First published May 9, 2020, by Miles Mathis
The reopening of the country/world is happening pretty quickly, as I predicted, but the worst is still to come.
That is because this whole corona hoax was just a feint to keep your eyes off the real action.
And as usual, that action is multi-layered.
I have pointed you toward the Bill Gates/vaccine angle before, but that is actually just a sidelight.
Bill Gates: Jewish Aristocrat – Library of Rickandria
The oil companies also seem to be targeted, but again, that is only a fraction of the game.
Wall Street is targeting Main Street, hoping to buy up businesses for next to nothing, and that is another fraction.
But the largest fraction is clearly now the Federal Reserve’s move to drive the National Debt way, way up again, so that the bankers can drink from this manufactured crisis for years to come.
The Black Monday Murders (2016-2018) – Library of Rickandria
Some are saying they will draw this corona hoax out for another 18 months, but I don’t think they will because it isn’t necessary.
Bill Gates will make sure they keep it on a slow boil for that long, or until the fake vaccine is developed, but there is no need for the peak crisis to last another day.
The Federal Reserve has already added over a trillion dollars to their balance sheet, and when a large part of those toxic “assets” they have added implode—as they certainly will— you the taxpayer will be on the hook for that loss.
In other words, you and your children will be repaying these loans the bankers are making to themselves for decades to come, with interest.
A lot of people are collecting their socialism checks right now and chuckling, thinking they have gotten free money from the government.
There is no such thing.
Those checks you are getting are just priming the pump, and you are the one that is going to get pumped.
For every thousand they give you, they will end up stealing twenty thousand, or forty thousand. . . from you.
Not from someone else, from you.
In the past twelve years, the Fed’s balance sheet has sextupled.
In 2008 it was at about $1 trillion, where it had been for many years.
It is now over $6 trillion, and over $1 trillion of that has been added in the last two months.
This is the same thing that happened in the last huge theft from the treasury in 2008, when the Fed added about $1.5 trillion to its balance sheet, much of it toxic (worthless) assets bought from various “too big to fail companies”, including banks and other financial companies.
Between 2010 and 2014 the Fed continued to buy up crap “assets” in your name, to the tune of about another $2 trillion.
Since about October of last year, they have added another $2 trillion, half that coming in the past two months.
So basically, they have stolen about $5 trillion from US taxpayers in less than 12 years, with almost all of it going to people who were already very wealthy.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
Mainstream sources are admitting that US billionaires got 10% richer over a span of three weeks in March and April, 2020, at a time when everyone else was going broke.
Billionaires Are Eating the Economy | The New Republic
That figure comes from the New Republic, by the way, which is a conservative rag, known to be mouthpiece of the rich.
So, they are either representing other rich people, or they are hedging.
First of all, if the billionaires got 10% richer in those three weeks, then they probably got 20% richer in six weeks, and 30% richer in nine weeks.
This corona fake didn’t end in mid-April, did it?
As far as moving assets to the billionaires, it will be going on for years.
And has been going on for years.
I have shown in previous papers—using mainstream numbers—that the worldwide billionaires have octupled their total wealth since 2007.
That’s an increase of 700%, and that’s a conservative estimate.
No wonder, since they stole $5 trillion from the US alone in that time.
Some will say,
“Miles, you are just a poor artist and physicist, what the eff do you know about it?”
Well, if you don’t believe me, look at the raw data yourself.
This guy has posted it at YouTube.
He isn’t a poor artist, is he?
No, he looks like a rich guy himself, with multiple posh homes and expensive cars.
He is some sort of professional businessman or accountant or analyst.
He may be a government front himself, but on this question, it doesn’t matter, since he is showing you the government’s own:
- graphs
- workbooks
- statements
He is mostly telling you the truth.
Save your disbelief for when he starts spinning you, which he isn’t doing yet.
So, because you did nothing about the 2008 theft, the thieves have returned for another easy theft, but this time it is twice as big and hidden behind a corona hoax.
The good news is that the thieves appear to have lost their minds.
It isn’t just you and I who haven’t stopped them, it is the military, the CIA, the oil companies, and various other powerful entities who haven’t stopped them.
Because those entities also did little or nothing, the bankers are now coming for them.
The bankers appear to want every last dime in the budget, as if they believe the world is going to end tomorrow.
They want to rake everything they can into their pile while they can, down to the last lawn chair and troll doll.
Because of that, I have a new prediction.
That is why I am here.
I like to say things others aren’t saying, you know.
I have shown you signs of a covert civil war that has been going on in this country for two decades.
Basically since 9/11.
9/11 TRUTH & OBAMA’S BIRTH – Library of Rickandria
Yes, the biggest and most important civil wars go on in secret, and always have.
But I think this one is about to erupt out into the open.
No, we aren’t going to see fighting in the streets, or North v. South, or rich v. poor or any of that.
Because you and I won’t be involved at all.
What I think we are going to see is some sort of coup, perhaps sold to the public as a military coup.
Because CIA/Military/Oil (or whatever alliance it really is, I don’t know) hasn’t been able to make the bankers see sense, they are going to have to step in and take over.
They are going to have to put the top bankers in a funny farm to dry out and seize trillions of dollars of hidden assets worldwide.
At that point a lot of fake debt will be allowed to simply evaporate, and the books will be rewritten, starting over from zero.
You will say they already did that, when Trump got elected.
The Trump Shooting was of course Staged – Library of Rickandria
No, that is what some want you to think, but it isn’t true.
Yes, the election was stolen for Trump, but they all are.
Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish – Library of Rickandria
It had nothing to do with Russia and nothing to do with draining any swamp.
The Jewish Takeover of Russia – Library of Rickandria
Trump is just another creature from the black lagoon.
