Story So Far:
King Anu of Nibiru sent his Firstborn, Ea to Earth to deal with his father-in-law, Alalu.
On Earth, Ea hid Alalu’s Nukes and sent Anzu with gold samples back to Nibiru.
Narrative Resumes:
On Nibiru, scientists processed the gold
“to make of it the finest dust, to skyward launch it was hauled away.
A Shar [one orbit of Nibiru around the Sun, equal to 3,600 Earth years; Nibirans live so long they seem immortal by our standards] did the fashioning last, a Shar did the testing continue.
With rockets was the dust heavenward carried, by crystals’ beams was it dispersed.
[But] when Nibiru near the Sun came, the golden dust was by its rays disturbed; the healing in the atmosphere was dwindled, the breach to bigness returned.”
[Sitchin, Z., Lost Book of Enki, page 86]
Anu sent Abgal back to Earth for more gold.
On Earth again, Abgal found only a small gold yield, all Ea could mine from the Gulf so far.
Ea sent Abgal to Nibiru again with this disappointing yield of gold.
Prospecting, Ea found gold, huge veins of it, in southeast Africa (Abzu). Jubilant, he announced his find to Nibiru.
Back on Nibiru, Anu and Enlil received Ea’s news of vast veins of gold. Enlil, angry still that brother Ea leads the Earth Mission, demanded proof, not just of gold, but of lots of gold.
Ea already gave false hope that enough gold could come from Earth’s waters to save Nibiru’s atmosphere.
Anu, unhappy with Enlil’s constant complaints about Ea, gave in.
Enlil, I’m sending you to Earth; there, you’ll be in charge.
Check on Ea’s find.
When Enlil made landfall on Earth, he beamed back that, despite his initial doubts, Earth probably had gold enough to save Nibiru’s atmosphere.
But the basic rivalry between Ea and Enlil (that plagues Earth to this day) surfaced again.
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