First published November 23, 2014, by Miles Mathis
There aren’t any communists.
But scheming people must invent some malignant dangerous party.
It’s an old joke. —Tolstoy
In a recent paper on the Paris Salon, I mentioned Marx in passing.
The Stolen Century – Library of Rickandria
I showed that the New York Tribune had been publishing Marx before the Civil War—which should have been surprising to us all.
I have also recently linked the editor of the New York Tribune, Charles Dana, to US Intelligence.
For more on that, see my papers on Theosophy and the Cultural Cold War.
From Theosophy to the Beat Generation or How even the Occult was Disguised – Library of Rickandria
Those two facts get us into the subject of this paper, that being, who was Karl Marx?
In those recent papers, I said that Marx himself may not have been using Marxism as a feint to fascism, but I now admit that I was just hedging.
I hadn’t yet done the research and didn’t wish to get into it in those earlier papers.
So, I had to be content with showing that the US Government was indeed using Marxism as a precursor to fascism, and as a veil for it.
Here we will go even deeper.
I will be able to show you the clues unmasking Marx himself as an early European agent.
As usual, I will show you the way I got in, to make it easier for you to follow my method.
If you have read my previous papers, you will know what I knew before I began researching this one, so start there.
In those papers, we found that much of recent history had been faked or manufactured by the Intelligence agencies, which I have traced back to the 1830s.
Of course, US Intelligence predates that, but we won’t need to go back that far in this paper.
What you don’t know is that I had tripped across another series of red flags, which I had been poking at without much final success for many months.
In researching some of the actors involved in the Manson event, I had stumbled across New Trier High School outside of Chicago.
I dug a bit in that ground, finding first a strong link to Hollywood going back many decades, and then a weaker link leading into the wilderness, so to speak.
Graduates of New Trier include:
Hugh O’Brian (who just happened to run into Sharon Tate while she was being interviewed on Carnaby Street in London in 1966 by Merv Griffin—notice in that YouTube link that Griffin asks O’Brian if he is CIA!).
That is just a few of the many, many famous actors who attended New Trier High School.
Those who know that Marx was born in Trier, Germany, will understand the raw connection here, but for the others I will just say that we are going to take a longish detour before we get back to Marx.
You may not understand what this high school in Chicago has to do with the title of the paper, but in a few pages you will.
You will also be happy we took the detour, since you will probably learn many things, you didn’t already know.
New Trier high school is famous for producing actors but is has produced many famous non-actors as well, including:
- James McNerney, President/CEO of GE, 3M, and Boeing.
- Also, John Donahoe, president of eBay
- Chris Cox, VP of Facebook
- Douglas Conant, President/CEO of Campbell Soups
- Michael Rogers, director of the NSA
- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
- Martha Minow, Dean of Harvard Law
- Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff
- writer Scott Turow
- poet Archibald MacLeish
- the fake activist Brad Will
- and the fake serial killer Benjamin Nathaniel Smith.
Could Known Serial Killers be Fake? – Library of Rickandria
You will say,
“So, it was a rich suburb of a very big city.
These things happen.”
Do they?
To see if they do, let us follow just one of these people for a bit.
Let’s take the first one I mentioned, Charlton Heston.
I wanted to just see if Heston was already living in that school district, or if he transferred in from somewhere.
Guess what?
The info has been scrubbed.
Heston’s biographers can’t even agree on where he was born and raised, much less on where exactly he was living in his teens.
Heston himself has said:
“He was not very good at remembering addresses or his early childhood.”
CHARLTON HESTON’S INTERVIEW, ARTICLES & TRIBUTE PG.: (homestead.com) [Rick Schultz interview, 1996]
Go talk to some 70-year-olds and see if they can’t remember where they grew up.
In the same interview, Heston said,
“Since I have a strong mnemonic faculty, it was easy for me to slide through to the easy Bs [in school].”
So, he had a great memory—except for things like where he grew up.
He also said this:
“The house I lived in my boyhood in Michigan, as far as I know, still stands, and it’s a modest bungalow in the woods.”
Last time I looked, North Chicago isn’t in Michigan.
