booth.
Stephen King: Royal Fake – Library of Rickandria
Bill Gates is a Reid.
See the Kings, Earls of Kingston.
The current King is a Viscount.
If we go further back, the Kings were Barons of Ockham.
The first was Lord Chancellor in the 1720s.
They soon married with the Noels.
The 8th Baron King married the poet Lord Byron’s daughter Augusta in 1835, becoming the Earl of Lovelace.
Their first son became the 16th Lord Despenser.
Their second son married the daughter of a Stuart (Earls of Bute) and a Crichton (Earls Erne).
Her grandmother was a Hervey (Earls of Bristol, think Lee Hervey Oswald—yes, I have shown Oswald changed the spelling to fool you).
Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was a U.S. Marine veteran who assassinated John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, on November 22, 1963.
THE HIDDEN KING(S): Camelot Ruled from the Cave of Merlin – Library of Rickandria
This reminds us that in my recent paper on Mussolini, we found the Gates related to:
- the Chews
- the Webbs
- the Ayres
- the Lightfoots
and the Oswalds.
Benito Mussolini – Library of Rickandria
This indicates Bill Gates is related to Lee Hervey Oswald.
If we go even further back, the Kings were Königs/Koenigs from Prussia.
That is pronounced like Kernig, without closing the throat on the “r”.
One of Bill Gates’ great aunts in the Maxwell line married a Meyers, obviously Jewish.
In the same line, we come to the surname Brush, which looks fudged to me.
I would bet it has been changed from Bush.
It takes us to the names:
- Taylor
- Samwayes
- Phillips
- Fawkes
- Hagen
- Couse
- Carter
- Rockwell
- Newton
and Weekes (Wickes).
Most of those families are related to the Bushes.
The name Fawkes takes us to Guy Fawkes and that faked event.
The Newtons in Gates’ line are scrubbed, but not very well, since we still get the name Starkey.
Ethelred Newton (Starkey) (c.1490 – d.) – Genealogy (geni.com)
That links us to Isaac Newton, who was descended from:
- the Barons Fitzhugh
- the Eyres
- the Starkeys
Geni.com tries to hide that by telling us the Newtons in Gates’ line lived in Fulshaw Manor, Cheshire, in the 1500s.
But that manor was not built until a hundred years later, by a Finney.
To get around that blockade, we go to Richard Starkey at thepeerage.com, who was from Stretton Lower Hall in Cheshire in the 1500s.
His mother was a Booth, and he married a Legh (Lee), daughter of a Brereton.
We just saw the Breretons, didn’t we?
Also note the name Booth, as in John Wilkes Booth.
The artist Turner was also common-law married to a Booth, remember.
We have now seen the name Booth twice.
That is because the Gates were related to all the major players in the faked Lincoln assassination, including:
- Lincoln
- Booth
- Rathbone
- Russell
and Surratt.
See my paper on the Lincoln assassination for more on that.
Lincoln’s Assassination was a Manufactured Event: Meaning it NEVER Happened – Library of Rickandria
We have seen in this paper the links to the surnames Lincoln and Booth in Bill Gates’ genealogy, and in that earlier paper I do the genealogy work showing the direct links between the Gates and Rathbones.
See for example the marriage of Israel Rathbun and Molly Gates.
Molly Rathbun (Gates) (1729 – 1763) – Genealogy (geni.com)
This is one of the things they scrub in the genealogy of Bill Gates, so it is good I previously did the research from other directions.
Anyway, Richard Starkey’s great-grandmother was Margaret Stanley, taking us to the top of the peerage at the time.
We saw her in George Bush’s genealogy.
LOOKS LIKE the Bushes are Jewish – Library of Rickandria
The Stanleys were the Kings of Mann.
Margaret’s father was the 1st Lord Stanley, Chief Steward of the Duchy of Lancaster, and his father-in law was Richard FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel.
The FitzAlans are the same as the Stewarts/Stuarts. Margaret’s brother was Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby, who put Henry VII on the throne.
Henry VII: Another Jewish Invasion of England – Library of Rickandria
Richard Starkey’s daughter married Richard Babington, and this links us to Isaac Newton.
Newton was related to Humphrey Babington, who was also his patron.
By the way, Richard Starkey is the real name of Ringo Starr.
Sir Richard Starkey MBE (born 7 July 1940), known professionally as Ringo Starr, is an English musician, songwriter and actor who achieved international fame as the drummer for the Beatles. Starr occasionally sang lead vocals with the group, usually for one song on each album, including “Yellow Submarine” and “With a Little Help from My Friends”. He also wrote and sang the Beatles songs “Don’t Pass Me By” and “Octopus’s Garden” and is credited as a co-writer of four others.
