By Gerry in January 2019
This is an update to the Ancient Spooks series, where I will explain the spooks’ preference for Biblical names as punnery, including the name “Jew”.
Some may find the etymologies boring, but once you see the puns, you’ll slap yourself in the face like me, for not having seen it earlier:
By just looking at mere dictionary entries, we can see that the names pun with banksterism.
A few disclaimers:
Apart from Hebrew, I’ll be citing other languages, particularly Aramaic. Yes, I know that the languages are a little different, and that most Aramaic scripture came much later than the Old Testament. But since Israel & Phoenicia were wiped clean by the censors, we’ll have to make do. And the similarities are still striking.
Also, I’ll analyze the names of Biblical patriarchs, of the so-called 12 Tribes or “scepters”, without knowing what they’re about overall. The Genesis 49 “tribes” verses read like one giant riddle and don’t make sense if taken literally. Most don’t match a patriarch’s story; some don’t even have a story. The puns I found may be part of the solution, or not.
We’ll have to look into it another day.
Lastly, some may think analyzing “Jewish bankers” contradicts my earlier research about “Phoenician merchants”. I’ll address that at the end, but as usual, please make up your own mind.
Joseph’s name
This is one name I so wished I’d found out earlier:
In part 1, I alleged that the granary scheme in Joseph’s story was written as some kind of bankster recipe for land-grabbing.
We now have more confirmation:
The name Joseph actually means credit & debt.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
Phoenicians: ANCIENT SPOOKS – Part V: The hidden hand of spookery
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