First published on December 23, 2020, by one of the foremost revisionist intellectuals today, Miles Mathis
Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on July 2, 2024.
As usual, this is just my opinion, based on personal research.
This one is very easy given hindsight and given the fact they pretty much admit it was all a hoax.
They just tapped this guy from the Families because of his droopy eye and lack of front teeth and assigned him the part.
It was all based on his looks, as it always is with actors.
They tell us he lost one eye in a fight with his brother, but he could have caught a polo ball in the eye for all we know.
Also note the Jesus shirt in the pic above.
They had to include that, of course, making this a continuation of the Theosophy project to damage Christianity, as well as a continuation of Project Chaos and the Men-Are-Pigs project.
Let’s go down Lucas’ Wiki page to start.
Henry Lee Lucas (August 23, 1936 – March 12, 2001), also known as The Confession Killer, was an American convicted murderer. Lucas was convicted of murdering his mother in 1960 and two others in 1983. He rose to infamy as a claimed serial killer while incarcerated for these crimes when he falsely confessed to approximately six hundred other murders to Texas Rangers and other law enforcement officials. Many unsolved cases were closed based on the confessions and the murders officially attributed to Lucas. Lucas was convicted of murdering eleven people and condemned to death for a single case with a then-unidentified victim, later identified as Debra Jackson.
His early bio is the usual Langley fiction, totally unsubstantiated.
Lucas claimed his first murder was Laura Burnsley in 1951, when he was 15, but later retracted that.
There are no pictures of Burnsley, and no record of her death.
So again, the usual “True Crime” fiction, sold as fact.
Next, Lucas allegedly killed his mother Viola in 1960 and was convicted for it.
But he supposedly was released in 1970 due to prison overcrowding.
Do you want to guess when he allegedly killed her?
No, it wasn’t March 33.
It was January 11.
He allegedly killed her in Michigan, though the family was from Virginia.
What was she doing in Michigan?
Her full name is given elsewhere as Nellie Viola Waugh, nee Dixon.
She was previously married to Warden/ Gordon Elmer Waugh, son of Moffett Lemuel Waugh.
Reminds us of Warden Gordon Borden of Jordon, from The Bob Newhart Show.
“The Bob Newhart Show” Warden Gordon Borden (TV Episode 1976) – IMDb
These Waughs descend from Rev. John Waugh, who came to Virginia around 1650 from Scotland.
They are also linked to Tyrone, Ireland.
Which of course leads us to check for links to the famous Waughs of England, especially author Evelyn Waugh.
Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh (/ˈiːvlɪn ˈsɪndʒən ˈwɔː/; 28 October 1903 – 10 April 1966) was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and book reviewer. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934), the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945), and the Second World War trilogy Sword of Honour (1952–1961). He is recognized as one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th century.
That Waugh was also a:
- St. John
- Cockburn
- MacDowell
- Graham
- Livingston
- Gordon
- Stewart
and Hamilton, linking him straight to the top.
But his Waugh line is scrubbed at his father.
Waugh married twice, once to the daughter of a baron (Gardner) and next to the daughter of an earl (Herbert).
The Waughs in the peerage don’t go back to the 1600s, but we do find another clue with Rev. John Waugh of Virginia, whose mother was a Vandegastell.
That links us to the Balls, and through them to George Washington.
See Giles Vandegastell.
These were the founding families of Virginia, the ultimate bluebloods.
Confirming what I suspected coming in:
Henry Lee Lucas wasn’t from peasant stock, he was from aristocratic lines, like James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald.
In fact, my assumption was that Lucas was related to Robert E. Lee, and that assumption is already being confirmed.
The Lees were also Virginia bluebloods, related to the Balls and Washingtons.
I also remind you that this Evelyn Waugh was a famously nasty person and friend of the equally nasty Mitford sisters, especially Nancy.
This links him to previous papers, where we have looked at their connections to Hitler.
Nancy Mitford wrote for Encounter, an admitted CIA/MI6 front.
Waugh is secondly most famous for the aptly named Vile Bodies, which Algis Valiunis at the Washington Examiner recently described as a novel in which:
“Wastelandism reigns in every rank and station: The upper classes are unscrupulous or incapable, and the lower orders are invariably drunk and disorderly.”
True, but still too generous, both to the novel and to the upper classes.
