This chapter is where you can say goodbye to the lid that holds your brain.
If you read the book Satseupser, you already know a li le about giant anomalies on the sun and ships on the moon but let me tell you that those chapters don’t even remotely compare to what we will see here.
Personally, I believe that everything is a conspiracy, but one thing are nonsense conspiracies and quite another those conspiracies that have many points to support them.
Once we connect some dots, you will see the immensity of all that is out there.
To understand the beastliness of the world of possibilities and realize how tiny we are, it is necessary to look a little outside.
That’s what we’ll do here.
The science of extraterrestrial spacecraft and the Aliens‘ inexhaustible energy source.
Robert Scott Lazar (/ləˈzɑːr/; born January 26, 1959) is an American conspiracy theorist. In 1989, Lazar claimed to have been part of a classified US government project concerned with the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology; he also purported to have read government briefing documents that described alien involvement in human affairs over the past 10,000 years. A self-proclaimed physicist, Lazar supposedly worked at a secret site near the United States Air Force facility popularly known as Area 51. His story brought additional public attention to the facility and spawned conspiracy theories regarding government knowledge of extraterrestrial life. Lazar has no evidence of alien life or technology, and his claimed education and employment history is replete with fabrication. Lazar is also a criminal: he was convicted in 1990 for his involvement in a prostitution ring, and again in 2006 for selling illegal chemicals. As well as being dismissed by skeptics, Lazar has been renounced by some ufologists. Journalist Ken Layne states, “A lot of credible people have looked at Lazar’s story and rationally concluded that he made it up.”
No one has shared as much detailed information about alien spacecraft and the U.S. government as Bob Lazar, who over the years (since 1989) has shared everything he knows first-hand about the UFO phenomenon in interviews and in his famous documentary published on Netflix.
Lazar is a former government physicist who in 1989 made headlines around the world when he first unveiled his study in reverse engineering extraterrestrial spacecraft for the U.S. military.
To this day, the story of this gentleman is considered one of the most shocking of all the ufological field, so, let’s talk a little more in depth about his revelations and who is this guy.
Who is Bob Lazar?
Lazar is a former scientist who worked at a facility designated S4 just south of Groom Lake, part of Area 51.
S4 is rumored to be located within the Papoose Range.
Lazar says he was hired to work on reverse engineering the propulsion and power sources of ships that he claimed were not of this world.
Lazar rose to fame in the late 1980s when he stepped forward, initially using the assumed name Dennis, and spoke to local Las Vegas news about the work he says he was doing at S4.
This open interview he did in 1989, without the cover of a fake name or obscure lights, caught the world’s attention.
He said he saw flying saucers in S4 and worked on them, trying to break down their propulsion methods.
Is Bob Lazar real?
When Lazar first came forward, they did a thorough background check on him but could not find any evidence to support his claims that he went to MIT or Caltech (US universities).
Lazar claims that there are these discrepancies, possibly created by the government, to discredit him.
Instead of focusing on what he says about extraterrestrial technology, people, like these researchers and documentary filmmakers, first spend a lot of time trying to validate basic facts about their past and rarely get past that step.
However, Lazar has his own form of proof:
he has friends who attest to having picked him up and dropped him off at Caltech.
He also points out that he worked for Los Alamos National Laboratory, as evidenced by a phone book and a contemporary newspaper article, despite the lab’s denials that he worked there.
This is more of the same:
when important revelations come out, the U.S. secret agency does everything possible to censor it and if necessary, even wipe it off the face of the Earth.
In Bob’s documentary, he makes special mention of Element 115, being one of the most important parts of the whole story told by Lazar.
In the documentary, he states that Element 115 not only existed in 1989 when he was in S4, but that a stabilized version is what powers the propulsion of the alien spacecraft.
Lazar has hinted in the past that he got something out of S4 before revealing everything in the media, although he has denied it in the decades since and flatly refuses to talk about it in the documentary.
What is surprising about this fact is that in fact element 115 does exist and is known as Moscovium, which was first synthesized in 2003 by a team of Russian and American scientists, many years after Lazar commented on it.
As mentioned in the paper, Moscovium is super unstable, and a stabilized version would be needed to do what Lazar claims it does.
Area 51 where Lazar claims he worked was a top-secret place that no one talked about until then.
But when he comes out and said that there were flying saucers guarded there it started to generate a lot of curiosity and intrigue around the world about the veracity of his words and what would really be in there.
This is in Lazar’s words:
“Our job was to see if it was possible to reproduce the technology of those ships with terrestrial materials and systems.”
During his stay at the base, he had the opportunity to see several UFOs and even penetrated one of them.
“It was the same color on the inside as it was on the outside (metallic).
There was a central column that went from the floor to the ceiling.
It had no angles; it was as if it was made of one piece…
The chairs were very small; they seemed to have been made for children.