This links Ringo to the Stanleys.
John Lennon’s mother is a Stanley, as we know.
And I have previously linked the Macartneys to the Stanleys as well.
So, you can place your bet now on George Harrison also being linked to the Stanleys.
George Harrison MBE (25 February 1943 – 29 November 2001) was an English musician, singer and songwriter who achieved international fame as the lead guitarist of the Beatles. Sometimes called “the quiet Beatle”, Harrison embraced Indian culture and helped broaden the scope of popular music through his incorporation of Indian instrumentation and Hindu-aligned spirituality in the Beatles’ work.
What does that mean?
Did you forget where we were going?
Don’t worry, I will keep you on-track.
It means Newton was related to Starkey.
Which tells us two things they don’t want us to know.
One, it tells us Isaac Newton did know the American alchemist George Starkey, aka Eireanus Philalethes.
National Geographic tells us he didn’t know him.
Isaac Newton’s Lost Alchemy Recipe Rediscovered (nationalgeographic.com)
Not only did he know him, but he was also related to him.
Two, since Newton was related to the Starkeys, we know the Newtons in Bill Gates’ genealogy are of the family of Isaac Newton.
This links Bill Gates to Isaac Newton.
Through my research above, it also links Gates to the Stanleys.
And this links Gates to the Beatles. To be clear, you get to the Newtons from Gates by starting in the Maxwell line.
Then you go to the Woodworths, then the Keelers, then the Rockwells, then the Newtons.
That is where the genealogies break the link, but I have just shown you how to get around that.
In one of Gates’ step relationships, we saw the name Phillips, which is also important.
These Phillips were related to the Mills, which gives us a second link there.
We have a Samuel Phillips, related to the Brushes/Bushes.
Samuel was the brother of Moses Phillips, and we are in about 1800 here.
We aren’t being given locations at Geni, but my guess is these people are Dutch, which would link them to the Philips of Philips Electronics and my papers on Elvis Presley and Karl Marx.
Marx’s uncle was a Philips from that line.
We even have the same given names, since the Philips in that family also liked the names Moses, Samuel, and so on.
These Phillips in Gates’ line link us to the Cornells and Jacksons of New York in about 1700.
They also link us to the Woolseys, and they admit these Woolseys came over from Holland.
Sarah Hallett (Woolsey) (1650 – 1734) – Genealogy (geni.com)
We can also go back to the name Taylor in Gates’ recent line.
Frederick Taylor Gates (July 22, 1853, Maine, Broome County, New York – February 6, 1929, Phoenix, Arizona) was an American Baptist clergyman, educator, and the principal business and philanthropic advisor to the major oil industrialist John D. Rockefeller, Sr., from 1891 to 1923.
This links him to Reverend Frederick Taylor Gates, chief financial advisor to John D. Rockefeller for several decades.
John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He was one of the wealthiest Americans of all time and one of the richest people in modern history. Rockefeller was born into a large family in Upstate New York who moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland, Ohio. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897 and remained its largest shareholder. In his retirement, he focused his energy and wealth on philanthropy, especially regarding education, medicine, higher education, and modernizing the Southern United States.
Gates’ mother was nee Bowers, which no doubt connects us to the Bowers I ran across in previous papers, including KKK Imperial Wizard Samuel Bowers—who allegedly ordered the murders of Vernon Dahmer and of the Jewish boys during Freedom Summer.
Vernon Ferdinand Dahmer Sr. (March 10, 1908 – January 10, 1966) was an American civil rights movement leader and president of the Forrest County chapter of the NAACP in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He was murdered by the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for his work on recruiting Black Americans to vote.
Netflix is now pushing Fake Serial Killers – Library of Rickandria
Also, Lemuel and Eilley Oram Bowers, Comstock Mine millionaires in the 1860s who owned the largest house in the West at the time—near Reno, NV.
OK, all that was in Bill Gates’ maternal line.
Not a great scrubbing, was it?
It didn’t prevent us from discovering much.
Now let’s check his paternal line.
Bill’s grandmother is a Rice, though the Rices are immediately scrubbed.
In fact, that whole part of this genealogy is scrubbed, including the:
- Sandersons
- Fosters
- Porters
Hard to tell what they are hiding over there, though we do find some Waltons.
That would link Gates to Walmart.
Actually, they were probably hiding what I found above:
through the Porters, Bill Gates is linked to the Kings and Fords, including Gerald Ford.
