The Catholic Church Working with Communism
Robert Gabriel Mugabe (/mʊˈɡɑːbi/; Shona: [muɡaɓe]; 21 February 1924 – 6 September 2019) was a Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 1987 and then as President from 1987 to 2017. He served as Leader of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) from 1975 to 1980 and led its successor political party, the ZANU – Patriotic Front (ZANU–PF), from 1980 to 2017. Ideologically an African nationalist, during the 1970s and 1980s he identified as a Marxist–Leninist, and as a socialist during the 1990s and the remainder of his career.
Mugabe the Communist Dictator of Zimbabwe, lest we forget:
First, there are few in the West who are aware of Mugabe’s close ties to the Stalinist dictatorship of North Korea.
In the early 1980s, North Korea sent elite troops to Zimbabwe-Rhodesia to train Mugabe’s notorious 5th Brigade.
Once trained, Mugabe’s troops went on to slaughter 30,000 anti-communist black Matabele tribesmen who opposed his rule.
Read more:
Surviving Mugabe’s communist reign (wnd.com)
British MI-6 intelligence agent, told WorldNetDaily, “In the past, we worked with some of Bredenkamp’s satellite companies — like:
- Casalee
- Zimalzam
- Breco Services
- Masters International
— in several of our former colonies.
One minute, MI-6 [the British equivalent of the CIA] was on the side of the anti-communists in places like:
- Rhodesia
- Hong Kong
- Tibet
- Nepal
and Cambodia.
Then, suddenly, we were told to change sides.
“Now, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and the Congo are all funding pro-Marxist armies with diamond sales.
And, as far as I can tell, top Zimbabwean officials are cashing in on mining operations and the war in the Congo.
If the EU were to seize the planes that fly into Belgium from Africa — planes that bring in the diamonds to be sold in Antwerp — then these wars in Africa would probably come to an abrupt halt.
But the greed of the Europeans knows no limit.” added Kinchen.
I can find the why to Kinchen’s confusion it’s in knowing who’s, who and who is Jew.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
The Jews in charge order the support of Marxist organizations their people had created in those regions.
Remember it was Communist Jews within South Africa working with the International Jews without that put Communist rule into power in SA and Zimbabwe as well:
Mandela Front Man of the Jew World Order – Library of Rickandria
Top Israeli Political Figure Admits Jews Run The World:
In These Very Moments, The Protocols Are Being Rewritten | The Truthseeker
“American Jewry makes any debate on whether the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ are an authentic document or a forgery irrelevant. American Jews do control the world.”– Gilad Atzmon
THE PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of Zion – Library of Rickandria
“In the 1970s, then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger announced that white regimes would not survive in southern Africa.
The West essentially promised white leaders in South Africa that they would be allowed to continue practicing apartheid if they would stop arming Rhodesia in her war against communism.”
Mugabe the Marxist terrorist is naturally a Catholic who is welcomed at the Vatican, Jewish Communism and Jewish Christianity working together as Kosher claw in a glove, right from a Catholic news site, this lady is shocked because she is duped:
I had to look twice to believe what I was seeing.
But then again, considering my experience as a survivor of communism in Cuba, I should be the last person to be surprised that Robert Mugabe was allowed to travel to the Vatican for the canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II.
A brief background on Mugabe
Robert Mugabe has been Zimbabwe’s Marxist dictator since 1987.
He keeps getting “re-elected” just like Fidel Castro did until he transferred his power to his brother Raúl. [my note Castro is also a Jew; Castro is the Goldman of Seraphic surnames.]
A constitutional referendum held in 2013 granted Mugabe the right to stay in power for another two five-year terms.
As expected, there was very low voter turnout for the referendum– with the usual intimidating display of force by Mugabe’s thugs against the opposition.
Mugabe will be 99 years old by the time he is done destroying Zimbabwe.
He is not allowed to set foot in the European Union due to his criminal record.
But don’t get your hopes up– because EU bureaucrats have a record of dialogue with despots like Fidel Castro.
So, this travel ban against Mugabe appears to be in place mostly due to pressure from Great Britain.
Vatican City, however, is not a member of the EU.
This gives Mugabe the opportunity to travel to the Vatican time and again– where he can feel like royalty.
