by Tracy R. Twyman on October 18, 2004
According to chroniclers of their early years, the Knights Templar were founded in 1188 by Hughes de Payen, a vassal of the Count of Champagne.
Hugo de Paganis, better known by the French translation Hugues de Payens or Payns (c. 1070 – 24 May 1136), was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. In association with Bernard of Clairvaux, he created the Latin Rule, the code of behavior for the Order.
Baldwin I (1060s – 2 April 1118) was the first count of Edessa from 1098 to 1100 and king of Jerusalem from 1100 to his death in 1118. He was the youngest son of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne, and Ida of Lorraine and married a Norman noblewoman, Godehilde of Tosny. He received the County of Verdun in 1096, but he soon joined the crusader army of his brother Godfrey of Bouillon and became one of the most successful commanders of the First Crusade.
This occurred after they had presented themselves to Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, whose older brother, Godfrey of Bouillon had led the crusaders to victory in the Holy Land almost twenty years previous.
Godfrey of Bouillon (French: Godefroy, Dutch: Godfried, German: Gottfried, Latin: Godefridus Bullionensis; 1060 – 18 July 1100) was a preeminent leader of the First Crusade, and the first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem from 1099 to 1100. Although initially reluctant to take the title of king, he agreed to rule as prince (princeps) under the title Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri, or Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre.
They proposed themselves as an order of fighting monks, who would protect the roadways for pious pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem.
They were immediately given an entire wing of the royal palace as their headquarters – a wing that had been built upon the foundations of the Temple of Solomon.
Thus, they received their name:
“The Knights of the Temple.”
For the next nine years they admitted no new members to their order – strange since the nine founding members hardly seem like they would have provided an adequate number of staff to protect all of the roads to the Holy Land.
Furthermore, there is no evidence from contemporary chroniclers indicating that they even engaged in such activities.
Guillame de Tyre, the chief chronicler of the age and an intimate associate of King Baldwin, doesn’t even mention them, causing the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail to suspect that he had been silenced by the royal muzzle to cover up for the Templars’ actual activities – excavating the Temple Mount.
William of Tyre (Latin: Willelmus Tyrensis; c. 1130 – 29 September 1186) was a medieval prelate and chronicler. As archbishop of Tyre, he is sometimes known as William II to distinguish him from his predecessor, William I, the Englishman, a former prior of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, who was Archbishop of Tyre from 1127 to 1135. He grew up in Jerusalem at the height of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which had been established in 1099 after the First Crusade, and he spent twenty years studying the liberal arts and canon law in the universities of Europe.
The authors speculate that when the Roman legions sacked the Temple in 70 A.D., they took only the most obvious loot, unwittingly leaving behind the most valuable treasure, chief among which would have been the Ark of the Covenant, and perhaps, the artifact which came to be known as the Holy Grail.
This could have been secreted away by the Temple priests in any of the numerous tunnels known to exist beneath Solomon’s Stables on the Temple Mount – stables which the Templars made use of during their nine-year stay.
This could have, in fact, been the purpose behind the foundation of their order – a mission based upon knowledge that had been passed down from Christ’s descendants to the Merovingians, and then on to the Templars’ founders.
The Merovingian Bloodline: The Lost Kings – Library of Rickandria
The main figures involved in the Templar’s foundation:
- King Baldwin
- the Count of Champagne
- Andre de Montbard
- Hughes de Payen
- Bertrand de Blanchefort
and Godfrey of Bouillon were all descendants of Merovingian blood, and if they had been in on the family secrets, that would explain why they willingly pledged themselves, their money, and in the king’s case, the royal quarters, to the cause.
If they had been successful in their mission, it could explain how they acquired the capital with which they eventually created a vast empire.
During their first nine years they became famous throughout Europe as the selfless “Militia of Christ.”
By 1127, most of the knights had returned to Europe, and in the following year, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Andre de Montbard’s uncle, published a pro-Templar tract entitled In Praise of the New Knighthood.
Bernard of Clairvaux, O. Cist. (Latin: Bernardus Claraevallensis; 1090 – 20 August 1153), venerated as Saint Bernard, was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar, and a major leader in the reform of the Benedictines through the nascent Cistercian Order.
At the Saint Bernard-inspired Council of Troyes, the Church officially recognized the Templars as a religious and military order dedicated to the defense of Christendom.
Council of Troyes (1129) – Wikipedia
Saint Bernard then assisted in drawing up their rules of conduct, based upon those of the Cistercian order of monks, another group upon whom Bernard had much influence.
Templars were sworn to poverty and celibacy.
They wore white mantels to symbolize their purity, emblazoned with the red cross patee.
And just as the Merovingians were forbidden to cut their hair, the Templars were likewise forbidden to cut their beards.
The Templars’ reputation for bravery was well-earned.
They were not allowed to retreat from battle unless the odds outweighed them three to one, and when they were captured, they were obliged to fight to the death rather than beg for mercy or ransom.