He is firstly famous for Brideshead Revisited, where Waugh gives himself away as a closeted homosexual, explaining much of his misery.
But back to Lucas.
More genealogy research helps us discover that Lucas’ half-sister was a (Kaiser/Keiser), related to Kiser Clevelands of Virginia.
This line is scrubbed at Geni, but I suspect it links us to President Cleveland.
Through his father Anderson, Henry was also:
- a Boldin
- a Perry
- a Farmer
- a Bailey
- a Farley
- an Isham
- a Banks
and a Foxe.
He is a direct descendant of John Foxe, the famous martyrologist we have studied in a previous paper.
Rev. John Foxe (Fox) (1516 – 1587) – Genealogy (geni.com)
Foxe was an agent of the Stanleys, so Henry Lee Lucas was just continuing a long family tradition.
John Foxe (1516/1517 – 18 April 1587) was an English clergyman, theologian, and historian, notable for his martyrology Actes and Monuments (otherwise Foxe’s Book of Martyrs), telling of Christian martyrs throughout Western history, but particularly the sufferings of English Protestants and proto-Protestants from the 14th century and in the reign of Mary I. The book was widely owned and read by English Puritans and helped to mould British opinion on the Catholic Church for several centuries.
These Banks in Lucas’ line are also peerage, taking us back to Sir John Banks of Buckinghamshire and forward from him to the Baronet John Banks.
The Ishams connect us to the Randolphs and Bretts, more Virginia bluebloods who helped found the colony in the 1600s.
Through the Randolphs we link to the Virginia Lees, though I am sure there are more recent ties of Henry Lee Lucas to the Lees.
Many of Lucas’ grandmothers are scrubbed, and that is where the most recent link to the Lees (and Perrys) is hidden.
But we can be sure that if Lucas is so closely related to all these top families of early Virginia, he is also related to the Lees and therefore the Balls and Washingtons.
The Bretts were knights of Lincolnshire, where they were related to the. . . Bushes.
Now maybe we know why George Bush II commuted Lucas’ death sentence.
They were old cousins.
The Ishams were knights and sheriffs of Northamptonshire, related to the Borlases.
Before that they came from the de Veres, taking us back to the Earls of Oxford.
The Farleys were also founders of Virginia, and that is because they were really Molyneux of Sefton, coming directly from the 1st Baronet Sefton.
Erica Howton scrubs him at Geni, but we can easily pick him up at thepeerage.com.
He married into the Gerard barons and his son became a Viscount.
The 2nd Viscount Molyneux married a Seymour of the Dukes of Somerset, linking us directly to the Stuarts and Cavendishes.
And yes, this means Henry Lee Lucas is a cousin of fake alt-right mouthpiece and banned YouTuber Stefan Molyneux.
You will tell me Henry Lee Lucas is only distantly related to these people, but he isn’t.
His great grandmother was a Farley, in the direct line of these Virginia bluebloods.
Through his father, Lucas was also a Cawood, linking us through the Hix to the Widdrington barons.
William Widdrington (1610 – 1651) – Genealogy (geni.com)
Through that baron’s sister, we link immediately to the Howards, Dukes of Norfolk—who take us to the de Veres in a second line.
More evidence Lucas was an aristocrat was his brother Andrew Preston Lucas’ wife Catherine Clontz, whose mother was a Houston.
Her grandfather was James Milton Houston, and the Clontzes were also related to the Lees, indicating more cousin marriages.
These Houstons take us directly back to Gen. Sam Houston.
That link is scrubbed at Geni, which fails to list Andrew as his brother.
But Findagrave gives us that information on the page for Henry’s half-sister Freda Viola Waugh Bowser.
Freda Viola Waugh Bowser (1919-1973) – Find a Grave Memorial
Also note her name Freda and remember Henry’s young wife was allegedly named Frieda Powell.
So, I would guess that name was just made up.
The girl—if she existed—was probably Henry’s half-sister Freda, and they just waltzed her into the project for a few months and then waltzed her out.
Henry’s grandfather Christian Lee Lucas was allegedly shot and killed at age 50 in WV, again indicating the Lucases had been involved in fake murders for a long time.
Henry’s half-sisters Freda and Nora both married Crawfords, the names given as Earl Harland Crawford and Lester E. Crawford.
