Project Blue Beam – A program to really ‘beam Scotty up’!, or How to “Fake the Rapture”?
The Alpha-Omega Report in 2002
Since the mid 1990’s whispers have abounded from “Intel” circles in the military and scientific community about a strange series of scientific testing programs.
One is called HAARP.
HAARP Project – Library of Rickandria
Another is called PROJECT BLUE BEAM.
It seems that in reality, if we believe the sources (and some have rather impeccable scientific credentials… one is even a born-again Christian scientist – Dr. Nick Begich) then our government, or shadowy elements of the military have developed not simply awesome shooting weapons, but also mind-bending weapons of the mind.
Project Blue Beam is just one of those mind-bending programs that could seriously impact upon a person’s moral values and sanity.
Project Blue Beam is a special operations program that is tied into other exotic physics projects like the HAARP program in Alaska.
HAARP is a program that in very simplistic terms shoots high energy beams of scalar physics technology (Nikola Tesla technology) that cooks the upper atmosphere of the planet.
One of the many possible uses of this technology involves the capability to project images of massive size out into the sky.
In fact, Project Blue Beam is a program designed to project religious images into the sky in a hologram presentation.
It’s like television without a box providing a visual stimulus without any apparent electronic receivers so that anyone who is sighted could see it.
What is even more astounding is that the technology is even so advanced now that the equipment can beam electronic signals to the brains of blind people so that even they can “see” the hologram, although in reality they can’t.
Does that sound crazy?
Hold on a minute.
There’s more to this story.
The program also has the capability to project voice sound into the head of a witness without it being heard in the person’s ear.
Yes, the sounds would go directly to the brain from electronic impulses.
And, with new super-computer technology it will be possible for super-computers and satellites to interact with your brain from space and have the voice of “God” respond to your thoughts as you see “Jesus“ in the sky!!!
Now is that tooooooo far out to even contemplate?
Well, I agree. It’s too far out.
Yet, reputable sources out there say that it’s not only possible and doable but is being readied to actually be used at the right moment to fool the world into thinking Jesus Christ, the Son of God has returned to Earth.
Now, I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me.
I wouldn’t either.
I’m not totally certain of it, myself.
I wonder if perhaps it’s just some other disinformation campaign being presented by someone in the shadows with an agenda.
However, IF it were true… well, it would sure explain how the whole world swallows the PR of the Antichrist.
The Antichrist – Library of Rickandria
And if it were possible, “even the very elect” could be deceived (as Paul tells us).
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
There is a lot of material floating around on the internet about this issue.
Below is one article that we’ve picked up that gives a pretty good explanation and lots of links to do your own follow up investigations.
Is it simply too outrageous to be true?
Well, we figure it’s better to be forewarned in case it really is true.
“Electronic Sorcery & Blue Beam Technology: Tools of the Fourth Beast”
The “operation” is easy to EXPLAIN and REVEAL technologically.
Holography, a technique for obtaining 3-dimensional images, involves an interference pattern between 2 sets of single-wavelength light waves.
A single laser beam is split into two parts, one to illuminate the object, the second part (called the reference beam) is reflected by a mirror.
The two beams meet forming an interference pattern, which is developed to form a hologram.
This hologram can be used to re-create a 3-dimensional image of the original object.
According to a comprehensive report by Canadian investigative journalist, Serge Monast, entitled Project Blue Beam, this holographic technology used in conjunction with hi-tech, mind-control weapons utilizing the effects of radio-frequency waves upon the brain, is capable of projecting an image in the sky and causing collective thought to convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the second coming of Christ.
The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old.
In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region.
Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faiths.
No area will be excluded.
With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.
The various saviors will then merge into one after “correct” explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed.
This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult. [Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those requirements.]
The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4 steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its head.
Earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions’ basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.
A gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of God, speaking in all languages.
Electronic telepathy involving:
- LF
waves will reach people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and interweaving with the natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls.
Electronic universal “supernatural” manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all those global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide – able to travel through:
- optical fiber
- coaxial cable
- electric
and phone lines – are everywhere and inescapable.
The obstacle is not the holography itself but rather the ELF that will be waged that must be counteracted.
When ELF is used on a person all their senses alter.
