by Kevin S.
This time I have no overarching theme. I will just be letting one profile led me to the next in sort of a “six degrees of manipulation” progression. I would like to thank Miles for his support, commentary, and judicious editing throughout this “strange” endeavor. As usual this is just my opinion, based on some stuff I stumbled across on the internet. First some unfinished business from Strange Relations Part II.
Carole Lombard (born Jane Alice Peters; October 6, 1908 – January 16, 1942) was an American actress. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Lombard 23rd on its list of the greatest female stars of Classic Hollywood Cinema. Born into a wealthy family, Lombard was raised by her single mother. She made her screen debut in A Perfect Crime (1921) at the age of 12 and the experience spurred her and her mother to seek further film work, eventually resulting in a movie career. Lombard was killed in a plane crash aboard TWA Flight 3 while returning from a war bond tour. She was 33 years old. Today, she is remembered as one of the definitive actresses of the screwball comedy genre and American comedy and as an icon of American cinema.
Carole Lombard (born Jane Alice Peters October 6, 1908 – January 16, 1942) was an American film actress. She was born into a wealthy family in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Her paternal grandfather John Claus Peters was one of the founders of The Horton Manufacturing Company which manufactured the first all-in one washing machine for the home. The company also contributed to the war effort by producing 40-millimeter shell casings during World War II. Since their washers were powered by General Electric motors this isn’t surprising. John Claus Peters was married to Mary Meyers, daughter of Jacob Meyers and Kate (nee Lesser). Lombard also had a paternal 3g-gmother named Schwab. These are all Jewish names and as per usual, this is the side of the tree where they hang the “gone fishin’” sign. No further information was found.
By 1937, Lombard was one of Hollywood’s most popular actresses and the highest-paid star in Hollywood. Following the deal which Myron Selznick “negotiated” with Paramount that brought her $450,000 ($7.6M in 2016), she was making more than five times the salary of the U.S. President. (That would mean FDR made $90,000, equal to $1.5M today? No wonder he wanted a third term).
I don’t think that is right, but it shows how they are manipulating numbers, assuming we can’t do math.
As her salary was widely reported in the press, Lombard stated that 80% of her earnings went in taxes, but that she was happy to help improve her country. The comments earned her much positive publicity, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent her a personal letter of thanks. Isn’t that special?
European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria
Happy to pay 80% in taxes?
Give me a break.
That’s just propaganda to convince YOU to be happy to pay YOUR taxes to support THEIR manufactured wars, including the bogus ones like the war on,
- drugs
- poverty
- terrorism
Lombard was directly related to Dick Cheney (her mother was the daughter of Charles Knight and Alice Cheney) and Nancy Reagan (through the Moore’s of Virginia/DC).
If that doesn’t red flag a (truth) audit, here are some of Carole Lombard’s inheritances and entitlements (ancestors):
Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham (15 August 1402 – 10 July 1460) was an English nobleman. A great-grandson of King Edward III on his mother’s side, he was a military commander in the Hundred Years’ War and in the Wars of the Roses.
Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset, (1406 – 22 May 1455), sometimes styled 1st Duke of Somerset, was an English nobleman and an important figure in the Wars of the Roses and in the Hundred Years’ War.
Sir Thomas Hungerford of Rowden (died 1469), the eldest son of Robert Hungerford, 3rd Baron Hungerford. After giving some support to Edward IV and the Yorkist’s he joined in Warwick’s conspiracy to restore Henry VI in 1469, was attained, and was executed at Salisbury, Wiltshire. He was buried in the chapel of Farleigh Castle.
Jacquetta of Luxembourg, Countess Rivers (1415/1416 – 30 May 1472) was the eldest daughter of Peter I of Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol, Conversano and Brienne and his wife Margaret of Baux (Margherita del Balzo of Andria). Through her short-lived first marriage to the Duke of Bedford, brother of King Henry V, she was firmly allied to the House of Lancaster. However, following the emphatic Lancastrian defeat at the Battle of Towton, she and her second husband Richard Woodville sided closely with the House of York. Three years after the battle and the accession of Edward IV of England, Jacquetta’s eldest daughter Elizabeth Woodville married him and became Queen consort of England. Jacquetta bore Woodville 14 children and stood trial on charges of witchcraft, for which she was exonerated.
I also showed Lombard’s relation to Miriam Hopkins through the union of a Hastings (royalty) and a Cheney.
She also shared great-grandparents with:
- Roscoe Arbuckle (Hammond/Paine, Watertown MA)
- Bette Davis (Bennett (W oodville/ /Harris, London England)
- Humphrey Bogart Luxembourg)
Arbuckle’s alleged parents were related to the Earl of Pembroke.
Lombard married actor William Powell in 1931. His history appears to be thoroughly scrubbed, though I didn’t spend much time wrangling with it. In August 1933, Lombard and Powell divorced after 26 months of marriage. Lombard admitted,
“We were just two completely incompatible people.”
Lombard’s second marriage was to Clark Gable. Much has been written about their supposed romance, so I will not be taking up space here.
remember that Gable is said to have been gay, working as a call boy before he hit the big time.
So, all these marriages were just for the tabloids.
Suffice it to say that Lombard, like most of the actresses profiled in SR2, never had any children. One of Lombard’s romances that isn’t widely publicized was described as “tumultuous”. Following (or during) her marriage to Powell she was involved with singer Russ Columbo, until his “sudden death” in 1934.
Columbo was shot under peculiar circumstances by his longtime friend, photographer Lansing Brown, while Columbo was visiting him at home. Brown had a collection of firearms, and the two men were examining various pieces.
Quoting Brown’s description of the accident:
I was absent-mindedly fooling around with one of the guns.
It was of a dueling design and works with a cap and trigger.
I was pulling back the trigger and clicking it time after time.
I had a match in my hand and when I clicked, apparently the match caught in between the hammer and the firing pin.
There was an explosion.
Russ slid to the side of his chair.
The ball ricocheted off a nearby table and hit Columbo above the left eye.
His funeral mass was attended by numerous Hollywood luminaries, including Carole Lombard, who was to have had dinner with Columbo the evening of the accident and who was romantically involved with him. (I don’t need a wrinkled trench coat and a glass eye to deduce that this was her son never troubled to call or visit her for a decade— a faked death).
Lansing Brown (the shooter) served in the military during World War II as a photography instructor (propagandist). It is claimed that Columbo’s brothers and sisters withheld news of his death from his mother for ten years (until her death) using all manner of subterfuges to give the impression that Columbo was still alive, including faked letters and records used to simulate his radio program (she must have been even more heartbroken that except that I’m sure he did).
Actress Virginia Brissac was serving as Columbo’s private secretary at the time of his death (convenient), and was later called upon by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office to testify and identify Columbo’s remains at the subsequent inquest (instead of his mother or brothers and sisters). Virginia Brissac was the daughter of B.F. Brissac, a well-to-do Bay Area insurance executive (follow the money).
Lombard’s connection to this narrative should alleviate any doubts that she faked her own death.
When the U.S. entered World War II at the end of 1941, Lombard traveled to her home state of Indiana for a war bond rally with her mother. Her party had initially been scheduled to return to Los Angeles by train, but Lombard was anxious to reach home more quickly and wanted to fly by a scheduled airline. It was decided that they would fly home but when Carole’s mother, a numerologist heard that it was TWA Flight 3 she got a bad feeling that the number three was unlucky (TWA Flight THREE, THREE people in their party, and the plane would be a DC-THREE). We are told the decision to fly was based on a coin toss.
This adds the illusion of fate to the narrative, as well as supporting duality and limited choices.
On January 16, 1942, the Lombard party boarded the aircraft. At 10:47 AM, Flight 3 arrived at Kansas City, MO. At 11:33 AM, Flight 3 departs Kansas City for Wichita. A scheduled stop in Albuquerque, New Mexico allowed for a crew change. In command for the rest of the flight would be Captain Wayne Williams and Co-pilot Stillman-Morgan Gillette. (This is clearly the point where the Lombard party disembarks. What happened next is open to speculation). After refueling in Las Vegas, TWA Flight 3 crashed into “Double Up Peak” near the 8300-foot level of Potosi Mountain. All 22 aboard, Lombard and her mother included, plus 15 army servicemen, were “reportedly” killed instantly.
