So how, precisely, is the Global Elite driving the transformation of world order, the collapse of the world economy and capturing final control of all wealth?
Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class – Library of Rickandria
There are three parts to the answer to this question:
1. The foundations progressively laid over the past 5,000 years, as outlined above
2. The superstructure (including such institutions as the United Nations, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund) that has been built since World War II and, more recently, under the guise of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development agenda, to impose global governance on the human population and, particularly, to intrude global financial governance into every aspect of our lives.
In the words of Iain Davis and Whitney Webb, this is because the UN’s sustainable development goals,‘do not promote “sustainability” as most conceive it and instead utilize the same debt imperialism long used by the Anglo-American Empire to entrap nations in a new, equally predatory system of global financial governance’.
Sustainable Debt Slavery (unlimitedhangout.com)3. The final part relates to political, economic and, especially, technological measures being imposed as part of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset‘ under cover of the fake narrative about a Covid-19 ‘pandemic‘.
If we briefly consider elements of the post-World War II superstructure, for example, both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have historically used debt to force countries, mostly in the developing world, to adopt policies that redistribute wealth to the elite via their banks, corporations and institutions.
But corporations have employed their own ‘economic hit men’ to do the same thing:By identifying and ‘persuading’ leaders of developing nations, using a variety of devices – ranging from false economic projections and bribes to military threats and assassinations – to accept enormous ‘development’ loans for projects which are contracted with western corporations, countries quickly become entrapped in debt.
The Corporation of the United States of America – Library of RickandriaThis is then used to force those countries to implement unpopular austerity policies, deregulate financial and other markets, and privatize state assets, thus eroding national sovereignty.
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
If you want to read further evidence of the role of the World Bank and the IMF as agents of Elite policy against nation-states, you might find the US Army’s manual of unconventional warfare interesting.
Army Special Operations Forces: Unconventional Warfare:
Originally released by Wikileaks in 2008 and described by them as the US military’s ‘regime change handbook’, as elaborated by Webb,
‘the U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions, such as,
- the World Bank
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- the Bank for International Settlements (BIS),
…are used as,
unconventional, financial,
“Weapons in times of conflict up to and including large-scale general war,” as well as in leveraging “the policies and cooperation of state governments”.’
Beyond this, however, what we have seen since the UN, increasingly a tool of corporations since the 1990s, adopted its Sustainable Development Goals is a dramatically expanded set of mechanisms designed to enslave the bulk of the human population, not just those in ‘developing’ countries, and take complete control of Earth’s ecosystems and natural processes.
Among many initiatives, for example, the Global Public-Private Partnership has been presented by Klaus Schwab and Peter Vanham, on behalf of the World Economic Forum.
summarized in:
What is stakeholder capitalism? It’s History and Relevance | World Economic Forum (archive.vn)
While this sanitized account obscures the threat it poses to humankind, Iain Davis and Whitney Webb have thoughtfully critiqued it – see ‘Sustainable Debt Slavery’ – noting that even a 2016 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs report – see ‘Public-Private Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Fit for purpose?’ – also found it ‘unfit for purpose’.
So, what is it?
According to Davis, the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P) is a worldwide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners:
the Bank for International Settlements, central banks, global (including media) corporations, the ‘philanthropic’ foundations of multi-billionaires, policy think tanks, governments (and their agencies), key non-governmental organizations and global charities, selected academic and scientific institutions, labour unions and other chosen ‘thought leaders’.
(You can see an instructive diagram in the article cited below.)
The G3P controls the world economy and global finance.
‘It sets world, national and local policy (via global governance) and then promotes those policies using the mainstream media’, typically distributes the policies through an intermediary such as the IMF, WHO or IPCC and uses governments to transform G3P global governance into hard policy, legislation and law at the national level.
‘In this way, the G3P controls many nations at once without having to resort to legislation.
This has the added advantage of making any legal challenge to the decisions made by the most senior partners in the G3P (an authoritarian hierarchy) extremely difficult.’
In short:
global governance has already superseded the national sovereignty of states: ‘National governments had been relegated to creating the G3P’s enabling environment by taxing the public and increasing government borrowing debt.’
What Is the Global Public-Private Partnership (iaindavis.com)
As Davis notes:
We are supposed to believe that a G3P-led system of global governance is beneficial for us and to accept that global corporations are committed to putting humanitarian and environmental causes before profit, when the conflict of interest is obvious.
‘Believing this requires a considerable degree of naïveté.’
Davis clearly perceives:
‘An emergent global, corporate dictatorship that cares not one whit about truly stewarding the planet.
The G3P will determine the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.
There is no opportunity for any of us to participate in either their project or the subsequent formation of policy.’
Davis goes on:
‘in theory, governments do not have to implement G3P policy, in reality they do. Global policies have been an increasing facet of our lives in the post-WW2 era…
It doesn’t matter who you elect, the policy trajectory is set at the global governance level.
This is the dictatorial nature of the G3P, and nothing could be less democratic.’
Another initiative was launched at the COP26 conference in November 2021.
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) is an industry-led and UN-convened alliance of private banking and financial institutions that announced plans to overhaul the role of global and regional financial institutions, including the World Bank and IMF, as part of a broader plan to ‘transform’ the global financial system.
Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (gfanzero.com)
But this report makes it clear that GFANZ will simply employ the same exploitative tactics that the ‘economic hitmen’ and agents such as the multilateral ‘development’ banks (MDBs), including,
the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
…have long used to force even greater deregulation on ‘developing’ countries to facilitate supposedly climate and environmentally friendly investments by alliance members.
