Table of Contents:
Letting Go – How to Do It
A Time for Letting Go
This is a great time be alive… but not a good time to be asleep.
Letting Go – How to Do It
by Richard West on 25 July 2016 from ComeBackToTheSource Website / Spanish version / Italian version
Letting go – it seems to be one of those phrases that gets used a lot, especially in spiritual/meditation circles.
But it seems to have so many different meanings:
- people shout “let it go!” in an attempt to end an uncomfortable confrontation.
- ‘letting go of negative energy’ in meditation.
- ‘letting go’ of possessions.
- many of us know about the ‘Frozen’ movie in which ‘letting go’ is used to describe pent-up expression.
I was asked recently,
“What do you carry in your rucksack?”
What a great question.
It really got me thinking about all the ‘stuff’ I carry with me as I go about my daily business; family relationships, money, career aspirations, all featured to varying degrees.
But what does ‘letting go’ have to do with this?
So, with the realization that ‘letting go’ means something unique to each individual in each unique situation, let me give my perspective.
This is what it means to me.
Letting go, is not the same as denial
Let’s start by talking about what ‘letting go’ is not.
‘Letting go’ is not denial (that’s a river in Egypt, right…?). It may seem like I’m stating the obvious to many people, but the knowing it and applying it in everyday life can be subtly different.
Take the example of an uncomfortable confrontation with a loved one.
When one party is uncomfortable at being challenged or talking about a particular subject, “just let it go!” is often exclaimed.
But letting go cannot be simply not talking about something.
The feelings are still there, unexpressed.
Letting go, is not the same as ‘release’
‘Letting go’ is not the same as ‘releasing’.
This is an even subtler difference than with denial.
Let’s imagine that we are feeling angry.
Perhaps we also realize that projecting that anger onto others is not the best way to express it, so we go into our bedroom and beat, or scream into, our pillow, or just cry until we feel ‘released’.
Of course, this can feel very much like ‘letting go’.
We may feel liberated afterward, as if the subject that caused the anger is no longer important.
But all that we have done is release the feelings without getting to the root cause of why they are there – in essence, you will still be carrying round the karma.
This is usually due to an attachment to a particular outcome.
Of course, when life doesn’t fulfill this outcome then negative emotion is the product.
The attachment comes from a fixed view of the world and/or ourselves.
Letting go, is a natural process
So, finally,
What is ‘letting go’?
Or more to the point, when might ‘letting go’ happen?
You see ‘letting go’ is not simply something that you do! It’s not something you can do.
‘Letting go’ happens naturally when a person realizes that the particular:
- behavior
- object
- person
- attachment
no longer serves their highest good.
This realization occurs naturally through awareness and inquiry.
The process may go something like this:
A person ignores their feelings (denial) or expresses them without thinking about why the feelings are there (release), until they are so sick of having those feelings over and over.
The person will ‘let go’ one of two ways:
- either they create an ‘ego bubble’, that is a fixed, safe identity that they can hide inside and repress the other feelings.
- or they ask themselves why a behavior is arising.
There is a process of enquiry and even experimentation when the feelings arise again.
The route cause is identified as being within themselves and not coming from the outside world (which is only a trigger).
The person realizes that this behavior doesn’t serve them.
The person releases the pent-up emotion for the last time (often the most powerful).
It is important then, to watch for the behavior arising again as we will still have mental conditioning from neural pathways in the brain.
Finally, it is important to realize that whatever you were letting go of is also part of your truth, all be it expressed in a distorted way, so a person may look for the aligned expression of that truth – this could be as simple as asking a well-placed question or finding the feeling of wholeness in something that doesn’t harm you or anyone else.
‘Frozen’ – Movie Example
Yes, as much as it pains me (my daughter subjected me to hours of this movie) Disney’s ‘Frozen‘ is a great example to illustrate my point.
To begin with the Princess Elsa has an ability that can be both harmful and beautifully creative, but she can’t control it when her emotions are strong.
So she goes into denial, blocking herself off from the world in an effort to suppress her ability.
Then through a series of events her ability is revealed to the world.
It is no longer possible to deny, but she doesn’t want to hurt anyone, so she flees to the mountains.
Then comes everyone’s favorite part, right?
She ‘lets it go’ releasing her pent-up emotions and abilities in the most beautiful way and she feels great, but not whole:
She is still isolated from the world and her loved ones.