They were also pledged to secrecy about the orders workings and were inducted with a strange initiation ceremony about which there were many rumors.
A few years later, there was another interesting development in their rule.
In 1139, a former student of Saint Bernard’s, Pope Innocent II, issued a papal bull stating that the Knights Templar would owe allegiance to none except the Pope himself, making them immune to the political whims of all authorities, both religious and secular.
Pope Innocent II (Latin: Innocentius II; died 24 September 1143), born Gregorio Papareschi, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 14 February 1130 to his death in 1143. His election as pope was controversial and the first eight years of his reign were marked by a struggle for recognition against the supporters of Anacletus II. He reached an understanding with King Lothair III of Germany who supported him against Anacletus and whom he crowned as Holy Roman emperor. Innocent went on to preside over the Second Lateran council.
As their fame grew, so did their ranks, and thus, their property holdings.
The sons of European nobility swelled their membership, and the vast amounts of money and property donated by the new recruits swelled their territory and their coffers, for new recruits, as per their vow of poverty, were required to relinquish all property upon admittance to the order.
Soon they stood at the helm of a huge, international empire over which they held complete independent sovereignty.
During Christendom’s Second Crusade, the Templars accompanied France’s King Louis VII into battle and played a decisive role in preventing the war from becoming a total disaster.
Louis VII (1120 – 18 September 1180), called the Younger or the Young (French: le Jeune) to differentiate him from his father Louis VI, was King of France from 1137 to 1180. His first marriage was to Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine, one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in western Europe. The marriage temporarily extended the Capetian lands to the Pyrenees.
Over the next century, they secured their important role in international politics by utilizing their influence upon a number of:
- kings
- nobles
- ecclesiastic authorities
Many of these kings were financially indebted to the Templars, and some actually resided with them.
The Grand Master of the Temple even stood by England’s King John as he signed the Magna Carta.
John (24 December 1166 – 19 October 1216) was King of England from 1199 until his death in 1216. He lost the Duchy of Normandy and most of his other French lands to King Philip II of France, resulting in the collapse of the Angevin Empire and contributing to the subsequent growth in power of the French Capetian dynasty during the 13th century. The baronial revolt at the end of John’s reign led to the sealing of Magna Carta, a document considered an early step in the evolution of the constitution of the United Kingdom.
At times, it appeared that the Templars possessed the power to make or break a monarch’s career according to their desire.
Their political influence spread in direct proportion to their huge banking operation.
In fact, the modern institution of banking, in which money can be deposited in one location and withdrawn in another, is a Templar invention, along with the “cheque”, likely named after the “chequerboard” pattern that was one of the Templars’ most well-recognized motifs.
This made it possible for pilgrims and travelers to journey safely without fear of roadside robbers, and the cheques were unforgable, as they were written in sophisticated secret codes for which the Templars became known.
Almost every king or queen in Europe banked with them, as well as a number of Muslim leaders whom they dealt with on a regular basis.
As Holy Blood, Holy Grail puts it,
“The Templars thus became the primary money changers of the age, and the Paris preceptory became the center of European finance.”
The Templars’ enterprises made them the conduits of new forms of:
- art
- science
- craft
new forms of thought and belief.
They had access to new advances in:
- agriculture
- armaments
- surveying
- mapmaking
and navigation, and they were one of the first groups of people to employ the magnetic compass in their seafaring.
They ran their own hospitals to treat wounded soldiers, and were at the forefront of modern medicine, bringing to the field a scientific point of view unusual among their contemporaries, including an unprecedented understanding of the principals of hygiene.
They even made medical use of mold extracts, similar to the widespread use of penicillin as an antibiotic today.
Their mastery of architectural principles, both ancient and modern, including the understanding of advanced mathematics, such as was used in the building of the Giza pyramid, for example, along with their patronage of the stonemasons’ guilds, led to the development of Gothic architecture.
They were equally influential in bringing new religious and philosophical ideas into vogue throughout Europe, including blends of Islamic, Judaic, and, for lack of a better term, “Gnostic” threads of thought, setting the stage for Europe’s cultural Renaissance, which followed the medieval era and incorporated these same themes.
Their ambiguous relationship with the Saracen enemy in the Holy Land, with whom they maintained a respectful peace whenever possible, led to the incorporation of a number of these new thought systems and scientific techniques, for Arab culture was still, at that time, a high civilization.
There were even rumors of a close relationship with the Order of the Assassins, called by some authorities the Islamic equivalent to the Knights Templar.
Secrets of the Assassins – Library of Rickandria
Like the Templars, they took oaths of secrecy, conducted strange ceremonies, and were obliged to fight with the same fanatical bravery.
But when their relationship with the Muslims began to deteriorate, the Templars’ foothold in Jerusalem began to slip.
King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem died in 1185.