That made me think that this was a ship designed for short extraterrestrial beings, not for human beings.”
In addition, Lazar said in the interview that he saw documents attesting to the origin of those flying saucers:
“There were some documents that indicated that this UFO came from the Zeta Reticuli star system.
I have no idea how they knew that. It wasn’t just that it came from the Zeta Reticuli star system, but from a place they called ZR3.
It was the third planet in that star system.
There was no other information, other than that’s supposedly where the ship came from.”
Asked what was inside these objects, Lazar said,
“It had a very sinister feeling because everything was one color.
It was like a dark pewter color.
It had no right angles anywhere.
It’s as if someone took a model and molded it with wax and then heated it for a short time so that everything melted.
Everything seemed to be melted.
Everything has a radius, a curvature where two objects meet.
It’s a very strange thing.
There was almost nothing, apart from a small folding hatch, that looked recognizable.
It was all really extraterrestrial.”
There were several different UFOs:
“One looked like what I called a Jello mold.
It looked like a classic Jello mold with wavy sides.
One was a very flat disk, like a straw hat or something.”
But the curious thing is that one of those objects, according to Bob, looked very old:
“At least one of them was part of an archaeological dig.
So …. was old.
I don’t know if it was the one I worked on, but I remember something related to an archaeological dig.
That means it was not only old, but ancient.”
Recent official confirmation that a security identifier that ‘scanned’ the palm of the hand was used in some restricted areas of the Groom Lake facility, as Lazar claimed in the 1980s, accurately confirms his account.
In addition, the documentary presented a search of Lazar’s workplace by the FBI and other U.S. law enforcement agencies while they were making the recording as evidence that the scientist was still being closely watched.
But the most disconcerting part of the report is when Bob Lazar himself, without openly confirming it, hints that he has in his possession the famous element 115, although he inexplicably refuses to talk about it or show it to the public.
In fact, the documentary insinuates that the recent FBI searches were precisely looking for element 115.
With Bob’s account, the first statement of the title of this chapter is well synthesized:
The science of extraterrestrial spacecraft:
Element 115 in stable form.
This provided a source of energy with anti-gravitational effects for high energy production.
Now, where did they get this element?
Bob says that element 115 was extracted from the sun, since at that time its existence on Earth had not been discovered.
Even so, it is still considered an unstable element and therefore there is no possibility of using it as Lazar suggests, or so we have been told so far.
To make this a bit more visual, let’s simply look at some real images taken from observatories that constantly point at the sun and the anomalies that are constantly walking around there:
Magnitudes beyond our human comprehension
Many of these spacecraft or objects that we saw in the previous images are, graphically, gigantic.
We are talking about sizes that exceed hundreds of times the size of our planet.
And what do the media and NASA say when something like this circulates?
Well, that they are simply asteroids, comets or errors in the recordings.
Recordings which are made with high-tech cameras to which no one or almost no one in the population has easy access.
Particularly, the image that strikes me the most is the one of the objects captured on June 26, 2019, as it has a very precise shape to the ships that throughout history have been described.
It even seems similar to the one described by Lazar (only, clearly, of a much, much larger size).
This raises the following questions for me:
Are there, at levels we haven’t the slightest idea, giant beings inhabiting even more giant ships?
Are these objects manned or are they autonomous ships serving the function of, perhaps, extracting energy from the sun?
If they are indeed alien spacecraft, what are they doing there, are they our creators or do they know that we don’t yet?
Even if I have all these questions, to be honest, I don’t think we are even in the same dimension.
I don’t even think they see us as we see ants, or maybe that.
But this makes one simple thing very clear:
they are here, continuously, and closer than we think.
To end this part, the Aliens’ inexhaustible energy source may be the sun or any star from which they can draw energy.
And since we are mentioning the subject of giant things, I think it is good that we delve a little deeper so that it is not forgotten, and your mind has real data.
On YouTube, there is a video titled “star comparison” which I highly recommend you watch.
Below, I will simply leave an image so that you can read on without going out of context and continue reading, but really, watch the video as soon as you can:
As we can clearly see, even the sun, which is more than 1,294,000 times larger than the Earth, remains very small, almost non-existent even, in front of one of the largest stars observable so far.
But it is also not the largest we know of.
So, yes, the sun, and of course the Earth, are basically non-existent on a universal scale.
Now, imagine you and me there….
Under this comparison, isn’t it even logical that out there, there are ships, and even beings of sizes much larger than us?
Up to hundreds of times perhaps.
And yes, we can be suspicious of those objects we see in the sun with very peculiar shapes, but what about these scientific data?
See this image:
This star is the one that for now is considered the largest star in our galaxy, and stay with that last one, only in our galaxy.
So, if you still have the lid on your head that retains the brain, hold it so that it does not escape with these other images:
This is the observable universe so far and the red circle is the cluster of galaxies called “Laniakea“.