So, we stay in the Gates line.
There, one of Bill’s great aunts married a Schumaker.
Another married a Hogenson.
Both are scrubbed.
Bill’s great grandmother was an Eppinhauser, but she is also scrubbed.
All three names look Jewish. Finally, with his 2g-grandmother we get some action, finding the surnames Satterly (Seely) and Sayre.
Sayre is a variant of Ayre/Eyre and takes us back to Salem in both spellings.
Also remember that Zelda Fitzgerald’s maiden name was Sayre.
We find another of Gates’ ancestors to be Pirate Adam Baldridge.
Through the Seelys we come to the Deans, a common Jewish name.
Also, the Paines and Bartletts.
See my papers on Bo Bartlett.
More on Propaganda in Art a second look at Bo Bartlett – Library of Rickandria
The Deans link us to James Dean, who, yes, was Jewish.
James Byron Dean (February 8, 1931 – September 30, 1955) was an American actor with a career that lasted five years. His roles typified the teenage disillusionment and social estrangement of his time. He had several uncredited roles from 1951 to 1953 before starring as a rebellious son attempting to win his father’s approval in East of Eden (1955). In Rebel Without a Cause (1955), he portrayed a teenager struggling with his emotions and feeling frustrated with his family and social life. His last lead role was playing a Texan rancher who discovered oil and became rich in Giant (1956).
(PDF) Secret hand gestures in paintings (researchgate.net)
His death was faked.
No, he didn’t look Jewish, but there it is.
Remember, his middle name is Byron, which we saw in this paper.
- Byrons
- Noels
- Gordons
are the same family in the peerage.
Dean is actually related to the poet Lord Byron, who he resembles a bit.
From Daisy Ridley to Lord Byron & Everyone in Between – Library of Rickandria
They were both short and very handsome in the face.
Also, both gay.
I haven’t done a paper on him, but I may.
Anyway, it explains why he was so heavily promoted, and still is.
These children of the families are heavily promoted no matter their talent levels.
David Wayne Spade (born July 22, 1964) is an American stand-up comedian and actor. His comedic style, in both his stand-up material and acting roles, relies heavily on sarcasm and self-deprecation.
Which explains the careers of people like David Spade or Pauly Shore.
Paul Montgomery “Pauly” Shore (born February 1, 1968) is an American comedian and actor. He is best known for his roles in 1990s comedy films.[1] Shore began as a stand-up comedian at the age of 17, before becoming an MTV VJ in 1989. This led to a starring role in the comedy film Encino Man in 1992, which was a modest hit. He followed this with leading man vehicles, including Son in Law (1993) and Bio-Dome (1996). Shore provided the voice of Robert “Bobby” Zimuruski in A Goofy Movie and its direct-to-video sequel, An Extremely Goofy Movie. He directed a semi-autobiographical mockumentary film, Pauly Shore Is Dead (2003).
I assume Pauly is related to Dinah Shore somehow, although they never make the link.
They want you to think nobody in Hollywood is related, you know, although they all are.
STRANGE RELATIONS – Library of Rickandria
See the Shores in the peerage to understand Pauly Shore.
Especially the Barons Teignmouth.
Also see Diane Shore, who married a Herbert, brother of the 8th Earl of Powis, in 1985.
They are related to the:
- Greys (Barons Walsingham)
- Manners (Dukes of Rutland)
- Montagus (Dukes of Manchester)
- Grahams (Dukes of Montrose)
and Gibsons (think Mel Gibson).
Through the Satterlys in Gates’ genealogy we come to the Brushes again.
We saw them on the maternal side in the same years, indicating cousins marrying:
very common in these families.
We then come to the Burroughs, who we have seen many times and who take us back to Salem.
Forward, they take us to William S. Burroughs and the Beats.
From Theosophy to the Beat Generation or How even the Occult was Disguised – Library of Rickandria
We also find the Jenners of Boston, scrubbed.
This should tell you that Bruce Jenner may now be involved in a project.
The trannie thing is an obvious project, and Jenner may not even have had surgery.
The Trannies PSYOP – Library of Rickandria
He may just be crossdressing for his part.
Or they may have found an old woman who just looks like him.
To me, the various pics we get of Caitlyn Jenner don’t even match.
Caitlyn Marie Jenner (born William Bruce Jenner; October 28, 1949; known as Bruce Jenner until 2015) is an American media personality and former Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete.
They may have multiple people playing this part.
Remind yourself that Jenner is 68 now.
