Sexual orgasm is equivalent in power to the life force.
Using sexual orgasm in ritual and in your magickal workings can give much added power to your outcome.
Sex Magick is ancient, extremely powerful and is the creative principle.
At the moment of orgasm, one automatically enters a brief trance state.
The powerful orgasmic energy can then be directed.
The energy is visualized as a brilliant bright light like the sun and can be directed into thoughtforms, the one of one’s desires, talismans and so forth.
Women and men both differ in sexual energy.
Women tend to peak in power according to cycles.
Women are at the height of their power right before and during menstruation.
Psychic work, astral projection and other pursuits that require heightened sensitivity are greatly assisted after a strong orgasm.
Orgasm is also an excellent way to induce relaxation before meditation.
Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions, and also menstrual blood have the power of the life force.
At the moment of orgasm, it is important to direct your entire concentration and desire to your goal, willing it.
Visualize the orgasmic energy in the form of a beam, ball or vortex, penetrating the object/person, lighting it up with a brilliant aura of energy that is programmed.
This is basic simple sex magick.
Sex magick can be done alone, or with a partner or Demon/ess or in a group.
When working with others, it is very important as in all magickal practices that everyone work together with some sort of organized effort.
Merging orgasmic energies with a Demon/ess is extremely powerful.
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