The Laniakea galaxy cluster, which is home to the Milky Way (red dot) and 100,000 other galaxies.
Our galaxy, where our solar system is located.
Which has a mass of 10 to the 12 solar masses.
And you know the rest.
From the solar system we go to the planet Earth, then your country, your city, neighborhood, street of that neighborhood, and finally your house.
I think we can only stand in awe of such majesty.
So, before we dive into our planet Earth, I want us to dive into a possible ancient reality and give more room to the question of whether there are giant beings out there, because in fact, there is a lot of evidence that says that, yes, there were, but here on Earth.
The ancestors of mankind
Referring to this point, what ends up making a lot of sense is that no one contradicts the evidence that we will see below.
On a logical level, knowing the exorbitant dimensionalities of which we are a part, that giants existed here on Earth in the past would not be so far-fetched.
But as you know, we will not limit ourselves to simply logical analysis, but we will also look at possible proofs of the truths they have tried to hide from us.
The funny thing is that when you start digging, the only thing that happens is that you discover the immensity of information that is out there, placed under our noses for us to access the infinite world of possibilities and enjoy the absurdity of human existence.
“And there were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God were joined to the daughters of men and they bore them sons.
These are the heroes of old, men of renown.” – Genesis 6:4
Footprints of giants
Throughout human history, large institutions have largely focused on completely eliminating all evidence of the existence of giant beings.
Proof of this was when the world-renowned Smithsonian Institution (scientific research center) sponsored by the U.S. government was forced by the Supreme Court in late 2015 to publicly disclose classified documentation proving that the institute destroyed thousands of skeletons of giant humans in the 1990s.
However, in the midst of the trial, a witness came forward who possessed the femur of a giant owned by a former Smithsonian Institution official who left a written statement of the reality he witnessed in 1920 when the institute had thousands of giant bones stored in warehouses.
Because of this, the institute had no choice but to confirm that they had discarded all archaeological and paleontological evidence for the existence of giants on Earth.
The only detail that the institute did not count on is that the hundreds of giant footprints that have been seen around the Earth will not be erased and hidden so easily, so the evidence is still very convincing.
The question is:
what would beings of such dimensions be doing walking barefoot around the Earth?
Although the question may seem comical, it seems that we are very far from having any sensible answer to this kind of question.
The truth is that we don’t have the slightest idea of who they were or what they were doing, the point is that they left more than clear evidence that they were here.
To give us an idea, the dimensions of these footprints range from 45 centimeters to 1.30 meters long.
Equal to that of humans, with 5 toes, heel and plantar arch.
Hands of giants
A team of archaeologists made a “macabre” find around an Ancient Egyptian palace where they found 16 severed hands 3,600 years old in four different pits.
All the remains belong to right hands, and all are large (between 25 to 31 centimeters long).
This indicates that these hands could belong to adult beings of approximately 2.70 to 2.90 meters in height.
The Austrian archaeologist Manfred Bietak, who directs the excavations in the ancient city of Avaris, explained to the magazine Egyptian Archaeology, that the cut hands could be the first evidence that would support the old Egyptian writings on the art of some soldiers to cut the right hand of their fallen enemies, since it was believed symbolically that when cutting them, they would diminish the enemy forces.
Manfred Bietak (born in Vienna, 6 October 1940) is an Austrian archaeologist. He is professor emeritus of Egyptology at the University of Vienna, working as the principal investigator for an ERC Advanced Grant Project “The Hyksos Enigma” and editor-in-chief of the journal Ägypten und Levante (Egypt and the Levant) and of four series of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental and European Archaeology (2016–2020).
Well, although this finding is still amazing, there is not much evidence or archaeological traces, as well as with feet, but it makes it clear that in ancient times there were beings much larger than the average human being today on planet Earth.
Mega constructions
Another clue that on Earth there were beings with intelligence far superior to that of our times or that they were gigantic beings are the constructions to which to this day no one can give an accurate explanation.
Let’s start with what may be the most famous and controversial of all:
the pyramids of Giza.
The Gods of Eden – Chapter 6: The Pyramid Builders – Library of Rickandria
They were built with more than 2.3 million granite blocks, with each block weighing from 2.5 tons to 60 tons.
Sacsayhuamán, often spelled Sacsahuaman or Saqsaywaman (from Quechua Saqsaywaman (pukara) ‘(fortress) of the royal falcon or hawk’), is a citadel on the northern outskirts of the city of Cusco, Peru, the historic capital of the Inca Empire. The site is at an altitude of 3,701 m (12,142 ft). The complex was built by the Incas in the 15th century, particularly under Sapa Inca Pachacuti and his successors. Dry stone walls constructed of huge stones were built on the site, with the workers carefully cutting the boulders to fit them together tightly without mortar. In 1983, Cusco and Sacsayhuamán together were designated as sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List, for international recognition and protection. The site is now constantly explored by tourists.