Here are some excerpts from a breaking news report:
Carol Lombard Killed in Western Airlines Crash LOS ANGELES 1/17/42 A few hours after the plane was seen at the mine, Western Airlines Pilot Art Cheney, flying from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, sighted the flaming wreckage. (The plane contained the granddaughter and daughter of Alice Cheney. What are the odds?) The plane was at first reported to have been off its usual course from Albuquerque to Los Angeles. Officials of the airline however, explained that, although it had previously followed the Kingman-Los Angeles beam without touching at Las Vegas, its schedule had been recently changed to include a stop at Las Vegas.
Pilot Cheney to whom TWA officials radios as soon as they learned of the accident, reported back shortly that:
“It’s a TWA plane all right.
I don’t see any signs of life.”
The night of January 16 was dark and moonless… The night was made even darker with the Government’s decision to blackout the lighted airway beacons due to wartime national security threats).
The book “Fireball: Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3” is considered by many to be the definitive examination into this event. The author, Robert Matzen, has a fanboy blog called “Reinventing the Hollywood Biography”. I visited his blog a year or so ago and he had photos of himself posing with astronauts and bragging about working at Langley. All references to Langley have since been removed. Now he just brags about NASA.
For 10 years Robert (Matzen) worked as a communications specialist for NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. There he provided writing support and used his experience as a filmmaker to write and direct a dozen films for NASA at facilities including Dryden Flight Research Center, Kennedy Space Center, Johnson Space Center, and other NASA facilities around the nation. He calls working with and directing astronauts his “dream job.” In his blog Matzen writes,
“Josiah Thompson was a hero of my youth.”
Nicknamed “Tink,” Thompson was an Oxford-educated private investigator, former Navy man, and author who wrote the ground-breaking first “micro-study of the Kennedy assassination,” Six Seconds in Dallas.
Matzen again on Thompson:
“Super-cool guy.
He’s the kind of guy that, when you’re thinking of writing a book about the crash of TWA Flight 3, causes you say to yourself,
‘What would Tink Thompson do?’”
he’d lie his Isaac Asimov, I mean his ass off.
Orson Welles provided some paltry misdirection on this as well:
Do you know why her plane went down?
It was full of big-time American physicists, shot down by the Nazis.
She was one of the only civilians on the plane.
The plane was filled with bullet holes.
The bad guys knew the exact route that the plane had to take.
They were standing on a ridge, which was the toughest thing for the plane to get over.
One person can shoot a plane down, and if they had five or six people there, they couldn’t miss.
Now, I cannot swear it’s true.
I’ve been told this by people who swear it’s true, who I happen to believe.
But that’s the closest you can get, without having some kind of security clearance.
The F.B.I. also investigated reports of U.F.O. activity on the night of the crash.
I think we’re done here. Lombard was 33 when she “died”. Lucille Ball claimed to have been visited by Lombard’s ghost, who supposedly talked Ball into taking a chance on a little show called I Love Lucy. That’s probably why Lombard took her mother with her. One less person to “visit”. Despite numerous celebs who’ve received “medals of valor” for their “service”, Lombard is the only major “Hollywood casualty” of WWII. She was nothing but a propagandist…in life and “death”.
Fred Astaire (May 10, 1899 – June 22, 1987) was born Frederick Austerlitz in Omaha, Nebraska. This is a faked photo with his sister Adele (d. 1/25/81). During the 1920’s, Fred and Adele appeared on Broadway and on the London stage, winning popular acclaim with the theater crowd on both sides of the Atlantic. Fred and Adele’s mother’s name was Johanna Geilus and she is their only ancestor who was born in the United States. Besides a stray ghost or two, this side of the genealogical house is vacant and boarded up. Same story with their paternal grandmother Lucie Heller (I found no evidence that it might be a variation of Hiller/Hitler but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t). The Austerlitz line stops in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1675.
Astaire: The Man, The Dancer
Astaire, the man, the dancer – Anna’s Archive
According to family legend, Frederick Austerlitz [Adele and Fred Astaire’s father] left Austria as a result of a dispute with his older brother Ernest. Both were officers in the Emperor’s army… He arrived in New York in 1895, remaining only briefly after his release from Ellis Island. Friends in Vienna had arranged a job for him in the leather trade in Omaha, Nebraska. The leather opportunity fell through and “Fritz” Austerlitz went to work at a brewery. It’s just not believable that a military officer would leave his home and family and travel halfway around the globe on a hope and prayer because he had a spat with his brother. There’s more to this story that we are not being told.
It’s also not believable that the daughter of a brewery employee in Nebraska would live in this:
Adele Astaire retired from the stage to marry Lord Charles Cavendish and moved to Ireland, where they lived at Lismore Castle. Lord Charles Arthur Francis Cavendish (5 August 1905 – 23 March 1944) was the second son of Victor Cavendish, 9th Duke of Devonshire and his wife Lady Evelyn Emily Mary Petty-FitzMaurice. He had met Adele in London in 1927 and courted her when he worked for the bank J.P. Morgan & Co. in New York City. Adele proposed to Lord Charles at the 21 Club in Manhattan. Their children – a daughter born in 1933 and twin sons born in 1937 – lived only for a few hours. Cavendish died at Lismore Castle, aged 38, of long-term acute alcoholism and was buried at Lismore Cathedral.
The most famous feature of the 21 Club is the line of 33 painted cast iron lawn jockey statues which adorns the balcony above the entrance. On April 20 (Adolf Hitler’s birthday), 1947, Adele Astaire Cavendish married her second husband, Col. Kingman Douglass (April 16, 1896 – October 8, 1971), an American investment banker and Air Force officer who was an Assistant Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. After Douglass’ death, Adele lived in Phoenix, Arizona, and continued, until 1979, to summer at the castle in Ireland she had shared with her first husband.
This is the only available photo of Adele and Kingman together and it looks faked. The line where their jackets meet doesn’t look natural and Douglass has shadowing on the left side of his face but Astaire does not. The neutral background also helps the fakers hide their mistakes.
Kingman DouglaSS shared great-grandparents with:
- Dick Cheney (Chase/Wheeler Essex, MA)
- Paulette Goddard and Henry Fonda (Stone/Whipple, Watertown MA)
- Frances Ford Seymour (Merrill/Blacksoil, Wherstead England)
- Bette Davis (Burnham/Lawrence, Ipswich, MA)
- John Fairbanks (Blott/Selbee, Boston MA)
- Jean Arthur (Hoskins/Filer, Hartford CT)
- Veronica Balfe (Purchase/Kreables, Essex England)
- Humphrey Bogart (Parmalee/Plaine, New Haven CT)
- Miriam Hopkins (Alden/Mullins, Plymouth MA)
- Charles Crocker’s wife Mary Ann Deming (Ingersoll/Langley,
- Salem MA)
Dick Cheney also has many Langley’s in his family history.
Free of the brother-sister constraints of the former pairing and working with new partner Claire Luce (October 15, 1903 – August 31, 1989), Fred Astaire created a romantic partnered dance to Cole Porter’s “Night and Day,” which had been written for Gay Divorce.
Luce stated that she had to encourage him to take a more romantic approach:
“Come on, Fred, I’m not your sister, you know.”
It’s interesting that Wikipedia included that quote which suggests that Astaire may have been gay. Gore Vidal claimed that as a young screenwriter he successfully pursued Fred Astaire (In Bed with Gore Vidal). No family history for Claire Luce could be found. As Miles’ puts it, she appears to have been born in a test tube.
However, Luce is also the surname of the founder and first president of the Naval War College (Stephen Luce) and British Naval Admirals David (WWII) and John Luce (WWI). Frances Ford Seymour’s (Jane Fonda’s mother) first husband George Tuttle Brokaw was previously married to Clare Boothe. After her divorce from Brokaw, Claire Boothe married Henry Robinson Luce, publisher of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated. She went by Clare Boothe Luce and was often confused with stage and film actress pictured above. (They would all later drown on the Luce-itania).
Yes, Claire was obviously related to the publisher of Time. But there is more. Note the name Boothe, which links these people to John Wilkes Booth, whose uncle spelled the name Boothe.
Astaire’s Hollywood debut and first pairing with Ginger Rogers both took place in 1933. The partnership with Rogers, and the choreography of Astaire and Hermes Pan, helped make dancing an important element of the Hollywood film musical. Pan’s father Hermes Panagiotopoulos (December 10, 1909 – September 19, 1990) was the Greek consul in Memphis, Tennessee, where his family had opened the first theater. Following the death of Pan’s father, his uncle held Pan, his sister and mother at gunpoint and burned all their shares and money on the grounds that if he could not have them, no one would. (He had them, so why not flee? You cannot burn something you do not have). Penniless, they moved to the poorest area of New York where Hermes learned his first tap dancing steps from local black children. At their lowest ebb, the family had only some potatoes and coffee for their meal. (Realistically, this penniless mother would’ve stayed in Memphis where her support system existed). Pan never married. It was well known in the movie industry that Pan was gay, but it never became public, and the identities of his partners is not known.
so, this whole story was faked to make these rich people seem poor.