Anyway, the Satterlys go way back, but the women are always scrubbed until we reach the 1400s—at which point we hit the Bedingfield knights.
They take us to the Bacon knights, and forward to Sir Francis Bacon.
Now, if we return to the Gates line, we find Bill’s 3g-grandfather named Israel Gates.
Family tree of Bill GATES – Geneastar
A little clue there, eh?
Apparently, he married a cousin, since she is also a Gates.
Her great-grandfather is Zebediah Gates.
At this point (Revolutionary War) we find them related to the Clarks.
Also, to the Geers, through whom we come to the Allyns of Salem.
The Allyns descend from the Scotts, including a Sir Walter Scott from the 1500s.
Back to the Gates line, and we find a Billings just before the Revolutionary War.
Remember, JFK’s lover was named Lem Billings.
Looks like JFK was Gay & other interesting news – Library of Rickandria
Another step back we find Caleb Gates, husband of Mary Forbes.
This takes us to a Pierce and a Gore.
The Gore is scrubbed.
But Col. John Forbes’ mother is given as Christian Barclay of Mathers.
She is the daughter of George Barclay, Lord Mathers.
This takes us to major action in Scotland, and the:
- Greys
- Stewarts
- Gordons
and Lindsays.
These Stewarts are the Earls of Atholl and Earls of Buchan.
These Barclays soon lead us to Barclays Bank and the Scottish Quakers.
A Barclay from the peerage was the most vocal Quaker of the time.
The Forbes would become the Earls of Granard and marry the Stewarts again and again.
Also, the Hamiltons, Kennedys, etc.
And finally, remember that Mormon founder Joseph Smith was a Gates.
His mother was a Mack, and her mother was a Gates.
Melinda Gates is even more mysterious than Bill.
Melinda French Gates (born Melinda Ann French; August 15, 1964) is an American philanthropist, former multimedia product developer and manager at Microsoft, and the ex-wife of its co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates. French Gates has consistently been ranked as one of the world’s most powerful women by Forbes magazine. In 2000, she and her then-husband Bill Gates co-founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private charitable organization. She and her ex-husband have been awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom and the French Legion of Honour. In early May 2021, Bill and Melinda Gates announced they were getting divorced. She was recognized as one of the BBC’s 100 women of 2021.
Her genealogy is available at several sites, but little information is forthcoming.
Her paternal grandparents are not given at any of these sites, including:
- Geni
- Wikitree
- Geneanet
Do you really think she doesn’t know who her own grandparents are?
All we know is that her sister married a guy named Burkhardsmeier.
That’s Jewish.
Melinda’s mother is an Amerland, which is also Jewish.
See Salon writer David Amerland, for instance.
And of course, Melinda looks very Jewish:
I’m the first to notice that, right?
No one has ever commented on it or questioned it until now?
For example, she looks a lot like Ana Gasteyer (from Saturday Night Live).
Ana Gasteyer (/ˈɑːnə ˈɡæˌstaɪ.ər/; born May 4, 1967) is an American actress, comedian and singer.[2] She is most notable for her tenure as a cast member on the NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live from 1996 to 2002. She has since starred in such sitcoms as ABC’s Suburgatory, TBS’s People of Earth, NBC’s American Auto, and the film Mean Girls.
Gasteyer is generally larger, but they have the same:
- eyes
- noses
- mouths
A search on Melinda Gates Jewish does give us some results, however.
According to Jewishgator.com, when she gave the commencement address at her alma mater Duke University in 2013,
These were not just words.
Gates put this very concept into action when meeting 11-year-old Mendel Bluming, son of Rabbi Zalman and Yehudis Bluming, directors of Chabad on Campus for Duke and UNC Universities.
Not only did Gates speak about living a meaningful life, but this was directly connected to the gift she received.
Upon meeting Rabbi Bluming and Mendel, she was presented the book, Towards a Meaningful Life – The Wisdom of the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
This best-selling book empowers every single person, through Torah wisdom and Jewish philosophy, to utilize his or her talents to transform this world.
Why would Gates be receiving such a book?
If she was really Roman Catholic, as we are told, would she be interested in Torah wisdom and Jewish philosophy?
Also interesting is the fact that the Gates Foundation gave $5 million to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
JewishPost.com – America: Don’t Change What Makes You Great
Why would a Congregationalist and a Catholic do that?
We also find the Gates Foundation often working with the Rockefeller Foundation, confirming my analysis here.
The Rockefellers are Jewish.
Rockefeller Bloodline – Library of Rickandria
Plus, we saw the Rockefellers and Gates have been working together since the 1880s.
