Remote Viewer formerly with the INSCOM/DIA program at Fort Meade and afterwards, from 1984-92.
Currently runs a computer/psychic consulting firm:
PSI (Problems-Solutions-innovations)
1005 Bosse Drive
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Controlled Remote Viewing Home Page is run by Buchanan, and is full of information.
Involved with TREAT (Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma), a series of UFO abduction related workshops.
(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March 1996)
Buchanan is a native of Texas and has had paranormal experiences since the age of twelve.
He joined the US Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) as a linguist.
After a psi-related mishap dealing with computers in Augsburg, Germany (probably when he mentally fried a computer), he was transferred by INSCOM head Gen. Albert Stubblebine to Washington for service as a remote viewer.
[According to a representative from PSI TECH, Buchanan was brought on as the database manager, not as a remote viewer].
He retired in 1992.
(Who is Lyn Buchanan? from Buchanan’s web site).
Buchanan was recruited to the Ft. Meade remote viewing unit a few months after the computer crashing incident (which occurred in early 1984)
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg. 267-70)
According to Ed Dames, Buchanan was the lowest ranking member of the team.
His primary job title was Data Base Manager, and his secondary duties included servicing the units’ vehicles.
“Upon my permanent transfer to the unit, Buchanan constantly whined to me about how he had been promised remote viewing training by the previous commander.
I felt sorry for Lyn that he failed my training.
He lacked the discipline to attend to the rigorous protocols (remote viewing structure) required to successfully prosecute an intelligence collection mission; he was not capable of leaving his ego behind during a training session.”
“Lyn was not integrated into operations until long after most of the unit’s military officers had departed, only to be replaced by DIA with tarot card readers and the like.
Lyn stayed on with them.”
(Dames, Ed, “Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down”)
After Buchanan retired in 1992, he went to work for Albert Stubblebine, holding remote viewing workshops at new age and UFO conferences.
After a falling out, Buchanan founded PSI.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg. 381)
In 1994, Buchanan started the Assigned Witness Program, which offers its services to law enforcement agencies.
Involved in the program are Mel Riley and David Morehouse, as well as graduates from Buchanan’s training program.
(Heinberg, Richard, “Memoirs of a Psychic Spy”, Intuition Magazine, #13, 10/96, pg. 22)
Interview on the Art Bell Show 03-25-97
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