At the Library of Rickandria (because, fuck Alex), we are rickdiculously passionate about esoteric information & books.
Whether it is:
- Historic
- Mythic
- Religious
- Spiritual
- New Age
- Occult
we strive to:
- inspire
- educate
- entertain
our visitors through our diverse collection of:
- Articles
- Memes
- Books,
- Audio files
- Videos
Our Vision

Within this technological & digital Age of Aquarius, our mission is to provide the above-mentioned resources & share these gems with the world, in a cyber space that is not oversaturated with ads.
Our Content

We envision a world where everyone has access to this information & these books.
Through our library, we aim to educate people to help them understand the hidden reality in which they live in.
We believe that the survival of this kind of crucial information is a vital part of society & has the power to transform minds.
At the Library of Rickandria, we offer RARE Information Access to a wide range of internet articles, news stories & books (in the form of PDF files).
These are found from all corners of the Internet & are digitally dusted off & mirrored here, for your reading pleasure.
You will also find memes & other content of that nature here as well, to break the levity of the material presented within these hallowed halls.
A little history of our predecessor:

Library of Alexandria – Library of Rickandria
The Jesuits, working under the cloak of the long-ago infiltrated Illuminati, now keep the historical records & ancient GENTILE texts, hidden from the world.

Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
Pagan Programs Before the Jewish Infiltration – Library of Rickandria
Stolen from the Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
The posting of this file is a violation of copyright. This is a notice to immediately remove: https://libraryofrickandria.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/The-Secret-Relationship-Between-Blacks-and-Jews-Volume-3_-The-Leo-Frank-Case-3-The-Nation-of-Islam-The-Secret-Relationship-Between-Blacks-and-Jews-3-2016-The-Nation-of-Islam-0030b0bb325.pdf
Please be advised, we vigorously enforce our legal rights.
Heard about the two religious men, one a Jewish rabbi from Yemen & a Christian Monk, who were kidnapped by the Quraysh family about 30 years after Muhammad died & they were forced to write the Quran?
We have been lied to, when it comes to our true history vs. the manufactured reality that we have been spoon-fed for countless generations.
hey hope everything is going well its yo cuzzo sorry bout the towels… btw hit me up on gmail.com [email protected]
Hey Brozin, I’ve had better days but it’s a journey for us all… good to hear from you. 😂👌
I really do not know if my internet qualification is that bad… Tried three search engines, two browsers ALL the time got a topic page from your library, like https://libraryofrickandria.com/humanity/ eventhough you deleted the topic line. Inside the topic page there were no top or side buttons for futher acess.
This page is from MSM https://www.bing.com/search?q=library+of+rick+and+ria&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=0&pq=library+of+rick+and+ria&sc=8-23&sk=&cvid=DE1AEF851AF4480889673020E1C2E4C6&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=
Only thing I could think of could you put back buttons on the pages
The frame for the topic is covering the front page, no way to navigate from the singel topic
Really bad to miss all good stuff
or it is due to bad weather here in Sweden Monday 6 th January 2025 time 22:11