I showed above that a Gates was Rockefeller’s senior financial advisor.
But let’s go back to Bill Gates’ name.
As I said above, it is wrong in the documents, indicating something fishy.
So, the first thing to do is search on a birth certificate.
Gates Cozies Up to Kenya for Birth-to-Death Digital ID Program Rollout Already Drawing Public Concern (msn.com)
And we do find a listing on the front page of Google for that search.
Unfortunately, clicking on that takes us to an expired page.
It is cached, but the cached page fails to load.
If we take the page to the Wayback Machine, the page has never been crawled.
308 billion pages crawled but they missed that one.
Very curious.
More research on that takes us here, where we find Gates and his daughter may have been denied entry to South Africa’s Sabi Sabi airport in 2015 because they didn’t have unabridged birth certificates.
The story was quickly covered up, as you see there.
But it tends to confirm my suspicions.
What are the odds that a search on “Bill Gates birth certificate” would pull up not one but two further mysteries?
I also draw your attention to the wording in these stories about Sabi Sabi.
We are told the daughter didn’t have an unabridged birth certificate.
If Bill just forgot the paperwork, they wouldn’t have put it that way, would they?
No, we get the word “unabridged”, implying the Gates had a birth certificate, but that it wasn’t unabridged.
And that implies that the Gates may have been trying to pass off some sort of phony birth certificate.
So, what does it all mean?
In my educated opinion, it means that the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, and Microsoft itself are all fronts for the Matrix.
THE CASE FOR REALITY & against the mainstream media – Library of Rickandria
Like Apple Computers and Steve Jobs, they don’t exist like we think.
Steve Jobs: BOLD, BRILLIANT, BRUTAL… FAKE – Library of Rickandria
Microsoft would appear to be another big government entity, like Google, with a person from the families simply chosen to front it.
Google’s True Origin Closely Tied to the CIA – Library of Rickandria
Gates is sold to us as a genius of some sort, but I have never seen the least evidence of that.
He comes across as a big dope who can barely follow the Teleprompter or the earpiece.
He is marginally more presentable than George Bush or Donald Trump, but that isn’t saying much.
He has all the charisma of a tuna fish sandwich left out in the rain.
Which indicates he wasn’t chosen for his personal qualities.
He was chosen because he had to be chosen.
He is a child of the richest families and demanded his “due”.
These kids want to be famous, and Daddy can’t say no.
The only question is, will they become famous in:
- art
- cinema
- politics
- sports
or the media?
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
Cinema and sports were out, and you couldn’t sell Gates as an artist.
That left the outer reaches of the media, where Gates could be installed as a sometimes speaker and important person, without anyone ever catching on.
Installing him as the front for Microsoft was a coup for his handlers, since it made that company look private:
not connected to the military/industrial/spy complex.
And scrubbing his genealogy hid the fact the company was closely tied to the usual families.
It also allowed for the creation of the Gates Foundation, by which they could channel money to Africa, Israel, or anywhere else in the world, under the cover of a charitable foundation.
But there is nothing charitable about it.
It was always just a clever form of money laundering, and you can be sure every dollar spent is an investment with a huge, guaranteed return and no tax.
Same as all other charitable foundations.
So, what was the mystery with Bill Gates IV?
Is Bill Gates even the real thing?
Hard to say, even after all the digging I have done.
They probably have body doubles, and he may even be a twin.
He may have been chosen for that reason, as usual.
But I am not really interested in studying that.
I couldn’t care less.
One of him is enough.
As for the name, my guess is they inserted an extra William Gates in the genealogies, to hide something.
Most likely, either his father or grandfather had a name they didn’t like, such as Israel or Levi or Mordecai or Judah or something.
We saw an Israel a few steps back, didn’t we, but most people won’t click that many times.
They couldn’t let his father or grandfather be an Israel, since that would be a dead giveaway.
So, they inserted a fourth William Gates in his place.
But the flapdoodle in Sabi Sabi indicates it may be a bit more than that.
I don’t buy that it was his daughter’s birth certificate that was “unabridged”.
There would be no reason to fake her certificate.
I think the problem was with Bill’s certificate, which the African official recognized as fishy.
It must have some anomaly on it, which is why the Wayback Machine has scrubbed it.
Again, my best guess is that Bill’s birth certificate lists his father’s name as something other than William Henry, but then lists Bill as a III.
The African official recognized that as impossible.
Or it may be that Bill’s real name isn’t William Henry.
His own name may be Levi or Judah or something.
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