by Wes Penre on June 17, 2011, from the page “Present & Future Earth Changes & their True Causes“
The last big challenge we have is closer in time and has everything to do with 2012 and the Mayan Calendar.
It appears that we are facing the End Times, the End of the World as we know it.
We are talking about November-December 2012.
It will not be the End, like in the destruction of mankind and planet Earth, but it seems like we are facing the death of an old world and the rebirth of a new.
In the LINK meeting with the Plenum (all alien members and observers), another most important issue was brought up. Dr. Bordon, in his report, named this section, “Episodic Presence of the Itinerant Gravitational Wavefront Passing Through the Solar System in Approximately 22 Months”.
Twenty-two months, counting from January 2011 will be around November-December of 2012.
According to what members of the Plenum told the LPG-C members, a wave of a supernova is going to hit the solar system around this time.
This is something they have discovered, but it is not clear, yet which star it’s related to, or how many light-years away.
This gravity wave is not electromagnetic in nature and depends upon dark energy for its sustenance and involves time in a most unexpected way.
Dark Matter & Dark Energy: What are they? – Library of Rickandria
This, again, is quite scientific and requires an understanding of how space/time and time/space works – matter and anti-matter.
Excluding most of the scientific language here in this paper, a summary of the report would be that the wavefront in itself will perhaps not affect us to any major extent, but the aftermath might.
The report says that we, at a minimum, would feel like we are reliving moments before the passage as though it never happened before, but we would experience them as a déjà vu.
At maximum (and I quote):
“The passage may literally induce a sufficiently severe wake such that our medium is momentarily cloaked (as in gone off-phase) from the rest of our local solar system space/time ratio (internally, this would be much like the ‘day of the Lord’ where-in) when-in time stops completely, such that the Earth/solar system would seem to go through a tunnel and come out at the other end hopefully on the same timeline as when it entered the wake.”
Apparently, this kind of phenomenon, according to more advanced Civilization III members, is not too uncommon, which makes sense, if all supernovae send out a wavefront in all directions.
With only space, and no significant objects to stop its progress, it may only gradually lose its intensity, if at all.
If this is true, and only my own speculations, many other solar systems will be, and have been already affected as well.

So, in this case, just like with the passing of Nibiru, it’s uncertain exactly what will happen, but it’s interesting to compare this information with both the Ra Material, Royal/Priest in their “Prism of Lyra” and the teachings of Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadeans.
Barbara Marciniak – Library of Rickandria
The Ra Material talk about “The Harvest”, where certain members of humanity who have reached a specific vibration will be harvested into the 4th Density together with Earth, while those who have not reached that point in their evolvement will reincarnate on another 3rd Density planet and work themselves through another cycle, until it’s time for a new Harvest.
The Human Harvest – Library of Rickandria
Reading the material with the supernova in mind should be quite interesting.
The Pleiadians are even more so.
In their lecture, “Moon Musings #55”, September 11, 2010, CD #2, they are talking about “The Wave of the Supernova”, in quite an encoded, many faceted languages, referring to the same time period as Dr. Bordon and his ET friends describe.
The Pleiadians refer to it as a part of the enlightening wave coming in and hitting us both from the Sun and the Galactic Center at the end of the nano-second (1987-2012).
The effects of this wave will be, that those who are ready for it and have done their “homework”, meaning educating themselves, raised their vibrations and had their chakras opened and DNA at least partly reactivated, will find themselves in a far better situation than ever before, while others, who are living in ignorance and oblivion may have a very hard time, because time as we know it is speeding up exponentially right now, and if we don’t have our ducks in a row, our issues (or karma) will hit us in the face much more severely than normal.
So, is this true?
I would say it is, because I can see this happening all around me, and it happens to me as well.
The issues we have put aside and don’t want to deal with will pop up right in front of our faces with full force until we confront them and deal with them.
The key to survival (because many will go insane and die, according to the Pleiadians), is to be able to keep our higher vibrations in spite of the chaos around us, and be an example for others, and just by being us, we help increasing the vibration on those in our environment.
Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important – Library of Rickandria
Then, in “The Prism of Lyra”, Royal and Priest are telling us, like I explained in a previous paper, that the stars/suns in this universe are the Founders in one of their many forms, and I would suggest that when a star is exploding into a supernova, the Founder is basically separating Itself into smaller pieces of self and spreads Its awareness over cosmos, perhaps with the intention to take other forms.
The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage – Library of Rickandria
And on this divine wave, many layers of information are carried.
So, the “Wave of the Supernova” may be a mixed bag.
Whatever will happen, it’s going to be the end of the time we live in, and the beginning of a new.
Personally, I look forward to it!
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