I found nothing on Lester, but Earl Harland’s daughter Linda died recently, and her sister is listed as Sharon Webb of Felton, DE.
Obituary for Linda Darlene Crawford (crouchfuneralhome.com)
You will see that name again in a moment, since one of the primary victims of Henry Lee Lucas’ pal Ottis Toole was Patricia Webb.
Ottis Elwood Toole (March 5, 1947 – September 15, 1996) was an American serial killer who was convicted of six counts of murder. Like his companion Henry Lee Lucas, Toole made confessions which resulted in murder convictions, and which he later recanted. The discrediting of the case against Lucas for crimes for which Toole had offered corroborating statements created doubts as to whether either was a genuine serial killer or, as Hugh Aynesworth suggested, both were merely compliant interviewees whom police used to clear unsolved murders from the books. Toole received two death sentences, but on appeal, they were commuted to life imprisonment. He died in his cell from cirrhosis, at age 49. Police attributed the 1981 murder of Adam Walsh to Toole on the basis of recanted statements. Lucas had backed Toole’s confession to the Walsh murder, claiming that he had been in possession of the victim’s severed head, though Lucas had a reputation for false confessions.
So as usual, all the spooks and their fake victims are close cousins.
Sharon Webb is listed at MyLife as a close relative (possibly wife) of Milbourn Charles Webb, who is related to Myrtle Talmadge Webb.
This does indeed link us to the prominent Webbs of Delaware, related to the Balls and Howards.
See for instance Troy Talmadge Howard at Findagrave, whose grandmother was a Stewart, linking us to Fords, Hamiltons, Lindsays, and Farmers.
Troy Talmadge Howard (1889-1949) – Find a Grave Memorial
This confirms once again the links to those families above, since Lucas was a Farmer.
Lucas’ first wife, whom he allegedly murdered when she was 15, was Frieda Lorraine (Becky) Powell Lucas, and she was also a Carr and a Toole through her mother.
How do you get Becky from Frieda Lorraine?
These Tooles of Georgia may link us to author John link us to the Kennedy Toole.
Frieda’s Tooles do Adamsons of London.
At any rate, Geni tells us Lucas married Powell, but Wikipedia tells us they were:
“in a relationship”
In 1983, Lucas confessed to murdering Powell and Kate Rich, though there was again no record of their deaths.
Lucas allegedly led the police to bodies, but those bodies were never identified as either woman.
Again, Lucas later recanted those confessions, and since the bodies were never identified, he was never convicted for those murders.
So, was Frieda Powell related to Ottis Toole, gay lover and fake partner in crime of Henry Lee Lucas?
She is supposed to be his niece, which means Ottis was also related to the:
- Powells
- Carrs
- Adamsons
Ottis apparently had no problem with Lucas killing his retarded niece—since he didn’t.
Before we move on, just let me ask you this:
since they now admit Lucas and Ottis Toole were gaypals, why were these guys killing women?
It doesn’t fit any known profile of killers—although, since all the serial killers are fake, all the known profiles must be fake as well.
You can’t profile actors.
But what I mean is, why would gays be:
- targeting
- raping
- brutalizing
Lucas allegedly killed Burnsley because she rejected his sexual advances.
But why was he asking girls for sex at age 15 if he was gay?
Gays generally have no use for women, but especially not as targets for sex or rape.
We are led to believe these murderers are acting out after many bad early-life relationships with women, which makes some sense.
But gays wouldn’t have or want any relationships like that.
Gays generally have good relationships with their mothers, so good they overly identify with them.
So, the gay angle also tends to disprove this whole project.
That picture above is taken from a Colorado courtroom video from 1991 now up at YouTube, and I suggest you watch it closely.
Remind yourself that videos were not allowed in Colorado courts in 1991.
Also remind yourself that Toole is an actor, and, like Lucas, an aristocrat.
The hick drawl is a put-on, and you can tell if you listen closely.
Toole isn’t a great actor:
if he had been he would have gone to Hollywood, not to Langley.
Speaking of Toole, his bio is an avalanche of red flags as well.
He claimed to have helped Lucas in 1,008 murders.
That’s aces and eights.
That is the number at Wikipedia, but Biography.com gives the number as the abbreviated 108.
Still aces and eights.
He was one of the prime suspects in the fake murder of Patricia Webb.
