Everything and nothingness do not exist and exist at the same time.
In this last chapter we are going to go beyond the limits of our mind, because here you do not need it.
It is not necessary that you try to understand anything, only that you let yourself be soaked by the abundance of incomprehension, letting it take you to universal levels where everything makes sense, and nothing makes sense, at the same time.
The same point that composes everything composes nothingness, that’s why talking about them immerses you, without asking, in the point of balance.
Let me go deeper into this:
when you begin to conceive of spacetime as “all there is”, what is that all?
Where is it?
According to research, “the all” contains nothing but empty space.
And how does this manifest itself in the objects we see and the reality we conceive of?
Easy, through our 3D perception of the world as a physical construction of objects and shapes.
The curious thing is that we have convinced ourselves for millennia of this truth.
The truth that what we perceive is the only thing there is, or the only real thing.
Through our spectrum of vision, we are not able to perceive more than a very small part of all the electromagnetic waves that exist in the cosmos.
According to Dr. Karan Raj, the human eye is only capable of perceiving 0.0035% of reality.
Meet Karan Raj the NHS doctor and social media sensation – worldmedicinefoundation
“What is essential is invisible to the eye.”
The Little Prince
This confirms something very obvious:
our reality is limited, or rather, limitedly false.
And not because it is not real at a total level, but because we believe it is real.
The point of understanding that everything and nothing are the same leads us to the point that contains them, to nothing and everything unified in something.
What is that something?
In the following chapters we will see different points that could bring us closer to answering that question.
We will talk about totality and nothingness itself.
First, under more spiritual points, then we will deal with some of the theories created by people who tried to put these concepts down in more technical words.
The music of the stars
To understand one of the greatest secrets of humanity and to know that “everything and nothing” together, talking about acoustic levitation can bring us closer to understanding how this universe works.
Acoustic levitation is the experience of lifting in space (something or someone) without the intervention of known physical agents.
We can understand levitation as floating in the air with nothing to hold the object or person.
And when we speak of acoustic levitation, we refer to the fact that the reason why the object or person floats is because of some sound or sound frequency that causes it to levitate.
The first thing to think about is, how is this possible?
To put ourselves a little more in context, the universe as we know it is composed of energetic frequencies, that is, everything is composed of energy vibrating in the whole, or in nothingness itself.
By logical deduction, you and I are also energy, just like:
- a rock
- a tree
- your computer
and everything around you.
So, by accessing certain vibrational waves, we could make objects levitate, or even ourselves.
There are many legends about people with the ability to levitate by entering into deep states of meditation where, according to what they said, they accessed altered states of consciousness and stopped contemplating themselves as a physical body, and in that world, they were able to do anything, one of them, to levitate.
Of these stories, as much as we can find them on the web and they seem to be true, there are also many theories with great validity that disprove their actions and end up proving that they were simply tricks they used to deceive people, so I did not consider relevant to mention any specific one.
Still, there is a very impressive case of a sculptor who built a park of rock gates, alone, without the help of any (known) instruments or people.
Edward Leedskalnin, who was born in 1877 in Latvia, became one of the most impressive acoustic levitation enigmas of all.
Edward Leedskalnin (Latvian: Edvards Liedskalniņš) (January 12, 1887 – December 7, 1951) was a Latvian immigrant to the United States and self-taught engineer who single-handedly built the Coral Castle in Florida, added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1984. Leedskalnin was also known for developing theories of magnetism.
At the age of 20, he settled in Florida, USA, where he began the construction of a lifetime:
His Rock Gate Park, a sprawling stone city made of more than 1000 tons of coral rock, stones weighing up to 35 tons each.
People who knew of this sculptor began to wonder how a man with tuberculosis could have maneuvered, cut and shaped all that rock into place by himself.
In 1986, long after his death, the gate to the park, then called Coral Castle, broke and it took six men with a 45-ton crane to fix it.
Leedskalnin never revealed his secrets, he only said that he,
“Knew how to tune in to the music of the stars.”
In the sculptor’s words:
“I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids and found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders of Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with only primitive tools lifted and placed stone blocks weighing many tons.”
In addition, his neighbors claimed to have heard him singing to their coral.
Also, a group of teenagers swore they had seen him floating blocks of coral like hydrogen balloons.
Most tellingly, a large stockpile of radio equipment was found in the depths of the castle, as well as a soundproofed and hermetically sealed room that may have been used for sound experiments.
Another striking story is that of a Swede known as Doctor Jarl, who, in the 1930s, came to Tibet to a place where few people had been before.