The standard sob story.
Fred Astaire was married for the first time in 1933, to the 25-year-old Phyllis Livingston Baker, a Boston-born New York socialite and former wife of Eliphalet Nott Potter III.
In Strange Relations I & II, I connected Phyllis Livingston Baker to:
- Dick Cheney
- Nancy Reagan
- Lita Grey
- Robert Taylor
- Buster Keaton
- John Fairbanks
- Bette Davis
- Kay Francis
- Jean Arthur
- Fay Wray
and Gary Merrill.
Here are some new ones:
- Gary Cooper’s wife Veronica Balfe (Alling/Nash, New Haven CT)
- Lucille Ball (Ball/Bullard, Watertown MA)
- William Holden (Beach/Staples, Stamford, CT)
- Humphrey Bogart (Bradley/Prichard Haven CT)
- Shirlee Mae Adams (Butterfield/Jundon, Chelmsford MA)
- Frances Ford Seymour (Nichols/Sumner, Plymouth MA)
- Henry Fonda (Fitch/Reeve, Essex England)
- Roscoe Arbuckle (Read, Kent England)
Also note the names Potter and Rogers above.
Was Ginger Rogers related to Sam Shepard through the name Rogers, and through the same name to the billionaire Henry Huttleston Rogers?
See my paper on Mark Twain.
What About Mark Twain? – Library of Rickandria
What about Potter Palmer and the other Potters we have seen?
See my paper on Tiger Woods.
Miles Williams Mathis: Is Tiger Woods a PSYOP? – Library of Rickandria
After the “death” of his wife Phyllis in 1954 at the age of 46, Fred remained a bachelor for 26 years. In 1967, Astaire’s image appeared on the cover of The Beatles “Sgt. Pepper’s” album. Miles has shown us that everyone on that cover is a spook.
Miles Williams Mathis: Proof that John Lennon Faked his Death – Library of Rickandria
In 1980, Astaire was married again to a woman named Robyn Smith, 46 years his junior. Robyn Astaire says she was born in San Francisco and spent much of her youth in Los Angeles. But when Sports Illustrated profiled her at the peak of her fame as a jockey (coincidentally riding for Alfred Vanderbilt, an old friend of Astaire’s), the magazine could find no birth record for any Robyn Caroline Smith for several years on either side of her birth date, Aug. 14, 1944. Curiously, in 1946 Fred Astaire “retired” from show business at the age of 47 to
“concentrate on his horse racing interests”
only to return to movies in 1948. Robyn Melody Dawn Caroline Miller Smith would have been 2-4 years of age during that time. Is it possible that Robyn Smith is Fred Astaire’s only biological child?
I doubt it.
I would look at the name Miller and see where that comes from.
It is one of the names, originally Mueller, linking her to the families.
Robyn Smith never had an interest in romance before meeting Astaire nor after his death.
(Jockey) Smith says,
“I like to be alone.
I don’t think I’ll ever get married.
I’m just a loner.”
Robyn (Pilot) Astaire says she won’t marry again.
“It’s wonderful when people do, but I won’t.
I’ve had my man.”
Fred Astaire died in 1987 at the age of 88. Astaire’s death left the rights to his film clips in the hands of Robyn, indicating once again she was part of the same families.
Astaire’s first wife Phyllis Livingston Baker must have royalty in her lineage, so I dug a little deeper.
Along the way, I discovered that she was related to:
Adele Astaire’s husband Kingman Douglass through Francis Newcomb & Rachel Brackett of Braintree, MA.
I also discovered another connection to Dick Cheney (Parker/Bates, Essex England) and Cary Grant’s wife Virginia Cherrill (Woodward/Gibson, Watertown MA).
But some of Phyllis’ true “bluest blood” was found in a union between Robert Livingston and Alida Schuyler:
The Livingston family of New York is a prominent family that migrated from Scotland to the Dutch Republic to the Province of New York in the 17th century. Descended from William, 4th Lord Livingston, its members included signers of the United States Declaration of Independence (Philip Livingston) and the United States Constitution (William Livingston). Several members were Lords of Livingston Manor and Clement Manor, located along the Hudson River in 18th-century eastern New York. Descendants of the Livingstons include Presidents of the United States George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt and much of the wealthy Astor family.
see my paper on Twain again, which also mentions the Livingstons.
Miles Williams Mathis: What About Mark Twain? – Library of Rickandria
Philip Livingston signed the Declaration of Independence.
Some of his descendants include:
- the Roosevelts
- the Booths
- the Halls
- the Robinsons
- the Forbes
- the Morgans
and the Stewarts, corroborating Kevin’s research above.
The Schuyler family was a prominent Dutch family in New York and New Jersey in the 17th and 18th centuries, whose descendants played a critical role in the formation of the United States, in leading government and business in North America, and served as leaders in:
- business
- politics
- society
in the United Kingdom.
Clinton Eastwood Jr. (born May 31, 1930) is an American actor and film director. After achieving success in the Western TV series Rawhide, Eastwood rose to international fame with his role as the “Man with No Name” in Sergio Leone’s Dollars Trilogy of spaghetti Westerns during the mid-1960s and as antihero cop Harry Callahan in the five Dirty Harry films throughout the 1970s and 1980s. These roles, among others, have made Eastwood an enduring cultural icon of masculinity. Elected in 1986, Eastwood served for two years as the mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California.
Phyllis Livingston Baker and Kingman Douglass were also directly related to Clint Eastwood. In his paper, The Patty Hearst Kidnapping was Fake, Miles exposes the “Dirty Harry” films as Intel propaganda and declares Clint Eastwood to be,
“Just another actor/agent, selling the fictional world, THE MATRIX.”
Miles Williams Mathis: The Real Matrix – Library of Rickandria
There are five films in the “Dirty Harry” series, the last occurring in 1988.
Before taking a closer look at Clint Eastwood, here are some observations regarding the Dirty Harry films.
The screenplays were all penned by Harry Julian Fink (7/7-8/8) and Rita M. Fink. These individuals are ghosts and appear to be a cover for a writing committee (of apparent finks).
The actor who portrayed the antagonist in the first film is Andrew Robinson. His family history is untraceable. In 1993, Robinson was a founding member of The Matrix Theater Company in Los Angeles, California. Robinson also helped kick-start the “Hellraiser” film series.
Hellraiser had its first public showing at the Prince Charles Cinema on 9/11/1987.
Hellraiser was initially banned in Ontario by the Ontario Film and Video Review Board because of its:
“Brutal, graphic violence with blood-letting throughout, horror, degradation and torture.”
Ellen Tyne Daly (/ˈtaɪn/; born February 21, 1946) is an American actress whose six-decade career included many leading roles in movies and theater. She has won six Emmy Awards for her television work, a Tony Award, and is a 2011 American Theatre Hall of Fame inductee.
Eastwood’s partner in the third film “The Enforcer” is played by Tyne Daly.
Daly is the daughter of actor James Daly.
James Firman Daly (October 23, 1918 – July 3, 1978) was an American theater, film, and television actor, who is perhaps best known for his role as Paul Lochner in the hospital drama series Medical Center, in which he played Chad Everett’s superior.
Wiki tells us that James Daly’s “working-class” mother worked for the Central Intelligence Agency and his father was a “fuel merchant”. Is that another name for an oilman? James Daly came out as gay a decade after divorcing his wife Hope. Tyne Daly is an admitted lesbian. Her mother Hope Newell descends from Chrétien du Bois (1597-1655) French official in the Comté of Coupigny.
Several prominent Americans figure among Chretien du Bois’ descendants, including:
- former governor of Massachusetts William Floyd Weld
- actor Marlon Brando
- journalist Maria Shriver (a Kennedy and former wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger)
- Samuel Walton
- General George Smith Patton III
and film director George Lucas.
Patricia Davies Clarkson (born December 29, 1959) is an American actress. She has starred in numerous leading and supporting roles in a variety of films ranging from independent film features to major film studio productions. Her accolades include a Golden Globe Award and three Primetime Emmy Awards, in addition to nominations for an Academy Award and a Tony Award.