You may see things that are truly there, but others won’t be able to see.
Yet at the same time you could capture these powers of darkness on film.
Though I do think that Blue Beam will be in conjunction with the actual inner and outer invasion of the fallen angels and demons of Revelation chapter 9 in some way.
We can get into counteracting the ELF after a while.
This is a lot of information here.
I just went to my website I’ve been working on – and paying for.
It seems it was taken down.
I don’t guess they like what I had on it.

But I’m still being charged so this is not so cool.
However, I did have a reserve copy of the article I had done awhile back on the ELF-Blue Beam connection.
Electronic Sorcery & Blue Beam Technology: Tools of the Fourth Beast
ELF is a tool of the Luciferian Elite.
The Misunderstood Lucifer – Library of Rickandria
It is the New Age version of witchcraft, hence electronic sorcery.
Basically, they direct the extremely low frequencies (ELF) at the person they choose for whatever reasoning they have that the targeted person is a dissident.
The ELF will put the person into altered states, many times the person doesn’t even realize this.
Yet, this is not an altered state as in Hindu like meditations.
Basically, the brain simply has no firewall to block frequencies.
Just as a computer cannot restrain a hacker from hacking into a computer without a firewall.
This Luciferian tool will be used in conjunction with Blue Beam Technology, better known as Project Blue Beam, to be the voice of the SO-CALLED God, but shall in fact be deceiving spirits.
The effects of ELF on a person can vary based upon length of being hit with the waves, frequency setting, or both.
Some of the symptoms are as follows (yet will always be more than two symptoms per zap):
1. Slight to a complete loss of concentration, memory, and an overall blanking out for a few seconds to a few minutes.
2. Dizziness
3. Drop dead in your tracks fatigue in which you just MUST sleep without an otherwise known cause. You may find yourself sleeping from 12-20 hours at a time.
4. Immediate wired effect in which you feel as if you’re on major amounts of caffeine or even cocaine. You may stay awake for 22-48 hours with no sleep, all the while still feeling wired.
5. Ringing, buzzing, popping, clicking, humming sound within the ears. This may even be painful to the extent it feels as though something sharp is pounding your eardrum(s).
6. Altered taste-metallic taste.
7. Pressurized feeling within your head.
8. Images of light, as in an ‘aurora,’ from an image you just looked at. Beams of light may also be seen. This can happen anywhere.
9. Voice(s) inside the brain that are not your own or the Holy Spirit, yet is LIKE the Holy Spirit. (If you are a target and it is used on you too often it will become difficult to tell the difference whether it is the voice synthesizer in the ELF or the Holy Spirit!)
10. Just KNOWING where to look to see a UFO. You look and sure enough one shows up.
11. You may become paralyzed in bed while a voice commands you to not resist. (You may feel a presence by your bed when this occurs.)
12. Lucid dreaming.
13. Flashes of light
14. You may hear voices coming from your electronic equipment that shouldn’t be
15. You may have high body heat – as in a hot flash that lingers on for hours
16. DURING this you may have ‘visions’ of phantoms, balls of light, demons, aliens (fallen angels), etc.
17. You may have an involuntary out of body experience
18. Rapid heart rate while sitting still, without medical or physical cause.
19. Seeing through closed eyelids
20. Kundalini experiences
Now the above is not even a complete listing of the effects of ELF (extremely low frequency weapons).
Now do you see why it is WISE to investigate ELF BEFORE this nation slides any further into the Abyss?
I sure do hope so.
When you put this together with Blue Beam Technology you get one ripen headache! Blue Beam technology will be used to bring about the New World Order, the Antichrist kingdom, and the fourth beast, which will be used in the final stages prior to the Antichrist appearance.
However, many will believe Blue Beam is in fact the Antichrist, or the messiah (false).
Book of Revelation & the End of Days Messiah – Library of Rickandria
DON’T be a fool!
Blue Beam has existed for decades and has been used extensively in many areas, including the Gulf War.
The Connection Between Purim and the Gulf War (meaningfullife.com)
The Gulf War, 1991 From Gas Masks to Purim Masks | Jackie Goldman | The Blogs (timesofisrael.com)
Rabbis: Purim, Iraq war linked – Jewish Telegraphic Agency (jta.org)
Purim miracles: From Saddam to corona and beyond – The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
All the while it is being refined.