In fact, composed of several “subsector alliances”, including the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance and the Net Zero Banking Alliance, GFANZ commands,
‘a formidable part of global private banking and finance interests’.
Moreover, the ‘largest financial players’ who dominate GFANZ include the CEOs of BlackRock, Citi, Bank of America, Banco Santander and HSBC as well as the CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group and chair of the Investment Committee of the David Rockefeller Fund.
In essence then, as Whitney Webb goes on to explain it:
Through the proposed increase in private-sector involvement in MDBs, such as the World Bank and regional development banks, alliance members seek to use MDBs to globally impose massive and extensive deregulation on developing countries by using the decarbonization push as justification.
No longer must MDBs entrap developing nations in debt to force policies that benefit foreign and multinational private-sector entities, as climate change-related justifications can now be used for the same ends….
Though GFANZ has cloaked itself in lofty rhetoric of ‘saving the planet,’ its plans ultimately amount to a corporate-led coup that will make the global financial system even more corrupt and predatory and further reduce the sovereignty of national governments in the developing world.
But, again, it is not just their fellow human beings over whom the Elite wants total control.
They want that control over nature too, and that is yet another project in which the Elite has been long engaged.
Hence, in September 2021, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) announced the launch of a new asset class, jointly developed with Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) – whose founding investors included the Inter-American Development Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation – for Natural Asset Companies:
‘sustainable enterprises that hold the rights to ecosystem services’ that enable natural asset owners, ‘to convert nature’s value into financial capital, providing additional resources necessary to power a sustainable future’.
According to the IEG:
‘Natural areas, underpinned by biodiversity, are inherently valuable in and of themselves.’
Natural Areas — IEG (intrinsicexchange.com)
Either unaware of their ignorance or, perhaps, making hypocritically tokenistic use of some key words often-expressed by indigenous peoples and deep ecologists (including the inventor of the term ‘deep ecology’, Professor Arne Naess, in his 1973 article ‘The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement’) – the IEG goes on to express this ‘value’ in strictly economic terms:
‘They also contribute life supporting services upon which humanity and the global economy depends.
These include provisioning services such as food, water, timber, and genetic resources; regulating services that affect climate, floods, disease, and water quality; cultural services that provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual benefits; and supporting services such as soil formation, photosynthesis, and nutrient cycling.’
And in its report on this subject, the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Nature-Based Solutions urged investors, corporations and governments,
‘To create and strengthen market-based mechanisms for valuing nature.’
Scaling Investments in Nature: The Next Critical Frontier for Private Sector Leadership’, p.14.
Elaborating the IEG’s delusional conception of how further business investment in natural resources will work, Douglas Eger, the CEO of IEG, suggests that,
‘This new asset class on the NYSE will create a virtuous cycle of investment in nature that will help finance sustainable development for communities, companies and countries.’
I wonder how.
But IEG’s motives are more likely revealed in this fact:
‘The asset class was developed to enable exposure to the opportunities created by the estimated $125 trillion annual global ecosystem services market, encompassing areas such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity and clean water.’
Hence, to clarify, corporations are now engaged in the largest land and resource grab in history.
This will enable Elite corporations to privately own the ecosystem services of:
- a pristine rainforest
- a majestic waterfall plunging into a lagoon
- an expansive grassland
- a picturesque cave, a magnificent wetland
- a trout-filled lake
- a beautiful coral reef
or other natural area and then sell:
- clean air
- fresh water
- pollination services
- food
- medicines
and a range of biodiversity services such as the enjoyment of nature, while displacing the world’s remaining indigenous populations.
The Cannon Fodder that Unfortunately Populates the Earth – Library of Rickandria
So, what about the Commons?
‘The Commons is property shared by all, inclusive of natural products like air, water, and a habitable planet, forests, fisheries, groundwater, wetlands, pastures, the atmosphere, the high seas, Antarctica, outer space, caves, all part of ecosystems of the planet.’
Antarctica Rediscovered – Library of Rickandria
Or are corporations finally about to own the Commons as well?
Mother Nature, Inc. – CounterPunch.org
Are we to reduce everything in nature to its value as a profit-making commodity?
As Robert Hunziker concludes his own critique of this initiative:
‘The sad truth is Mother Nature, Inc. will lead to extinction of The Commons, as an institution, in the biggest heist of all time.
Surely, private ownership of nature is unseemly and certainly begs a much bigger relevant question that goes to the heart of the matter, to wit:
Should nature’s ecosystems, which benefit society at large, be monetized for the direct benefit of the few?’
More could be written about this, as Webb, for example, has done in:
Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class (unlimitedhangout.com)
But if you believe that corporations – extensively documented to destroy pristine natural environments in their rapacious efforts to exploit fossil fuels, minerals, rainforest products and a vast range of other products, as well as force indigenous peoples off their land to do so: see, for example,
‘Seven (of Hundreds) Environmental Nightmares Created by Open Pit Mines (and the Obligatory Tailings Ponds) that have Caused Irremediable, Highly Toxic Contamination Downstream’:
Seven (of Hundreds) Environmental Nightmares Created by Open Pit… (duluthreader.com)
…are about to become ‘virtuous investors’ in nature when 4 billion years of Earth’s history and 200,000 years of indigenous people living harmoniously with nature have an impeccable record of preserving ecosystems and their services, without the involvement of these ‘virtuous investors’, then you will do extremely well on any gullibility test that you attempt.
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