In South America, we have Sacsayhuaman, a megalithic fortress where continuous walls of 9 meters high were erected, made up of blocks of 90, 125 and up to 350 tons each, around 3093 hectares, located in Cuzco, Peru.
Ollantaytambo (Quechua: Ullantaytampu) is a town and an Inca archaeological site in southern Peru some 72 km (45 mi) by road northwest of the city of Cusco. It is located at an altitude of 2,792 m (9,160 ft) above sea level in the district of Ollantaytambo, province of Urubamba, Cusco region. During the Inca Empire, Ollantaytambo was the royal estate of Emperor Pachacuti, who conquered the region,: 73 and built the town and a ceremonial center. At the time of the Spanish conquest of Peru, it served as a stronghold for Manco Inca Yupanqui, leader of the Inca resistance. Located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, it is now an important tourist attraction on account of its Inca ruins and its location en route to one of the most common starting points for the four-day, three-night hike known as the Inca Trail.
And without going too far away, in Peru there is also the city of Ollantaytambo built with monoliths of 12 to 40 tons.
Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru on a 2,430-meter (7,970 ft) mountain ridge. Often referred to as the “Lost City of the Incas”, it is the most familiar icon of the Inca Empire. It is located in the Machupicchu District within Urubamba Province above the Sacred Valley, which is 80 kilometers (50 mi) northwest of Cusco.
Machu Pichu, city built with 120-ton blocks and smaller.
Baalbek[a] (/ˈbɑːlbɛk, ˈbeɪəlbɛk/;[5] Arabic: بَعْلَبَكّ, romanized: Baʿlabakk; Syriac-Aramaic: ܒܥܠܒܟ) is a city located east of the Litani River in Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley, about 67 km (42 mi) northeast of Beirut. It is the capital of Baalbek-Hermel Governorate. In 1998, Baalbek had a population of 82,608, mostly Shia Muslims, followed by Sunni Muslims and Christians. The town is known for its historical sites and tourist attractions, including several ancient Roman temples, a Great Mosque from the Umayyad period, and a Roman quarry site named Hajar al-Hibla.
In Asia, the Baalbek platform, built with blocks of rock weighing between 900 and 1100 tons.
In the same area, about 7 kilometers from the platform, some 3 giant meters of 1000, 1242 and 1650 tons each of equally unknown origins are recognized.
Curiously, in the manuscript of Enoch, chapter 7, it is said that God opened the desert of Dudael, to imprison the fallen angels and the angels that had disturbed humanity.
Precisely, this desert is located in Lebanon, where lie the monoliths of 1650 tons of weight.
How were ancient humans capable of making such architectural works that to this day are almost impossible to replicate?
Did they have extraterrestrial help or were there giant beings capable of moving such tons of weight?
Perhaps both.
And while we may not have a clear answer to these questions, we cannot escape the astounding evidence that lies right under our noses at these historic sites.
Before we delve further into the obvious and incomprehensible, let’s look at a historical document that relates the existence of a woman over 7 meters tall:
In Ecuador, in the year 1984, the remains of a giant woman were found, which were given to the priest Carlos Vaca, which upon his death were analyzed by the Austrian scientist Klaus Dona, who presented the results of that study at the congress in Germany, in the year 2011.
The scientist revealed that the remains were those of a giant woman that was 7.60 meters tall and that inhabited the Llanganates mountain range.
In addition to these cases, there are many more testimonial documents that relate the existence of beings of lengths between 3 meters to 3.50 meters in height that inhabited different parts of the Earth, but they are nothing compared to the previous ones, which we could say that they are anomalous cases of giants in an ancient world of giants.
In modern times we no longer see cases of such magnitudes, even if there are humans that measure more than two meters, the world record is in two and a half meters high, far from the ancient giants that exceeded 3 meters and even more.
All this, related to the colossal dimensions of the universe we inhabit is that it does not seem so much fiction, but begins to make sense.
That’s why I think we’ve been kept in the dark and the truth is out there in bits and pieces.
In this book we are piecing those parts together so that we can at least see 1 percent of the puzzle.
Now, to add more mystery to the historical facts, let’s remember that our ancestors already believed in angels, extraterrestrial ships and luminous spheres, so much so that they left evidence of them all over the place.
UFOs everywhere
Many people believe that this UFO phenomenon is something new.
Something that we are just now beginning to see something about.
But that is far from reality.
For centuries, ancient cultures have already alluded to ships and beings that do not seem to be from Earth.
All over the world, such manifestations have been seen in:
- caves
- pictures
- paintings
We will see that below.
I did not limit myself at all when placing here all those images that I considered relevant to the subject because I do not want anything to be left out, or at least as little as possible.
