by Rollin Stearns on January 2, 2011, from HenryMakow Website / Spanish version
“For the present, the next stage in the Illuminati’s grand strategy will be something few are expecting, or even think possible.
The next world-dominating empire is going to be a Europe forged on the basis of a Berlin-Vatican axis.”
The Illuminati bankers are planning to pull the plug on America.
To achieve their NWO, they control every nation, every political movement, every social institution.
They foment conflict and control both sides.
And at any given time, they have a favored side – a chosen vehicle to advance their aims.
For the past 200 years that chosen vehicle has been the “Anglosphere” (Great Britain, the US, Canada, etc.).
But that’s about to change.
Like a Pony Express rider who uses up one horse and switches to a new one, the Illuminati are about to replace the US.
In 1694, the international bankers established the world’s first central bank, the Bank of England.
London became the financial center of the world. By the 19th century, the British Empire was the greatest empire since Rome.
By the early 20th century, however, Britain was used up.
It was nearing bankruptcy, had become degenerate, and could not maintain colonies.
So power was shifted to America.
McKinley was replaced by Roosevelt, and the forces of national capital were eclipsed by international capital (known as “Wall Street”).
Once the Federal Reserve was established in 1913, the groundwork was in place.
World War II effected the change.
And shortly after, the Anglosphere developed an alliance with Israel, a newly formed nation that owed its existence to the Rothschilds.
In the last half of the 20th century, this powerful combine – the Anglosphere and the Israelis – dominated the world.
And they achieved great things for the Illuminati bankers.
America led the way in economic and financial globalization.
In addition, it garrisoned the planet.
It even gave the world a global language (now known as Globish).
By 1990, President Bush was able to speak openly of a NWO.
Now, however, America is beginning to fade.
It is bankrupt, both financially and morally.
Its day is about done.
The Illuminati are planning to replace it.
People think China will replace America as the world’s next superpower.
No doubt China is a rising power.
American politicians and “capitalists” deliberately built-up China by transferring technology and manufacturing capacity to them.
But even though China has an important role, talk about it replacing America is a deliberate distraction.
China is an Asian regional power.
It has begun to challenge America in the western Pacific.
But it’s not ready to project political and military (in addition to economic) power on a global scale – which is the definition of a superpower.
There is one country, however, that has the potential to exercise such power in the near future.
A country few people think about in this way:
Prior to WW I, the Illuminati bankers built up Germany as a rival to Britain.
Their first goal was to create a European civil war that would break up the anti-revolutionary order established at the Congress of Vienna following Napoleon’s defeat.
The second goal was to create a NWO to replace it.
For this, they needed a League of Nations – the “Parliament of Man” envisioned by Tennyson in “Locksley Hall.”
The Great War destroyed the rising German empire, and the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires.
More important, it destroyed the Russian empire – bringing the Communists to power – and it brought America out of its “isolation.”
The plan failed, though, when America rejected the League of Nations after the war.
It was then necessary for the Illuminati to build up Hitler, so that a second European war could finish the job.
Once again, Illuminati machinations brought America into the war, but this time they ensured that America would be integrated into the NWO.
During WW II, the United Nations (UN) was formed. And afterward, America and the Soviets, two Illuminati pawns, were the masters of Europe.
Between them, they kept Germany (and the world) divided.
But that day ended as well.
By the 1980s, the Soviet empire was in a shambles.
In many ways, it was just a heavily armed Third World nation (a fate awaiting America.)
As a result, the Illuminati pulled the plug on the USSR and fast-tracked European unification.
Germany was reunited.
Today Germany is the most powerful nation in Europe.
For all the talk of China’s economic growth, Germany is the world’s largest exporter and has a higher trade surplus than China.
The present financial turmoil in Europe is not a disadvantage to Germany.
Germany (and the Illuminati) knew when they created the Eurozone that it would lead to a crisis down the road.
You can’t yoke the currencies of strong nations like Germany with weak nations like:
- Greece
- Ireland
- Portugal
without having economic and political unification.
Germany is using this crisis to bend the other nations of Europe to its will.
It will maintain the euro and the Eurozone, but the other nations will have to submit to de facto German control or be forced out.
This includes Britain.
And it is forging an alliance with Russia (Medvedev was recently welcomed at the NATO summit).
A German-led Europe is turning away from its Anglo-American orientation.
Gaining control of the European Union, Germany is preparing to take over from the declining Anglosphere.
But it needs something more to cement its control of Europe than economic strength and political will.
It needs a spiritual and cultural foundation for its coming empire.
The Roman Catholic Church has always seen itself as the successor to the Roman Empire.
Its ambitions are imperial as well as spiritual. It laid the foundations of Western civilization in Europe.
Pope Benedict XVI has worked quickly to restore the Church as the spiritual force that will unite Europe, the way it did in the time of Charlemagne.
He has appealed both to traditionalists (e.g., by restoring the Tridentine mass) and to secularists (e.g., by his recent concession with respect to condoms).
He has underlined (in his speech at Regensburg) the contrast of Catholicism and Islam, and he has made room for disaffected Anglicans to join the Catholic Church.
He is establishing new ecumenical ties to the Lutheran and Eastern churches.
Despite the recent scandals affecting the Church, Benedict is on the offensive.
A German himself, he is working to forge a united Europe, led by Germany, with the Catholic Church as its spiritual head.
Just as the Illuminati were the sponsors of the Anglosphere, and of Israel, they are behind this coming European superpower.
The Illuminati play all sides. At present, it serves their purpose to shift from a declining Anglosphere to a newly dynamic Europe.
The NWO needs global political and financial institutions.
These are already in place or are being rapidly created during the current financial crisis.
But global control also requires a global cultural and religious system:
not a one-world religion – an impossibility at present – but a global ecumenical system.