The film progresses and Elsa realizes that her strong fear of hurting people with her powers has a root in the feeling of love.
She realizes that this is her higher truth.
She naturally and effortlessly lets go of her fear and is able to live in the world once more through expressing her gifts in an aligned way.
So, letting go, to me, is really not a ‘doing’ so much as something that just happens naturally through allowing the feelings to be there until they no longer serve a purpose for you…
Letting Go – How to Do It (bibliotecapleyades.net)
A Time for Letting Go
by Zen Gardner on July 15, 2015, from ZenGardner Website Spanish version
I love the expression,
“What if they had a war and nobody came?”
I feel the same about the Matrix and the awakening.
What if the Matrix had nowhere to manifest?
Our idea of self is contrived. It’s broadcast at us from birth and reinforced by the world around us.
It’s on this false, heavily reinforced self-screen on which they are able to project their manipulated worldview.
We cooperate, believe their paradigm to be the only one, and help pass it on to succeeding generations.
All the while asleep to the True reality within and without us.
Bugs on the Windshield
We use our egos like a windshield.
The Ego is Not the Enemy – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The trouble is it often keeps us from fully experiencing true reality. Imagine there was no windshield.
You are spirit and not material.
Those bugs would pass right through your field of vision, and you, instead of creating their artificial reality.
Which is exactly what happens.
Your reality, what you see and perceive in life, becomes the crap stuck on your windshield with your vision being blocked, picture of life altered into whatever is forming on the screen, and very little of the true picture getting through to you.
It’s the same with consciousness.
When you Wake Up you realize you have:
- nothing to defend.
- nothing to fear.
- nothing to strive for.
You find out you’re already complete and connected to everything.
No one can take your freedom because you are freedom.
You realize this whole game of life that’s been meticulously laid out for us is built upon implanted wants and perceived needs based on, amongst other things, a false sense of scarcity, and the impulse to strive to get what you are told you need.
None of this has to be.
It’s all based on ignorance and the whims of a predator race that feeds off of the sleeping aphids they’ve co-created and manipulated.
Sad, but true…
Hooks and Hoops
That’s all, Velcro is.
Now if those little hooks were straightened out, nothing would stick to the hoops.
The picture of our manipulated idea of self is these bent attitudes and deformed ideas of reality.
You can get “strung along” by just about anything.
And when it sticks, your hooks feel useful, and you start accumulating stuff.
You grow and start to appear as though you are what is sticking to you.
Everyone else is mimicking the same thing, so you feel justified and even comforted.
In fact, you look for stuff to stick to you.
This is happening on several levels.
You sit and watch TV and stringy Velcro balls are flying at you in all dimensions and you can’t even see most of them.
You just come away with more crap clinging to your mind, heart and spirit and hardly notice.
The only reason this stuff sticks is because you’re “hooked”.
Somehow, somewhere, you and I were programmed with hooks and hoops that attach to stuff.
Letting go of this mindset is not an overnight thing, but your Wake Up can be.
It takes time to realize all the ways we’ve been programmed and the vast quantity of disinformation and wrong mechanisms we’ve been given.
The beautiful thing is it’s actually a very simple process to get free.
You just have to listen to your inner consciousness and dig into real and true information.
Then do what your awakened consciousness tells you to do.
That’s the “catch”.
Unless you put what you’ve learned to be true into action, you’ll be just another stillborn spiritual baby.
That’s not what you want.
Just get started one response at a time and it all kicks in.
What makes it difficult is that waking up is cross-grain to society.
The matrix is built to search out and smother dissent.
It doesn’t like to be exposed, so it will activate all kinds of machinations to stop you:
- fear
- guilt
- humiliation
- doubt
- retribution
- peer pressure
- financial worries
and governmental threatenings.
It’s nothing new.
That’s how they run everybody’s lives.
But when you start speaking up as well as changing your life according to what you’ve learned to be true, you’ll see fantastic confirmations.
But you’ll also see some weird stuff come up.
My advice is to just let it pass…
Don’t put the windshield back up.
It’s all a lie to get you to do that.
The Spider and the Fly
The central spider concept is a real one.
Nasty forces are behind this Matrix web.
The beauty of it is once you “get it” the Matrix loses its power over you.
True Universal Consciousness, of which we are part, is beyond these lower-level matrices and paradigms.