I should point out that in some of them there is a more mythological explanation, so let’s start with the most famous, the wondjina (or wandjina), of the Australian Aborigines, a hunting society of whom there is evidence since 174,000 BC.
Located in different parts of the oceanic country, these anthropomorphic drawings represent the spirits of rain and clouds, and were the creators of life on earth.
In addition, they had special powers such as causing floods and intense lightning.
Another case of anthropomorphic beings that arouse curiosity was discovered in India, in the tribal region of Bastar, Chhattisgarh.
And what can this tell us?
That humans in ancient times saw, or imagined, beings coming from another part of the cosmos.
As you can see, these figures are dated 10 thousand years old, and among them there are shapes that refer to the UFO phenomenon and strange beings.
Also in India, another finding generated controversy due to its incomprehensibility.
In the Narmada valley, where the oldest human skull in the country was found, a group of researchers (R.P. Pandey, Wasim Khan and K.W. Shah) discovered in a shelter called Rajatole a painting that seems to represent a strange visitor next to a ship and even a wormhole, together with a large number of small stone tools from the Mesolithic period scattered on the floor.
In Italy, for example, there is the UNESCO-protected Val Camonica valley, which has about 200,000 petroglyphs dating from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, making it the largest collection of rock art in Europe and the world.
Among them are some that have been taken by subscribers to the ancient astronaut theory as expressions of beings from other planets – because of the helmet-like shape of their heads, although for archaeologists they are simply an expression of a ritual.
In the American continent, from the USA to Argentina (caves in Mendoza and La Rioja), there are also remarkable examples of figures that are puzzling.
Just to name a few cases, in Utah, in Barrier Canyon, within the Canyonlands National Park, there is a series of stone drawings with anthropomorphic characterizations.
In Bolivia, there is the mysterious Fort of Samaipata at 1950 meters above sea level (UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998), apparently constituted as a ceremonial center between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, which houses a petroglyph with a definite form of a UFO.
Also in Puebla, Mexico, a group of treasure hunters found, in 2017, a set of carved jade stones that leave little room for double interpretations:
Mayans are seen exchanging offerings of large, elongated-headed beings.
Well, when we say art, we are not only talking about paintings and pictures, but also in books and texts we can find allusions to strange beings and objects that came to Earth.
The first book that is known with some kind of figure discordant with its time is the Prodigiorum liber, from the fourth century, where we read:
“In Aenariae, while Livio Troso was promulgating the laws at the beginning of the Italian war, at dawn, there came a tremendous noise in the sky, and a globe of fire appeared in flames in the north.
In the territory of Spoletum, a globe of fire, golden in color, fell to earth spinning.
It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the sun with its brightness.
It turned towards the eastern quadrant of the sky.”
This is how Julius Obsequens described the event that occurred around 91 B.C.
In the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, inside the Vatican State, there is a reliquary box that has aroused different speculations over the years, especially because of one of the drawings inside.
The reliquary, according to the Holy See of Roman Catholicism, is one of the first testimonies of the custom of taking objects as souvenirs of the journey to the Holy Land and its style and iconography suggest it is of Palestinian origin, with Syrian influences.
Dating from the 6th or 7th century, this treasure has images painted on the inside of the lid that can be read in a precise ascensional manner (from left to right and from bottom to top), to delineate the “Christmas“ cycle (with the Nativity and the Baptism in the Jordan), followed by another equally brief “Easter“ cycle (with the Three Marys at the tomb and the Ascension), divided by the central scene of the Crucifixion.
Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria
Among these images there is one that represents Mary at the tomb of Jesus, while behind it rises a strange object, with a dome with different entrances or windows from which a beam of light comes out.
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
One of the interior illustrations of the 1338 text, which is in the Musée Comte de Chantilly, France, shows a large sphere floating in the sky, which to some may be an astronomical representation or a ship of some strange kind.
Around that time there was also Annales Laurissenses Maiores, a book dating from the 12th century A.D., but telling stories from the 6th century.
There, it is illustrated with an image in which two objects appear with a modern spacecraft aesthetic.
They even seem to move from a combustion system, although the official reading of the illustration dictates that they would be comets or meteors.
“…and the same day, while they were preparing for another assault against the Christians living in the castle, the Glory of God was manifested above the church of the fortress.
The Real Tetragrammaton: Further Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
Those who were watching in the square outside – many of them still alive today – said they saw something that looked like two large flaming shields of a reddish color moving around the church,” explains the work by unknown authors.
Returning to some of the most controversial works, we have the Madonna of San Giovannino, painted during the Renaissance, which today can be seen in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
It is unknown who was the author of this oil on canvas, although specialists have two candidates:
Sebastiano Mainardi or Jacopo del Sellaio.
The presentation of Mary, with her son and a little St. John has been a very popular theme in this period of art.
made their versions, although this one has a particularity:
to the right of Mary’s head there is a strange f lying object in the background.
