The Marxist system of life did actually work and for around eight hundred and more years.
It was called the Christian Churches Feudal system.
Rabbi Marx himself gives a constant credit to this fact himself in his work “The Communist Manifesto”.
Let us examine as to why this is.
The Christian doctrine was created by Jewish oligarchs in the Roman Empire the leaders of this being the Jewish, Alexandria family.
The coup that overthrew the Roman aristocracy then put the Flavian regime into power as the Imperial rulers.
The Alexandria’s were the leading group within this new order and were made part of this new Imperial regime and their money funded it.
Vespasian (/vɛˈspeɪʒ(i)ən, -ziən/; Latin: Vespasianus [wɛspasiˈaːnʊs]; 17 November AD 9 – 23 June 79) was Roman emperor from 69 to 79. The last emperor to reign in the Year of the Four Emperors, he founded the Flavian dynasty, which ruled the Empire for 27 years. His fiscal reforms and consolidation of the empire brought political stability and a vast building program.
Vespasian the first Flavian Emperor built a statue to the Alexandrian Jew who thought the agency of Titus had made him Emperor and created the Flavian Dynasty.
Titus Caesar Vespasianus (/ˈtaɪtəs/ TY-təs; 30 December 39 – 13 September AD 81) was Roman emperor from 79 to 81. A member of the Flavian dynasty, Titus succeeded his father Vespasian upon his death, becoming the first Roman emperor to succeed his biological father.
Titus was married into the Jewish oligarchy via his Jewish wife.
Vespasian’s family was also big in the banking business which was dominated by the Jewish Oligarchs as well.
The important fact is with the Flavian Dynasty, which was a cabal of Roman and Jewish Oligarchs, run by Jewish money power.
The ideology they created and imposed on the population was Jewish and thus served the interests of the Jews.
And thus, the Jews were in charge at the top rung of this cabal.
This ideology of Christianity had already been manufactured by the Jews in the city of Alexandria and the institution of this doctrine was run by the Alexandria family.
As the intellectual head and patrons.
This is confirmed by Eusebius the Christian historian and bishop in his own writings.
Eusebius of Caesarea (/juːˈsiːbiəs/; Greek: Εὐσέβιος τῆς Καισαρείας Eusebios tēs Kaisareias; c. 260/265 – 30 May 339), also known as Eusebius Pamphilus (from the Greek: Εὐσέβιος τοῦ Παμφίλου), was a Greek Syro-Palestinian historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist.
Eusebius stated that Catholicism came originally from Alexandria where it had been practiced for several centuries before under the name of the Therapeutae.
This was the Jewish institution that created the myth of Christianity.
In the previous era’s this institution had stated they created Christ by cultural theft of the Egyptian Osiris and recrafting of the Egyptian religious narrative into Jewish purposes.
The purpose of which is revealed in the Bible.
In the final book of Revelation, the creation of a world Messianic Jewish Kingdom.
That is ruled by the Jewish leader in the form of Rabbi Christ and the 144,000 Jewish elect who symbolically represent the 12 tribes of Israel, the entire Jewish race.
The creation of the Messianic Jewish Age.
This is to happen after the destruction of the age of the Gentiles which ends the age of Edom [the apocalypse].
This is why Revelations is written in the theological language of the book of Daniel in the Jewish Torah.
Where this was laid out by the Rabbinical authors of the text as the spiritual, ideological mission of the Jewish race.
The Bible was created by the Jewish elites to fulfil this mission.
The Christian ideology is the Jewish device to achieve global Jewish supremacy.
This ideology was then violently imposed on the Roman Empire by the orders of the Flavians.
With the order of Theodosius who by Imperial order decreed all must convert to Christianity or be executed.
Theodosius I (Greek: Θεοδόσιος Theodosios; 11 January 347 – 17 January 395), also called Theodosius the Great, was a Roman emperor from 379 to 395. During his reign, he succeeded in a crucial war against the Goths, as well as in two civil wars, and was instrumental in establishing the creed of Nicaea as the orthodox doctrine for Christianity.
The Inquisition stated in the fourth century and was always in place till the Church lost power.
This was the destruction of the Roman Empire in a wave of mass murder, torture and cultural genocide the entire Gentile world was wiped away and the world entered year zero.
The birth of the Messianic age of the Jews.
The replacement culture for the Gentiles was the Jewish program.
