by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com on May 1, 2015
At what point does money become part of spirituality?
At what expense do we sell our values for financial security?
Table of Contents
- Money and Spirituality
- What if there is crucial information that can only be obtained through a financial purchase?
- How does one justify what is considered to be a fair rate for their profession?
- Service to Self or Service to Others?
- If there was no such thing as money…
Money and Spirituality
This leads to an interesting conundrum.
At what point does money become part of spirituality?
What is the dividing point between making a profit and paying bills versus doing what is in the best interests of humanity?
If someone were to write a book, then surely their efforts should be rewarded in a world that relies on financial compensation for original content, even if that content is an accumulated regurgitation of other people’s material. This isn’t to say that the same book could be given away for free as an eBook, but it is the writer’s option to be financially compensated for his or her work.
What if there is crucial information that can only be obtained through a financial purchase?
In this scenario, money should not be taken into consideration as the information should be given freely if it affects the greater benefit of humanity. Of course, this is also called insider information on Wall Street which costs a lot of money to obtain, but we also can see the corruption within that genre of society.
How does one justify what is considered to be a fair rate for their profession?
There are certain professions within the spiritual genre who we expect to reward financially, such as:
- yoga instructors
- healers
- psychics
yet many of these people also donate their personal time and abilities to the greater good while still being able to make a living doing what they enjoy.
Why Are Spiritual People Generally Introverts? – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The bottom line in a 3d world is that we live in an economy-based society where we are providing a service for others in exchange for a mutually acceptable fee for that service. In turn, fair rates become the stabilizer within the market of supply and demand. In other words, if your prices or fees are higher than your competition, then you won’t have as many customers unless you provide an additional service that goes above and beyond the competition.
While it may be less than appealing by living below poverty level, I wouldn’t feel comfortable charging anyone for anything on my websites or for any of my videos. I didn’t incarnate here to become rich and surely, money is worthless on the other side of the veil. My motivating factor is uniting like-minded people during this amazing period in time and letting people know,
“You’re not alone”
in your beliefs.
This is my reward.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
I’ve seen a TON of spiritual websites who copy the works of others and rarely, if ever, write their own original material. I recently talked to a person who works on getting material for one of these websites and he stated that the owner is in it solely for the money she gets in ad revenue. Apparently, she’s built a number of websites for the sole purpose of materialism while cashing in on a genre that has developed its own niche in a competitive market. While it’s great that our In5D articles are reaching as many people as possible, the energy and intention of these types of websites is not in humanity’s best interests. Other websites will grab your original material without giving it a chance to circulate on its own. I generally ask people to wait at least 3-7 days before republishing any original material from In5D and will show the same courtesy to other websites. The reason for doing this is to reward the author with great Google rankings for that particular article. I recently wrote an article titled “Top 40 Dream Symbols & Their Meanings” which was picked up by another website immediately after I published it. The original article is nowhere to be found on a Google search while the one that was copied on another website is ranked #1 on Google for that article title. Conversely, I share articles with other websites, such as Waking Times and Zen Gardner, and they always respect this unspoken rule as I do with them.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a lot of money if that is your desired wish. No one should live in poverty and if you have the opportunity to make money doing something you enjoy, then that would be the ideal job in this 3d society.
It basically boils down to values. Do you value making $ off of a video that cost relatively nothing to make backed by information that can be easily accessed on the internet for free?
Esoteric Agenda – Welcome to Your Awakening! – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
There are many amazing videos out there that deserve every penny they make, such as Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica, both of which are available for free on the internet but can be purchased as a DVD on Ben Stewart’s website for a small fee. This is very admirable because he put a lot of time, effort and research into his videos, yet offers them for free online in the best interests of humanity.
Michael Tsarion is in the same boat with his videos that are well made, professionally produced, highly researched and well presented, but are offered for free on his YouTube channel or can be purchased for a small fee on his website.
Several people in this genre have a subscription service for their videos in which you can listen to the first hour for free, but the real “meat and potato” questions are withheld for the 2nd hour at a nominal price. From a psychological perspective, these people would fall under the category of reciprocal altruism, where the service they provide is in their long-term selfish interests to help others because this increases the chance of other people helping them, in this case, financially. In other words, they are placing a specific price for you to grow spiritually through the gathering of other people’s information that you could probably find elsewhere for free. While the videos are very good quality, I can’t afford to watch the 2nd hour. How about you?
Admittedly, it takes time and a lot of preparation for a video interview and I can completely understand how some people are comfortable charging others for this material. I’m not one of those people but that doesn’t make it right or wrong, it just is.
Service to Self or Service to Others?
Especially in the world of spirituality, being service to others should be the prominent theme, but for some people within the spirituality genre, this is not the case. Those who are “service to self” place a higher value on ego, materialism and self-centeredness over what is in the best interests of humanity. In time, these people will expose themselves for being the frauds that they are through selfish, ego-based actions that are not in harmony with the new energy vibrations. Subsequently, this may also manifest as physical illnesses for those particular people.
What is STS & STO? – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
People who are “service to others” will find a symbiotic relationship between their profession and monetary values. Many spiritualists who have unique metaphysical abilities charge a small fee for them and often will not charge anything for their services to people who can’t afford it. How many businesses, such as McDonalds or Walmart will do the same?
What Does the Law of One’s “Harvest” Really Mean? – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
I choose to be “service to others”. All of my in5d videos are free for anyone to share on their YouTube channel or anywhere else on the internet. All of the information on my websites is also free for everyone to share on their websites, blogs, forums, etc. I work 10 to 12+ hours a day on my websites and I don’t make very much money through supported advertising links on my website. As a Master’s level child and family therapist, I could make a lot more money, but my websites would become stagnant and it would take away from what I truly love doing, which is helping to connect like-minded people during this amazing awakening. For me, the bottom line is
“What is in the best interests of humanity?”
Eventually, I might go back to being a child & family therapist, but for now, I have the ability to reach millions of people through my websites and videos. My greater purpose is not money related.
There are going to be certain people who will take advantage of others within the spirituality genre, and their main intentions will not in your best interests. They have already made their choices to serve themselves. When money becomes obsolete, will they still be willing to help others without receiving any financial gain for their efforts? I doubt it.
If there was no such thing as money…
One question I like to ask people is this:
If there was no such thing as money, what would YOU be doing with your life?
Most people will say,
“Have a lot of fun.”
“I’d travel a lot.”
but after the fun and the travel, THEN what would you do?
If There Was No Such Thing as Money… – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
This is where you really understand if you’re on the right path or not.
For me, I’d probably own a fruit and vegetable farm to help feed others. I would also be a spiritual counselor and would help people find their true, divine reason for being here. If there was still electricity and internet, I’ll still be writing articles for In5D. If there was no internet and electricity, I’d still be writing and sharing information with my neighbors. I work 10-15+ hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and love doing what I do. It’s never been about the money and never will be. Unfortunately, I need to rely on ads to pay the bills but if there was no such thing as money, you can count on me still being here! I wonder if the same can be said by others?
While there are laws written by man to control man, ultimately the only laws that matter are Universal Laws and they don’t involve money, materialism, self-centeredness, ego or copyright. As we head into the next stage of evolution, there will only be open-source information, which can be used by anyone and adapted to create something better as we all work together in humanity’s best interests.
Profiting in Spirituality – Placing a Price on Spiritual Growth – In5D
Profiting in Spirituality – Placing a Price on Spiritual Growth
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