However, the ultimate purpose still awaits.
YOU have time to prepare for just in case you are here when it’s in use.
With the new Homeland Defense office setting up the way it is with the New Nazi Tom Ridge as the head surely it won’t be long.

The camps, or prisons as they’re called, are being made ready now.
The laws are being revised, revoked, and new laws are taking its place.
Soon it will be time to flee into the wilderness.
When we do certainly the Nazi foxes will come looking for us and use their weaponry to gain a foothold.
KNOW the plans and symptoms of ELF so you can recognize it and fight it when the day comes.
Make hard copies NOW of such websites as over 5000 websites have shut down since 9-11-01.
The battle is for the mind!
The Sauce:
Project Blue Beam, a program to really ‘beam Scotty up’!, or How to ‘Fake the Rapture’? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
My note on the above article. My issue is the way the author refers to the nazis & satanism as being “evil”. Visitors of my site know that I speak about both topics. You can do the research, or you can keep believing the lies of the breakaway civilization that has been controlling EVERYTHING for THOUSANDS of years. That’s of course unless you go see what some say their origin is, then it goes back EVEN further. And also, as far as the title goes, the catchphrase for Star Trek was “Beam me up, Scotty“. So why the reversal?

What Twitter AI bot Grok thinks about Targeted Individuals:

Some Twitter Posts regarding Targeted Individuals:
Total Individual Control Technology – Insider Exposes How You and Your DNA are Being Targeted

by Makia Freeman on August 25, 2017, from Freedom-Articles Website
Total Individual Control Technology is a nefarious type of EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) and V2K (Voice to Skull) weaponized technology that is being experimented with and deployed against segments of the American population.
Those attacked by this electronic stalking are known as TIs (Targeted Individuals).
Recently another brave whistleblower has stepped forward to expose it.
Bryan Kofron (who formerly used the alias of Justin Carter) is a security industry specialist who used to work for a private security company SIS (Security Industry Specialists) in Seattle, Washington.
Security Industry Specialists, Inc. (SIS) — Global Home
He quit in disgust after realizing that his former firm, and others just like it, were actively using this so-called total individual control technology to target people, then ultimately control and destroy their lives.
Since he quit, he has himself become a victim of the technology via gangstalking…
What Total Individual Control Technology is Capable Of
According to Kofron, this technology is so advanced that it can be used to:
- read your mind
- program your mind with thoughts (that you would believe are your own)
- induce emotional states in you (including pain, hate and fear)
It can be used to tap into your optical nerve and auditory systems to see and hear what you are seeing and hearing.
It can target particular people by engaging in individual-specific attacks (based on the target’s DNA resonance).
Finally, it is being used in vast social engineering programs as a way to experiment upon poor, homeless and weak people who have little or no chance of fighting back.
In interviews or presentations such as “Electronic Harassment and Organized Stalking Whistleblower” (below video), Kofron explains that this technology is being used by psychopaths who have little scruples about the harm they are causing.
Ponerology: The Science of Evil – Library of Rickandria
They are targeting specific groups of people:
those who are cognitively inclined, highly intelligent, knowledgeable about advanced technology or interested in alternative research (i.e. ‘conspiracy’ research).
In general, they are either targeting empowered individuals with free minds (to stop dissidents and revolutionaries) or those too poor and weak to fight back.
Using Kofron’s own words, here are some of the things Total Individual Control Technology is able to do:
“This technology manipulates the electrical signals in the brain, thus controlling thoughts and feelings and emotions and sensations throughout the body.
It works by rewiring the brain by creating new neural pathways and destroying existing neural pathways, thus this literally changes the way a person thinks and thus behaves.”
“This technology can also be used to control the muscle movement of the target.
It can take over one’s hands or feet while driving and make you press on the accelerator or press on the brake or turn.
This can be used to cause accidents it can also be used to prevent accidents from happening.”
“This technology can also tap into the optical nerve of the target, and the auditory system of the target, so that those monitoring the target can see what the target is seeing and hear what target is hearing.
This information is then downloaded and stored on a computer, in a highly secure classified site on servers that are guarded by some of the tightest security in the world.