Robert Mugabe is manipulative, like all Marxist dictators.
As such, he issues proclamations and passes laws against homosexual activism, in order to gain support from traditional Zimbabweans, who consider same-sex relations as an abomination in their culture.
Cultural Judaism – Library of Rickandria
[My note as the Jews stated Communism is Judaism and this is Mosaic law.]
Mugabe and the Vatican
Mugabe’s VIP treatment during the canonization ceremony was not his first at the Vatican.
Francis bowed down to Mugabe during the papal inaugural mass in 2013.
Mugabe was also welcomed at the Vatican for John Paul II’s funeral and beatification, in 2005 and 2011, respectively.
The Vatican ignores the facts
Do the administrators at the Vatican care that Mugabe is responsible for creating man-made famines, and for the massacre of over 20,000 people?
What about the fact that Mugabe is the head of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front? – a political party that follows Communist principles and is organized under a politburo.
The truth is that Zimbabwe’s economic and political disaster under Mugabe’s rule is ongoing– and it has resulted in one of the most horrific human tragedies of the last several decades.
But these facts do not seem to affect the administrators at the Vatican in their determination to roll out the red carpet for Mugabe.
Worst of all, these facts did not discourage Francis from bowing his head to a genocidal dictator like Robert Mugabe.
The Marist Brothers and the Jesuits
Catholics and non-Catholics alike need to keep track of history– and to remember that individuals like Mugabe came out of schools run by Marist Brothers and Jesuits.
The Jesuits – Library of Rickandria
So did Fidel Castro– as well as other communists who have held key positions in the sustainable development / environmental movement (international socialism)– such as Jack Mundey in Australia.
The footprints of the Marist Brothers and the Jesuits are often found where there has been a communist-led revolution.
For the benefit of my readers, I am also providing this link, which contains an interview with Mac Maharaj, a South African Marxist politician– and close friend of the now-deceased Nelson Mandela– where Maharaj explains how he and his “comrades” would meet secretly at a Marist Brothers school, in order to plan their terrorist activities as communists.
But we don’t have to go to Africa or Australia to see the communist activity in our Catholic midst.
Much closer to us, the São Paulo Forum is comprised of many heads of states in Latin America who were raised as Roman Catholics and are supportive of Marxism.
Reading the Signs – Today’s Lesson: Karl Marx – Library of Rickandria
They work diligently to undermine the United States.
Their leader and inspiration is Fidel Castro.
FIDEL CASTRO: CIA Agent – Library of Rickandria
This is why members of the São Paulo Forum are often seen visiting Castro in Cuba, in order to pay their respects to the Marxist murderer.
These members of the São Paulo Forum are also welcomed in the Vatican– and most are big fans of Francis.
Meanwhile, the modernists at the Holy See often shun decent Catholics who ask that the glorious and reverent traditions of the Roman Catholic Church be respected– most importantly having a Latin Mass at their local parish.
More than 120 million human beings have been killed all over the world as a result of communism; yet the Vatican’s modern bureaucracy continues to shake the bloodstained hands of Marxist despots.
This gives the red-carpet treatment a whole new meaning.
Someone has to tell the truth…
Pope says communists are Closet Christians
[My note one can see how Christianity and Communism are two sides of the same coin.
Liberalism & Communism: Two Sides of the Same Jewish Coin – Library of Rickandria
The Jew, Putin is now working to reinstate the name of Stalingrad back to the Russian city of Volgograd, to openly honor Stalin.
He has also reissued Stalin era medals.
Putin regime’s, key intellectual and philosopher is this Communist creep, Dugin, who believes that STALINIST North Korea is the ideal society.
And praises the Kim’s.
It’s worth noting what Dugin openly admits in an interview he did back in 2012:
Interview with Alexander Dugin | Counter-Currents
This fits well with the Orthodox critique of Western Christianity.
It is easy to see that the secularization of Western Christianity gives us liberalism.
The secularization of the Orthodox religion gives us Communism.
Now it’s no mistake on why the Jewish Putin’s regime pushes both Stalinism and Orthodox Christianity.
[Two sides of the same Jewish coin.]
Liberalism & Communism: Two Sides of the Same Jewish Coin – Library of Rickandria
Pope says communists are closet Christians
(Reuters) – Pope Francis, whose criticisms of unbridled capitalism have prompted some to label him a Marxist, said in an interview published on Sunday that communists had stolen the flag of Christianity.