King Baldwin IV (1161–1185), known as the Leper King, was the king of Jerusalem from 1174 until his death in 1185. He was admired by his contemporaries and later historians for his willpower and dedication to the Latin Kingdom in the face of debilitating leprosy. Choosing competent advisers, Baldwin ruled a thriving crusader state and succeeded in protecting it from the Muslim ruler Saladin.
In the battle over the succession that resulted, the current Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Gerard de Ridefort, was said to have betrayed some oath made to the deceased king, initiating a near-civil war amongst the Europeans living in the Holy Land.
Gérard de Ridefort, also called Gerard de Ridefort (died 4 October 1189), was Grand Master of the Knights Templar from the end of 1184 and until his death in 1189.
He also managed to destroy the long-established truce between the Christians and the Saracens, and led the Christians into a battle at Hattin in 1187 that resulted in the end of their 100-year-long reign in Jerusalem.
By 1291, almost the entire Holy Land was under Saracen control.
The last Christian fortress, Acre, fell dramatically in May of that year.
The Templars set up new headquarters in Cyprus, but without the Holy Land to protect, or new territory to capture on behalf of Christendom, they lacked any clear-cut goals.
Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria
The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail suggest that at this point, the Knights Templar turned their attention towards a new ambition:
creating their own independent European state.
Other authors, such as Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe, have suggested that Switzerland is a likely candidate for the planned Templar state, and even suggest that the Swiss nation is a direct result of this.
Evidence they give includes the extensive Templar holdings that existed there, the Templar-style equilateral cross on their national flag, and the well-established role that Switzerland plays as the center of European finance.
But the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail believe that the land which the Templars had picked to be the “New Jerusalem” was, in fact, the Languedoc region of Southern France – land of the Merovingian kings, whose descendants included the Templars’ founders.
New Jerusalem: Jesus of Borg – Library of Rickandria
It was also the realm of the Cathar heretics, who, as it turned out, were closely associated with the Knights Templar as well.
The Cathars – Library of Rickandria
It has been written that one of the Templars’ founders was a Cathar, and that their fourth Grand Master, Bertrand de Blanchefort, was from a “Cathar family.”
Bertrand de Blanchefort (or Blanquefort), (c. 1109 – 13 January 1169) was the sixth Grand Master of the Knights Templar, from 1156 until his death in 1169. He is known as a great reformer of the order.
So too were many of the order’s dignitaries.
And although the Templars were officially neutral in regard to the Albigensian crusade, they did accept a number of Cathars into their ranks at that time, providing them with immunity from prosecution.
Albigensian Crusade – Wikipedia
They even allowed Cathar refugees to take shelter in their preceptories, and on some occasions did defend them militarily.
According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail,
“In the Languedoc, Temple officials were more frequently Cathar than Catholic”, and, “The Grand Master at the time… declared there was in fact only one true crusade – the crusade against the Saracens.”
But the Catholic crusade against heresy would soon be turned against the Templars themselves, and the Holy Inquisition, which had been formed to deal with the Cathar problem, would soon be torturing their knights.
For by 1306, the Templars had made a most powerful enemy:
Philip IV (April–June 1268 – 29 November 1314), called Philip the Fair (French: Philippe le Bel), was King of France from 1285 to 1314. By virtue of his marriage with Joan I of Navarre, he was also King of Navarre as Philip I from 1284 to 1305, as well as Count of Champagne. Although Philip was known to be handsome, hence the epithet le Bel, his rigid, autocratic, imposing, and inflexible personality gained him (from friend and foe alike) other nicknames, such as the Iron King (French: le Roi de fer). His fierce opponent Bernard Saisset, bishop of Pamiers, said of him: “He is neither man nor beast. He is a statue.”
He did not merely resent them because they owed no allegiance to him, being obliged solely to the Holy See, and constituted a military threat greater than his own armed forces.
He also owed them a lot of money, which he could not afford to repay, but which he knew they held in great abundance.
Furthermore, they had insulted him in the past by refusing him admittance to their ranks.
Perhaps he had even heard about the treasure from Jerusalem that they supposedly possessed.
Whichever the case, he had decided that he would do away with the Templars, not only in his own domains, but everywhere altogether.
And the only other power he knew of that held the amount of international clout needed to execute the plan was the only power that held command over the Templars:
the Papacy.
But manipulating the Papacy was nothing new to King Philip the Fair.
Pope Boniface VIII (Latin: Bonifatius PP. VIII; born Benedetto Caetani; c. 1230 – 11 October 1303) was the head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 24 December 1294 until his death in 1303. The Caetani family was of baronial origin, with connections to the papacy. He succeeded Pope Celestine V, who had abdicated from the papal throne. Boniface spent his early career abroad in diplomatic roles.
He had already, as most historians will attest, played a guiding role in the kidnapping of Pope Boniface VIII and the poisoning of Pope Benedict XI.
Pope Benedict XI (Latin: Benedictus PP. XI; 1240 – 7 July 1304), born Nicola Boccasini (Niccolò of Treviso), was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 22 October 1303 to his death, in 7 July 1304.