The economic and political system of life under the rule of the Church was all property was held in common, the organization of the people was into communes were the serfs worked the land owned by the Church who collected it from them.
And after taking the majority of production for the Church, then disturbed the rest among the proles according to the needs of each.
As the Communist manifesto dictates this method of Socialism as well.
The Church owned the land and wealth and political power.
They ruled by military force and the inquisition.
Just as the Marxist State rules.
The Church massacred two hundred million lives.
The Marxist ideals of society are found in the New Testament.
Jesus preaches against wealth, and rails against the owners of his day.
His was the doctrine of class warfare and abolishment of property ownership as this defined wealth.
He preaches the destruction of the family unit and the assimilation of his followership’s into a classless, family less, radical egalitarian socialist society.
That all nations [Nation in the original Greek text is Ethos which means race] have been created out of one blood and are equal, there is no differences between race or gender all are the same.
The Kingdom that Jesus promises is not one in the sky but one on earth.
He promises to bring this radical Communist society to earth with his return.
The Christians are ordered in the New Testament to live in a society that is Communist by definition.
This is evidenced by the social model described by the Apostle Paul.
Paul (also named Saul of Tarsus; c. 5 – c. 64/65 AD), commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world.
It is not an accident when Pope John XXIII created Vatican two.
Pope John XXIII (Latin: Ioannes XXIII; Italian: Giovanni XXIII; born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Italian: [ˈandʒelo dʒuˈzɛppe roŋˈkalli]; 25 November 1881 – 3 June 1963) was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 28 October 1958 until his death in June 1963.
Which was a purist return to the gospels.
What was brought forth by Pope John was Liberation Theology, Liberation Theology was an openly declared Marxist Social Gospel.
The Jesuits spread Liberation Theology all through Latin America to promote open Communist guerilla movements.
The Communist insurgency in Latin America only ended with the six leading Jesuits preaching and pushing Liberation Theology were assassinated by the anti-Communist squads.
The current Pope, Francis is a Jesuit who ordered the Priests under him to preach Liberation Theology back when he was a bishop in Latin America.
Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio; 17 December 1936) is the Pope and head of the Catholic Church, the bishop of Rome and sovereign of the Vatican City State. He is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), the first from the Americas and the Southern Hemisphere, and the first born or raised outside Europe since the 8th-century papacy of the Syrian Pope Gregory III.
Francis believes in Marxian Liberal Theology, openly.
He is literally a Communist and the Christian leader of the Catholic Church.
The Churches doctrine is that the Messianic age is the arrival of the Catholic Church on this earth and its regime.
This is because the Church is run by the Jewish race and always was.
Like the Communist Party that was the secular remodeling of its Jewish theology.
The goal of the Catholic Church is to create a global Jewish state based on Communism where the state is God.
And the Jewish People are the state.
Writings on the period of rule of the Church openly mention the Jews lived as a privileged elite under the Churches rule and were openly active within enforcing the Churches rule.
The lived with wealth, power and protection under the Church when most Gentiles were literally enslaved on Church run, Communistic plantations.
The writings of Luther reveal the doctrine of the Catholic Church was simply one of open worship of the Jews as God.
Martin Luther OSA (/ˈluːθər/; German: [ˈmaʁtiːn ˈlʊtɐ] ⓘ; 10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German priest, theologian, author, hymnwriter, professor, and Augustinian friar. Luther was the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, and his theological beliefs form the basis of Lutheranism. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Western and Christian history.
How the Jews lived under the Catholic Church is the same as how they lived under the Communist State.
They were given the property and wealth of the Gentiles taken by the Jewish Communists and protected as a privileged elite under the anti-Semitism act were even to criticism them was the death penalty.
Just as the Jews were given the property and wealth of the Gentiles taken by the Churches state.
They were allowed by the Church to lend money with interest [Gentiles were banned from this] and tax collect as well.
Insuring all the Jews were wealthy when the Gentiles were starving and poor.
It is no mistake the Catholic Pope, is a literal COMMUNIST.
And it’s no mistake that the Popes and their leading Priestly order when they made a pure study of the gospels found the Communist ideology within their own Bible.
Pope Francis stated that Communism is just Christianity without the supernatural component.
The supernatural element is simply what…
God wants you to live in a Communist global state.
That’s the message of the New Testament.
Which the entire Catholic Church is built upon.
The Jesuits had already worked out Marxian Socialism centuries before and employed this in their development of regions under Church control.