And we are expected to believe that Heston went from being the son of a sawmill operator in the woods of Michigan to star pupil at New Trier in a wealthy suburb of Chicago?
How did he afford that?
Daddy must have sawed a mighty big load of lumber, oh boy.
In 1912, New Trier was the first high school in the nation to have an indoor swimming pool.
By the late 1930s—when Heston was supposed to be there—it was richer still.
You will say that was after the Great Depression, but only the poor got poorer in the Depression.
As now, the rich got richer.
You will say New Trier was always a public high school, not a private one, so he didn’t have to pay anything.
But if it was public, he had to live in the district, which was for very wealthy people.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
It didn’t allow free transfers from the woods of Michigan.
Heston’s bio is full of red flags like this.
After college, Heston went into the Air Force.
But he didn’t go in until the war was almost over, in 1944.
He would have been 18 in 1941, so how did he dodge the draft?
He wasn’t married then, and I don’t remember reading about any deferment for drama scholarship winners.
Well, Wikipedia tells us, though it doesn’t tell us it is telling us:
Heston narrated for highly classified military and Department of Energy instructional films, particularly relating to nuclear weapons, and:
“For six years Heston [held] the nation’s highest security clearance”
or Q clearance.
The Q clearance is similar to a DoD or Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) clearance of Top Secret.
OK, so now we are getting somewhere.
That was from 1947 to 1953.
1947 was year-one of the CIA.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria
Heston was obviously in some cadre of military intelligence.
And he had been in it prior to 1947.
In 1944, he had been sent to the Aleutians as a radio operator.
That is Alaska.
There was no war in Alaska in 1944.
The “Aleutian campaign” with the Japanese ended in 1943.
Aleutian Islands campaign – Wikipedia
So, was Heston even there?
It is doubtful, since the army would have no use for an actor in Alaska in 1944-5.
But the point is made:
Heston’s early bio, including his time at New Trier, is a series of red flags.
Given that Heston’s bio includes this admitted top-security clearance, and given that New Trier also graduated:
- Rumsfeld
- Rogers
- McNerney
and Emanuel, we already see the pattern.
Something is going on at New Trier that we aren’t being told.
And if we study Donald Rumsfeld’s bio, we discover something else interesting about Heston.
Although Heston’s page doesn’t mention it, Rumsfeld’s page mentions that he went to Baker Demonstration School.
If we take the link to that, we find that Heston also went there.
This was a school up to 8th grade, so Heston must have already been in the Winnetka area well before high school.
Seeing that Heston must have been in this super wealthy neighborhood by the time he was 11 or 12, it is somewhat surprising he has no memory of it.
Added December 2016:
a genealogy check of Heston sends up a flurry of red flags as well.
We are told his real name was John Charles Carter.
What, like John Carter of Mars?
His parents alleged divorced when he was 10 and his mother remarried a Heston.
But if his dad was still alive and he was already ten, why would he take his stepfather’s name?
We aren’t told he was adopted, so this looks like another fake story.
We find the same strangeness with his mother’s name.
We are told she was nee Charlton, but it was actually her mother who was nee Charlton.
She was a Baines.
They were probably hiding the Baines name to keep us from linking Heston to Lyndon Baines Johnson.
So, we are supposed to believe Heston is named for his maternal grandmother and his stepfather.
Very unlikely.
Heston was also a Clark.
His other grandmother was a Clark.
Since Heston’s wife was a Clarke, he may have married a close cousin.
She has no genealogy posted at Geni.
However, Rootsweb tells us she was the daughter of Lennox Barrett Clarke and Lydia Lenore Schaper.
WorldConnect Family (rootsweb.com)
That last name is interesting, since we saw it in my paper on the Engels and Owen.
Engels & Owen – Library of Rickandria
See Hermann Schaper, an alleged Nazi allegedly sentenced to six years for Holocaust atrocities, but soon released for medical reasons.
The BEER HALL PUTSCH was Faked! – Library of Rickandria
All documentation of his trial has since been destroyed.