Patricia Davies Clarkson co-stars in the last Dirty Harry film.
Clarkson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, the daughter of Jackie Clarkson (nee Brechtel), a New Orleans politician, and Arthur Clarkson who worked at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine. One of Patricia Clarkson’s maternal g-grandmothers was a Lithuanian immigrant from Kaunas named Sophie Bass, whose father’s name was Abram.
During the inter-war period in Kaunas, Jews made up much of the city’s:
- commercial
- artisan
- professional
It was also an important Zionist center.
The Jewish Founder of Marxism: Communism is Zionism & Zionism is Jewish Theocratic Global Dictatorship – Library of Rickandria
Sophie Bass was married to Joseph William Berengher.
**Times-Picayune, New Orleans, June 18, 1929
“Heart Attack is Fatal to Joseph W. Berengher”
While in Mexico Joseph William Berengher, 40 years old, exporter and importer, of New Orleans and New York, died late Sunday night after a heart attack. Berengher was an intimate friend of the late President Obregon of Mexico and was one of his honorary pallbearers.
Alvaro Obregon Salido was a General in the Mexican Revolution (1910-20) before becoming President of Mexico from 1920 to 1924.
Álvaro Obregón Salido (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalβaɾo oβɾeˈɣon]; 17 February 1880 – 17 July 1928) was a Mexican military general, inventor and politician who served as the 46th President of Mexico from 1920 to 1924. Obregón was re-elected to the presidency in 1928, but he was assassinated before he could take office.
He was allegedly assassinated on July 17, 1928.
Clarkson has never married and has no children.
“I’ve never wanted to marry; I’ve never wanted children – I was born without that gene.”
She is a direct descendant of Major General William Floyd, signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
William Floyd (December 17, 1734 – August 4, 1821) was an American Founding Father, wealthy farmer, and political leader from New York. Floyd served as a delegate to the Continental Congress and was a signer of the Continental Association and Declaration of Independence. In August 1776, a few weeks after the Declaration was signed, British forces defeated an American army at the battle of Long Island and confiscated Floyd’s house and estate, using the property as a base for their cavalry units over the next seven years. Floyd remained active in politics throughout the Revolutionary Era, served as a major general in the New York State militia, and was elected to the first U.S. Congress in 1789.
Clarkson shares great grandparents with:
- Dick Cheney and Bette Davis (Shatswell/Dillingham, Ipswich MA)
- Roscoe Arbuckle (Stockton/Clayton, Cheshire England)
- Clint Eastwood (Merriman/Lines Haven CT & Wright/Hubbard, Essex England)
is she related to Kelly Clarkson?
Kelly Brianne (born Kelly Brianne Clarkson, April 24, 1982), known professionally as Kelly Clarkson, is an American singer, songwriter, and television personality.
Clinton Eastwood, Jr. (May 31, 1930) is an American:
- actor
- filmmaker
- musician
and political figure.
Since Eastwood’s family tree is so prolific, I will need to examine it one branch at a time. Clint Eastwood’s great-grandfather, Asa Eastwood (1781-1870), was an early settler and a prominent citizen of Cicero in Onondaga County, New York. He grew up in New Jersey and New York City, and in 1800 he (reportedly) shipped out on the frigate Constellation to fight the French. Asa Eastwood’s income was frequently supplemented by his service as a constable, an employment that probably reflected his loyalties to the Democratic Party.
He was also active in:
- the Tammany Society
- the Freemasons
- the local militia
The Tammany Society was a New York City political organization founded in 1786. It was the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in controlling New York City and New York State politics and helping immigrants, most notably the Irish, rise up in American politics from the 1790s to the 1960s. However, Tammany Hall also served as an engine for graft and political corruption, perhaps most infamously under William M. “Boss” Tweed (April 3, 1823 – April 12, 1878) in the mid-19th century.
William Magear “Boss” Tweed (April 3, 1823 – April 12, 1878) was an American politician most notable for being the political boss of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party’s political machine that played a major role in the politics of 19th-century New York City and State.
Tweed was convicted for stealing an amount estimated by an aldermen’s committee in 1877 at between $25 million and $45 million from New York City taxpayers through political corruption, although later estimates ranged as high as $200 million. ($200M is equal to 4.5 billion in 2016!). Unable to make bail, he escaped from jail once, but was returned to custody. He allegedly “died” in the Ludlow Street Jail. (less than a year later).
The Asa Eastwood papers are archived at Syracuse University.
The collection includes:
- correspondence (1812-1846)
- diaries (1806-1870)
- legal papers (1804-1872)
and genealogical material.
Of special interest are the five letters from Asa’s son Elisha, who went to live in Louisiana in the 1840’s. Elisha wrote to his father about southern ways which seemed strange to his northern eyes.
Miles Williams Mathis: Lincoln’s Assassination was a Manufactured Event – Meaning it NEVER Happened – Library of Rickandria
Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 47, Number 7304, 1 September 1874
New Orleans, August 21st. —
- Andrew Perry
- John Ross
- Antonie Maurice
- Joseph Williams
- James Robertson
associated in the murder of Elisha Eastwood, an old flatboat man, on the 8th of April last, were hung today at Napoleon, Assumption Parish. On the night of the murder Eastwood’s flatboat was moored opposite Grisamer’s plantation, about 12 miles from Thibadieu, on Bayou Lafourche. There was on board with him his wife a negro woman.
Jews Have Cursed the Black Race – Library of Rickandria
About 4 o’clock in the morning three of the men abovenamed appeared on the bank, and, alter calling to Eastwood, went on board. They were armed with clubs, and instantly knocked Eastwood down and assaulted the woman; but one of them managed to escape, and gave an alarm. The men were soon after arrested and tried at the special term of the Fifteenth Judicial District Court, Assumption Parish, on the 14th of July, and convicted. Governor Kellogg signed their death warrants August 1st. Today the sentence of the court was carried out.
Governor William Pitt Kellogg was born in Orwell, Vermont, near the New York state border.
William Pitt Kellogg (December 8, 1830 – August 10, 1918) was an American lawyer and Republican Party politician who served as the governor of Louisiana from 1873 to 1877 and twice served as a United States senator during the Reconstruction era.
The Eastwood farm in Cicero, New York, was 200 miles away. Clint Eastwood has a strong line of Kelloggs in his maternal family history. In the 1800s these Kelloggs resided in Sheffield, Massachusetts, which is also 200 miles from Cicero and 130 miles from Orwell, Vermont.
So, the judge was related to the victim in the story above, indicating a possible hoax.
Clint Eastwood’s grandmother on his father’s side was an Anderson but that line is thoroughly scrubbed.
Through Anderson’s mother (nee Gaskill) we discover connections to:
- Dick Cheney (Parker/Bates, Essex England)
- Kingman Douglass (Knight/Gunne, Boston MA)
- Mary Ann Deming (Taft/Simpson, Worcester MA)
- Margaret Fuller (Flint/Wood, Salem MA)
- Lucretia Coffin, Kay Francis & The Gish Sisters (Gardner/Fryer, Salem MA)
- Henry Coffin Nevins (Starbuck/Reynolds, Nantucket MA)
- Miriam Hopkins (Shattuck/Hopkins, Salem MA
- Phyllis Livingston Baker (Symonds/Moone, Devon England)
- Charlie Chaplin’s wife Lita Grey (Parker/Bates, England)
- Shirlee Mae Adams (Davis/Willard, Barnstable MA)
- Frances Ford Seymour (Constable/Ingleby, Yorkshire England)
Clint Eastwood is related to the:
- Coffins
- Gardners
- Starbucks
which links him to the Folgers—and through them to the Tate/Manson murders.
It was pointed out to me by fellow guest writer “Josh” that the name Coffin is probably a push from Coffen, which is a Spanish variant of Cohen.
Miles Williams Mathis: Opening Coffins – Library of Rickandria
Since Josh is Jewish, that guess is probably a good one.
Clint Eastwood is also a descendant of the Stewarts of Balquhidder, a Perth branch of the Stewart clan. They are descended from Sir William Steward of Baldorran (c.1440 – c.1500), who was the great grandson of Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany, executed by King James I of Scotland for treason in 1425. Murdoch Stewart was himself the grandson of King Robert II of Scotland, who founded the Stewart Dynasty. Rupert Murdoch’s ancestry originates in Scotland.