Resonance in the Tibetan Acoustic Levitation Traditions (human-resonance.org)
Jarl was invited there by a friend he had in Tibet to treat a prominent lama who had fallen ill.
An account of Jarl’s trip was published in a German magazine, detailing his time in Tibet and a most extraordinary story:
According to the Doctor, one day he was taken to a meadow surrounded by high cliffs.
On one of these cliffs, about 250 meters off the ground, was a cave and the beginnings of what appeared to be a stone wall being built by the locals.
Jarl wondered how it was possible to do such a thing, since there was no way to the ledge except perhaps by hanging a rope.
He noticed with curiosity that in the barren meadow was a huge slab of polished rock with a bowl shape carved in the middle.
In a moment, a group of monks carrying clunky instruments came into view.
These monks brought with them huge iron drums and 3-meter-long horns.
The monks used an ox to drag a substantial rock over the smooth slab of rock in the meadow.
They then placed their instruments around it and began to play by beating the iron drums with leather mallets and blowing their horns.
What happened next shocked Jarl:
when the stone was in place, the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to begin the concert.
The little drum had a very high-pitched sound and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din.
All the monks were chanting and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this incredible noise.
For the first 4 minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drums and the noise increased, the big stone block started to sway and sway, and suddenly took off into the air with increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole, 250 meters high.
After 3 minutes of ascent, it landed on the platform.
Amazed, Jarl watched the mojes repeat this process over and over again, moving 5 to 6 rocks every hour as the rock wall slowly grew.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, assuming he might have been hypnotized or drugged.
So, he set up a camera to record the process.
When he saw what he recorded, he verified exactly what he had seen:
rock by rock levitating as if by magic.
The funny thing is that when Jarl returned to Europe, the scientific society that had sponsored his trip confiscated his videos and they subsequently disappeared.
So, was Jarl really hypnotized or did these monks have secret knowledge that could levitate rocks in the air?
Was this a similar experience to what the sculptor in the above story did with rocks to build his park?
Today we know that acoustic levitation is nothing that cannot be done, therefore, these stories do not necessarily have to be mere legends or myths.
In acoustic levitation, sound is used to counteract the force of gravity, simply when sound waves bounce off a surface, the interaction between the compressions and refractions created causes interference.
Occasionally, reflections and interference combine to create what is called a standing wave.
These are sound waves that appear to vibrate rather than travel from place to place.
Essentially, when the orientation of the standing wave is parallel to the force of gravity, the effect is levitation.
These standing waves are created using an acoustic levitator (a device composed of a transducer, a vibrating surface that creates sound, and a reflector).
The transducers of the monks were the drums and horns, the reflectors the smooth slab of rock with its concave surface.
Something very important is also the distance from what we call transducer to the object to be moved, it must be very precise.
But we don’t need to go into so many details, let’s just stay with what is behind all this:
an invisible field that moves by vibration waves where everything is connected with everything, through certain sounds/frequencies.
“The secret is in the geometrical location of the musical instruments in relation to the stones to levitate and the harmonic tuning of the drums and trumpets.” – Bruce Cathie
So, if there is a field that we are all part of, that is there all the time with us and that we can access whenever we want, can we claim that we have an infinite mind?
I mean, what is the limit of our possibilities in this physical experience we are living here on Earth?
Are we humans simply a physical body, meant to eat, sleep and reproduce, or do we also have access to all this ancestral knowledge to create, literally, whatever we want?
The infinite mind
The mind, our infinite mind.
What we saw about acoustic levitation does nothing more than explain what both you and I experience all the time:
the energetic vibration and inexplicable connectivity of all “things”.
The wonderful thing about this is that, as parts of a whole, our mind becomes infinite, infinite in possibilities of events.
“Everything” is events or probabilities of events; however, we look at it.
Understanding that we possess an infinite mind opens up a world of endless ways of seeing what happens or creating what happens.
From a level of separation, things just happen.
From a level of unity/wholeness, everything you are, happens, because there is no real separation.
Separation of events is only a mental creation.
Seeing ourselves as infinite beings with an infinite mind makes it possible for us to detach from our egoic boundaries governed by form where there is no contemplation that anything can happen, because it is already happening.
Let’s bring this down to earth a little bit:
that you are reading a book to know the one truth was one of the many possibilities that there were for you to believe that such a book existed.
From my perspective, I created the book, but the truth is that, in order for you to read it, you must have been able to create that event, because I do not know you, nor did I know that a book with this title would be read.
To choose the name, I chose from the infinite number of possible options, all possible and all existing in the universe of infinite possibilities.
Where I am going with this is that we are all creating, all the time, as everything creates itself.
