By Morag, Contributing Writer, In5D.com on January 12, 2017
Fluctuations in the dimensional frequency can already be felt.
5th Dimensional Consciousness – 3D Does Not Change, It Is a Dimension – Library of Rickandria
Glitches in the matrix may be occurring for some, deja vu, timeline slippage.
Can Parallel Universes Explain the Déjà Vu Phenomenon? – Library of Rickandria
Others may be experiencing physical symptoms of recalibration as the energy ripples.
How to Change Timelines RIGHT NOW Through the Ripple Effect – Library of Rickandria
Heart palpitations can be experienced as our heart chakras adjust to the new frequency set by the third and final super moon of 2016.
Bringing to fruition a series of upgrades kick-started in late august by the blood moons, rolled out cosmically in the latter half of 2016.
The heart chakra is the transmuter, the washing machine for all negative, dense karmic energy.
Some may be experiencing flashbacks to emotionally challenging times in the past, perceived past mistakes or traumatic events, giving rise to feelings of:
- fear
- bitterness
- shame
or guilt.
This is the heart chakra kicking in at its newer frequency.
Little orbs of dark energy bubbling up through our vibratory field to be released or oppressed.
All About Orbs – Library of Rickandria
It is our choice to experience, own and release these bubbles of heavier energy or squash them back down into our energetic and karmic core.
Karmic release is shadow work.
How to Release Soul Contracts – Library of Rickandria
- Hard
- challenging
- tricky to navigate
These orb bubbles will speed up as January takes form.
The cosmic energy making our frequencies higher, forcing these sticky, heavier pockets of emotional energy to:
- dislodge
- loosen
- rise
Some may feel shaky, physically, others may speak the language of chakras and understand instinctively their chakras need balanced.
The Chakras – Library of Rickandria
Realignment throws our system out of balance to loosen and lighten our energetic load as the frequencies on Gaia get higher.
Theory of Gaia – Library of Rickandria
We can let go the load by experiencing the bubbles of energy as emotion.
World in Transition from 3D to 5D – Library of Rickandria
As our mind body soul systems recalibrate, we can experience:
- nausea
- headaches
- weakness in limbs
- spaciness
- knots of anxiety in solar plexus or gut (with no recognizable cause)
- sometimes cold and flu symptoms
- popping and buzzing in our ears
- blurry short-term memory
and general tiredness.
Like a battery that is energizing the whole being as well as parts, an overload of energetic work can drain our battery quickly, self-care is always a priority.
You may feel drawn down the rabbit hole of:
- darker feelings
- sinister places
- upsetting memories
10 Ways to Know if You are an Emapth – Library of Rickandria
This is the lancing of the orb.
The release of its toxins.
Be in the moment if you can, experience and own your feelings, then release them.
Ground yourself.
Move on.
Get back into the present.
Engage your senses, breathe in the now.
are increasing as we raise our frequencies.
This can also give us a sense of sea sickness as the waves get higher, triggering DNA activation upgrades at a cellular level.
Our perception of the reality we exist in is changing, our senses are recalibrating, expanding to the quantum experience.
It’s bound to feel a bit strange!
Our guides will use numbers as language to communicate with us. 11.11 (the number of awakening) can also signal incoming waves!
This is How the Incoming TIDAL WAVES of ENERGY Will Transform You! – Library of Rickandria
Just as seeing your own special number can be a hug from your higher self.
How to Contact Your Higher Self – Library of Rickandria
7 Essential Tools to Raise Your Vibration
We learnt a lot about ourselves, the matrix we call reality, and the strategies we can use to navigate:
- stormy cosmic waters
- karmic clear outs
- negative energies
Return to Source: Philosophy & the Matrix – Library of Rickandria
Here are 7 essential tools to help raise your vibrations.
1. Educate yourself and detox from the matrix.
Eat regularly, healthy foods, plenty of water, vegetables and fruit.
Avoid stimulants like energy drinks and caffeine as these will exacerbate fluctuations in your energetic frequency field making it harder to ground yourself.
Water will also help flush out the physical by products of the karmic clear-out.
Have a mainstream media blackout as a general rule.
Avoid synthetics and chemicals as we are getting more sensitive to them.
2. Call your soul tribe in meditation or ritual or prayer.
Send energetic waves to them, you are ready to be in their light.
8 Signs You Are Going Through Energetic Changes Associated with Recent Waves – Library of Rickandria
If you have soul tribe in your life recharge with them:
- laugh
- love
- relax
in their comfortable company.