Keith Rupert Murdoch AC (/ˈmɜːrdɒk/ MUR-dok; born 11 March 1931) is an Australian-born American business magnate, investor, and media mogul. Through his company News Corp, he is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, including in the UK (The Sun and The Times), in Australia (The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, and The Australian), in the US (The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post), book publisher HarperCollins, and the television broadcasting channels Sky News Australia and Fox News (through the Fox Corporation). He was also the owner of Sky (until 2018), 21st Century Fox (until 2019), and the now-defunct News of the World. With a net worth of US$21.7 billion as of 2 March 2022, Murdoch is the 31st richest person in the United States and the 71st richest in the world according to Forbes magazine. Due to his extensive wealth influence over media and politics, Murdoch has been described as an oligarch.
Also see Payne Stewart in Miles’ “Is Tiger Woods a PSYOP?”.
William Payne Stewart (January 30, 1957 – October 25, 1999) was an American professional golfer who won 11 PGA Tour events, including three major championships, the last of which came just a few months before his death in an airplane accident at the age of 42.
Miles Williams Mathis: Is Tiger Woods a PSYOP? – Library of Rickandria
Clint Eastwood’s step father John Belden Wood is a direct descendant of the Massachusetts Murdock’s who emigrated from Stirling, Scotland which is 30 miles from Perth. John Belden Wood’s tree includes all the usual suspects from the old families of New England, including the Spencers and Hungerfords of the English peerage.
In fact, Ruth Runner Eastwood (Clint’s mother) and John Belden Wood are directly related through Gerard Spencer (1576-1646) & Alice Whitbread (1577 1628) of London, England.
In fact, Clint’s missing middle name may be Spencer. I suspect it is Kyle Eastwood’s missing middle name as well. Why? Because Clint’s granddaughter is named Graylen Spencer Eastwood. It is obviously a family name, but it appears to come out of nowhere. I guess they assumed we wouldn’t notice it. We almost didn’t. This tells us where Clint came from more than anything. It tells us he is related to Winston Churchill and the Dukes of Marlborough.
Finishing Clint Eastwood’s maternal history, we find these connections:
- Dick Cheney (Emerson/Crabbe Crocker, England)
- Kingman Douglass (Stoughton/Lewkenor, England)
- Charles Crocker (Wright/Stratton, Northampton MA)
- Humphrey Bogart (Bushnell /Quenell, New Haven CT)
- Rod Taylor (Andrews/Cherringham, Hartford CT)
- Paulette Goddard & Veronica Balfe (Spencer/Whitbread, England)
- Cary Grant’s wife Virginia Cherrill (Johnson/Heath, Roxbury MA)
- Kay Francis (Hall/Royce, New Haven CT)
- Phyllis Livingston Baker (Goodale/Killam, Salem MA)
- Francis Ford Seymour (Beach/Cook, New Haven CT & Curtis/Howe, England)
Nolan Bushnell established Atari and Chuck E. Cheese.
Nolan Kay Bushnell (born February 5, 1943) is an American businessman and electrical engineer. He established Atari, Inc. and the Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza Time Theatre chain. He has been inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame and the Consumer Electronics Association Hall of Fame, received the BAFTA Fellowship and the Nations Restaurant News “Innovator of the Year” award, and was named one of Newsweek’s “50 Men Who Changed America”. He has started more than 20 companies and is one of the founding fathers of the video game industry. He is on the board of Anti-Aging Games. In 2012, he founded an educational software company called Brainrush, that is using video game technology in educational software.
Clint Eastwood is also a walking contradiction.
Eastwood has referred to himself as,
“…too individualistic to be either right-wing or left wing.”
describing himself in 1974 as
“a political nothing.”
“a moderate”
and in 1997 as a
Libertarianism – Library of Rickandria
At times, he has supported Democrats in California, including Senator Dianne Feinstein (born Dianne Goldman 6/22/33) in 1994 and Governor Gray Davis, (the son of Doris Meyer and member of law firm Loeb & Loeb) whom he voted for in 1998 and 2002 and hosted pricey fundraisers for in 2002 and 2003.
A self-professed “liberal on civil rights”, Eastwood has stated that he is pro-choice on abortion. He has endorsed same-sex marriage and contributed to groups supporting the Equal Rights Amendment for women. In 1992, Eastwood acknowledged to writer David Breskin that his political views represented a fusion of Milton Friedman (a Jewish-American economist raised by “dry goods merchants”) and Noam Chomsky (see Miles’ “Noam Chomsky is and always has been a Spook”) and suggested that they would make for a worthwhile presidential ticket. Despite being heavily associated with firearms in his Westerns and cop movies, Eastwood has publicly endorsed gun control since at least 1973.
He has put it this way:
“Right now, the furor against a gun law is by gun owners who are overreacting.
They’re worried that all guns are going to be recalled.
It’s impossible to take guns out of circulation.”
During the 2008 United States presidential election, Eastwood stated that he would be voting for John McCain, citing the fact that he had known McCain since he returned to the US in 1973 as a recently released POW.
John Sidney McCain III (August 29, 1936 – August 25, 2018) was an American statesman and naval officer who represented the state of Arizona in Congress for over 35 years, first as a Representative from 1983 to 1987, and then as a senator from 1987 until his death in 2018. He was the Republican Party’s nominee in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.
John McCain was born August 29, 1936, to USN Admiral John McCain, Jr. (January 17, 1911 – March 22, 1981) and Roberta Wright who were married in 1933. Roberta Wright and her identical twin sister were born to Archibald Wright (1874-1971) a Los Angeles oil wildcatter.
As for McCain, Eastwood reflected,
“I voted for McCain, not because he was a Republican, but because he had been through war (in Vietnam) and I thought he might understand the war in Iraq better than somebody who hadn’t…”
Iraq: Destroying Our Past – Library of Rickandria
Eastwood further explained his anti-war stance by saying,
“I was a child growing up during World War II.
That was supposed to be the one to end all wars.
And four years later, I was standing at the draft board being drafted during the Korean conflict.”
Sandra Louise Anderson (née Smith; May 28, 1944 – November 3, 2018), professionally known as Sondra Locke, was an American actress and director.
Clint Eastwood’s longtime companion Sondra Locke once commented,
“He always dropped the Korean War reference, hoping everyone would conclude that he was in combat and might be some sort of hero.
Actually, he’d been a lifeguard at Fort Ord in northern California for his entire stint in the military.”
While returning from a prearranged romantic tryst in Seattle, Washington, he (Eastwood) was a passenger on a Douglas AD bomber that ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean near Point Reyes.
“What was going through my mind was just a stark fear, a stark terror, because [in the] first place, I didn’t know anything about aviation at that time — I was just hopping a ride,”
Eastwood said during an interview for the Loyola Marymount University School of Film & TV.
“In those days, you could wear your uniform and get a free flight.
On the way back, they had one plane (?), a Douglas AD, sort of a torpedo bomber of the World War II vintage, and I thought I’d hitch on that.
Everything went wrong.
Radios went out.
Oxygen ran out.
And finally, we ran out of fuel up around Point Reyes, California, and went in the ocean.
So, we went swimming.
It was late October, November.
Very cold water.
[I] found out many years later that it was a white shark breeding ground, but I’m glad I didn’t know that at the time or I’d have just died.”
Locke said that Eastwood “always” lied about his military service. Since the flight path from Seattle to Point Reyes doesn’t even traverse a body of water, he may have lied about this too. And what qualified bomber pilot is going to run out of fuel during an 800-mile trip? It’s a 2-hour flight, did he never check the gauge?
Eastwood’s 2014 movie American Sniper was met with strong critical praise, especially from many Republicans who called it a pro-War on Terror, pro-Republican, and patriotic film; Eastwood responded by saying that such notions represented a “stupid analysis” and that the movie had nothing to do with political parties. Eastwood responded to critics of American Sniper by saying his film was,
“the biggest anti-war statement any film can make”
and that
“the fact of what [war] does to the family and the people who have to go back into civilian life like Chris Kyle did.”
Christopher Scott Kyle (April 8, 1974 – February 2, 2013) was a United States Navy SEAL sniper. He served four tours in the Iraq War and was awarded several commendations for acts of heroism and meritorious service in combat. He had 160 confirmed kills and was awarded a Silver Star, three Bronze Star Medals with “V” devices for valor, 2x Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with “V” device, as well as numerous other unit and personal awards.
“What it (war) does to the people left behind.”
And this brings us full circle back to Miles’ paper on Patty Hearst. Miles not only assessed the Dirty Harry films but American Sniper as well.
He wrote,
“American Sniper is grade-P Propaganda from start to finish.
