from OrdoLapsitExillis Website / recovered through WayBackMachine Website
King Dagobert II, effectively the last of the Merovingian kings of France, is the figure that the Ordo Lapsit Exillis has chosen as its mascot, and he is the namesake of the OLE’s official journal, Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine.
Cain: The Forgotten Father – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
His life exemplifies our ideals, and his death represents the defeat of those ideals that we and our ideological predecessors have suffered throughout the centuries.
The concept of avenging his murder is, for us, an allegory of the struggle we are engaged in for the revival of Western civilization’s ancient spiritual traditions.
Furthermore, Dagobert embodies the archetype of the Lord of the Earth, the symbolic Grand Monarch spoken of in occult lore who is destined to one day rule the nations in a holy empire built upon Hermetic principles.
Dagobert’s entire life, as historically recorded, is mythological and archetypal.
His name betrays the divine origins of his bloodline.
Dagobert comes, of course, from Dagon.
Dagon (Hebrew: דָּגוֹן, Dāgōn) or Dagan (Sumerian: 𒀭𒁕𒃶, romanized: dda-gan; Phoenician: 𐤃𐤂𐤍, romanized: Dāgān) was a god worshipped in ancient Syria across the middle of the Euphrates, with primary temples located in Tuttul and Terqa, though many attestations of his cult come from cities such as Mari and Emar as well. In settlements situated in the upper Euphrates area, he was regarded as the “father of gods” similar to Mesopotamian Enlil or Hurrian Kumarbi, as well as a lord of the land, a god of prosperity, and a source of royal legitimacy. A large number of theophoric names, both masculine and feminine, attests that he was a popular deity. He was also worshiped further east, in Mesopotamia, where many rulers regarded him as the god capable of granting them kingship over the western areas. Attestations of Dagan from coastal areas are much less frequent and come mostly from the northern city of Ugarit, where Dagan’s cult had a limited scope. According to the Hebrew Bible, Dagan was also the national god of the Philistines, with temples at Ashdod and Gaza, but there is no extrabiblical evidence confirming this. The extrasolar object designated Fomalhaut b is named after Dagon.
Now the word Bert, as the author L.A. Waddell has shown, has its roots in the word Bara, or Para, or Anglicized, Pharaoh, a Priest-King of the Temple (or House.)
Lieutenant Colonel Laurence Austine Waddell – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
So, Dagobert’s name literally means Priest-King of the House of Dagon.
Interestingly, a rarely found but nonetheless authentic variation on Dagobert’s name was Dragobert , emphasizing his lineage from the beast of the deep waters, the dragon Leviathan.
Dagobert made use of the myth of the returning king early on in life.
His father had been assassinated when he was 5 years old, and young Dagobert was kidnapped by then Palace Mayor Grimoald, who tried to put his own son on the throne.
He was saved from death, but an elaborate ruse was laid out to make people think otherwise.
Even his own mother believed he was dead, and allowed his father’s assassins to take over, placing Grimoald’s son on the throne.
Dagobert was exiled to Ireland, where he lay in wait for the opportunity to reclaim his father’s throne.
This opportunity showed itself in the year 671, when he married Giselle de Razes, daughter of the count of Razes and niece of the king of the Visigoths, allying the Merovingian house with the Visigothic royal house.
This had the potential for creating a united empire that would have covered most of what is now modern France.
This marriage was celebrated at the Church of St. Madeleine in Rhedae, the same spot where Sauniere’s Church of St. Madeleine at Rennes-le-Chateau now rests.
Rennes-le-Château – Le Dossier
There is an existing rumor that Dagobert found something there, a clue which led him to a treasure buried in the nearby Montsegur, and this treasure financed what was about to come.
This was the reconquest of the Aquitaine and the throne of the Frankish kingdom.
As Baigent, et. al write in Holy Blood, Holy Grail,
At once he set about asserting and consolidating his authority, taming the anarchy that prevailed throughout Austrasia and reestablishing order.
The fallen king had risen from his ashes, born anew as Dagobert II, and had come to once more establish firm rule and equilibrium in his country.
The similarities to the Parzival/Grail story don’t even need to be repeated.
Sadly, Dagobert II would himself play the role of the fallen king just a few years later, in 679, and the circumstances were decidedly strange.
You see, since the time of the Merovingian King Clovis I, the Merovingian Kings had been under a pact with the Vatican, in which they had pledged their allegiance to the Mother Church in exchange for Papal backing of their united Empire of Austrasia.
They would forever hold the title of New Constantine, a title that would later morph into Holy Roman Emperor.
But that allegiance on the part of the Merovingians towards the Church began to wear thin after a while.
Obviously, given their infernal and divine origin, their spiritual bent was slightly different from that of organized Christianity.
In addition, as direct descendants of the historical Christ himself, they would have possessed access to the secret teachings of Christ, now doubt shockingly different from the ones promoted by the Church and reflecting more of the secret doctrine of the rebellious gods that we’ve talked about in this article.
Any public knowledge of this or the blood relationship between Christ and the Merovingians would have been disastrous for the Church.
Christ would therefore be a man, with antecedents and descendants, instead of the son of God, born of a virgin concept promoted by the Church.
Seeing in Dagobert a potential threat, the Roman church entered into a conspiracy with Palace Mayor Pepin the Fat.
On December 23, while on a hunting trip, Dagobert was lanced through the left eye by his own godson, supposedly on Pepin’s orders.
There are many aspects to this event that appear to be mythologically significant.
For one, it took place in the Forest of Woëvre, long held sacred, and host to annual sacrificial bear hunts for the Goddess Diana.
Indeed, this may have taken place on such a hunt.
This was near the royal Merovingian residence at Stenay, a town that used to be called Satanicum.
Satanicum…the Coming of the Messiah. – Graham Hancock Official Website
Pierced with a lance through the eye on December 23, 679 A.D. while on a ritual hunt in the sacred Forest of Woëvre at Satanicum – the Merovingian Dynasty’s Capitol, deep inside the haunted Ardennes.
Satanicum was so named because of the Temple of Saturn which was located there during Roman times.
Satan and Saturn are the same words, one ‘Early Latin’, and the other ‘Late Latin’…
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Here some alternatives drawn from the picture which it draws of 25 listed names of the city, with their time of appearance:
- SATANACUM (1069)
- SETUNIA (11th S.)
- SETENAE (1208)
- SETTENAI (1243)
- SATANAY (1284)
- without forgetting the SATHANAI of the seal of Prévôte (1320)
- and the STENA of the local patois
But 1643 should be waited until to find finally written the name of STENAY.
French English translation from Ville de Stenay website on the origin of their towns name
We must also consider the date itself, which was almost precisely at the beginning of the astrological period of Capricorn.
As we have mentioned, Capricorn is based on Enki, the horned sea-god that spawned the Merovingian bloodline.
Merovingian Bloodline: The Lost Kings – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
It is also close to the Winter Solstice, the shortest day in the year, when the Sun was said to die, mythologically, and turn black, descending into the Underworld.
This Black period of the Sun is associated with the god Kronos, another horned sea-god, ruler of the underworld, and king of Atlantis who figures repeatedly in this Grail/Rennes-le-Chateau mystery.
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