The 77-year-old pontiff gave an interview to Il Messaggero, Rome’s local newspaper, to mark the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a Roman holiday.
He was asked about a blog post in the Economist magazine that said he sounded like a Leninist when he criticized capitalism and called for radical economic reform.
“I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag.
The flag of the poor is Christian.
Poverty is at the center of the Gospel,”
he said, citing Biblical passages about the need to help the poor, the sick and the needy.
“Communists say that all this is communism.
Sure, twenty centuries later.
So, when they speak, one can say to them: ‘but then you are Christian’,”
he said, laughing.
Since his election in March 2013, Francis has often attacked the global economic system as being insensitive to the poor and not doing enough to share wealth with those who need it most.
Earlier this month, he criticized the wealth made from financial speculation as intolerable and said speculation on commodities was a scandal that compromised the poor’s access to food.
The pope was called out for preaching Marxism many times by Catholic’s this is his reply.
He has been preaching Christianity all a long and that Marxism and Christianity are twins, so it all sounds the same.
Pope says communists are closet Christians | Reuters
Catholic Pope Receives Communist Hammer & Sickle on top of Crucifix as a Gift
The Catholic Church is getting much bolder in revealing its true loyalties to Jewish communism.
Also, the extreme hypocrisy and outright lies this maggot pope spews at the public are appalling
Making statements regarding money and “greed.”
I don’t think there is any institution greedier or wealthy [wealth obtained through extreme corruption, outright theft and mass murder- the Inquisition for one, organized crime for another] than the Catholic Church.
I also want to add here before the article, this movie called “The Scarlet and the Black” [based on a true story] where another degenerate pope verbally attacked Nazi officers stationed in Rome and accused them of murder, etc., the same old bullshit.
Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria
They remained polite. If he had attacked me, I would have really told his ass off.
NO institution on the face of this earth has committed more murder, torture, and imprisonment than the Catholic Church, other than the Jewish Communism that emerged from their root.
The murder, in addition to all of the wars this institution was either directly or indirectly involved with inciting.
The outrageous lies and hypocrisy that come from that scum is beyond belief.
We will be seeing much more of this as time goes on.
Catholic Pope Receives Communist Hammer & Sickle on top of Crucifix as a Gift
Pope Francis has received a rather unusual gift from Bolivia’s first indigenous president Evo Morales during his visit to Latin America: a crucifix carved into a wooden hammer and sickle, the Communist symbol of the union of labor and peasants.
The 78-year-old pontiff drank the trimate – a tea of coca leaves, Camomile and anise seeds – on the flight to Bolivia from Ecuador to alleviate altitude sickness.
La Paz airport sits at 4,000m above sea level and for health reasons the Argentinian pope will be in the city for about four hours only.
The pontiff lost part of one lung to disease when he was younger.
Pope Francis praised Bolivia for taking “important steps” in social security and to include the poor in the political and economic life of South American poorest country.
Morales, an anti-clerical champion of indigenous rights, has taken decisive steps to empower Bolivia’s 36 native groups and embed their rights in the country’s constitution.
The president has also acted to change the constitution in 2009, making the Catholic nation a secular country and removed the bible and cross from the presidential palace when he took office in 2006.
Morales praised Francis as someone who is,
“Helping in the liberation of our people.”.
He gifted the pontiff with a cross with the Communist symbol similar to the one belonging to Father Luis Espinal, a Jesuit priest who was detained, tortured and killed by Bolivia’s paramilitary squads.
Quote from CNN News:
“The sickle evokes the peasant, the hammer the carpenter, representing humble workers, God’s people.”
Francis, a Jesuit himself, said from the popemobile to a crowd.
“Remember one of our brothers, a victim of interests that didn’t want him to fight for Bolivia’s freedom,”
“Father Espinal preached the Gospel, the Gospel that bothered them, and because of this they got rid of him.”
Francis and Morales met on several occasions, most recently in October when the indigenous president took part in a Vatican summit of grassroots groups of natives and advocates for the poor.
Pope Francis receives ‘Communist’ hammer and sickle crucifix from Bolivia president | IBTimes UK
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