The current pope, Clement V, owed his very throne to Philip, who had been responsible for his election.
Pope Clement V (Latin: Clemens Quintus; c. 1264 – 20 April 1314), born Raymond Bertrand de Got (also occasionally spelled de Guoth and de Goth), was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 5 June 1305 to his death, in April 1314. He is remembered for suppressing the order of the Knights Templar and allowing the execution of many of its members. A Frenchman by birth, Clement moved the Papacy from Rome to Avignon, ushering in the period known as the Avignon Papacy.
Even as the son of Ida de Blanchefort, from the same family as the Templars’ fourth Grand Master, Clement V still could not resist pressure from Philip the Fair.
Philip wanted to persecute the Templars for heresy.
The drama which unfolded thereafter gave rise to numerous legends, including the superstition surrounding “Friday the 13th.”
Philip had drafted a list of charges, largely based on evidence gleaned from spies, and from a defected Templar who agreed to be a witness.
He then issued secret orders to his seneschals throughout France, sealed, with instructions that they were to be opened at dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, and implemented immediately.
All Templars were to be arrested at once, and all of the order’s property seized.
Despite the trouble the king went through to keep the plan secret, the Templars still seemed to have received some sort of warning, for the vast majority of their wealth, along with whatever holy relics they presumably possessed, had already been spirited away into trusted hands far from the king’s reach.
(Most of this could be achieved through their highly sophisticated network of banks.)
Global Banking System – Library of Rickandria
The order’s current Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, had just had all of the order’s books burnt for no apparent reason.
Jacques de Molay (French: [də mɔlɛ]; c. 1240–1250 – 11 or 18 March 1314[2]), also spelled “Molai”, was the 23rd and last grand master of the Knights Templar, leading the order sometime before 20 April 1292 until it was dissolved by order of Pope Clement V in 1312. Though little is known of his actual life and deeds except for his last years as Grand Master, he is one of the best-known Templars.
And one Templar who left the order had been told by the treasurer that this was a “wise” move, as danger for the order lurked around the corner.
Also, a memo had been given to all of the Templar preceptories in France warning their members not to divulge any information to anyone about the order’s customs and rituals.
The Templars who were arrested went without struggle, as if they had been instructed to submit.
However, not all Templars were arrested.
It is known that a group of them, all closely associated with the treasurer, escaped, taking with them, presumably, all the wealth and treasure they could carry.
According to the legends, the Templars loaded the loot onto wagons, which they then transported to the coast, where eighteen ships awaited them at the Templar naval base at La Rochelle.
These ships vanished without a trace shortly before the arrests.
The fate of the arrested knights varied.
All were interrogated, and many were tortured into confessing.
The confessions, as well as the accusations, all revolved around similar themes.
A list of charges drawn up by the Inquisition on August 12th, 1308, reads:
- Item, that in each province they had idols, namely heads.
- Item, that they adored these idols.
- Item, that they said that the head could save them.
- Item, that it could make riches.
- Item, that it could make the trees flower.
- Item, that it made the land germinate.
- Item, that they surrounded or touched each head of the aforesaid idol with small cords, which they wore around themselves next to the shirt or the flesh.
They were also accused, among other things, of:
- homosexual rites
- of baby sacrifice
- of committing abortions
and of ritually trampling upon the Christian cross during their initiation ceremony.
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
A widespread interpretation of this ritual, repeated often throughout the confessions, is that they were expressing their denial of the crucifixion, presumably because they had come across evidence that Christ (Jesus) did not die on the cross.
The Crucifixion: Truth or Fiction? – Library of Rickandria
This ritual could also have served as an introduction to a spiritual discipline that was older than Christianity.
Real History of Christianity – Library of Rickandria
One aspirant, during the initiation ceremony, was supposedly told that he should not believe in Christ, but in a “higher God.”
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
A crucifix was then displayed, and he was told,
“Set not much faith in this, for it is far too young.”
The accusations regarding this ritual, however, had been floating around the rumor mill since at least 1249.
The most widespread and consistent aspect of the confessions, however, involved the worship of a head, specifically an idol named “Baphomet.”
Some said it was a man’s head, some a woman’s head, some said that it was bearded, some that it was made of glass or crystal, and some said that it had two faces.
A popular tale held that it was the head of the Templar’s first Grand Master, Hughes de Payens, or that of John the Baptist.
The latter seems a likely rumor to have been circulating amongst the Templars, for one of the theories surrounding the order is that they ascribed to the Johannite belief that John the Baptist was the true messiah, and Christ a false prophet.
Some even said that Baphomet was not a mere head, but a demon, perhaps the Devil himself – half-male, half-female, half-human, and half-beast.
This was the source for the 19th century occultist Eliphas Levi’s well-known depiction of Baphomet, now incorporated into the Waite tarot deck as “the Devil.”