I remind you that Queen Elizabeth is a Webb, and that we have found the Webbs involved in an inordinate number of fakes and projects, including the fake Moon Landing.
Toole was allegedly born in 1947. . . one of the many test-tube babies of Langley, I guess.
Lucas also backed Toole’s confession to the murder of Adam Walsh.
Journalist Hugh Aynesworth and others investigated for articles that appeared in The Dallas Times Herald.
It was calculated that Lucas would have had to use his 13-year-old Ford station wagon to cover 11,000 miles (18,000 km) in one month i.e., around 370 miles (600 km) per day, to have committed the crimes police attributed to him.
More of the same numerology, in your face.
Which means. . . the death of John Walsh‘s son may also have been faked.
Walsh was the face of America’s Most Wanted, remember.
His son Adam is listed as being killed by this actor Ottis Toole.
Since all the rest of this is fake, it indicates the Walsh story may be fiction as well, used to create fear.
That is what America’s Most Wanted was all about.
Fear porn in overdrive.
You will say people don’t fake stuff like that, but see Stephane Bourgoin, the French serial killer expert who just admitted to faking the story of his wife’s brutal murder in 1976 by a serial killer.
Stephane Bourgoin: French serial killer expert admits career is built on lies | CNN
That story helped him get his start and propelled his entire career.
He is very famous in France, at about the level Walsh is here.
I am not going to do the Walsh murder in full, but I just point out the same numerology there.
The body was allegedly found August 10, and the Walshes went on TV August 11.
Aces and eights again.
From Wiki:
The police ultimately lost the bloodstained carpet from the car, the machete said to be used to decapitate Adam, and eventually, the car itself.
Really, we are expected to believe that?
The police lose all the evidence in the most promoted murder story in the country, including a car?
How do you lose a car?
Adam’s mother is supposed to have left him alone at a large mall on purpose while she was shopping.
He was 6.
Do you really believe that?
He didn’t run away from her in a crowd, she left him alone on purpose in a video arcade.
If your wife did that, would your marriage survive?
Would you have three more children with her?
I wouldn’t.
Also strange is that all three of his other children were born after the death of Adam, though Adam was six.
Adam was born in 1974 and the last child Hayden was born 20 years later in 1994.
There was an eight-year gap between Adam and the second child.
That looks fishy to me.
It is far from normal, regardless.
Another clue is the name of the mall where Adam was allegedly abducted:
the Hollywood Mall.
At least they didn’t go with the Phoenix Mall.
Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria
That is supposed to be Walsh with his wife Reve and Adam.
It may be a paste.
Strange that he and Reve are looking one way, and the baby is looking right at the camera.
John Walsh’s genealogy is not directly available, and he is scrubbed off his father’s page at Findagrave, but that is the right John, Sr., since his wife is listed as Jean.
John Edward “Jack” Walsh Sr. (1936-2013) – Find a Grave Memorial
That is John Walsh’s mother’s name.
Which means Walsh’s grandmother was a Pratt.
This links John Walsh not only to American royalty, but to previous famous John Walshes, including the Baronet John Walsh, who married a Fowke.
[That is a variant of Fox, since it was originally Fowkes.]
He inherited the fortune of his uncle Sir John Walsh, of the East India Company and Governor of Bengal.
His son became a baron and married Jane Grey, daughter of the Earl of Stamford.
Their son Arthur Walsh married the daughter of Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort.
His son married into the Douglas-Homes, Earls of Home.
One of them was Prime Minister in 1963.
That Douglas-Homes’ son David was head of Morgan Grenfell International [Bank] from 1972-99, and I wouldn’t be surprised to discover they were backers of America’s Most Wanted.
In fact, I researched that possibility, and IT IS TRUE.
Just search on “Rupert Murdoch Morgan Grenfell”.
The link is the Baron Stephen Gordon Catto, who died in 2001.
Lord Catto | Media | The Guardian
His father Thomas was head of Morgan Grenfell as well as Governor of the Bank of England.
Stephen took over MG from his father and then became the UK mentor of Rupert Murdoch in the late 1960s.
Catto guided Murdoch in his takeover of News of the World, and Catto rewarded himself a seat on the board.
The same thing happened at:
- the Times
- the Sun
- the Sunday Times
After the Guinness scandal, in which his bank was on the hook for millions in losses, Catto was made President of the Bank of England, where he could freely steal the money back from the treasury.
