In olden times it was the security apparatus of the Church that was tasked with managing the demonic and angelic discourse interpretation.
The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria
The Church asserted itself as the exclusive go-between between man and God.
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
Today it is the extended security apparatus of the Church, and Private and Government Intelligence, and Military Intelligence, to name some.
It is the many lines of elite echelon multinational intelligence, capital, and yes, religion.
The people that own the world more than any others, these are the people who are often allies to this cause.
Those that control the world are the ones who truly own the world.
Control resides in:
- belief
- money,
- force
But they believe their cause is noble.
How on Earth is that so?
This secret alien threat response organization has more properly become (if it wasn’t always), a unified worldwide alien threat assessment and response security consortium, that IS the one world government hidden behind the public transient facades for normal consumption, the Above Top-Secret government that spares the herd the horrible truth.
ARC (Alien Response Consortium) is essentially a worldwide, multinational intelligence command and control cartel – a consortium apparatus.
ARC is operating originally on behalf of, but now above all existing public governmental authorities, and it is in possession of the most advanced technology deepest black projects, and ‘never reviewed’ need-to-know vaults can offer.
Black Budgets & Black Projects – Library of Rickandria
It is charged with protecting our planet’s ass.
At least that what its soldiers think.
This worldwide security apparatus of the highest echelon is tasked with preparing for ongoing, if not continuing, covert psychical, physical and interdimensional war, which is an ancient continuing spiritual war of the first magnitude.
ARC is hoping to avert overt physical war – and a war for souls is being waged instead.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
The Alien Response Consortium (ARC) believes it is in its deepest black ops heart, truly our FRIEND.
And this is despite our fears and bad handling to the contrary.
Being alien contactees is being therefore subject to bad treatment.
And this is despite all the military elite goon forces gruff behavior with abductees.
Those poor military guys are pumped up with certain belief profile to effectively function, ‘psych-it-in’ (the severe psychological equivalent of suck it in and take it), be cool, and execute their well compartmentalized orders.
It’s a bad scene for the abductees but no more than necessary, and those poor folks get it coming and going, but they are also the unwitting front line of engagement.
Remember in developing an appropriate response to the problem for 50 years, there are whole masses of people who have not gone to a mall in the civilian world for many, many years.
Compartmentalization becomes permanent social separation for many, restricted to only their own kind, that is, a secret, few, mostly underground cities of humanity that already have alien presence integrated into their personal reality.
Since these humans work with ET, since it has been ultimately acknowledged that some of the ET visitors, are future humanity coming back to play “Back to the Future” time tinkering.
The stakes are very complicated.
Virtually no one has the capacity to grasp the truth through the PSYOPS camouflage, and this is testament to the difficulty of the problem even to those on the other side of the camouflage ops.
As long as there are no overt ET appearances enough to break the consensus science bubble, the best protection is not throwing civilization for a loop.
This cartel/consortium is only beholden to themselves, and it’s people have a philosophy of life that does indeed, in the choices between evils they make, permit them continuing excuse to commit hurtful acts on the dignity of life and the Earthly environment, all in the name of the survival of mankind (notice not ‘humanity’).
This is a longer-than-thousand-year lineage quest for:
- power
- control
- influence
- profit
and cultural control, without direct visibility.
A quest for allegiance, spiritual control, and occupying the minds of the masses.
And relative peace is the goal, from their point of view, hard to believe from all the unfounded fears of ARC.
This is behavior in the name of a quest for Earthly and cosmic power, power of mind, technology, access to greatest resources, the right to power without responsibility, superiority over others including aliens, and cynically righteous abuse of power to cause pain and suffering all in the name of achieving ends of limited self-interest.
If things get bad with the ET custodians asserting physical and telepathic contact with the masses, hopefully the upside civi’s won’t all eat it, or be eaten.
What are upsiders really like anyway?
Upside people that is.
Are they really all so bad and completely taken in by the covert ET invader forces?
(With that kind of tunnel vision warped belief conditioning, no wonder this secret anti-ET work force has a bad attitude towards the poor abductees).
The elite Echelon of human and some not so human beings in association are trying to use the world, this Earth, our Mother Nature, as their personal evolutionary-impunity piggybank (remember Nazi secret medical discoveries from brutal research on Jews ended up in the classified US CBW research system, and UFO research in the military secret space program).
Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria
The highest influential parties in Echelon wish to affect their singular most dear objective of getting into the cosmic power game beyond Earth.
They know we are now under quarantine (from getting too far off planet, yet), and under embargo.
So underground it is bustling. But they are still trying to get to the outside of the laboratory bell jar.
Prophecies say something of a large scale, civilization changing nature is on the horizon.
Crop circles are telling of coming events and an incredible new ‘resonance’ between Humanity, Mother Gaia Earth and its Denizens (Mineral, Plant, Animal, Spirit), and Spiritual life on the horizon.
Crop Circles – Library of Rickandria
And that coming resonance, the coming wave, will build and come to a head, either positively or negatively, with powerful, and very possibly incomprehensible Earthly and cosmic consequences.
Then & Now Systems for Alien Presence Suppression/Control (basecamp.com)
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