Éliphas Lévi Zahed, born Alphonse Louis Constant (8 February 1810 – 31 May 1875), was a French esotericist, poet, and writer. Initially pursuing an ecclesiastical career in the Catholic Church, he abandoned the priesthood in his mid-twenties and became a ceremonial magician. At the age of 40, he began professing knowledge of the occult. He wrote over 20 books on magic, Kabbalah, alchemical studies, and occultism.
This popular image, sometimes referred to as “the Sabbatic Goat”, was made to embody symbols of conflicting dualities.
Thus, the beast bears the breasts of a woman and the sex organs of a man.
He is shown poised between the waxing and waning moon symbols with his right and left hands pointing up and down, respectively.
Levi designed a sigil depicting an inverted pentagram with Baphomet’s goat face super-imposed onto it and called it the “Goat of Mendes.”
This symbol was later used by Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan.
Anton Szandor LaVey (born Howard Stanton Levey; April 11, 1930 – October 29, 1997) was an American author, musician, and LaVeyan Satanist. He was the founder of the Church of Satan, the philosophy of LaVeyan Satanism, and the concept of Satanism. He authored several books, including The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Satanic Witch, The Devil’s Notebook, and Satan Speaks! In addition, he released three albums, including The Satanic Mass, Satan Takes a Holiday, and Strange Music. He played a minor on-screen role and served as technical advisor for the 1975 film The Devil’s Rain and served as host and narrator for Nick Bougas’ 1989 mondo film Death Scenes.
Church of Satan: Anton Szandor LaVey – Library of Rickandria
Yet there was another idolatrous head found during the raid on the Templar’s Paris preceptory which presents an intriguing possibility about Baphomet.
According to the written account, it was,
“a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and consisting of the image of a woman.
Inside were two head-bones wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it.
A label was attached, on which was written the legend ‘Caput 58 M.'”
Given the evidence that the Templars knew of and believed in the Grail family, descendants of Christ, and Mary Magdalen, it is theorized that this idol contains the relics of Magdalen herself.
After all, as Boyd Rice has suggested, 5 + 8 = 13, and M is the 13th letter of the alphabet, so “58 M” could be a code signifying the name “Mary Magdalen.”
However, there is another important detail to consider as well.
The “M” was actually written as the astrological sign for “Virgo.”
There is, as discussed in the articles The Cutting of the Orm and Le Serpent Rouge Decoded, a connection between the figure of Mary Magdalen and the figure of Virgo.
Le Serpent Rouge (bibliotecapleyades.net)
There is also a connection between Mary Magdalen and the goddess Venus, or Isis.
As it turns out, Isis figures in to a popular legend regarding the origin of Baphomet.
According to the tale, a Templar called “the Lord of Sidon” was in love with a young woman named Yse (possibly derived from “Isis”), who died suddenly.
On the night of her burial, he dug up her body and copulated with it. Nine months later a voice “from the Void” told him to go back to the grave, where he would find his son.
There he discovered a head resting on a pair of legbones (perhaps the origin of the Templar’s famous skull and crossbones symbol.)
The voice told him that if he was careful to guard the head, it would be “the giver of all things.”
He took it with him and for the rest of his days it protected him.
Later on, the tale relates, the Templar order got a hold of it and incorporated it into their rituals.
Despite the severity of the charges leveled against them by the Papacy, most Templars were able to confess and go on with their lives.
A number of them escaped persecution altogether.
In England, for instance, King Edward IV (Philippe’s son-in-law) took a protective stance towards the Templars, only pursuing them under extreme duress from the Pope, and then after most of them had already escaped.
Those that were arrested often received light sentences involving a few years of penance in a monastery – not unlike the life they were used to living anyway.
Their lands were given to the Knights Hospitaller of Saint John, now known as the “Knights of Malta”, and the military wing of the Vatican.
It was an order that reportedly had much in common with the Templars, perhaps even certain belief systems, and there is evidence that some of the escaped Templars simply joined this rival order.
Where did the escaped English Templars go to?
Knights Templar in England – Wikipedia
Most likely, Scotland, which provided a haven for renegade Templars from all over Europe.
Scotland was at war with England at the time, so pressure from King Edward would have been useless, and Scottish people at that time didn’t care much what the Pope thought of them either.
Escaped Templars played an integral role in the history of Scotland, where the order was never officially dissolved.
They are said to have fought by the side of Robert the Bruce during 1314’s Battle of Bannockburn.
Robert I (11 July 1274 – 7 June 1329), popularly known as Robert the Bruce (Scottish Gaelic: Raibeart am Brusach), was King of Scots from 1306 to his death in 1329. Robert led Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. He fought successfully during his reign to restore Scotland to an independent kingdom and is regarded in Scotland as a national hero.
Battle of Bannockburn – Wikipedia
James II and VII (14 October 1633 O.S. – 16 September 1701) was King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII from the death of his elder brother, Charles II, on 6 February 1685. He was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. He was the last Catholic monarch of England, Scotland, and Ireland. His reign is now remembered primarily for conflicts over religious tolerance, but it also involved struggles over the principles of absolutism and the divine right of kings. His deposition ended a century of political and civil strife in England by confirming the primacy of the English Parliament over the Crown.