Only the Catholic Church is in a position to serve as the keystone of such a system.
This is why the Illuminati need the Church.
For centuries the Judeo-Masonic forces sought to destroy the Church.
When they were unable to do so, they sought to infiltrate it.
Some think the Church was taken over by the Illuminati. (Others think the Church, more specifically the Jesuits, control the Illuminati.)
Pope John XXIII (Latin: Ioannes XXIII; Italian: Giovanni XXIII [dʒoˈvanni ventitreˈɛːzimo]; born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Italian: [ˈandʒelo dʒuˈzɛppe roŋˈkalli]; 25 November 1881 – 3 June 1963) was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 28 October 1958 until his death in June 1963. Roncalli was among 13 children born to Marianna Mazzola and Giovanni Battista Roncalli in a family of sharecroppers who lived in Sotto il Monte, a village in the province of Bergamo, Lombardy. He was ordained to the priesthood on 10 August 1904 and served in a number of posts, as nuncio in France and a delegate to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. In a consistory on 12 January 1953 Pope Pius XII made Roncalli a cardinal as the Cardinal-priest of Santa Prisca in addition to naming him as the Patriarch of Venice. Roncalli was unexpectedly elected pope on 28 October 1958 at age 76 after eleven ballots. Pope John XXIII surprised those who expected him to be a caretaker pope by calling the historic Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), the first session opening on 11 October 1962, which is now his feast. John XXIII made many passionate speeches during his pontificate. His views on equality were summed up in his statement, “We were all made in God’s image, and thus, we are all Godly alike.” He made a major impact on the Catholic Church, opening it up to dramatic unexpected changes promulgated at the Second Vatican Council and by his own dealings with other churches and nations. In Italian politics, he prohibited bishops from interfering with local elections, and he helped the Christian Democracy party to cooperate with the Italian Socialist Party. In international affairs, his Ostpolitik engaged in dialogue with the communist countries of Eastern Europe. He especially reached out to the Eastern Orthodox churches. His overall goal was to modernize the Church by emphasizing its pastoral role, and its necessary involvement with affairs of state. He dropped the traditional rule of 70 cardinals, increasing the size to 85. He used the opportunity to name the first cardinals from Africa, Japan, and the Philippines. He promoted ecumenical movements in cooperation with other Christian faiths. In doctrinal matters, he was a traditionalist, but he ended the practice of automatically formulating social and political policies on the basis of old theological propositions. He did not live to see the Second Vatican Council to completion. In September 1962, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer and died eight months later on June 3, 1963. His cause for canonization was opened on 18 November 1965 by his successor, Pope Paul VI, who declared him a Servant of God. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000. On 5 July 2013, Pope Francis – bypassing the traditionally required second miracle – declared John XXIII a saint, based on his virtuous, model lifestyle, and because of the good which had come from his opening of the Second Vatican Council. He was canonized alongside Pope John Paul II himself on 27 April 2014. John XXIII today is affectionately known as “the Good Pope” (Italian: il papa buono).
I don’t believe either is true, even though it has been said that John XXIII and Paul VI were Masons.
Pope Paul VI (Latin: Paulus VI; Italian: Paolo VI; born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, Italian: [dʒoˈvanni batˈtista enˈriːko anˈtɔːnjo maˈriːa monˈtiːni]; 26 September 1897 – 6 August 1978) was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 21 June 1963 to his death on 6 August 1978. Succeeding John XXIII, he continued the Second Vatican Council, which he closed in 1965, implementing its numerous reforms. He fostered improved ecumenical relations with Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches, which resulted in many historic meetings and agreements. In January 1964, he flew to Jordan, the first time a reigning pontiff had left Italy in more than a century. Montini served in the Holy See’s Secretariat of State from 1922 to 1954, and along with Domenico Tardini was considered the closest and most influential advisor of Pope Pius XII. In 1954, Pius named Montini Archbishop of Milan, the largest Italian diocese. Montini later became the Secretary of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. John XXIII elevated Montini to the College of Cardinals in 1958, and after his death, Montini was, with little opposition, elected his successor, taking the name Paul VI. He re-convened the Second Vatican Council, which had been suspended during the interregnum. After its conclusion, Paul VI took charge of the interpretation and implementation of its mandates, finely balancing the conflicting expectations of various Catholic groups. The resulting reforms were among the widest and deepest in the Church’s history. Paul VI spoke repeatedly to Marian conventions and Mariological meetings, visited Marian shrines and issued three Marian encyclicals. Following Ambrose of Milan, he named Mary as the Mother of the Church during the Second Vatican Council. He described himself as a humble servant of a suffering humanity and demanded significant changes from the rich in North America and Europe in favor of the poor in the Third World. His opposition to birth control was published in the 1968 encyclical Humanae vitae. Pope Benedict XVI, citing his heroic virtue, proclaimed him venerable on 20 December 2012. Pope Francis beatified Paul VI on 19 October 2014, after the recognition of a miracle attributed to his intercession. His liturgical feast was celebrated on the date of his birth, 26 September, until 2019 when it was changed to the date of his priestly ordination, 29 May. Pope Francis canonized him on 14 October 2018.
I believe a protracted struggle took place in which both sides tried to destroy the other.
But when neither succeeded, an accommodation was made.
The Church made a deal with the devil.
As a result, the Illuminati are now prepared to pull the plug on America and to back (for the present, at least) a renascent Catholic Europe.
It’s quite likely that later – as in the past – they will turn against Germany to destroy it, using China and/or Russia for the purpose – but that belongs to the day after tomorrow.
For the present, the next stage in the Illuminati’s grand strategy will be something few are expecting or even think possible.
The next world-dominating empire is going to be a Europe forged on the basis of a Berlin-Vatican axis.
It’s coming and coming quickly.
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