Schaper/Schapper is a Jewish name.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
The Clarkes are also prominent in these hoaxes of the past centuries, and we have seen them over and over in previous papers, linked to crypto-Jewish lines.
In support of that, we find Heston was also a Wolfe.
His grandmother Beatrice Clark’s grandmother was Nancy Jane Wolfe.
Yet another one of the families.
FAMILY – Library of Rickandria
She married a Cannady, which is a variant of Kennedy..
THE HIDDEN KING(S): Camelot Ruled from the Cave of Merlin – Library of Rickandria
I suspect Heston was also related to the Kennedys and they are hiding it with this spelling.
But let’s return to Lennox Clarke above.
We find him listed in an old obituary at the Herald Times Reporter (Two Rivers), Sept. 4, 1973.
Cemetery #89A Pioneers’ Rest Obituaries : Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Genealogy (2manitowoc.com)
He was the son of Finch Clarke.
We also find that his daughter Lydia Heston’s sister married a William Nash.
That links us to the Nash family—see my paper on John Forbes Nash.
A Beautiful Mind? No, Another Ugly Project – Library of Rickandria
Lydia’s brother Robert B. Clarke is also mentioned, as a Colonel in the US European Command.
To check any links to Baines, let’s do a quick peek at LBJ’s genealogy.
His mother’s paternal grandparents are scrubbed at Geni, which is very strange for a US President.
European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria
They aren’t even scrubbed at the LBJ Presidential Library, given as George Washington Baines and Melissa Ann Butler.
But her maternal line is Huffman.
They probably should have scrubbed that, since they admit it was previously Hoffman.
Likely Jewish.
We get Webbs on the Johnson side, going back to the prominent Virginia Webbs and before that to Gloucestershire and William Micajah Webb.
Note the middle name.
He was married to a Tucker.
If we keep going back, we come to the Webbs who were Stratford knights, related to the Shakespeare’s and Arden’s.
There are many Baines in the peerage, including Lazarus Baines.
They are related to the Talbot’s and Fitzroy’s.
The Talbots link us to the Howards, Dukes of Norfolk, extremely prominent in the 17th century.
That was informative, so let’s do another one.
Bruce Dern, famous actor and father of actress Laura Dern, was the grandson of Roosevelt’s Secretary of War George Dern.
That of course links him to Rumsfeld, who was also Secretary of War (under Bush).
Our understanding of New Trier is starting to gel.
The Grammarphobia Blog: Does a plan ‘gel’ or ‘jell’?
Dern’s godfather was Adlai Stevenson, II, who was governor of Illinois and Presidential nominee in 1952.
Stevenson’s father had been Vice President under Grover Cleveland.
[Hugh O’Brian as Wyatt Earp.
See my more recent paper outing Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral as another Intel project.]
The Gunfight at the OK Corral Never Happened – Library of Rickandria
Now let us return to Hugh O’Brian, who, if you will remember, ran into Sharon Tate and Merv Griffin during a live interview in London in 1966.
Merv jokingly asked Hugh if he was CIA (because Hugh seemed to be stalking them or spying on them, I guess).
Turns out, Hugh probably was CIA.
His dad was a career Marine, but we aren’t told his final rank.
After New Trier, O’Brian went to the Roosevelt Military Academy.
He enlisted in the Marines in 1943, and we are told he became the first 17-year-old drill instructor.
Since drill instructors are normally Sergeants (E5), most Marines will find that curious.
Also curious is that by 1948, O’Brian was already in Los Angeles appearing in major films.
In that year O’Brian had a bit part in Kidnapped, starring Roddy McDowall as David Balfour.
That’s a quick transition from Marine drill instructor to successful actor.
O’Brian would have been only 22 when the film shot.
Another red flag is that O’Brian is said to have been discovered by Ida Lupino.
Lupino also has CIA markers all over her, especially in 1948.
Although she had appeared in many pictures in the 1930s and 40s, in the mid-40s she suddenly stopped acting to write and direct “low-budget, issue-oriented films”.
Although she was British and didn’t need US citizenship, she was given it in 1948.
That date itself is a red flag, since that is when the CIA was doing a full-court press in Hollywood.