What Are Soul Groups? – Library of Rickandria
3. Seek alignment in your chakras through treating your mind body soul system with care and respect.
The Chakras – Library of Rickandria
- Meditation
- healing therapies
- essential oils
- exercise
- yoga
- chanting
- live music
- creating
will help to rebalance your chakras, restoring your equilibrium.
Chakra Balancing – Library of Rickandria
4. Be kind.
Our activated heart chakras are enabling us to live each moment through the heart, where before we were programmed to live through the ego, neglecting or poisoning our chakra system.
Do This to Open Your Throat & Heart Chakra – Library of Rickandria
We can now align to the frequency of love, transmuting negative energy through the heart.
6 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy – Library of Rickandria
Literally living love.
The Miracle of the 528 Hz Love Frequency Solfeggio – Library of Rickandria
This means bringing:
- humility
- compassion
- gratitude
into our lives, seeking core calm and connectedness.
5. Reflect, assess and reorganize your life based on the answer to a simple question – do I feel good about myself in this situation or with this person?
6. Declutter and simplify your life.
What do you actually need?
Step away from consumerism, competition and if necessary, convention.
Being true to yourself helps align you to a more peaceful frequency.
Material possessions are not necessary in a world of freedom and abundance.
Are You Ready to Go Home to 5D Earth? – Library of Rickandria
Release, let go.
Letting Go – Library of Rickandria
7. Connect and meditate in nature or with the cycles of the moon.
Astrology & the Matrix – Library of Rickandria
Be one with the frequency of Gaia.
Recharge your energetic batteries, breathe and be grounded by the vibration of Gaia.
Many will experience an extra sensitive energy field, even physically shuddering as lower frequencies come into contact, very physical reactions to energetic triggers.
Four Crystals for Empaths & Sensitive Souls – Library of Rickandria
Avoid crowds, dark places (either buildings or people) and seek peace in:
- meditation
- nature
- soul tribe
and water.
3rd Eye Mirror Meditation – What Faces Will You See? – Library of Rickandria
Dark workers will sense these fluctuations and try to feed off it.
Stay away from external drama and try to keep hold of the reigns of internal drama.
Let the light of love fill you.
Smile at children.
Help people.
Stop and give others or yourself time if they or you need it.
Be mindful of your present as much as possible.
Take regular internal readings, diagnostics.
Do I feel:
- safe
- happy
- calm
If not step back and breathe.
The love vibration is right there next to you, inside you, around you at all times.
David Wilcock: The Solar System Is Moving into A New Area of Vibration – Library of Rickandria
Breathe into it.
Connect and channel peace.
Keep your legs strong and firm, grounded.
We are like tuning forks – hypersensitive antennae that are reacting and responding to fluctuations in the energetic fields around us.
7 Signature Signs of Starseeds & Lightworkers – Library of Rickandria
This is how it will be for some time.
We can manage this by being aware of it, tracking it and our mind body spirit responses.
Using our awakening tool kit to navigate the ripples, ride the waves and regain our balance and equilibrium.
Quantum upgrades make anything possible.
To open our minds to the multiple possibilities of quantum existence is to release lifetimes of:
- fear
- control
- oppression
To expand our consciousness beyond linear, 3d limitations.
We are being propelled to dimensions where being able to:
- levitate
- walk on water
- teleport
will be possible for all of us (not just Dynamo and Tibetan Monks!).
Monks With ‘Superhuman’ Abilities Show Scientists What We Can All Do – Library of Rickandria
Feel strong in your core, know what you have experienced and survived, treat yourself with love and kindness.
- Connect with universal love frequency
- find your groove
- go with the flow
- stay grounded
and use the toolkit to keep you:
- energized
- balanced
- expansive
About the author:
Born and raised in Glasgow I graduated with an MA in English & Politics, then spent time traveling in Australia.
I came home to study, graduating with an MSC in Business Marketing Management.
I followed this with a PGCE in English and taught for a year in Glasgow before moving to East London where I taught English and worked as a Head of Year for 14 years.
After the birth of my second daughter, I left teaching and have been a stay-at-home mum for three years.
During this time, I have led guided meditation groups, retrained as a reiki healer and started my Facebook page awakening5dhealing.
I am clairvoyant and clairaudient; I’ve been reading tarot for 25 years.
I have always instinctively understood that this world was being run by a small group of men.
A recovering Catholic, I experienced my spiritual awakening after breaking my leg three years ago.
The realization that quantum mechanics is oneness changed my life.
I now write, work as a spiritual healer using reiki, crystals and Starseed Tarot Cards and take part in local healing festivals.
High Vibrational Living for Soul Ascension – Library of Rickandria
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