Expose on Jim Carrey by Miles Mathis – excerpt is from his paper:
The Unabomber was another PSYOP – Library of Rickandria
Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR.
And we now have McKenna and Jim Carrey trading red flags, with Carrey playing McKenna in True Hallucinations.
And we now have McKenna and Jim Carrey trading red flags, with Carrey playing McKenna in True Hallucinations.
Man o’man, could Carrey be any more obvious about running a project?
I guess you have heard him talking about Jesus and how we are all one and how we have nothing to do in this life but play?
The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria
Sure Jim—those of us with $100 million in the bank.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
Carrey is leading you directly away from all the real problems, isn’t he?

Jim Carrey paints Jared Kushner as the devil (yahoo.com)
you don’t need to revolt, infinite beings that you are, you only need to smile and play.
Don’t look at that man behind the curtain, he cannot keep you from being happy.
So, what if he is stealing all your money and crushing you with everything he does?
That doesn’t matter.
Take a pill and contemplate your lovely navel.
That’s Carrey talking out of his butt in Ace Ventura.
And this is the guy they are now trying to sell you as a guru.
Beware, he is saying some things you want to hear, like that vaccinations are bad, but it is just a confidence game.
These people tell you the truth to hook you and then lead you off out in the bushes.
Do you think he is just accidentally involved in the McKenna project?
As I have told you, all these people are related, and they are all working on THE SAME BIG PROJECT.
Katherine Carey’s mother was Lady Mary Boleyn.
Her grandmother was Margaret Spencer, and Margaret’s grandfather was Edmund Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset.
Katherine Carey’s other grandmother was Elizabeth Howard, whose father was the Duke of Norfolk.
At the same time, Katherine’s brother Sir Edmund married Elizabeth Neville, daughter of the 4th Lord Latymer and Lady Lucy Somerset.
The Somersets were the Earls of Worcheste, and we already saw them related to the McKennas and Kemps.
The Somersets also link us to the De Veres, Earls of Oxford, which links us to my recent paper on Shakespeare.
Shakespeare: Intel Project – Library of Rickandria
If we take the Careys forward instead of back, we find them becoming Earls of Monmouth in 1625.
Even then they were closely related to Morgans and Whitneys.
In 1627 the Careys also became the Earls of Dover.
And if we search on Jim Carrey’s genealogy, we find that he did indeed change the spelling of his name.
His paternal grandfather is allegedly Frank Carry and his paternal grandmother is given as Angelina Carre dit Larouche.
Percy J Carré (1927 – 1994) – Genealogy (geni.com)
Say what?
“Dit” means “called” in French.
It is like an alias.
So, we are being told she was called Larouche.
My assumption is this ties us to Lyndon Larouche somehow, but they don’t want us making the link.
Even stranger is that Jim Carrey’s grandparents are a Carry and a Carre.
Looks like a big fudge of some sort.
Especially if we click on the Carry, finding he is also a Carre dit Larouche.
So, are we being told Jim’s grandparents were siblings or cousins or what?
At any rate, Jim’s 2g-grandmother is a Clement, which is also interesting.
It may link him to Mark Twain.
What About Mark Twain? – Library of Rickandria
Further back, Jim is a Joly, which I would assume links him to Angelina Jolie.

Remember, his grandmother is named Angelina.
But frankly, Jim’s genealogy looks like a complete hack regarding the name Carrey/Carry/Carre, and I would guess this is to hide the fact that he is indeed from the Careys/Carres of the British peerage.
More indication of that is found with Maj. Gen. Constantine Phipps Carey, no dates given, but late 1800s.
Note his middle name, which links us back to Terence McKenna.
The British McKennas of that time—including of course Terence Morell McKenna—were closely related to the Phipps through the Egertons
This gives us a second possible link between McKenna and Jim Carrey.
More indication comes from General Carey’s son Captain Leicester William le Marchant Carey.
Le Marchant is a French name, and Jim Carrey’s Canadian ancestors are said to be French.
Also, Venerable James Gaspard-le-Marchant Carey, born about 1830, who married Anne Knox, daughter of Louisa Robinson.
Louisa was the daughter of the 1st Baronet Robinson and Mary Anne Spencer.
This of course links us to the Spencer’s we saw above, showing that the Careys of the 19th century were still marrying the top families 400 years later.
But in the 19th century they are far better scrubbed.
No parents are given for Venerable James Carey, despite being so venerable.
I think we can guess why this Venerable Jim Carey is scrubbed both forward and backward.
They don’t want you to link him to Jim Carrey.
What the mainstream has been saying about Jim Carrey:
He pretty much believes the spinal fluid that goes from your brain down into your pelvis and then back up into your brain has superpowers.
He says something about how the cycle aligns with the moon and how you can achieve immortality.
He believes and practices this according to the following interview.
It gets so much crazier, so I recommend to anyone looking to dive down that rabbit hole.
The sinister truth about Jim Carrey (today.com)
Jim Carrey Almost Got Satan’s Powers in Unmade Bruce Almighty Sequel Brucifer (yahoo.com)
People think Jim Carrey exposed ‘darkest secret’ of the industry during TV interview and they love him for it (unilad.com)
Videos on YouTube claim the identities of specific satanic high priests:
- Jim Carrey in Los Angeles
- Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco
- George Soros in of New York
- John Paul DeJoria in Texas
Jim Carrey Is The Satanic High Priest In L.A. on Vimeo
They say Jim Carrey was a high satanic priest 🧐 (bitchute.com)
Jim Carrey Is The Satanic High Priest In L.A. at DuckDuckGo
Other videos claim to show subliminal messages:
Other videos claim he is a reptilian:
The Reptilian Origins of the Jews – Library of Rickandria
Reverse psychology:
Jim Carrey illuminati Hollywood at DuckDuckGo
Isaac Kappy has long been trying to get the Hollywood pedos convicted of their various crimes against children and humanity, yet no one in power listened or cared.
In this video, made before his “suicide”, Isaac’s frustration hits its boiling point, as he discloses the truth about comedian Jim Carrey and many others.

HOLLYWOOD’S FRANTIC CODE SPEAK…Scandals ABOUND! Where ARE they NOW? (bitchute.com)
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