Denial is a psychological weapon, a deterrent to alien incursion of mainstream reality, since the aliens appear to respect the stance of individual and group consciousness and acculturation free-will more than even military power.
Therefore, we can, by accepting alien presence and existence above board in enough mainstream public, unwittingly turn off the restrictions against overt contact the aliens are following.
The overt invasion trigger is our general human acceptance.
Especially if they invade parading as holy hosts.
Once we get to the comfort level for alien presence acculturation, they can appear on a mass level.
And if we want to preserve all the good things about our way of life, we had better keep the lid on.
The covert public alien presence admittance and education program is exactly that, largely covert, and will remain so.
Part of the program is to keep the true reality of aliens forever in question and so they will still maintain psychological suppression and intimidation of any confirming evidence or highly credible witnesses.
And they still want to obtain information from certain abductees about the aliens involved, there are so many.
This way, the existence of the pervasive, technologically far advanced, spiritually questionable, and possibly hostile alien presence, is kept under the lid as long as humanly possible.
For once the alien presence comes out from under the fringe lid into broad consensus scientific verification, the majority of human institutions and people will have a severe identity crisis and coping crisis.
They key power elite control domains of human powers of force, money and belief would all be up for question, as to where everything stands in the grand ‘new’ pecking order.
When that happens, God and religion, military power, and confidence in the economic systems, ethics, all go absolutely haywire and need to have a response plan, an accommodation plan, an assimilation plan, a social adaptation plan.
But most religions, military braincases, and insider scientists don’t have a plan, except to try to escape if invasion is inevitable, or even ally themselves with ET devils or angels or just plain Joes, as they may end up being.
The real in-the-know, far above top-secret wonks don’t let the mil-boys know more than very strict compartments, and the real story now is the alien presence within, and boy, that’s fodder for good television, in fact already tired old television.
The point is the operating modus is the ‘munition’ of consensus ‘denial’ in the national security context has critical global hyper-dimensional consequences.
Hyperdimensions – Library of Rickandria
And don’t you forget it.
The mode has been ‘save-us-all’ from the alien experimenters for a long time now.
The best of humanity has been working on the problem for more than fifty years.
Yeah, yeah.
The ARC programs AND the aliens jointly work to keep Earth under quarantine, embargo and free of overt alien contact, trade and integration, so that our institutions of military force, religious belief, and economic influence, can figure out a way to respond more gracefully, over more time, than they would otherwise!
Overt contact is not necessarily inevitable in the relative near future.
In fact, why would it be, if covert ET contact and spiritual influence already ruled the day, so to speak.
Is it an issue of who is ruling the day and who is threatening the rule of the day, that is the question.
The ET party ID cards might be mass psychologically engineered to look to be reversed, so the good guy looks really bad (that might be ANY outside heavenly ET), and the bad guys look really good (that is ET’s already here under the hood so to speak).
To counter the event of the good guy ET showing up, the bad guy ET’ have strong defenses and stand-in decoys, right up to and including ability to operate as heavenly host imposters of many religious cultures.
This is the extreme apotheosis parity tactic.
A tactic designed to repel or divert the impact of ‘heavenly’ contact and spin the situation to the benefit of the elite controller/owners.
But time does seem to be getting shorter.
Remember the adage about eyes on the ball?
Magicians are good at it…
The Munitions of Belief & Consensus – A Tight Lid (basecamp.com)
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