(It) resells the fake 1998 Embassy bombings in Africa and the manufactured 911 attacks in New York.
It re-sells the second Iraq invasion, the existence of Al Qaeda, the existence of al-Zarqawi, and the use of snipers and torture against civilians.”
Miles concludes:
“Clint has been working with Intelligence since he graduated from spaghetti westerns.
Like Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, Charlton Heston, and all the rest, he has been a G-man almost from the beginning.”
Kevin brought up Sondra Locke, but I recently discovered something interesting about her. Namely that, like Taylor Swift and many others, she may be a serial beard. Her first husband was Gordon Anderson, an actor now admitted at IMDB to be gay. It is admitted their relationship was never consummated. Even stranger, they were apparently never divorced. On his IMDB page, it states he is still married to Locke!
Other than her relationship with Eastwood, Locke only has one other known relationship, and that is a late alleged relationship with her surgeon—a man named Scott Cunneen, 17 years her junior, who allegedly moved in with her in 1991. We aren’t told how long he stayed with her, so it could have been only a matter of weeks. They are not still together.
So, we have a beautiful thin blonde actress connected to only three men in 55 years and married to one of them—gay and unconsummated—for 50 of those years. She was supposed to be with Eastwood for 14 years and is still his most known paramour. So, what does that tell us about Eastwood? I will let you figure it out.
Jewish Control of Gay Rights – Library of Rickandria
Dennis Lee Hopper (May 17, 1936 – May 29, 2010) was an American actor and film director.
Miles has already outed Hopper and Peter Fonda as spooks in the paper “Easy Rider”, but here’s a brief addendum.
Peter Henry Fonda (February 23, 1940 – August 16, 2019) was an American actor, film director, and screenwriter. He was a two-time Academy Award nominee, both for acting and screenwriting, and a two-time Golden Globe Award winner for his acting. He was a member of the Fonda acting family, as the son of actor Henry Fonda, the brother of actress and activist Jane Fonda, and the father of actress Bridget Fonda.
The third co-writer on that film was a man named Terry Southern.
Southern’s bios on Wikipedia and IMDB do not list his parents but are told that he:
- Served in the U.S. Army during World War II and fought at the Battle of the Bulge (IMDB).
- Left the U.S. in 1948, using a G.I. Bill Grant to travel to France, where he studied at the Faculte Des Lettres of the Sorbonne.
- Made many important friendships and social contacts as he became a central figure in the (French) expatriate American café society of the 1950s.
- Appears on the sleeve of the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s album.
- Died at the age of 71 on October 29, 1995.
Southern’s first wife is listed as model “Pud Gadiot”. I could find no evidence of a model bearing that name. The definition of “gad” is go around from one place to another, in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment. “Gadiot” sounds like the perfect word to describe most Americans, i.e.
“111.9 million Gadiots watched the Super Bowl.
Ninety-nine percent of those Gadiots don’t realize that the outcome was pre-determined.”
Southern’s second wife was model and aspiring actress Carol Kauffman (Jewish). Known professionally as Carol Southern, she first became known for her “style” books (Hi-Tech, Italian Style, etc.) and discovered Martha Stewart (remember that fake trial?), the doyenne of the “style” craze. She edited a wide range of books, with equal attention to detail and clarity, including “Jackson Pollock: An American Tragedy,” which won the Pulitzer Prize.
Dennis Hopper (May 17, 1936 – May 29, 2010) shared great-grandparents with:
- Dick Cheney (Tyler/Langley – Queen Anne, MD)
- Phyllis Livingston Baker (Learned/Stearns – Chelmsford, MA)
- Miriam Hopkins (Butler/OImstead – Hartford, CT)
- Bette Davis and suffragist Lucy Stone (Bigelow/Baguley – Suffolk England)
- Kay Francis (Royce/Morgan – New Haven, CT)
- Humphrey Bogart (Bushnell/Adgate – New London, CT)
- Clint Eastwood (Eastwood/Wilcock – Yorkshire, England)
Dennis Hopper is also related to Clint Eastwood and Robert Duvall through Mareen Duvall (1625–1699) born Marin Duval, at Nantes, France, in 1625 and arrived in the Province of Maryland on August 28, 1650. He became quite prosperous and his Middle Plantation in Davidsonville, Maryland and La Val were,
“as luxurious and courtly as any of the manors of the English gentry.”
How many of these direct descendants of Mareen Duvall can you name?
Mareen Duvall (1625–1694) was a French Huguenot and an early American settler.
Only the fellow in the middle has the last name “Duvall.”
The Mareen Duvall descendants shown earlier are:
- Harry Truman (33rd President of the U.S.)
- Wallis Warfield Simpson (for whom King Edward VIII of England abdicated his throne)
- Robert Duvall (actor)
- Richard Cheney (Vice President, 2001-2008)
and Mareen’s ninth-great-grandson Barack Obama (44th and current President).
European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria
Robert Duvall (born January 5, 1931) the son of Mildred Virginia (nee Hart) and William Howard Duvall, a Virginia-born U.S. Navy admiral. Robert Duvall’s mother was a relative of American Civil War General Robert E. Lee, and a member of the Lee family of Virginia, while his father was a descendant of settler Mareen Duval. He grew up primarily in Annapolis, Maryland, site of the U.S. Naval Academy.
He recalled,
“I was a Navy brat.
My father started at the Academy when he was 16 (?), made captain at 39 and retired as a Rear Admiral.”
Duvall’s political views are variously described as libertarian or conservative. Duvall worked the floor at the GOP’s 2008 national convention and narrated most of the videos for the convention. In September 2008, he appeared on stage at a John McCain-Sarah Palin rally in New Mexico.
Marlon Brando (4/3/24 – 7/1/04) co-starred in Apocalypse Now with Hopper and Duvall.
See Miles’ paper “Apoplexy Now”. His birthdate of April 3 is a spooky one.
On that date:
- The Panama Papers were leaked.
- The Unabomber was captured.
- The first mobile phone call was made.
- Harry Truman signed the Marshall plan.
- Bruno Hauptmann was executed for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.
- Jack the Ripper’s first victim was discovered,
- Joseph Stalin became the first General Secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, to name a few.
Also remember William “Boss” Tweed from Eastwood’s profile, who was also born on April 3.
Brando was known for his tumultuous personal life and his large number of:
- wives
- girlfriends
- children
He was the father to sixteen known children, three of whom were adopted. Some sources claim he fathered as many as 17 children or more.
In 1976, he told a French journalist,
“Homosexuality is so much in fashion, it no longer makes news.
Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences, and I am not ashamed.
I have never paid much attention to what people think about me.
But if there is someone who is convinced that Jack Nicholson and I are lovers, may they continue to do so.
I find it amusing.”
Brando’s close friendship with Wally Cox was the subject of rumors.
Wallace Maynard Cox (December 6, 1924 – February 15, 1973) was an American actor. He began his career as a standup comedian and played the title character of the popular early U.S. television series Mister Peepers from 1952 to 1955. He also appeared as a character actor in over 20 films and dozens of television episodes. Cox was the voice of the animated canine superhero Underdog in the Underdog TV series.
Brando told a journalist:
“If Wally had been a woman, I would have married him and we would have lived happily ever after.”
In 1946, Brando performed in Ben Hecht’s play A Flag is Born.
A Flag is Born: The Broadway Play That Helped Create Israel
During the 1940s, American Jewish organizations used a variety of means to rally public opinion in support of creating a Jewish state in British-ruled Palestine… But one took the unusual step of using the theater to communicate its message to the American public. The Bergson group, as it was known, was led by a dynamic Zionist emissary from Jerusalem named Hillel Kook, who used the pseudonym Peter Bergson during the 1940s as he led a series of political action committees focusing on Jewish concerns…
Zionism is Judaism & Communism – Library of Rickandria
American League for a Free Palestine (ALFP), which handled logistics and publicity for the show, minced no words in describing the play’s purpose:
“‘A Flag is Born’ is not ordinary theatre.
It was not written to amuse or beguile.
‘A Flag is Born’ was written to make money–to make money to provide ships to get Hebrews to Palestine… and [to] arouse American public opinion to support the fight for freedom and independence now being waged by the resistance in Palestine.”
Between rehearsals for “Flag,” Brando relaxed at Hecht’s suburban Nyack, N.Y. home, where Zionist activists and sympathetic celebrities –among others– regularly crossed paths.
“Around me in Nyack the Palestinian underground crackled constantly,” Hecht later recalled.