This results in the individual’s entire day, everything they see, everything they hear, everything they experiment, everything they experience, and everything they feel being recorded till the end of time.”
“This technology can also be used to manipulate the emotions of the target.
It can induce fear, love, hate.”
“This technology can be used to beam images and even motion pictures into one’s brain.
Images and motion pictures that are so realistic that you think you are actually watching a movie or seeing something in reality.
It’s like a virtual reality 3D rendering that takes place within the target’s mind.
The images and motion pictures manifest themselves in such a way that the target if they are not aware that this technology is being used on them will believe that they are natural thoughts and natural images.”
“This technology can also be used to induce and control dreams.
It can be used to control dream cycles and sleep patterns.
To cause one to sleep very deeply or to cause one to not sleep at all. REM cycles, alpha beta and delta brainwaves can be induced immediately by this technology.
And this technology can also be used to mimic spiritual experiences.
Joy, love, peace that passes understanding can all be induced artificially by this technology to make the target believe that they are having a genuine spiritual experience when they’re not.”
Lucid Dreaming – Library of Rickandria
“This technology can also be used to sexually manipulate the target.
Make them feel sexual arousal or turn off their sexuality altogether, it can stimulate them, and it can shut them down at a moments notice.
It can also be used to manipulate the hormones of the target, thus lowering and raising estrogen and testosterone levels in women and men respectively.”
“This technology can also be used to read the thoughts of the target in real time… they can read your thoughts verbatim as they occur within your own mind.”
“Anywhere from small groups of people 10-20 to 100, to medium size groups of people several thousand to tens of thousands.
This is done by creating a field effect, where an entire field of electromagnetic energy is created in a geographical location and any human being within that geographical location within that electromagnetic field affecting that geographical location will be affected by the technology.
This can be used to induce a general mood in a population or a crowd of people.
It can be used to make them passive; it can be used to make them agitated.
And this can be used to cause or stop, induce riots.
Stop crime, start crime.
Stop thoughts, start thoughts.
Massive mind control on a citywide level.”
MIND CONTROL – Library of Rickandria
Total Individual Control Technology Attacks Specific Individuals Based on DNA Resonance

As I have discussed in previous articles on mind control such as “They” Can’t Read Your Thoughts… Right? – the state of current mind control technology is beyond most people comprehension and idea of what is possible.
Yet, we have had enough out-of-the-closet whistleblowers and leaked or declassified documents to give us a clear idea of the scary extent to which we can be psychically attacked.
20 Declassified Files Proving Governmental Crime & Conspiracy – Part 1 (thefreedomarticles.com)
Whistleblowers such as Robert Duncan have lectured at length about the capabilities of V2K technology, which is defined as an EM frequency technology that utilizes RF (Radio Frequency) signals to induce sound within the cranial cavity of the target.
The Matrix Deciphered: Psychic Warfare – Library of Rickandria
V2K literally pipes thoughts directly into people’s heads without them knowing it.
Kofron bases his information on his own experience as an insider in this field, and also as recent victim of V2K himself.
He was attacked once he went public.
He claims he has been assaulted with a beta version which is especially nasty, piping thoughts into his head such as:
“Everyone’s against you.”
“Please be quiet or we’re going to kill you.”
“Don’t work again or we’re going to kill you.”
“You’re the lab rat now motherfucker.”
Kofron claims the Total Individual Control Technology attacks are attempting to turn him against his:
- former work colleagues
- friends
- family
However, since he was trained in this area, he knows that the voices are technological and can defend himself against the manipulations once he hears them.
Kofron echoes exactly what Duncan has warned about:
individual-specific attacks.
Duncan states that every person has a “unique resonance signature”, and in almost exactly the same words, Kofron states that:
“…the DNA of the individual is used to determine the resonant frequency of the DNA itself; the resonant frequency is then used to fine tune the technology… to tune it perfectly to the resonant frequency of the targeted individual’s DNA.”
The Drive to Create a Worldwide DNA Database
This leads into another aspect of the NWO agenda:
the drive to create a worldwide DNA database.
When seen in the light of Total Individual Control Technology, the acquisition of an entire population’s DNA takes on a very sinister meaning.