To note the doctrine of Christianity is one of materialism.
The Christian religion does not have an actual doctrine of the soul.
The pure doctrine of the Bible is that what is later called a soul is simply the breath of life which is what God gives man in the creation in the Garden of Eden.
And when one dies the breath goes out and they sleep in the grave the Sheol.
And upon the arrival of the Messiah the person will be reanimated from the dust of the earth again and judged.
If found righteous according to Mosaic doctrine they will live in the material kingdom of God [God is the Jewish People] on this earth in the Messianic age.
If not, they will be totally destroyed and erased from existence.
Christianity Is spiritually empty, Marxist materialism.
In the Bible the Jewish blueprint for their Global Kingdom was always Communism.
And Communism fulfilled this doctrine of giving the Jewish People their earthly Kingdom.
The Government of God on earth the Communist League promised as their motto, was achieved.
In the Jewish texts the Rabbinical authors stated that “God” is a code word for the Jewish People and in the Torah, People is a term only for fellow Jews.
As non-Jews are considered by Rabbinical law to be non-humans and property of the Jewish race as Goyim, meaning animal, cattle.
The Torah states that all animals are put on this earth to serve the Jewish People, including the Goyim.
Hence you as a Gentile become property of the Communist State.
The government of God the Jewish run Communist Society promised to bring was the Messianic Kingdom of the Jewish People on earth.
That is why every Communist Regime is called “The Peoples Republic.”
And is run by Jewish rulers.
It’s the Jewish Republic where only Jews are persons so only, they have:
- property
- rights
- political power
This is what the Torah promised the Jewish People their Kingdom would be.
This is the return to life as it was under the Jewish run Catholic Church.
Just replace Church with Party and Pope with Supreme Leader and God with The State.
Jewish Christianity is Jewish Communism.
I would also like to add, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev stated in 1959, during his tour of the United States, that Christianity is the foundation of communism.
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (15 April [O.S. 3 April] 1894 – 11 September 1971) was First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (premier) from 1958 to 1964.
Khrushchev even quoted the Bible more than once.
K Blows Top: A Cold War Comic Interlude: Starring Nikita Khrushchev
America’s Most Unlikely Tourist by Peter Carlson, describing the 1959 visit of Nikita Khrushchev and his family to the United States.
Some proof from the lips of ex-KGB agent Oleg Kalugin that theist and atheist communists work together.
He says no titles in Christian Orthodox church of Russia are given without approval of KGB, and all church leaders are KGB officials.
Russian Orthodox church is a KGB department.
Kalugin Patriarchs Aleksey and Kirill are my KGB pals.mp4 – Google Drive
Ukrainian Patriarch, Philaret was telling me, that no title in Russian Orthodox Church was ever given without approval of the KGB, that any and all leaders of the Church somehow were linked to the KGB.
Absolutely and definitely right.
And I will tell you this.
First, I know personally all the post-war Russian patriarchs:
Pimen, Aleksey, and nowadays Kirill – actually they are all my pals.
But once I told openly and publicly in front of all Moscow about ex-patriarch Aleksey that he worked with KGB.
I said:
“What you expect from him? he works with the organs” …Now to Kirill, nowadays patriarch, also my pal, ex-pal better to say.
We know each other from childhood.
It was when he graduated from his Christian academy when I got to know him.
Kirill is an old friend of ours – I mean the old friend of us – KGB.
Church is still working with FSB, isn’t it?
All Soviet power was built upon on 3 pillars:
- Communist party
- Military-industrial complex
Current Russian power is also built upon 3 pillars:
first – KGB, KGB is the first pillar, because the president himself and 70% of his administration…
…are your co-workers?
yes, either ex-workers or ex-assistants.
So, if the KGB itself is a first pillar, Russian Orthodox Church is the second one, which is always there to help, to smooth, and even criticize when needed.
And the third one then is Russian business, that could find the way to work with them.
Russian people have suffered horribly at the hands of the Jews.
The following is an account of the REAL concentration camps.
All were run by Jews.
This book was published in 1937, long before the accusations of that phony ‘holocaust.’
These are the victims few ever hear about:
Slave Labor in Soviet Russia
And don’t let them fool you – the small numbers of Christian preachers they put in those camps is just for show.
8 reasons why Russian Communism and Russian Orthodoxy are so interchangeable | EUROMAIDAN PRESS
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