“Russian and British spies pattered through the house and eavesdropped at the swimming pool where the Irgun captains were wont to gather for disputation.”
Irgun was the Palestine Jewish Underground militia known as the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization).
The Adlers, often called the first family of the Yiddish theater, were strong supporters of the Bergson group and figured prominently in “A Flag is Born.”
As a young man, Brando was a family friend of Stella Adler.
Stella Adler (February 10, 1901 – December 21, 1992) was an American actress and acting teacher.
While living in her household, it is rumored that Brando impregnated novelist Paula Fox.
Paula Fox (April 22, 1923 – March 1, 2017) was an American author of novels for adults and children and of two memoirs.
This daughter, Linda Carroll, became an author and psychotherapist and gave birth to musician Courtney Love.
Courtney Michelle Love (née Harrison; born July 9, 1964) is an American singer, guitarist, songwriter, and actress.
Christian Devi Brando (May 11, 1958 – January 26, 2008) was an American actor who was one of the eleven children of actor Marlon Brando, and the only one Brando had with his first wife, former actress Anna Kashfi.
Two of Brando’s other children were Christian Devi Brando who allegedly fatally shot Dag Drollet, the boyfriend of his half-sister Cheyenne Brando.
Tarita Cheyenne Brando (20 February 1970 – 16 April 1995) was a French fashion model. She was the daughter of actor Marlon Brando by his third wife Tarita Teriipaia, an actress from French Polynesia whom he met while filming Mutiny on the Bounty in 1962.
In the years following the shooting of her boyfriend, Cheyenne Brando’s mental health steadily declined.
On 4/16/95, Cheyenne hanged herself at her mother’s house in Tahiti.
She is buried in the Drollet crypt in Papeete.
The Drollets are a prominent Tahitian family.
On Geni I discovered a Harriet Tymandra Drollet (nee Chapman), birthplace Papeete, father Benjamin Franklin Chapman of Long Island, New York.
Of course, Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon in New York.
Miles Williams Mathis: Proof that John Lennon Faked his Death – Library of Rickandria
Christian Brando died 1/26/2008, aged 49.
He had also been implicated in the Robert Blake wife-shooting hoax.
Robert Blake (born Michael James Gubitosi; September 18, 1933 – March 9, 2023), billed early in his career as Mickey Gubitosi and Bobby Blake, was an American actor. He was best known for starring in the 1967 film In Cold Blood, playing the title role in the late 1970s television series Baretta, and playing the Mystery Man in the 1997 film Lost Highway.
Cheyenne Brando’s son Tuki, born 6/26/90, is a fashion model and the face of Versace menswear.
Another of Marlon Brando’s sons, Miko, was Michael Jackson’s bodyguard and assistant for several years.
Marlon was also a longtime close friend of the entertainer and paid regular visits to his Neverland Ranch, resting there for weeks at a time.
Brando also shares great grandparents with:
- Dick Cheney (John Madison & Isabella Todd King and Queen, VA)
- Clint Eastwood (Henry Pendleton & Susan Camden, Norfolk England)
Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich (July 1496 – 12 June 1567), was Lord Chancellor during King Edward VI of England’s reign, from 1547 until January 1552. He was the founder of Felsted School with its associated almshouses in Essex in 1564. He was a beneficiary of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and persecuted perceived opponents of the king and their policies. He played a role in the trials of Catholic martyrs Thomas More and John Fisher as well as that of Protestant martyr Anne Askew.
He was also a descendant of Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich (1496/7 – 12 June 1567), Lord Chancellor during the reign of King Edward VI of England from 1547 until January 1552.
Edward VI (12 October 1537 – 6 July 1553) was King of England and Ireland from 28 January 1547 until his death in 1553.
He was the founder of Felsted School with its associated alms houses in Essex in 1564.
He was a beneficiary of suppression of the monasteries.
See “Let’s Put the Spotlight on Spotlight” to find out that this battle is still being waged.
Miles Williams Mathis: Let’s put the Spotlight on Spotlight – Library of Rickandria
Miles has covered Richard Rich numerous times.
I am going to now close with a profile of Henry Fonda.
Henry Jaynes Fonda (May 16, 1905 – August 12, 1982) was an American actor whose career spanned five decades on Broadway and in Hollywood. On screen and stage, he often portrayed characters who embodied an everyman image.
Henry’s wife Frances Ford Seymour’s first husband was George Tuttle Brokaw.
Frances Ford Seymour Fonda (4 April 1908 – 14 April 1950) was a Canadian-American socialite. She was the second wife of actor Henry Fonda and the mother of actors Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda.
Since Brokaw is an uncommon name, it is likely that George is related to Tom Brokaw.
I confirmed it by linking them both to Bourgon Broucard and Catherine (nee Lefevre) of Somerset, New Jersey.
It looks like the,
“controlled news and entertainment media”
has decided to join the party.
After all, where would Hollywood and D.C. be without them to guide the narrative?
Thomas John Brokaw (/ˈbroʊkɔː/; born February 6, 1940) is an American retired network television journalist and author.
Thomas John “Tom” Brokaw born February 6, 1940) is an American television journalist and author, best known as the anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News from 1982 to 2004.
He is the author of The Greatest Generation and other books and the recipient of numerous awards and honors.
Brokaw’s father was a construction foreman for the Army Corps of Engineers.
He worked at the Black Hills Ordnance Depot (BHOD).
Over the years, BHOD was used for storage and testing of chemical weapons, including sarin and mustard gas.
Additionally, during World War II, the site also held Italian prisoners of war.
Brokaw also had a long history of close ties with Joe Foss.
Joseph Jacob Foss (April 17, 1915 – January 1, 2003) was a United States Marine Corps Major and a leading Marine fighter ace in World War II. He received the Medal of Honor in recognition of his role in air combat during the Guadalcanal Campaign. In postwar years, he was an Air National Guard Brigadier General, served as the 20th Governor of South Dakota (1955–1959), president of the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) and the first commissioner of the American Football League. He also was a television broadcaster.
There is too much info on Foss to go into here, so consider it a red flag and look him up yourself.
Let’s just take a quick look at Tom Brokaw’s “strange relations”.
Among his family tree are found:
- 5 generations of Cronkhite (Walter Cronkite)
- 9 generations of Sperry including an Ira, Abel, and Moses (Sperry Corp.)
- 3 generations of Rand (Sperry Rand)
- 3 generations of Goodyear
- 5 generations of Morton including a Hannah, Benjamin, Samuel, and Ephraim (Salt, Steakhouse)
- 6 generations of Peabody
Tom Brokaw has won 3 Peabody Awards.
He also shares great-grandparents with:
- Frances Ford Seymour (Marvin/Gregory – Fairfield, CT) & (Moore/Grafton, Salem MA)
- Shirlee Mae Adams (Taft/Milner – London England) & (Woodward/Lawrence, Boston MA)
- Clint Eastwood (Sperry/Mansfield – New Haven, CT)
- Dennis Hopper (Bushnell/Quenell – New Haven, CT)
- William Sloane Coffin (Hazen/Grant – New, London CT)
- Dick Cheney (Hyde/Crompton – Lancashire, England) & (Polly/Bacon – Roxbury, MA) & (Howlett/French – Essex, MA)
- Nancy Reagan (Dunham/Barlow – Plymouth, MA)
- Charles Crocker (Swift/Tobey – Barnstable, MA)
- Kingman Douglass (Irish/Risley – Plymouth, MA)
- Phyllis Livingston Baker (Suydam/Jacobs – Queens, NY) & (Livingston/Van Brugh – Albany, NY)
- Humphrey Bogart (Brokaw/Van Derveer – Somerset, NJ) & (Perkins/Gater, Ipswich, MA)
- Katharine Hepburn (Faunce/Morton, Plymouth, MA)
- Kay Francis (Bushnell/Marvin – Fairfield, CT)
- Buster Keaton (Hyde/Crompton – Middlesex, MA)
- Veronica Balfe (Hyde/Molyneux – New London, CT)
- Roscoe Arbuckle (Gifford/Turner – Devon, England)
- John Fairbanks (Leland/Babcock – Middlesex, MA)
- Ginger Rogers (Albee/Miller – Worcester, MA)
- Jean Arthur (Sherwood/Gillett – New Paltz, NY)
He is a descendant of Robert Livingston the Elder (December 13, 1654 – October 1, 1728) a:
- New York colonial official
- fur trader
- businessman
Livingston was granted a patent to 160,000 acres along the Hudson River and became the first lord of Livingston Manor.