If he had been what they are telling you he is, he would have prevented the Fed from pulling this heist and prevented Gates and WHO from pulling this corona hoax.
But he didn’t.
One reason I believe a coup may be on the horizon is that this latest “test” wasn’t just graded by the fascist bankers, who found out the American public had all the acumen and courage of a turnip; it was also graded by their opposition, who saw the same.
The opposition has been feeding the American public information, trying to use us as an ally.
They have been hoping we would wake up and at least do some of their work for them.
But they now see that isn’t going to happen.
The American public is going to continue bending over and taking anything put to them.
American “Empire” – Library of Rickandria
Another reason I believe this is because I see signs of it from both sides.
From the side of the bankers, I see unprecedented and irrational levels of theft.
You see it in their eyes:
they are running scared.
They are like binge eaters at a table, people who think they may not be able to eat again for a long time.
Or like gamblers in Vegas who can’t leave the table.
They know they are in way over their heads and that they should quit, but they are addicted.
They can no more quit than a heroin junkie.
They have gotten many warnings to back off, but they can’t hear.
All they hear are the voices in their heads, telling them to take everything on the table.
I see the big ammunition orders of the past decade in the same way.
It looks like the bankers/DHS were hoping to build their own army, in case things got ugly.
But I don’t think that worked out for them.
So, they had to fall back on NSA spy networks and increased levels of propaganda.
NSA: The Super-Secret National Security Agency – Library of Rickandria
And now gargantuan levels of open-air theft.
On the other side, we see more and more impatience.
That is the way I read the guy at YouTube, who I linked above.
Why is this rich guy telling the truth, and why is he allowed to do it at YouTube?
Why not take him down?
You could say the same about a lot of outlets, who are telling a lot of truths about this latest series of events.
If we really lived in a fascist state, run by one entity, this opposition wouldn’t be allowed, controlled or not.
It doesn’t benefit the bankers for this information to get out, in any form.
As I say, until now, I think the main reason we have gotten this information is that the opposition wanted to use the American public as an ally, to put pressure on the bankers to back down.
Not to spark a revolution, but simply to create a meaningful level of pushback, so that those who represented non-banking interests would have a lever to use against the bankers.
The REVOLUTION IS NOW – Library of Rickandria
That is the way to read the New Republic article as well.
The multi-millionaires and non-banking billionaires had hoped to use the American public as an ally.
Big enough protests might contain the bankers somewhat.
But that isn’t happening.
The insanity of this latest heist should be telling the opposition that the bankers and their allies have utterly lost their minds and will never back down until they are forcibly stopped.
If they are allowed to continue on as is, there will not only be nothing in the treasury left for social programs, but there will also be nothing left for anyone who isn’t already a banking billionaire or trillionaire.
If the bankers are allowed to bankrupt the country, and collected taxes fall to zero, who is going to pay the CIA salaries in the next decade?
Who is going to pay for new military and space toys?
Who is going to buy cars and gas?
Do you think the bankers are going to pay military and Intelligence salaries from their own pockets?
The military and Intelligence agencies better think about that, because if things continue on like this, the bankers will have to hire private armies, and if they do, the number of those enlisted in both will go way down.
National armies and agencies can hide an almost infinite bloat, but if those things are privatized, they will have to be far more efficient.
The bloat will be gone.
Rich people are stingy, you know.
If you are paid from public coffers, there is almost no accounting.
But if you work for rich families directly, they will keep track of every penny.
What I Finally Understood about Famous People – Library of Rickandria
On the positive side, I thought I should report that not everyone is laying down and taking this.
Churches in many states are filing lawsuits, and one in Kentucky already won the right to hold drive-in services.
Individual business owners are filing suit in many states.
Gun stores are also filing lawsuits in many states, including my state.
Even Elon Musk is suing to reopen in California and threatening to move all his factories out of the state.
I Don’t Believe in Elon Musk – Library of Rickandria
What I would like to see—and what I have been calling for from the beginning—is businesses just opening without permission, then suing afterwards for illegal shutdown.
That forces the state to make the first move legally, which makes it easier to win a suit.
Why does it make it easier?
Because the state may make a mistake in the shutdown, using excessive force for instance, or shutting down with improper authority, or with improper legal basis.
It may forget to read you your rights, file the wrong forms, or put you in the wrong cell, allowing you to win on a technicality.
If the state proceeds in the wrong way, it makes it easier for the court to find in your favor, and if they make big mistakes, you may get a big cash settlement.
Just a word to the wise.
On the way out, I will point out something else I have noticed.
As it was already doing pre-corona, the media is trying to frame any resistance as coming from a conservative wingnut right.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
It had already been trying to blackwash any “conspiracy theories” as coming from neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, alt-right, or white supremacists.
Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria
It is continuing that plan during corona, tagging anyone calling corona a hoax an ignorant, anti-science, fundamentalist rube.
The fact that gun stores and churches are leading the way in lawsuits is used to confirm that theory.
However, in my experience, the resistance to corona is coming from across the political spectrum; and although the media coverage of resistance is heavily slanted to filming fat loudmouth Southerners carrying guns, I think the segment of the population most likely to see completely through corona is the highly educated, white-collar segment, that tends to be liberal or at least libertarian.
So, if you believe liberals are driving the corona hoax, my guess is you are wrong.
Those Damn Liberals – Library of Rickandria
Corona is being driven by the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, very wealthy Jews, and the old-money families of the first world, especially those in banking, DHS and pharma.
Those people aren’t liberal.
They are just the opposite of liberal.
That said, I don’t mean to diss any conservatives, gun owners, or church goers, of any denomination.
The Christian Confusion – Library of Rickandria
This is the time for broad alliances, and anyone now pushing back against:
- corona
- the Federal Reserve
- the media
or the vaccine makers, is a friend of mine.
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