Of course, Murdoch also owned Fox TV when America’s Most Wanted debuted, so there is your connection.
Also note the name Fox again, which is not a coincidence.
Also see John (Christy) Walsh, IRA phony allegedly convicted of possessing explosives in 1991.
For 19 years they kept this in the news with appeals, until it was overturned in 2010.
Was he ever in jail?
For myself, I now doubt it.
Given what I have discovered, I believe the IRA was controlled opposition almost from the beginning, including Gerry Adams and all the rest.
Also see Johnny “the Mick” Walsh, alleged Bowery gang member in the 1870s.
That now looks like a fake story as well.
Also see John Walsh, fake Adventist Millerite whose project was an early Theosophy/Socialism project to splinter Christianity.
Miller’s mother was a Phelps from Salem, telling you all you need to know there.
Miller was a protege of Matthew Lyon, whose surname again blows the entire project.
The current Queen is a Lyon.
Also remember my paper on David Walsh of Tasmania, showing how he is pushing fake art and subverting Christianity.
Also see this 2016 article from UpRoxx, where a prominent investigator admits the body of Adam Walsh was never properly identified.
What Really Happened to Adam Walsh? (uproxx.com)
The subtitle of the article is “Is Adam Walsh still Alive?”
Surprisingly, the Walshes did not sue UpRoxx or author Arthur Jay Harris for this.
What we learn is that although Adam Walsh was allegedly identified by dental records, the medical examiner’s files are empty, containing neither images of Adam’s mouth nor of the found head.
Adam’s dentist also had no records.
Harris doesn’t point out this problem, though: originally, a match was made based on a filling in a molar.
But. . . this was a six-year-old child.
Dentists don’t put fillings in the teeth of six-year-olds, since those are baby teeth.
You don’t get your adult molars until you are at least nine.
Teething (Teething Syndrome): Symptoms & Tooth Eruption Chart (clevelandclinic.org)
So, whoever came up with this story didn’t know anything about teeth.
I didn’t get any fillings until I was about 12, even though I ate a lot of candy and sugary cereals and chewed gum, and you probably didn’t either.
That is because, even with a terrible diet, it takes several years to begin to destroy a tooth.
By age twelve, I had had my adult molars for several years, enough time to create cavities.
But at age six, most kids haven’t had time to destroy their baby teeth with a rotten diet.
Even your baby molars don’t come in fully until you are about three, so to get a pain-causing cavity by age six is rare.
Besides, filling cavities is traumatic.
Dentists and parents don’t like to subject young children to:
- X-rays
- needles
- drilling
and they liked it even less in 1980.https://www.youtube.com/embed/b01Bnr1aXt8?feature=oembedDirt Nasty – 1980 [MUSIC VIDEO]
The mainstream now recommends taking children to the dentist at a young age, as a part of prevention, but even today most children don’t go to the dentist until there is a problem.
Most six-year-olds haven’t been to the dentist, ever.
And forty years ago, even fewer had.
I was six in 1970 and had never been to the dentist.
I went for the first time when I was 12, and even then, it wasn’t due to a problem.
My parents just figured it was time I got a check-up.
Although I had no pain or other problems, the dentist claimed to find many cavities and drilled my head up real nice, but I have my doubts to this day.
Harris also admits the autopsy report is mostly missing, with no descriptions and no signature, making it non-legal.
The doctor listed as the coroner who did the autopsy refused to talk to anyone, and it turned out he failed to file any report, though this was the highest profile case in the country at the time.
The police also refused to release information that was by law public information.
The remains were also never logged out of the morgue, so we have no proof they were ever there or that they ever left.
DNA tests on the mother and dead child were inconclusive, proving nothing, which is highly curious.
What this means to me is that Harris and UpRoxx are still misdirecting.
Adam Walsh can’t still be alive, since he never existed.
He is like Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook, a ghost created only in pictures and on paper.
But strangely, despite cataloging all these red flags, Harris never considers that possibility.
As usual, he opens every door except the most logical one.
But back to Lucas.
He was in jail in 1983 only due to unlawful possession of a firearm, but he took the opportunity to confess to about 360 murders.
The Texas Rangers used him to clear over 200 missing persons cases, but mostly they used him to spread fear in Texas and the rest of the US, especially among young women.