The artist, in addition, did not want the figure to go unnoticed, and for that reason he also painted a person, possibly a shepherd, who observes the artifact with great attention together with his pet.
This is not the only religious painting where something strange is perched in the sky.
Another notable example is the Annunciation with Saint Emidius (1486), by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli.
The piece was created to commemorate the announcement of the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, although the interpretation of the figure from which the beam of light is emitted depends on who you ask.
Aert de Gelder (Dutch: [ˈaːrt də ˈɣɛldər] ⓘ or Arent; October 26, 1645 – August 27, 1727) was a Dutch painter. He was the only Dutch artist to paint in the tradition of Rembrandt’s late style into the 18th century.
Another work with a similar polemic is The Baptism of Christ (1710), by the Dutchman Aert De Gelder, Rembrandt’s pupil, inspired by the biblical passage in Matthew 3:16, from the New Testament,
“The heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descended upon him.”
In the work, a circle opens in the sky and gives off beams of light towards the center of the scene, while a tiny bird seems to descend.
But not all the pieces have such a simple explanation.
For example, The Triumph of Summer is a tapestry dated 1538, made in Bruges, Belgium, that depicts the rise of a ruler to power.
It is now in the Bavarian National Museum in Germany.
This decorative piece has on the left as well as on the right several objects in the shape of a hat or a classic flying ship:
a disk with a crew dome.
The Life of the Virgin found in the basilica of Notre-Dame de Beaune, in Burgundy, France, which was erected in the 13th century and has Gothic and Renaissance elements.
But it is not its architecture that most attracts the attention of religious tourists and the curious in general, but it houses a beautiful tapestry of the fifteenth century.
The tapestries were a fashion that originated around the XIV century and lasted until around 1530, when the Council of Trent asked to remove everything that did not allow the faithful to follow the service.
In front of them, which were intended to tell a story from the Bible -of the Virgin and Jesus in general- the choirs were usually placed.
In this tapestry appear figures very similar to those of El triunfo del Verano.
But these are not the earliest depictions of a flying saucer figure.
In a 10th century piece from the Prajnaparamita Sutra (The Perfection of Wisdom Sutras), a collection of about 40 stories of Indian origin between about 100 BC and 600 AC, a number of ship-shaped objects also mysteriously emerge.
In Glorification of the Eucharist (1600) by the Italian Ventura Salimbeni, the figure of the orb (sphere of luminous light) appears once again.
Ventura di Archangelo Salimbeni (also later called Bevilacqua; 20 January 1568 – 1613) was an Italian Counter-Maniera painter and printmaker highly influenced by the vaghezza and sensual reform of Federico Barocci.
This altarpiece gained notoriety in ufology because the object between Jesus and God has a shape very similar to the famous Sputnik, the Russian satellite that started the space race with the USA in 1957.
In Japan there are three texts describing experiences with the Utsuro-bune (Japanese for hollow boat):
- Toen shōsetsu (1825)
- Hyōryū kishū (1835)
- Ume-no-chiri (1844)
There it recounts the landing of a mysterious object found drifting off the coast of Hitachi province of eastern Japan in 1803.
The illustration portrays the characteristics of the object that sailors found floating in the ocean.
From the “hollow boat” came down a woman, who, not speaking Japanese, returned to her ship and was lost at sea.
For Japanese folklorists it is just a story, for ufologists it is irrefutable evidence.
A few decades later, in 1892, Wu Youru, one of the first Chinese cartoonists, presented his Red Flames in the Sky, in which he recorded a strange event that happened on the Zhuque Bridge next to the Fuzi Temple in Nanjing.
Wu Youru: The “First” Chinese Cartoonist – Nick Stember
Also in Asia, there is a Tibetan manuscript, dated to the 10th century.
In a passage of the Prajnaparamita Sutra (The Perfection of Wisdom Sutras), the Vimanas, a flying vehicle of Hindu origin, are depicted.
The text assures that it flew with,
“The speed of the wind”
and gave birth to a “melodious sound”.
This is just one representation of these vehicles, which, belonging to the religious order, appear in many works, such as The Flower Ship (1916), an illustration by Bala Sahib for the book Chitra Ramaiana.
Well, all this points to the fact that flying objects and extraterrestrial beings are nothing that has not been seen before.
And to focus a li le more on the present day, not only in the sun or in ancient paintings objects are seen, but also on the moon.
These two images are from April 4, 2020, and although the quality is not the best, we can see two spheres circling the lunar surface, which nobody knows what they are.
However, there is something much more shocking than these images.
There was an unidentified object that was flying above us for a while and was first seen on October 19, 2017.
‘Oumuamua: the interstellar visitor
This strange object first appeared in October 2017 and was named by astronomers at the University of Hawaii’s Pan STARRS continuous sounding system Pan STARRS (‘Oumauamua means “messenger from far away that arrives first”, in Hawaiian).
