Because it controls the:
- political
- economic
- financial
- technological
- medical
- educational
- media
and other important levers of society, the Elite profits hugely from daily human activity.
Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class – Library of Rickandria
But it can also precipitate an ‘extreme event’ (or the delusion of one) – a war, financial crisis (including depression), revolution, ‘natural disaster’, ‘pandemic’ (if you think that the Covid-19 scam was the last of its kind, see ‘Who’s Driving the Pandemic Express?’ and watch the plan for the next one, already available:
Who’s Driving the Pandemic Express? ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Catastrophic Contagion (centerforhealthsecurity.org)
…and use its control of the:
- political
- economic
- technological
and other levers mentioned to manage how events unfold while simultaneously managing the narrative about what is taking place so that the truth is concealed.
This means that the Elite’s killing and exploitation of the human population at large is hidden behind whatever ‘enemy’ (human or otherwise) that Elite agents in government and the media direct the attention of the public towards at any given time.
It doesn’t matter whether we all end up blaming Hitler, Saddam or ‘the Russians’, ‘the capitalists’ or ‘Wall Street’, ‘the government’, ‘the climate’ or ‘the virus’, we never blame the Elite…!
So, we never take action that is focused on stopping those individuals and their corporations and institutions that are fundamentally responsible for inflicting unending harm on us all, as well as the Earth and all of its other creatures too.
Fortunately, while the Elite is adept at devising an ever-expanding range of tools that can be used to manipulate events while simultaneously concealing this behind a barrage of propaganda, there is still just enough time to finally recognize what is happening and to end it.
Otherwise, just as in the board game ‘Monopoly’, where one player finally owns everything and the other players have been forced out of the game, the Elite will win the ‘final battle’ against humanity, capture all wealth and reduce those humans and transhumans left alive to the status of slaves.
Does this sound insane to you?
Of course it is.
Do you think the Elite is insane?
Of course it is.
The Global Elite is Insane Revisited | Feelings First (wordpress.com)
with further detail in ‘Why Violence?’
‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.
Fearless and Fearful Psychology | Anita McKone (wordpress.com)
But just because someone is insane and their plan is insane, it doesn’t mean they cannot succeed.
Remember Adolf Hitler?
Idi Amin in Uganda?
Pol Pot in Cambodia?
Were Walt Disney & Adolf Hitler the Same Person? – Library of Rickandria
Insane violence of unspeakable magnitude can succeed if too many people either cannot perceive the insanity, are afraid of it or simply believe it is too preposterous – ‘It can’t be true.’ – and do nothing about it.
Or, in the cases just mentioned, not until it was too late to prevent vast killing.
So, here is the summary:
Humanity faces the gravest threat in our history.
But because our opponent – the Global Elite – is insane, we cannot rely on reason or thoughtfulness alone to get us out of this mess:
You cannot reason with insanity…
And because the Global Elite controls international and national political processes, the global economy and legal systems, efforts to seek redress through those channels must fail.
Hence, if we are going to defeat this long-planned, complex and multifaceted threat, we must defeat its foundational components, not delude ourselves that we can defeat it one threat at a time or even by choosing those threats we think are the worst and addressing those first.
This is because the elite program, whatever its flaws and inconsistencies, as well as its potential for technological failure at times, is deeply integrated so we must direct our efforts at preventing or halting those foundational components of it that make everything else possible.
This is why random acts of resistance will achieve nothing.
Effective resistance requires the focused exercise of our power.
In simple terms, we must be ‘strategic’.
If you are interested in being strategic in your resistance to the ‘Great Reset’ and its related agendas, you are welcome to participate in the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ campaign which identifies a list of 30 strategic goals for doing so.
In addition and more simply, you can download the one-page flyer that identifies a short series of crucial nonviolent actions that anyone can take.
This flyer, recently updated and now available in 23 languages:
- Chinese
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Malay
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Slovak
and Turkish, with several more languages in the pipeline, can be downloaded from here:
One-page Flyer – We Are Human, We Are Free (wearehumanwearefree.org)
If this strategic resistance to the ‘Great Reset’ (and related agendas) appeals to you, consider joining the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ Telegram group (with a link accessible from the website).