I was in Austin at the time, and I remember he was supposed to have taken a young woman from a carwash near my house.
The local girls were in a panic.
Also curious is that the mainstream can’t keep their stories straight.
In 2019 Netflix pushed the Lucas story in The Confession Killer, and Elle magazine did a profile of it.https://www.youtube.com/embed/mWPbC9Fp-yk?feature=oembedThe Confession Killer | Official Trailer | Netflix
True Story of Henry Lee Lucas In Netflix’s The Confession Killer (elle.com)
There, we are told Lucas was in custody for the murders of Powell and Rich, but he wasn’t.
As we saw at Wikipedia, he was only in custody on firearms charges.
Elle says Lucas had a droopy eye, and that is what we appear to see interviews.
But Wikipedia tells us he lost the eye, implying that is a glass eye.
It can’t be both ways.
Wikipedia also fails to match Murderpedia.
Murderpedia says Lucas served 15 years for killing his mother, being released in 1975.
Wikipedia says he was released after 10 years in 1970 due to overcrowding.
It can’t be both ways.
Here’s another twist I discovered at Murderpedia.
There, Lucas and Toole were linked around 1980 to Ruben Moore and a commune in Stoneburg, Texas, called the House of Prayer.
But a web search on that takes us to a story from the New York Times in 2012, 32 years later, concerning the alleged murder of Bethany Deaton.
This story repeats the Lucas story, including an International House of Prayer and a Micah Moore and Georgetown, Texas.
So, it looks like we have caught Langley recycling plots and names again.
Nothing comes up on the search for Ruben Moore or the House of Prayer in Stoneburg.
However, we do find links between the two stories, since the fake Bethany Deaton murder was pushed by 48 Hours, which was created and produced in the early years by the same people that created and produced America’s Most Wanted.
See Lance Heflin, who just died last month.
Lance Heflin Dead: ‘America’s Most Wanted’, ’48 Hours’ Producer Was 67 (deadline.com)
He produced both.
48 Hours was created by Howard Stringer, since knighted, who gives us the British connection to Morgan Grenfell again.
He later became head of Sony and is now director of the BBC.
Sony and Morgan Grenfell were held by the same tentacles back then and still are, though the squid has since gotten far larger and more lethal.
The Deaton fake murder story fizzled, since charges were dismissed against Micah Moore in 2014, but for several years the story did its job of blackwashing Christianity.
The mainstream media has to be promoting many of these stories at all times:
think of the Jim Bakker saga back in the 1980s, as just one of the most memorable.
That was all manufactured, like the rest.
Such as:
- Jimmy Swaggart
- Billy Hargis
- Peter Popoff
- Mike Warnke
- Robert Tilton
- W. V. Hovind
- Joe Grant
- Paul Crouch
- Douglas Goodman
- Kent Barron
and Tony Alamo.
Just start by collating those surnames there.
A lot of those guys are obviously Jewish, and all of them may be.
Popoff and Grant were exposed by James Randi, real name Randall Hamilton Zwinge.
We see the same thing in the Deaton story, where we find her real surname was Leidlein.
She was allegedly murdered at the behest of her husband Tyler Deaton.
Here is a picture of them:
Oh, what do you know, he looks like he was just flown in from the Israeli actors guild.
Of course, Micah Moore is also a Jewish name, and here he is:
Note the nose.
There are several Micah Moores listed at IMDB, and several of them don’t have photos.
So, I think we have that project pegged.
Anyway, back to Henry Lee Lucas.
We are up to his big push in the national media in 1983, and his previous history is completely unsubstantiated.
We have only the alleged murder of his mother, but even that is unsubstantiated.
There is no record of her birth, Geni giving the date as between 1856 and 1914.
So, she could have been as old as 104 in 1960.
She is given no parents and no place of birth or date there.
But Findagrave lists a Nellie Viola Waugh, nee Adams, of about the same dates and places.
1896-1954, Morgan County, WV.
Nellie Viola Adams Waugh (1896-1954) – Find a Grave Memorial
Through the Adams, she is also:
- a Keats
- a Cook
- a Mercer
Through the Waughs, she is a:
- Wiesenburger
- Lutman
- Kopp
- Singleton
and Booth.