Triad Claw Symbolism – Library of Rickandria
They purportedly survived in Scotland at least until 1689, when, during the Battle of Killiecrankie (part of a revolt against the deposition of Scottish Stuart king James II by William of Orange), an ancient Templar device was found on the body of John Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee.
William III (William Henry; Dutch: Willem Hendrik; 4 November 1650 – 8 March 1702), also known as William of Orange, was the sovereign Prince of Orange from birth, Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Guelders, and Overijssel in the Dutch Republic from the 1670s, and King of England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1689 until his death in 1702. He ruled Great Britain and Ireland with his wife, Queen Mary II, and their joint reign is known as that of William and Mary.
In the province of Lorraine, which was then part of Germany (and now part of France), the region’s duke exonerated all Templars of heresy, instructing them to array themselves in the clothes of common people and blend in with the populace.
The Templars were openly defiant in both Germany and Spain, where they were proclaimed innocent by their judges, and went on to live normal lives in other orders, such as the Teutonic Order, or the Knights Hospitaller.
In Portugal, the order itself was cleared of all charges, and merely had to change its name, becoming the Knights of Christ. (1)
This order was devoted specifically to sailing and sponsored a number of history’s most well-known explorers.
D. Vasco da Gama, 1st Count of Vidigueira (/ˌvæsku də ˈɡɑːmə, – ˈɡæmə/ VAS-koo də GA(H)M-ə; European Portuguese: [ˈvaʃku ðɐ ˈɣɐmɐ]; c. 1460s – 24 December 1524), was a Portuguese explorer and nobleman who was the first European to reach India by sea.
Vasco de Gama was a member of the order, and Prince Henry the Navigator, speculated as having been among the few to explore (albeit secretly) the New World prior to Christopher Columbus, was a Grand Master.
Dom Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu (4 March 1394 – 13 November 1460), better known as Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese: Infante Dom Henrique, o Navegador), was a central figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire and in the 15th-century European maritime discoveries and maritime expansion. Through his administrative direction, he is regarded as the main initiator of what would be known as the Age of Discovery. Henry was the fourth child of King John I of Portugal, who founded the House of Aviz.
Most importantly, however, Christopher Columbus himself was the son-in-law of a Knight of Christ and may have used his relative’s maps to navigate his way to America, where his ships sailed under flags bearing the order’s insignia, the red equilateral cross.
Christopher Columbus is not Who you Thought, and neither is anything else – Library of Rickandria
The Templars also reputedly used their influence in the Teutonic Order to exact a measure of revenge against the Catholic Church, when they decided to support the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther.
Martin Luther OSA (/ˈluːθər/ LOO-thər; German: [ˈmaʁtiːn ˈlʊtɐ] ⓘ; 10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German priest, theologian, author, hymnwriter, professor, and Augustinian friar. Luther was the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, and his theological beliefs form the basis of Lutheranism. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Western and Christian history.
Revenge was something that was definitely on the minds of escaped Templars, especially in regard to what happened to their last known Grand Master, Jacques de Molay.
Although he had confessed to the charges, he later repudiated them, claiming that the confession had been made during torture, and was therefore not valid.
He was thus consigned, in March of 1314, to be slow roasted upon an open fire in a public square.
Before he died, de Molay is said to have called on both Pope Clement and King Philip to join him in death within a year.
Death: A Transition – Library of Rickandria
Clement died of dysentery within a month, and about eight months later, Philip died of unknown causes.
This, of, course, lent credence to the rumors that the Templars were adept at witchcraft.
WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria
The revenge did not end there.
In 1789, the dying curse of de Molay re-emerged in the actions of French Freemasons, heirs to the traditions (and perhaps the secrets) of the Knights Templar.
Decoding Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry Using the Unified Field – Library of Rickandria
These Freemasons were responsible for orchestrating the French Revolution against both the Catholic Church, and the current political state.
King Philip’s descendant, Louis XVI, was beheaded before a cheering crowd.
Louis XVI (Louis Auguste; French: [lwi sɛːz]; 23 August 1754 – 21 January 1793) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette was the wife of Louis XVI.
As the king’s head rolled off the guillotine, a man reportedly leapt onto the scaffold and flung Louis’ blood all over the crowd, shouting,
“Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged!”
In many other ways, too, the Templars lived on.
As mentioned, their secrets and traditions were taken up by the Order of Freemasons, a secret society, derived partially from medieval stonemasons’ guilds, which has included many of:
- Europe’s
- England’s
- America’s
most influential political figures from the 17th to the 19th centuries.
They have largely been given credit for both the French Revolution and the American Revolution and are thought by many to constitute an international conspiracy that continues to this day.