It is no coincidence that Amazon and Google (who are ultimately controlled by the same force as David Icke suggests) are racing each other, along with Microsoft, IBM and other companies, to assemble a DNA database as quickly as they can.

Those in power who gain access a completed worldwide DNA database and total individual control technology would have a horrifying weapon at their disposal to target literally anyone they wanted.
Kofron exposes how prospective employees are tricked out of their DNA.
They apply for a job at SIS, get told they have to do a drug test, and when the urine sample is sent to a lab, part is siphoned off as DNA to go into Amazon’s burgeoning DNA database.
Americans, in the millions, are having their DNA stolen from them, without their knowledge or consent, so they become unwitting targets of this insidious program!
Social Engineering with Total Individual Control Technology
Kofron talks at length about how this technology is fully operational and is already being tested upon those in society who are struggling, such as those who are:
homeless, poor and who don’t have much family or many friends.
…since they make the easiest targets.
On his website GangstalkerWars.com, he exposes the details of ongoing operations within Seattle (where he used to work for SIS).
Security Industry Specialists, Inc. (SIS) — Global Home
This social engineering is being done by:
- the Federal Government
- the Military Intelligence agencies
- private security firms (more on this below)
- some of the largest U.S. corporations (after all, we live in a corporatocracy)
- local and state police
- social programs within inner-city America
In one such operation:
- The perpetrators would target certain geographical blocks of the city, and, for instance, cause everyone in that area to be in a bad mood.
- In another operation, SIS (employed by Amazon whose headquarters are in Seattle) would test upon Amazon employees.
- In another operation, SIS would experiment upon its own low level employees.
- In another operation, homeless people were brought in from all over the nation to special buildings that were then targeted.
This is true gangstalking – the ganging up by sociopaths and psychopaths upon the innocent to electronically harass and stalk them.
The Rising Danger of the Private Security Firm Industry in America
Kofron warns about an alarming trend in American society:
the rise of private security companies who mostly employ ex-military and ex-intelligence agents.
As I covered in this 2-part series, the U.S. Military Intelligence Complex is completely and utterly out of control.
20 Ex-Intelligence Agents Expose the Military Intelligence Complex – Part 1 (thefreedomarticles.com)
It runs the government and pulls the strings attached to all the puppet politicians, who don’t have the necessary “clearance” to access the truly top secret information.
These security firms, like the MIC itself, appear to operate above and outside the law.
Global Militarism: The Military-Industrial Complex – Library of Rickandria
The culture inside of these companies is toxic.
People rising up the ranks are conditioned to use this technology against innocent victims and are told they will be rewarded with everything:
- money
- power
- women
- sex
- connection
- access
- status
- belonging to the power club
if they go along with the program and become perpetrators.
If they have a strong conscience and refuse, they will be:
- sacked
- shunned
- cut off
- threatened
and even made into TIs (Targeted Individuals) themselves.
The Human Rights Loophole: False Diagnoses

Another aspect of Total Individual Control Technology which the perpetrators use to shield themselves is the cruel use of false psychiatric diagnoses.
Here’s how it works:
They manipulate TI victims to see a psychiatrist, and then they bribe the psychiatrist to deliver a fake diagnosis that the victim is:
- mentally unstable
- deranged
- delusional
- crazy
- incompetent
- paranoid
- schizophrenic
- suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder
– or they invent some similar legal-medical-psychobabble diagnosis.
This has the unfortunate effect of stripping away the victim’s natural or human rights, which leaves him or her with no recourse to fight back against his attackers, since his claims and testimonies will be dismissed as the ravings of a madman.
The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death – Library of Rickandria
This is a similar tactic to what is used with other victims of mind control.
In my interview with Max Spiers, he touched on the use of the Big Pharma “false memory” foundation, which includes bogus therapists and psychiatrists who convince mind control victims that they’re having false memories (when they are actually recalling how they were tortured and programmed).
The Infrastructure Underlying Total Individual Control Technology
The infrastructure that is enabling the total individual control technology is composed mostly of antennae, radar and cell phone towers.
Microwave Radiation and Cell Phones – Library of Rickandria
Often, the antennae are camouflaged (hidden behind walls).
Some or most of the radar used is from military bases.