The telescopes were able to follow its trajectory for about three days until they lost sight of it.
It is said that it was not a normal object, since it was 400 meters long and its width was ten times smaller.
It also had a reddish surface.
At first, it was believed that ‘Oumuamua could be one of two things:
either a comet or an asteroid.
But very soon the option appeared that in fact its origin could be artificial.
By saying that it could be artificial, we mean that it could be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to the vicinity of the Earth by some extraterrestrial civilization.
Added to this possible theory are its unusual behaviors and characteristics, as well as the fact that it is the first object discovered in the Solar System that originated outside the Solar System.
In addition, ‘Oumuamua is composed mostly of nitrogen, which is a rare element that has only been found on Pluto and is only 0.5% of the total mass of the dwarf planet.
Not only that, but scientists believe that there is not enough nitrogen in the universe to generate an object of the dimensions of our interstellar messenger.
So, could ‘Oumuamua be the irrefutable proof that life exists on other planets?
Maybe yes and maybe no but bringing us that much closer to a world largely unknown to all humans, it does.
As Sherlock Holmes said,
“When you eliminate all logical solutions to a problem, the illogical, though impossible, is invariably the true.”
Testimonials from astronauts, former CIA agents and airline pilots about their sightings
Helen Patricia Sharman, CMG, OBE, HonFRSC (born 30 May 1963) is a British chemist and astronaut who became the first British person, first Western European woman and first privately funded woman in space, as well as the first woman to visit the Mir space station, in May 1991.
Helen Sharman
In 1991, Helen Sharman spent eight days in space, where she joined the Soviet mission to the Mir space station.
She was 27 years old at the time and has given very strong statements saying that extraterrestrials exist and that with so many billions of stars in the universe there must be all kinds of different forms of life.
Edgar Dean “Ed” Mitchell (September 17, 1930 – February 4, 2016) was a United States Navy officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, ufologist, and NASA astronaut. As the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14 in 1971 he spent nine hours working on the lunar surface in the Fra Mauro Highlands region, and was the sixth person to walk on the Moon. He was the second Freemason to set foot on the Moon, after Buzz Aldrin.
Edgar Mitchell
He was the pilot of the ‘Apollo 14’ moon mission.
Mitchell claims that he has been aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career, but all have been covert.
He describes the extraterrestrials as small beings
“Who looked at us strangely.”
Donald Kent “Deke” Slayton (March 1, 1924 – June 13, 1993) was an American Air Force pilot, aeronautical engineer, and test pilot who was selected as one of the original NASA Mercury Seven astronauts. He went on to become NASA’s first Chief of the Astronaut Office and Director of Flight Crew Operations, responsible for NASA crew assignments. Slayton joined the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II, and flew in Europe and the Pacific. He left the Army after World War II, went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from University of Minnesota in 1949, and later joined the Minnesota Air National Guard after working for Boeing as an aeronautical engineer. He joined the United States Air Force, and attended the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School in 1955. In 1959, he applied to, and was selected as one of the Mercury Seven, NASA’s first class of astronauts. Slayton was scheduled to pilot the second U.S. crewed orbital spaceflight, but was grounded in 1962 by atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm. In March 1972, he was medically cleared to fly and was the docking module pilot of the 1975 Apollo–Soyuz Test Project (ASTP). Slayton continued to work at NASA until 1982. He also helped develop the Space Shuttle. Slayton died from brain cancer on June 13, 1993, aged 69.
Deke Slayton
Deke participated in the Mercury project, a program whose purpose was to take man to the Moon.
This astronaut was on several NASA f light team missions; however, while performing his job, he reportedly saw an extremely strange craft and said:
“It looked like a saucer at a 45-degree angle, after a while it started up and took off, and I couldn’t see it anymore.”
Brian Todd O’Leary (January 27, 1940 – July 28, 2011) was an American scientist, author, and NASA astronaut candidate. He was part of NASA Astronaut Group 6, a group of scientist-astronauts chosen with the intention of training for the Apollo Applications Program.
Brian O’Leary
NASA, in its early years, had planned to carry out a project to travel to Mars.
O’Leary was part of it; however, the plan was cancelled.
Nevertheless, Brian became an academic at Cornell University alongside Carl Sagan.
Carl Edward Sagan (/ˈseɪɡən/; SAY-gən; November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, and science communicator. His best known scientific contribution is his research on the possibility of extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the production of amino acids from basic chemicals by exposure to light. He assembled the first physical messages sent into space, the Pioneer plaque and the Voyager Golden Record, which were universal messages that could potentially be understood by any extraterrestrial intelligence that might find them. He argued in favor of the hypothesis, which has since been accepted, that the high surface temperatures of Venus are the result of the greenhouse effect.