It is nothingness itself merging into everything.
Or it is everything being nothingness itself.
This is what scientists have called wave or particle behavior in energy.
Dual behavior which depends on who is looking at it.
So, this book may contain all the truth for you and be very revealing, but another may hate it and find it completely useless.
From my point of view, this book contains the whole truth, because you already are the whole truth.
In minds with lacking beliefs, lacking “of”, this book will be lacking.
The wonderful thing about the Whole is that each part represents the whole.
Therefore, to understand the truth it is not necessary to know everything, it is enough to know nothing.
Or, to not believe that we need to know anything, thus allowing us to contemplate ourselves as part of the truth and then live it.
Shades of reality
As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, we know that our ability to see at the spectral level is less than 0.1 percent.
Doesn’t this just make it clear that everything we have written about in this book?
Remember, possibilities.
We are very limited at the level of focus when it comes to taking in the totality of the cosmos.
In reality, all that the universe holds is far beyond all of our senses.
It is difficult to dimension the enormous number of things that we are not able to perceive.
To go deeper into this, we can draw on a few paragraphs from Jacob Gringer’s book The Synergistic Theory, Chapter V, which he entitles The Directionality Factor:
We might when viewing a landscape, decode the image of the craters on the moon or perceive a distant galaxy because each point on the latice contains information about them.
The fact that the resulting image is that of the landscape or the object and not another means that we have focused attention, this phenomenon is called directionality factor.
Don Juan Matus, shaman from Sonora, calls it Anchor Point.
The latice and the existence of the synergic bands explain this human condition of being an instrument of reception of a more expanded consciousness.
All these relativistic effects seem strange because with our senses we do not experience four-dimensional space-time but can only observe its “three-dimensional reflections”.
These effects will seem absurd if we do not realize that they are only three-dimensional projections of phenomena that take place in four dimensions, just as shadows are projections of three-dimensional objects.
Exploring into the realm of philosophy this certainly reminds us of the idea of Platonic solids and especially the idea of the “hypercube” which posits that a painting is the shadow of a three-dimensional cube, just as a cube is the shadow of a four-dimensional hypercube, each dimension being the shadow of the higher dimension.
In a similar way Plato affirmed that “material things are the shadows of ideas”; starting from this premise and taking into account that the “form” and the so-called “substance” are only projections, the only way to know the “truth”, the ultimate (and first) reality would be knowing, experiencing and living the light that is the cause of the projection of the forms.
It is there that the Neoplatonic mystic Plotinus expounded his “theory of hypostases”.
Plotinus (/plɒˈtaɪnəs/; Greek: Πλωτῖνος, Plōtînos; c. 204/5 – 270 CE) was a Greek Platonist philosopher, born and raised in Roman Egypt. Plotinus is regarded by modern scholarship as the founder of Neoplatonism. His teacher was the self-taught philosopher Ammonius Saccas, who belonged to the Platonic tradition. Historians of the 19th century invented the term “neoplatonism” and applied it to refer to Plotinus and his philosophy, which was vastly influential during late antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Much of the biographical information about Plotinus comes from Porphyry’s preface to his edition of Plotinus’ most notable literary work, The Enneads. In his metaphysical writings, Plotinus described three fundamental principles: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul. His works have inspired centuries of pagan, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, and early Islamic metaphysicians and mystics, including developing precepts that influence mainstream theological concepts within religions, such as his work on duality of the One in two metaphysical states.
Hypostasis is the true substance, the true being, declares the theory of Plotinus, and whose structure is as follows:
first hypostasis:
“The Absolute One”
second hypostasis:
“Nous” (equivalent to Logos)
third hypostasis:
So, continuing with the text, to know the truth we simply need to live.
Coming now to the end of the book is where I want us to go deeper into this matter of knowing the only truth.
There is something inside me that wants to give you the answer, to give you the one truth, but there is also that other part that tells me that I have already done it, that, in creating this book, that “one truth” will manifest itself in the reader who can connect with it.
And I will trust that.
Whether it is the patents and all the theories surrounding:
- the illuminati elite
- the predictions of TV channels or a card game
- the unidentified flying objects coming out of the ocean, on the moon, the sun or in ancient paintings
EVERYTHING is a truth for the one who experiences it.
The same goes for the placebo or nocebo effect or energy control powers such as levitation and many others not mentioned in this book.
I repeat, everything is a manifestation of our own projection.
Shadows of reality.
Know the Only Truth: They Do Not Want Us to Wake Up – Library of Rickandria
Know the Only Truth: Nothingness & Everything (basecamp.com)
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