Kofron was not able to explain much of how the technology actually works, although an electrical engineer who called in on one of the radio interviews suggested that the perpetrators are setting up a standing wave of DNA, then doing slight variations in the phasing using pulse code modulation.
Final Thoughts – Total Individual Control Technology Perpetrated by the Cult of Power
In concluding, it’s important to realize how such cruel surveillance is being perpetuated.
As Kofron explains, it’s all about:
Creating an “in” club of perpetrators who get rewarded with:
- money
- sex
- power
and the intrinsic human need for belonging, get told they are on the “right” side.
The TIs are on the “wrong” side and get threatened that if they speak up or quit, they may end up on that wrong side.
It’s the cult of power…
Hopefully this testimony can serve as a wakeup call for those on the fence who can’t quite bring themselves to believe or act.
In many ways, time is running out and the net is being drawn tighter and tighter.
The more technology advances, the more weapons the cult of power will have to enslave those who stand for truth and freedom.
Soul Technology – Library of Rickandria
At a certain point, there will literally be nowhere to run or hide.
The only option is to face it now before it’s too late…
https://gangstalkerwars.comMind Control or Controlling Your Mind – Which Do You Choose? (thefreedomarticles.com)
They Can’t Read Your Thoughts, Right? Current Mind Control Technology (thefreedomarticles.com)
Targeted Individuals
by VICE on May 24, 2017, from YouTube website
Meet the Targeted Individual Community
Recently, thousands of people around the world are claiming to be having the exact same terrifying experience.
They all report the same symptoms:
- hearing operator voices in their heads
- suffering from ‘electronic torture’
- being subject to organized stalking…
They call themselves ‘Targeted Individuals’.
A number have attempted many things to relieve their pain – from living life on the run to surgically removing their own flesh because they believe it’s implanted with microchips.
Biochip Implants: High Tech/Top Secret Projects – Library of Rickandria
VICE follows a growing community who say they are being targeted as part of a government program that is harassing and controlling them using ‘hidden technology.’
In this era of global terrorism and unprecedented government surveillance, our collective sense of fear and paranoia has rarely been so elevated.
That’s certainly the case for the subjects of the fascinating documentary titled ‘Targeted Individuals.’
Produced by the always reliable and provocative ‘VICE News,’ the film profiles a growing subculture that shares the belief that their every move is being monitored and manipulated as part of an ominous global conspiracy.
The film opens at a conference in the U.K. which is attended by more than 60 of these targeted individuals.
Some claim they are frequently stalked by operatives who stop and feed them messages on the street.
Others say they have implanted devices in their heads which allow these forces to read their thoughts and transmit communications via satellite.
The Internet has provided a forum where new and established members of this community can converse about their struggles and organize a movement to support one another while raising public awareness.
Many of them feel isolated, fearful, and ill-equipped to hold a job or successfully communicate their plight to others outside of the community.
The filmmakers do not approach these troubled subjects with snarky cynicism.
Instead, they provide them with an opportunity to express their beliefs and experiences without the fear of ridicule.
Flagrant criticism would only burrow them further into their shell of isolation.
One of the most prominent members of the community shows a recent CAT scan and dental x-ray which both indicate the appearance of a ‘mystery implant.’
Another shows the lead sheet she wears to protect herself from alien transmissions and discusses her impulse to move from city to city to avoid being tracked.
The medical community justifiably believes these individuals suffer from varying degrees of schizophrenia and other ‘mental disorders.’
The Internet has empowered them to seek out the companionship of others who share in their delusions.
Society at large has a shameful history when it comes to addressing mental health concerns.
These are some of the victims who have fallen through the cracks, and their conditions have only worsened as they’ve begun to organize in greater numbers.
‘Targeted Individuals’ is an intensely empathetic portrait of mental illness that feels specific to our current culture of unease.
Targeted Individuals (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Extra Sauce:
Targeted Individuals – Top Documentary Films
Related Reports:
Directed-Energy Weapons – Library of Rickandria
Non-Lethal Weapons: “Psychotronics” & “Silent Sound” – Library of Rickandria
All About Project Blue Beam – Library of Rickandria
MIND CONTROL – Library of Rickandria
MKUltra: The Monarch Project – Library of Rickandria
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