What is it?
So, this is about talking and connecting with your inner self.
Whatever that means to you that could be:
- your physical self
- your mind
- your emotions
- your higher self
- the universe
It is about connecting with those parts of yourself and allowing them to talk through you freely.
Allowing you to connect to energy that is yourself.
This could be through:
- talking
- writing
- dancing
What can it be used for?
So being that is a means of connecting to yourself it can be used in many aspects.
It can help boost your intuition, but can also be used for:
- shadow work
- healing
- gaining knowledge
or information all of which is inside of you.
It may be away that you talk to or connect with your higher self or guides.
That you might have forgotten or blocked off or not have been too clear on.
It can also be very helpful for one’s self-awareness, and communication with others as well.
I personally use this as a means to help with my readings to get deeper meanings.
I also use it when I’m blocked and the more, I talk the more seems to just stream out of me until I feel cleared.
I might leave that space with tears in my eyes and a sense of clarity I didn’t have before.
Lately I’ve been using it to gain new clarity on myself as spiritual being and get pretty deep messages from the universe.
How do I connect with myself energetically?
Technique 1:
Sit down and clear your mind.
Allow yourself and your body to feel calm and just deep into the meditation.
If you would like to, I would recommend shielding yourself.
You can do this by visualizing a bubble of white light surrounding you.
You can say something to enforce that.
An example would be:
” I will only allow the loving and light energies in this space.”
Consider what you want to focus on.
Is it how you feel?
Is it about a thought that keeps plaguing your mind?
Is it about a situation that hurt you?
Is it about a question you have about the universe?
Your truth?
Sit on that topic.
How does it make you feel?
What energy are you getting?
What thoughts are coming through?
Depending on your focus it might not be easiest thing to handle and might make you feel uncomfortable or might trigger you.
If this happens breathe it’ll be okay take all the time you need.
If need be, go back clear your head, remind yourself that you are safe, and that it’s okay.
Then if you want to try again.
Now start talking.
Start saying your thoughts and feelings out loud as if you were talking to a friend.
If you find it hard or that there’s something you don’t want to say, take a few deep breaths, relax and let it out.
Take your time, even if that means you are going one word at a time.
Allow yourself to keep talking and saying whatever come out of you.
Don’t be scared.
Just let it out.
You can ask yourself questions, you can get upset, you can get emotional, it’s all okay.
Acknowledge how what you are saying makes you feel inside/energetically.
Use this a sort of path to follow.
For example:
You might be questioning your belief, and upon saying said beliefs you get in inner knowing that something is off.
Take this time to ask yourself why?
How does it make you feel?
The more you talk the more you will get into a flow, and stop thinking, stop worrying.
Let your guard down.
Just let go.
It’s nobody else but you.
Just see what comes through.
Allow the universe to flow through you!
By doing this practice enough and connecting with yourself, you will allow yourself to open up and understand yourself better.
You will allow yourself to heal…and open yourself up to more information.
You might even start saying things you didn’t even know you knew… you might say things you didn’t expect.
Obviously, you don’t have to do it, but these are just to help give you some ideas or options of what you can use this for!
Try using this with shadow work.
Try using this when you have something that keeps picking at your brain.
Try using this when you are having an issue with a person or with yourself (a blockage).
Try using this while trying to find your own personal truths about the universe and way it works.
Don’t give up!
Yes, it might be hard, and it might not always be easy, but take the time you need.
Try doing this with writing or dancing.
If you work with cards or divination, try implementing it into that.
Try doing this with spirit guides or specifically seeing what comes through via the universe.
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