The French Revolution – Library of Rickandria
The Freemasons do indeed seem to have embraced ideas that would tend to be associated with the Templars, including “secrets” regarding Solomon’s Temple, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and alternative interpretations of both the Old and New Testament, embracing a lot of so-called “apocryphal” legends.
They also use a number of the same symbols that the Templars used, including the skull and crossbones, the equilateral cross, and the double-barred Cross of Lorraine.
And of course, the Freemasons’ approach in general tends to be “occult” and “Gnostic”, just like the Templars, derived from secrets that have purportedly been passed down from ancient Egypt and even earlier, just as the Templar wisdom is said to have been derived.
The Freemasons even have entire degrees dedicated to the mythos of the Knights Templar.
Through the aforementioned stonemasons’ guilds, which eventually evolved into Masonic lodges, the Templars communicated to the world the secrets they’d learned from their excavations of Solomon’s Temple – secrets involving sacred geometry and architecture.
This resulted in the stunning array of Gothic cathedrals that sprung up across Europe during the Middle Ages and immediately afterward.
These cathedrals are like music expressed in architecture, based upon the principle of the Golden Mean, nature’s most perfect mathematical proportion.
Within the dimensions of the cathedrals were contained, so they say, the ancient secrets of alchemy, and by the looks of them one can easily imagine that to be true.
Because of their renowned esoteric wisdom, the legend of the Templars has been utilized by a number of other occult groups throughout the centuries.
The Rosicrucian Order, an influential element of the Renaissance soon to be discussed, based its own mysteries upon theirs, as did the “Order of New Templars”, a neo-pagan white supremacist organization that played a part in the rise of the Third Reich, before being obliterated by that Reich’s ironic anti-occult efforts.
Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria
Even the inner order of the S.S., known as the Black Sun, was patterned after the Templars.
Reich of The Black Sun – 11 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky[a] (née Hahn von Rottenstern; 12 August [O.S. 31 July] 1831 – 8 May 1891), often known as Madame Blavatsky, was a Russian and American mystic and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She gained an international following as the primary founder of Theosophy as a belief system.
Other, more innocuous occult figures have embraced the teachings of the Templars as well, such as H.P. Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner.
Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (27 or 25 February 1861 – 30 March 1925) was an Austrian occultist, social reformer, architect, esotericist, and claimed clairvoyant. Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published works including The Philosophy of Freedom. At the beginning of the twentieth century he founded an esoteric spiritual movement, anthroposophy, with roots in German idealist philosophy and theosophy. His teachings are influenced by Christian Gnosticism (for heresiologists it is little doubt that these are neognosticism). Many of his ideas are pseudoscientific. He was also prone to pseudohistory.
Then, of course, there are the numerous neo-Templar orders that proliferate throughout the Western world, mostly social clubs for middle-aged men, all of whom claim a direct pedigree derived from the original order.
Without a doubt, the legend of the Templars will live on to seed the fertile plain of the human imagination well into the 21st century.
The Templar Conspiracy
For a number of reasons, several books, including Holy Blood, Holy Grail, have suggested that a conspiracy has contrived to distort the historical facts regarding the Knights Templar, and indeed, that the creation of the Templars themselves was the result of a conspiracy.
One of the facts that seems to have been distorted is the date of the Templars’ foundation:
If the historians are correct, the Templars started in that year with nine knights, and did not add to their membership for another nine years.
But it is known that by 1126 they had added four new members, so either the date of their foundation is wrong, or the bit about them admitting no new members for nine years is wrong.
If the last piece of information is correct, then they would have actually been founded in 1111 or 1112.
And there just so happens to be much evidence supporting that.
Hugh (c. 1074 – c. 1130) was a French noble who was the first Count of Champagne. He was known for donating the valley that was used as the site for the Clairvaux Abbey and going on several pilgrimages to the Holy Land. During his second visit, Hugh de Paynes, a knight in his service, stayed in Jerusalem and established the Knights Templar. Hugh later gave up his wealth and lands to join the Templar Order.
For instance, in 1114, the Count of Champagne is known to have received a letter from the Bishop of Chartres regarding his intention to join “The militia of Christ”, a nickname for the Templar order.
Ivo of Chartres, Can.Reg., also Ives, Yves, or Yvo; Latin: Ivo Carnutensis; c. 1040 – 23 December 1115), was a French canon regular and abbot who then served as the Bishop of Chartres from 1090 until his death. He was an important authority in Catholic canon law during the Investiture Crisis of that era. He is honored as a saint in the Catholic Church.
Clearly, then, the existence of the Templars was already well-established.
This count of Champagne seems to have been at the center of the social circle that created the Templars.
One-third of the nine knights who founded the Temple were vassals of the Count of Champagne, including Hughes de Payen, their first Grand Master.
When the Count himself finally joined in 1124, he was therefore, in a reversal of traditional authority roles, pledging allegiance to one of his own vassals.
There are other strange inter-connections as well.
The Count also demonstrated his patronage to the Templars’ sister order, the Cistercian Monks of Saint Bernard, when in 1115 he donated the land onto which Saint Bernard’s Abbey of Clairvaux was built.
