Keys to the kingdom that allow you to negotiate the real astronomical physical and spiritual energy truths, and thus power and secret technology, are tightly held by the highest echelon in the secret orders.
The orders used to trace back to the Catholic church and the Vatican, now they trace to the worldwide ARC (Alien Response Consortium) component of the NSA.
NSA: The Super-Secret National Security Agency – Library of Rickandria
The rarified controlling end of the biggest institution of Christianity evidently has assimilated and secretly adopted many ancient Pagan cult power invoking rituals.
These rituals seem to be part of the more specific, real and effective connections with spirit that is kept secret to but a few, knowledge the church wants to suppress in the population at large, at almost any cost.
Animism of the natural visible astronomical world continues all the way back to the beginnings of intelligent prehistoric thought and belief.
In the feminine pre-history of peoples, Sacred Earth Circles and other Stonehenge-like sites, found in Europe, North and South America of the Neolithic eras, always incorporated astronomical orientational values.
Was there an appropriation of magical power from the Goddess societies by the acquisition of the key ‘energetic magical rites’ that yielded power?
In the ancient Goddess spirituality worlds of prehistory, the masculine and feminine symbols of energy were known to carry magical potency, and both had equality.
But when the masculine dominating economic warrior cults decided they wanted primacy, they only way to achieve it was to vilify the wholeness of the ‘pantheon’ of spiritual nature.
Intricate Mother nature cults, the feminine inclusive sensibilities, were replaced with the severe simplicity of the one exclusive Masculine God.
In this maneuver, the divinity of Mother Mary was only a concession to the resiliency of Goddess culture to grow the church.
The church didn’t seem to really adopt too many Goddess culture symbol systems, as many symbols had inherent within them too many equal opportunity and balancing features.
The economic-warrior creeds wanted only tools of power over others, not tools of sharing power.
It preferred to subliminally incorporate more of the masculine principle and related Pagan astronomical symbols, in large emphasis over the feminine symbols of the same Neolithic and post-Neolithic ancient era.
Symbol wars today are metaphor wars.
The dominance of ancient traditions of Pagan origin in modern elite dominating intelligence cultures is quite noteworthy.
It means there is an endgame of cosmically related intelligence and control, which means the highest scientific security echelons of NASA and local associated military security intelligence apparatus, are all following a strict alien contact evidence suppression protocol.
NASA operates under an intelligence security apparatus or wing thereof and is following an extremely strict security directive to deny the public anything they discover confirming intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos or right here on and around Earth.
NASA is attempting to help ARC in the process of symbolic negotiation with the ET controlling races to protect their efforts.
For as long as ET perceives human action that symbolically synchronizes with certain aspects of cosmic pattern intelligence and laws, then the action is less likely to be stopped or interfered with by the Space side entities.
The one God, other than a son and ghostly agency (and a heavenly array of compliant angels), has no room for other divinities other than enemies.
Natural world sensitivities were cut off as soon as possible in children by the association of the devil with anything outside a strict protocol of belief adherence.
The Church appropriated many ancient symbols far predating 2000 years past.
History Belongs Not to the Symbols, but Those that Wield Them (basecamp.com)
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