And if you want to organize a mass mobilization, such as a rally, at least make sure that one or more of any team of organizers and/or speakers is responsible for inviting people to participate in this campaign and that some people at the event are designated to hand out the one-page flyer about the campaign.
If you like, you can also watch, share and/or organize to show, a short video about the campaign here:
Video – We Are Human, We Are Free (wearehumanwearefree.org)
In parallel with our resistance, we must create the political, economic and social structures that serve our needs, not those of the Elite.
That is why long-standing efforts to encourage and support people to,
- grow their own food
- participate in local trading schemes (involving the exchange of knowledge, skills, services and products with or without a local medium of exchange)
- develop structures for cooperation, governance, nonviolent defence and networking with other communities
…are so important.
Of course, indigenous peoples still have many of these capacities – lost to vast numbers of humans as civilization has expanded over the past five millennia – but many people are now engaged in renewed efforts to create local communities, such as ecovillages, and local trading schemes, such as Community Exchange Systems.
Community Exchange System | Your Talents are Your Wealth (community-exchange.org)
Obviously, we must initiate/expand these forms of individual and community engagement in city neighborhoods too.
Moreover, as Catherine Austin Fitts reminds us, if we choose that option, there is nothing to stop us having our own decentralized money system, starting with our own local community central bank and our own local community currency.
Finally, as noted by Professor Carroll Quigley in the very last words of his nearly-1,000 page epic Tragedy & Hope:
‘Some things we clearly do not yet know, including the most important of all, which is how to bring up children to form them into mature, responsible adults.’
Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, p. 947.
Fortunately, the passage of time since Quigley wrote these words has revealed an answer to this challenge.
So, if you want to raise children who are powerfully able to investigate, analyze and act, you are welcome to make ‘My Promise to Children’.
My Promise to Children | Feelings First (wordpress.com)
Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, in one context after another, some people who are more terrified than others in their immediate vicinity have sought what they perceived to be increased personal ‘security’ by gaining and exercising greater control over the people and resources around them.
Progressively, over time, this serious psychological dysfunctionality has been compounding until, today, the degree of ‘security’ and control that some people require includes all of us and all of the world’s resources.
For want of a better term, we might call them the ‘Global Elite’ but it is important to understand that they are insane, criminal and ruthlessly violent.
This takeover of all of us and everything on Planet Earth is currently being attempted by this Elite through the ‘Great Reset’ and its related fourth industrial revolution, eugenicist and transhumanist agendas.
In essence, the intention is to kill off a substantial proportion of us, as is now happening, enclose the Commons forever (and force those who live in regional areas off the land) while imprisoning those left alive as transhuman slaves in their technocratic ‘smart cities’ where we will ‘own nothing’ but provide the compliant workforce necessary to serve Elite ends.
Whether wars or financial crises (including depressions), ‘natural disasters’, revolutions or ‘pandemics’, great events are contrived by the Elite to distract attention from and facilitate profound changes in world order and obscure vast transfers of wealth from ordinary people to this Elite…
And this is done with the active complicity of Elite agents – including international organizations such as the United Nations, national governments and legal systems – which is why redress cannot be found through mainstream political or legal channels.
United Nations: The Ultimate Delusion – Library of Rickandria
However, distracted by an endless stream of irrelevant ‘news’, superficial debates such as capitalism vs. socialism, monarchy vs. democracy, this political party vs. that political party, or even which football team is better, virtually,
all people are oblivious to how the world really works and who is orchestrating how history will be written by elite agents…
Is there conflict between individuals, families and groups within the Elite?
Of course…!
But unlike the conflicts they endlessly throw in our faces to distract and manipulate us, the unifying agenda to which they all subscribe is to perpetually restructure world order to expand Elite control and extract more wealth for Elites...
5,000 years of human history categorically demonstrates that point…!
Hence, if humanity is to defeat this Elite program, we must do it ourselves.
And if you want your resistance to this carefully-planned Elite technocratic takeover to be effective, then it must be strategic.
Otherwise, your death or technocratic enslavement is now imminent…
Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter X: So, What Can We Do About This? (basecamp.com)
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