However, those unaware are subject to many influences.
I don’t fully understand the dynamics by any means, but those trapped in this web of deceit and control are not just subject to psychological, social, political and economic manipulation, but spirit manipulation as well.
The worst of which is religion, but this has also morphed by manipulated “new age“ dynamics.
There’s much to beware of.
True spirituality is diametrically opposed to organized religion, doctrines or beliefs of any kind.
Oddly enough, those entrapments feed off of this hunger for spirituality and then build their elaborate hierarchical structures to control and contain it.
Again, all part of the Matrix…
Warning – Cling-Ons Are Real
The warning though, is this. Beware the cling-ons… the real ones.
Whatever you want to call these negative, parasitic socio-political “conventionals” and even inter-dimensionals.
“Cling-on” is simply appropriate because that’s exactly what they do.
But the “hooks and hoops” need to be in place for the cling-ons to be effective.
That’s where conscious awareness comes in.
You’ve seen dark and mean people who appear to be periodically powered by something outside themselves.
This is real.
And we’ll be seeing more and more of this in the days to come.
It happens to people who invite these influences in, consciously or subconsciously.
They either like the lusty lives they get into as a result, the psychopathic control over others, or their propensity for greed and violence that gives them a sense of power.
It often manifests in outright Satanism or extreme religiosity or some such self-righteous exercise.
Sexual deviance and child abuse “naturally” run rampant amongst these people.
Stay far away from anyone prone to these influences.
Trust your instincts.
This is why we need to Wake people Up.
The ignorant can not only be easily manipulated by the Matrix, but they can get “jumped” by weird things going around.
As I’ve often said, these types of things are manifesting more and more as the Matrix falls apart and we’re bombarded with these vibrational changes.
This shouldn’t put fear into anyone, but we do need a healthy respect for the quickly evolving battleground we are in and aware of its many influences.
Letting Go
That’s the key.
Detaching from everything…
We are the only ones who let anything have power over us.
It happens when we’re ignorant of the Truth and base our thoughts or actions on lies.
It happens when we’re tense, overly left brained about something, in a hurry, or many other “reasons”.
All to be vigilantly monitored and avoided.
It happens when we try to defend ourselves and any sense of “who we are”.
It happens when belief replaces knowledge and experience.
It happens when we don’t respond to what Love tells us to do.
It happens when we’re attached to the outcome.
This Velcro effect is a tough one, it keeps growing back and catches so many.
When we get set in our minds that something needs to be a certain way, or we need to be in a certain place, or at a certain time when it’s actually arbitrary, or think our goals of any sort are “set in stone”, we’re setting ourselves up for trouble.
That applies even more so to “beliefs”.
What if the Universe opens another door?
We’re not free to enter it in that mindset.
Our mind’s made up.
In fact, in that state of mind we can’t even see the new door that’s opened, for any one of the reasons listed above.
In those states we’re “unconscious”.
Synchronicity for Fun and Prophet
My definition of personal freedom is when we’re free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity.
This for me is a daily adventure and constant check for me whether I’m in the moment now, or somewhere else.
The wonderful thing is, following synchronicity is fun…!
Wrong turns become right turns.
Delays become adventures.
Red lights become free time… free to enjoy the scenery and look for something we might need to see.
Carl Jung defined synchronicity as the “acausal connecting principle” that links mind and matter.
It manifests as uncanny yet meaningful coincidences and serendipities.
Since we’re all interconnected in a flowing field of information it makes perfect sense, we should be able to see this inter-connectivity at work, and the more conscious we become and learn to fully live in the moment, the more we’ll see.
So, keep an eye out for synchronicities – they’re extremely powerful experiences and really enhance your life.
This is a great time be alive… but not a good time to be asleep.
So, keep the Wake-Up rolling.
If folks don’t listen now, they’ll remember what you said real soon.
A Time for Letting Go (bibliotecapleyades.net)
A Zen Master Explains the Art of ‘Letting Go’ and it isn’t What You Think (bibliotecapleyades.net)
How Not to Take Yourself Too Seriously (bibliotecapleyades.net)
How to Find Inner Peace in the Chaos – 12 Deep Paths (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Powerful Ways of ‘Letting Go’ of Anxiety, Grief and Suffering (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Some Ways to Practice Non-Attachment – And Find Inner Peace… (bibliotecapleyades.net)
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