Many Americans are descended from the Livingston family, including:
- George W. Bush
- the entire Fish and Kean families
- First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
- First Lady of New York Anna Morton
- actors Montgomery Clift and Michael Douglas
- actress Jane Wyatt
- medical resident Asad Rizvi
- poet Robert Lowell
- cinematographer Floyd Crosby and his son David Crosby
- author Wolcott Gibbs
and almost the entire Astor family.
Also, the Abell family.
Robert Abell was born in about 1605 the second son of George Abell (1561 1630) and Frances Cotton (b. abt. 1573-d. by 1646). On his mother’s side, he was descended from a long line of English, Norman and French aristocrats and royalty. Robert’s father, George Abell, at the age of 17 enrolled in Oxford University’s Brasenose College (8 December 1578). By November of 1580, he had become a barrister and a member of the Inner Temple.
The history of the Inner Temple begins in the early years of the reign of Henry II (1154–1189), when the contingent of Knights Templar in London moved from the Old Temple in Holborn to a new location on the banks of the River Thames.
Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian National Congress and Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, studied law at the Inner Temple.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific Mahātmā (from Sanskrit, meaning great-souled, or venerable), first applied to him in South Africa in 1914, is now used throughout the world.
For much more about the Inner Temple see guest writer Josh’s paper Was the Fakir a Faker?
Miles Williams Mathis: Was the Fakir a Faker? Notes on the Gandhi PSYOP – Library of Rickandria
Henry Jaynes Fonda (May 16, 1905 – August 12, 1982) was an American stage and film actor, with a career spanning more than five decades.
Fonda was the patriarch of a family of famous actors, including:
- daughter Jane Fonda
- son Peter Fonda
- granddaughter Bridget Fonda
Peter and Jane grew up in the long shadow cast by their father, and they have frequently commented on Henry’s cold and distant approach to parenting, with Jane even blaming her father for her two-decade long battle with bulimia.
“When I turned 60 and entered my third and final act, I decided that no matter how scary it was, I needed to heal the wounds that patriarchy had dealt me.”
Oh, brother.
Jane Fonda’s full name is Lady Jane Seymour Fonda, which links us to the name Jane Seymour—one of Henry VIII’s wives.
Henry VIII was Gay & an even bigger surprise revelation – Library of Rickandria
In other words, Jane Fonda wasn’t just named for a famous wife of Henry VIII, she was actually a descendant and close cousin.
We have seen the name Jane Seymour come up in several of my papers, since there have been many Jane Seymours in these families over the years and centuries, tied to many famous people.
Miles Williams Mathis: What I Finally Understood about Famous People – Library of Rickandria
Henry Fonda’s ancestors from Genoa, Italy, migrated to the Netherlands in the 15th century. In 1642, a branch of the Fonda family immigrated to the Dutch colony of New Netherland on the East Coast of North America. They were among the first Dutch population to settle in what is now upstate New York, establishing the town of Fonda, New York. By 1888, many of their descendants had relocated to Nebraska.
I have already connected Henry Fonda to:
- his (final) wife Shirlee Mae Adams (twice)
- Phyllis Livingston Baker
- Nancy Reagan
- Humphrey Bogart
- Robert Taylor
- Miriam Hopkins
- Fay Wray
- Roscoe Arbuckle’s father Charles Crocker
and two of Charlie Chaplin’s wives (Harris & Goddard).
He also shares great-grandparents with:
- a third Chaplin wife Lita Grey (Capen/Purchase – Hartford, CT)
- another of his own wives Ford Seymour & Joan Crawford (Norton/Cholmeley Frances – London England)
- Bette Davis (Richards/Loring – Plymouth, MA)
- Katharine Hepburn & Tom Brokaw (Faunce/Morton – Plymouth, MA)
- Kingman Douglass (Stone/Whipple – Watertown, MA)
- Quaker Oats founder Henry Parsons Crowel l (Wells/Belcher – Hartford, CT)
Another ancestor, Sir John Harrington, was an English:
- courtier
- author
- translator
popularly known as the inventor of the flush toilet.
He became a prominent member of Queen Elizabeth I’s court and was known as her “saucy Godson”.
Harrington devised Britain’s first flushing toilet – called the Ajax (i.e., a “jakes” – jakes being an old slang term for toilet).
The term ‘John’, used particulary in the USA, is thought by some to be a reference to its inventor, however this is disputed.
Fonda enlisted in the United States Navy to fight in World War II, saying,
“I don’t want to be in a fake war in a studio.”
(he wanted to be a fake officer in a real war instead).
Fonda served for three years, initially as a Quartermaster 3rd Class on the destroyer USS Satterlee.
He was later commissioned as a Lieutenant Junior Grade in Air Combat Intelligence in the Central Pacific and was awarded the navy Presidential Unit Citation and the Bronze Star.
I don’t know how old you should be to remember the GAF View-Master. I do know you need to be at least 50 to remember Henry Fonda pushing View-Masters on T.V. You can still see some of the commercials on YouTube, including Jodie Foster’s first speaking role (she’s now in my crosshairs, pun intended). It seemed that Fonda was always selling GAF this and GAF that. The commercials made an impression on me and I know this because at that time I had three celebrity impressions in my “repertoire”;
- John Wayne
- Jimmy Stewart
- Henry Fonda
My immensely (un)popular catchphrases were,
“Well Howdy Pardner”
“My name is J-J-J-Jimmy Stewart”
I never really fleshed out the Fonda portion of my act which probably held me back in the “biz”.
The point I’m making is that the psychological programming worked on my impressionable mind.
It must have worked on my mother too, because I got a View-Master for Christmas.
Or maybe she just wanted to shut me up.
Since I now question everything, thanks mainly to Miles, I finally asked myself,
“What in the H-E-Double-Toothpicks IS GAF?”
In year 1928, the American holdings of IG Farben, namely, the American branches of:
- Bayer Company
- General Aniline Works
- Agfa Ansco
and Winthrop Chemical Company, were organized into a Swiss holding company, which was named Internationale Gesellschaft für Chemische Unternehmungen AG or IG Chemie, in short.
The controlling interest of this entity rested with IG Farben in Germany.
In the following year, 1929, just a decade before the outbreak of the Second World War, these American firms merged to become American IG Chemical Corporation, or American IG, later renamed General Aniline & Film.
On the eve of World War II, IG Farben, the German chemical conglomerate, was the largest manufacturing enterprise in the world and exercised extraordinary economic and political clout in Nazi Germany.
In 1936, it was the principal source for Zyklon B, the poison used in German concentration camps.
From 1942-1945, the company used slave labor from Nazi concentration camps.
After 1945, three members of the board of governors of American IG were tried and convicted as German war criminals.
In 1952, IG Farben was split into BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst again.
As a result of its 1966 acquisition of Sawyer’s, General Aniline & Film (or GAF) went on to produce the View-Master, a children’s toy, made today by Mattel’s “Fisher-Price” division.
GAF today still exists as GAF Materials Corporation, mainly as a manufacturer of asphalt and building materials.
On Jan. 7, 2001, GAF’s principal shareholder became the 27th company in the United States to file for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code from liabilities relating to asbestos related bodily injury claims.
In what was an ill-fated acquisition, GAF’s purchase of Ruberoid brought with it a product line that contained considerable quantities of asbestos.
The asbestos-containing products ranged from roofing shingles and siding to insulation and numerous other construction related products.
Along with the purchase came ownership of an asbestos mine in Vermont.
Once the sale was complete, GAF Corporation became the de facto leader in asbestos supplies in the state.
In the opening line of this article, I wrote that I had no overarching theme, but it appears that a theme has developed, nonetheless.
In Strange Relations II we had a bunch of apparently frigid women and lesbians selling us heterosexual love and passion on the screen, even though it appears they made every effort to avoid Y chromosomes like the plague.
This time we have a bunch of pampered progeny of the elite selling us the romance of war, the thrill of violence, and the honor of death while setting themselves up as heroes, martyrs, and upstanding citizens.
All their fake medals and tales of heroism aren’t fooling me.
I can see through their lies and propaganda, and it nauseates me to think of how many young and impressionable people’s lives, and the lives of their loved ones, they have ruined.
I wish they’d all just have their fake deaths already and leave us to entertain ourselves.
But since these people are merely puppets anyway, it’d only be like removing a cyst from your cancerous tumor.
I just hope and pray that this rant hasn’t offended Gwyneth Paltrow.