Saint Bernard was also the nephew of one of the Templars’ original nine knights:
The court of Champagne, located in Troyes, was furthermore the center of a number of activities with which the Templars were also associated.
It was a center of cabalistic studies throughout the Middle Ages, the birthplace of the earliest versions of the Grail romances, and the site of some of the Templars’ most important holdings.
The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail indicate that this conspiracy centered around the treasure of Solomon’s Temple – a treasure that probably included the so-called “Holy Grail”, and that this conspiracy was primarily composed of descendants of the Grail family, the Merovingians – people who may have been in possession of hereditary secrets regarding the location of the treasure, which must have been the main purpose behind creating the Templars.
It was also the reason why King Baldwin II gave them quarters on the Temple Mount, and why they kept so few members for the first nine years – so that it would be easier to protect the secret.
Baldwin II, also known as Baldwin of Bourcq or Bourg (French: Baudouin; c. 1075 – 21 August 1131), was Count of Edessa from 1100 to 1118, and King of Jerusalem from 1118 until his death. He accompanied his cousins Godfrey of Bouillon and Baldwin of Boulogne to the Holy Land during the First Crusade. He succeeded Baldwin of Boulogne as the second count of Edessa when he left the county for Jerusalem following his brother’s death. He was captured at the Battle of Harran in 1104. He was held first by Sökmen of Mardin, then by Jikirmish of Mosul, and finally by Jawali Saqawa. During his captivity, Tancred, the Crusader ruler of the Principality of Antioch, and Tancred’s cousin, Richard of Salerno, governed Edessa as Baldwin’s regents.
The suggestion seems to be that the conspiracy officially began in 1104, during a meeting between the Count of Champagne and a number of nobles from the Brienne, Chaumont, and Joinville families, as well as the “liege lord” of Andre de Montbard.
It was immediately after this that the Count of Champagne left on his first trip to the Holy Land.
He made another such trip in 1114, apparently desiring to join the Templars, who were already in existence.
Upon his return, he donated that land to the Cistercian order mentioned previously.
Following that, the empires of both the Templars and the Cistercians expanded exponentially.
The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail theorized that a conspiracy had been behind the formation and rapid growth of both orders, and that this conspiracy in fact constituted a third order in itself.
This third order, they surmised, seems to have been preoccupied with the Languedoc region of Southern France, where Rennes-le-Chateau is located – and around the Templar preceptory in nearby Bezu.
Rennes le Château – Library of Rickandria
Templar activities in this region came to a head at around 1153 with Bertrand de Blanchefort, whose ancestral home was located in that region.
The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail describe Blanchefort as,
“the most significant of all Templar Grand Masters”
and as a protégé of Andre de Montbard.
Under Blanchefort’s leadership they became highly trained and organized, as well as a force to be reckoned with in European finance and politics.
It was Blanchefort who donated to them the lands near Rennes-le-Chateau and Bezu upon which they built their preceptories.
And in 1156, under Blanchefort’s direction, a group of Germans were imported into the region by the Templars, purportedly to work in the region’s numerous gold mines.
Gold for Humans & Others… – Library of Rickandria
As Holy Blood, Holy Grail states,
“These workers were supposedly subjected to a rigid, virtually military discipline.
They were forbidden to fraternize in any way with the local population and were kept strictly segregated from the surrounding community.”
But what was all of this secrecy actually for – especially since the gold mines that they were supposedly working had been emptied by Roman miners during the previous millennium?
According to Cesar d’Arcons, an engineer hired to write up a report on the region’s mineral deposits sometime later, these Templar-employed German miners were not actually mining anything but were excavating a subterranean crypt.
Is This The Holy Mountain : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Whatever it was for which they were digging, they continued to take great pains to preserve the secret for many decades.
By the end of the next century, the Templars had been invited by the lord of Bezu and Rennes-le-Chateau to dispatch a special contingent of Templars from Rousillon to Bezu, where they built a lookout post at the top of the mountain.
No one knows why, however, since the pilgrim routes that ran through the area were already adequately protected.
But as the locals will tell you, even unto this day, the Templars were actually there to guard a treasure – one clearly connected with what those German miners had been doing nearly a century earlier.
It is curious to note, with this in mind, that for reasons unspecified, the Templars stationed at Bezu and Rennes-le-Chateau were the only ones in France who went completely unpersecuted during the raid of 1307.
Obviously, these knights had something up their sleeves that rendered them untouchable – a secret of some sort.
And this secret was undoubtedly shared by that third, hidden order of which we previously spoke.
That order is called the Priory of Sion.
The Priory of Sion – Library of Rickandria
(1) For a number of years, most of Portugal’s early kings were Grand Masters of this order.

Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Philip III the Bold & the Crusades – Library of Rickandria
A History of the Knights Templar & their involvement with the Priory of Sion (basecamp.com)
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