There are several methods for contact.
One method is to use a Ouija Board.
We don’t have to have another person working a Ouija Board with us.
When there are two or even more people working a Ouija Board, this can create distractions, and this can cause the board to give inaccurate answers.
In addition, there are many times when one wishes to ask personal or private questions.
This is best when done alone where one can relax into a trance, which is also some help in operating a Ouija Board.
Another method of finding out who your Guardian Demon is, is to use a pendulum.
You will need a decent pendulum and a wide mouthed glass jar.
Start out by asking how many letters are in his or her name.
The pendulum will start to circle, then stop, then circle again, then stop and again make circles until it completely stops.
Count the number of times it makes circles and here you will have the number of letters in your Demon’s name.
Dangle the pendulum, holding it between your thumb and index finger in the glass jar, keeping your hand outside of and directly over the jar.
Begin with the first letter and ask the pendulum if it is A, B, C and so on.
When the pendulum hits the side of the glass jar, write down the letter and continue on to the next letter in his or her name, again going through the alphabet.
Make sure you are completely relaxed and preferably in a trance for an accurate reading.
Using a Ouija Board is also an excellent way of establishing contact and getting answers, especially for those who are new to Satanism.
Those of us who are experienced normally communicate with our Demons telepathically.
For those of you who are doing yoga and/or chakra work, just be persistent.
Our Guardian Demons can help us in our magick and spirituality.
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