After his retirement, the former astronaut assured about the existence of extraterrestrials on Earth; he also maintained that these beings would contribute to the technological advancement of our planet.
O’Leary said the following:
“Other civilizations have been monitoring us for a long time.
Their appearance is strange from a Western point of view.”
Leroy Gordon Cooper Jr. (March 6, 1927 – October 4, 2004) was an American aerospace engineer, test pilot, United States Air Force pilot, and the youngest of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury, the first human space program of the United States. Cooper learned to fly as a child, and after service in the United States Marine Corps during World War II, he was commissioned into the United States Air Force in 1949. After service as a fighter pilot, he qualified as a test pilot in 1956 and was selected as an astronaut in 1959.
Gordon Cooper
He accumulated no less than 222 hours in space.
He was one of the astronauts in NASA’s Mercury Program.
In 1963, he piloted the Faith 7 spacecraft for more than 34 hours.
He also commanded the Gemini 5 mission.
He retired from NASA in 1970.
In 1985, he testified before the United Nations that the United States was detecting unknown objects on its radars on a daily basis and that the US government was forcing astronauts and scientists to keep all this secret.
Thus, Gordon Cooper stated:
“I think those extraterrestrial craft and their crews visiting Earth from other planets are obviously more technologically advanced than we are.
I think we need a very high-level coordinated program to collect and scientifically analyze the planet’s data on the various types of encounters in order to determine how best to act in a friendly manner with our visitors.
It would first be necessary to show them that we learned to solve our problems peacefully and not by war, before being accepted as a full member of the universal team.
I am sure that being admi ed would offer our world fantastic possibilities for progress in all areas.
For years, I have lived with a secret, the secret imposed on all specialists and astronauts.
Now I can reveal that every day, in the United States, our radars detect objects of unknown shape and nature.
There are thousands of eyewitness reports and documents to prove it, but nobody wants to publish them.
The authorities fear that people imagine some kind of horrible invaders.
So, the slogan remains: we must avoid panic at all costs.”
Heidemarie Martha Stefanyshyn-Piper (born February 7, 1963) is an American Naval officer and former NASA astronaut. She has achieved the rank of Captain in the United States Navy. She is also a qualified and experienced salvage officer. Her major salvage projects include de-stranding the tanker Exxon Houston off the coast of Barbers Point, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, and developing the plan for the Peruvian Navy salvage of the Peruvian submarine Pacocha. Stefanyshyn-Piper has received numerous honors and awards, such as the Meritorious Service Medal, two Navy Commendation Medals, and two Navy Achievement Medals. She has flown on two Space Shuttle missions, STS-115 and STS-126, during which she completed five spacewalks totaling 33 hours and 42 minutes. As of 2017, she ranks 39th on the all-time list of space walkers by duration.
Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper
One of the most extraordinary and clear UFO cases happened in the STS-115 mission of the Shuttle Atlantis, in 2006.
Among the crew members who saw strange devices near the Shuttle was Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper; the objects were captured on video:
five spheres and a kind of cylinder.
It was obvious that something had “intercepted” the approach of Atlantis to Earth, but… who better than the astronauts to tell exactly what they saw?
That role fell to Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, but her live appearance ended dramatically when she fainted while trying to explain what they had seen.
“It was something that had never been seen before,”
said the female astronaut at that NASA press conference.
In total there were two continuous fainting spells.
She tried to speak, but immediately staggered and lost consciousness.
What was the subsequent official explanation?
Space junk, ice crystals, etc.
These accounts of former astronauts and pilots of the U.S. armed forces leave us with clear evidence that there is information that they do not want to reveal to us for the simple reason of wanting to “protect us” and that over the years thousands of sightings have happened and continue to happen.
More than believing or not believing these testimonies, what is behind them is something simple: there are objects out there and although we do not know what they are, they do not want to tell us what they do know.
Shocking photographs of underwater UFOs
What you will see in the following pages are photographs taken in March 1971 from a U.S. Navy submarine between Iceland and Jan Mayen Island in the Atlantic Ocean.
In all this journey, of the incomprehensible and unreal, I think we can deduce the following:
we have no idea of anything, at least I don’t think we do, but there is something we cannot escape from:
the imminent evidence of flying objects on Earth, of giant objects, of objects visiting us, of giant beings that inhabited Earth and that the elite or whatever we want to call it has hidden much of all the information from us.
I think it may all be incomprehensible to our human mind, but something within us resonates with this.
I think one recognizes the truth when one feels it.
It is also unreal, because our senses, our mind, is not adapted to believe in such dimensions, such, that would nullify its existence and in turn, make it part of the whole.
That is why, in the next and last chapter, we will talk about this.
Nothingness and everything…
Know the Only Truth: Nothingness & Everything – Library of Rickandria
Know the Only Truth: The Incomprehensible & Unreal (basecamp.com)
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