The subject of Lupino’s first film Never Fear was polio, which is curious seeing that Roosevelt had polio.
It appears the CIA was trying to spin Roosevelt’s still-recent death (1945).
If that doesn’t make something click in your head, try this:
That is the poster from Lupino’s third film Outrage.
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read my recent papers on:
- the Zodiac
- Manson
- Ted Bundy
Then return to this paper.
You will see that the CIA has been trying to scare everyone, but especially women.
This is the way they do it.
It is called in-your-face propaganda.
How Propaganda Works – Library of Rickandria
Is Any Girl SAFE?
Lupino’s second film Not Wanted has been scrubbed from Wikipedia, so we have to go to IMDB to find this lovely poster:
You can tell that is propaganda without further commentary from me.
Here’s something else strange about Lupino:
we are told she was a Lieutenant during WWII in the Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corps of America.
She wasn’t a citizen until 1948.
You can’t become a lieutenant in the US Military without being a citizen.
So, she was just a pretend lieutenant.
I will be told non-citizens can enlist.
Yes, but they can’t become lieutenants.
“Federal law prohibits non-citizens from becoming commission or warrant officers.”
A lieutenant is a commissioned officer.
As a Brit during the war, Lupino would have had to join the British Ambulance Corp.
But let’s move on to another New Trier graduate.
Archibald MacLeish spent a short time at New Trier.
If you don’t know, MacLeish was a famous modernist poet, found in all the anthologies.
He was in your Norton Anthology in college.
More important here is his early connection to:
- the Paris Salon
- Gertrude Stein
- Ernest Hemingway
- Ezra Pound
and that lot.
I have outed all those folks in my paper called “The Stolen Century”.
The Stolen Century – Library of Rickandria
The website cia.gov admits Hemingway worked for them; and the literary magazines were outed by the CIA back in the late 1960s, as I show in my papers on The CIA and Modern Art and on Ramparts magazine.
Ramparts was also a CIA Front – Library of Rickandria
MacLeish was Skull and Bones at Yale.
He then went to Harvard Law, where he was the editor of the Law Review.
He practiced law for three years afterwards.
Save us from lawyers turned poets!
Not only did MacLeish attend New Trier, but he also attended the Hotchkiss School, another prep school that seeds the Intelligence agencies.
List of Hotchkiss School alumni – Wikipedia
Peter Matthiessen also attended Hotchkiss, and he finally admitted he was a CIA agent.
Wikipedia now includes that information in the first sentence on his page there.
Henry Ford went to Hotchkiss, as did Henry Luce, the founder of TIME magazine.
So did Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper’s magazine. †
So did Thomas Hoving, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. *
So did John Hersey, Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist who wrote the account of the Hiroshima aftermath. **
So did Roswell Gilpatric, Deputy Secretary of Defense under Kennedy.
So did the members of Sha Na Na.
So did Tom Werner, who brought you:
- The Cosby Show
- Roseanne
- 3rd Rock from the Sun
and That 70s Show.
We are told that MacLeish’s dad was “a dry good merchant”.
He was a bit more than that.
Since he has his own Wiki page, he must have done pretty well as a merchant.
He was one of the wealthiest men in Chicago and founded the University of Chicago along with John D. Rockefeller.
If you want to know why Archibald MacLeish got famous, it is due to his connections, not due to his lousy poetry.
As just a sample for proof of that, here are the first two stanzas from his famous poem “Two Poems from the War”:
Oh, not the loss of the accomplished thing!
Not dumb farewells, nor long relinquishment
Of beauty had, and golden summer spent,
And savage glory of the fluttering Torn banners of the rain,
and frosty ring of moon-white winters,
and the imminent Long-lunging seas,
and glowing students bent to race on some smooth beach the gull’s wing:
Not these, nor all we’ve been, nor all we’ve loved,
The pitiful familiar names had moved
Our hearts to weep for them; but oh, the star the future is!
Eternity’s too wan
to give again that undefeated, far,
All-possible irradiance of dawn.
Reading the Signs – Today’s Lesson: Karl Marx (basecamp.com)
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