So, my guess is Lucas’ mother was already dead for six years, and they just made up this story about her murder.
I bet Lucas was never in jail for her murder.
The Nellie Viola Waugh at Findagrave died in DC, so she may have been an agent or other government employee.
If you aren’t smelling the usual smoke, try reading closely these sentences from Wikipedia:
It was thought that there was positive corroboration with Lucas’ confessions in 28 unsolved murders, and so the Lucas Task Force was established by James B. Adams, the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
James Blackburn Adams (December 21, 1926 – April 25, 2020) was an American attorney, politician, and two-time associate director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The task force offcially “cleared” 213 previously unsolved murders as a result of the confessions.
Lucas received preferential treatment rarely offered to convicts, being frequently taken to restaurants and cafes for his participation.
He was rarely handcuffed, often allowed to wander police stations and jails at will, and even knew codes for security doors.
James Adams, eh?
Didn’t we just see the name Adams?
I think we did.
And how could the most famous serial killer of the time be given security codes?
I think you now know.
He was also given access to the files of the cases he was confessing to, and they now admit that.
That makes sense, right?
Next, we see a huge jump at Wikipedia, where—out of nowhere—we are told Lucas
“Remained convicted of 11 homicides.”
Except that there is nothing on the page above that concerning any of those murders, unless they are including the one of his mother.
Convicted where and by what court in what year?
Biography.com admits only three murders, including the mother, were confirmed, so are they now conceding he was falsely convicted of the other eight?
Henry Lee Lucas – Death, Mother & Murders (biography.com)
Or did Wiki just make them up?
We get a link out of Wikipedia to the murder of Debra Jackson, so let’s take that link.
This was a Halloween murder in Georgetown, TX, in 1979.
She was supposedly only wearing orange socks, I guess to go with the Halloween theme to this fiction.
They should have put a pumpkin on her head.
Although she was found only hours after her murder, for some reason they weren’t able to get good measurements of her.
She is listed as between 5’8” and 5’10”, and between 140 and 160 pounds.
Because corpses won’t sit still for a tape measure, I guess, and scales can’t deal with dead people.
Ghosts weigh between 0 and 20 pounds, apparently.
Her age was guessed to be between 15 and 30, because, again, women are impossible to age a few hours after death.
Lucas confessed to killing her, although there was no evidence tying him to the scene.
In fact, witnesses put him in Florida at the time.
Police showed Lucas images of the crime scene to aid his confession, making it inadmissible as evidence.
Lucas later recanted his confession.
There is no explanation of how he was given a death sentence, or by what court.
What judge?
What jury?
Governor Bush allegedly commuted his sentence, but you don’t have to commute a fake sentence.
Why would Bush commute the sentence?
Again, nothing.
In 2019, the fiction was extended, as a DNA test was allegedly done on Jane Doe/Orange Socks, as well as a new artist’s sketch.
Jackson’s sister allegedly saw the sketch, though we aren’t told how this is possible.
She was just scanning police books in her spare time, I guess.
No missing person’s report was ever filed on Debra Jackson.
Her family said they:
“Thought she had just lit out and was doing fine.”
Also curious is that at the Jane Doe project they admit Sheriff Chody of Williamson County, TX,
“Said [in 2015] it was too early to identify a suspect in Debra’s death.”
Orange Socks Doe – DNA Doe Project
I thought Lucas was already convicted of her death.
So, he was never identified as a suspect?
They just convicted him without suspicion of committing the crime?
Here’s your final clue this is all fiction:
Debra Jackson is said to be buried at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Georgetown.
One of the first Odd Fellows was John Wilkes, namesake and ancestor of John Wilkes Booth.
Didn’t we just see the Booths above?
I think we did.
In just a few minutes of research, that name came up twice, which can’t be a coincidence.
They claim the Odd Fellows and the Freemasons are independent, but there is a lot of cross pollination, with many Odd Fellows also being Freemasons, including George IV.
Even Lucas’ death is numerology:
It only took me an afternoon to compile this information, which blows the Lucas story to shreds.
And, as usual, it is the ancestry work that does the most damage, showing the real relationships of all these actors going back many generations.
Remember that next time someone tells you the genealogy work is boring or beside the point.
It isn’t.
It is the Rosetta Stone of unwinding history.
It tells you who and what these people are like nothing else can.
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