Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warns Humanity for ‘New World Order’

September 08, 2022, from StopWordControl Website
Carlo Maria Viganò (Italian pronunciation: [vigaˈnɔ]; born 16 January 1941) is an Italian traditionalist Catholic archbishop who served as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016 and as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 2009 to 2011. He is known for having publicized the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter accusing Pope Francis and other Catholic leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. In 2024, Viganò was charged by the Vatican with schism. He was declared guilty and excommunicated. Viganò was ordained a priest in 1968 and spent most of his career working in a diplomatic capacity for the Holy See. As a priest, he served on a number of diplomatic missions before being consecrated a bishop by Pope John Paul II in 1992. After becoming a bishop, Viganò continued to his diplomatic career, spending six years as nuncio in Nigeria before being transferred to Rome. Viganò was appointed secretary general of the Vatican City Governorate in 2009, where he reformed the finances of Vatican City and turned a budget deficit into a surplus. He complained directly to Pope Benedict XVI about financial corruption. The unauthorized publication of two of his letters led to the Vatican leaks scandal, exposing financial mismanagement and wrongdoing in the Vatican. He was then transferred to the position of apostolic nuncio to the United States in 2011 over his objections. While in the United States, Viganò earned a reputation as a conservative, arranging a controversial meeting between Pope Francis and former county clerk Kim Davis, known for her opposition to same-sex marriage, during the Pope’s 2015 visit to the United States. A priest accused him of suppressing allegations of sexual misconduct against Archbishop John Clayton Nienstedt, but he denied doing so. Viganò’s term as ambassador ended in 2016. On 25 August 2018, Viganò published an 11-page letter accusing Pope Francis and numerous other senior church leaders of concealing allegations of sexual misconduct against McCarrick. Viganò stated that Pope Benedict XVI imposed sanctions on McCarrick in response to accusations that were made against him, but that Pope Francis refused to enforce them and that he made McCarrick an important advisor. Viganò called on Francis to resign. The letter provoked diverse reactions within the church, with some expressing support for the allegations and calling for further investigation and others defending Francis, questioning the statements made in the letter, and attacking Viganò’s credibility. After the publication of this letter, Viganò continued to issue public statements which aligned him with political positions of the far right and conspiracy theories. He has rejected the Second Vatican Council and the Mass of Paul VI; in December 2023, he announced plans to establish a traditionalist seminary outside of the church’s jurisdiction. In 2024, he was charged with schism, and after refusing to appear at a trial, excommunicated.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for resistance against New World Order…
New World Order: Novus Ordo Seclorum – Library of Rickandria
One of the world’s most trusted authorities in the international faith community is the renowned archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.
He first became famous when he courageously exposed severe financial corruption in the Vatican.
Shortly after that, he went a step further, by revealing systematic, organized child abuse by Pope Francis and top leaders in the Vatican.
These exposures are called the “2012 Vatican Leaks Scandal”.
In 2020, he gained even more attention when he wrote two open letters to President Trump, in which he warned of a criminal world dictatorship, being implemented under the guise of the COVID pandemic.
Trump retweeted both these letters, causing them to reach hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
Trump twitter mention latest twist in Archbishop Carlo Vigano saga | Catholic News Agency
Archbishop Vigano also released a historic warning to humanity, which was signed by hundreds of leading scholars, scientists, lawyers, journalists, and religious authorities.
In this “Appeal to the Church and the World” Vigano outlines the grave dangers of the New World Order that is being installed.
In the video below, archbishop Vigano calls for a global alliance to oppose the criminal agenda of the globalists.
A heartfelt message, coming from a passionate heart, that is an inspiration to all of us, despite differences in our spiritual beliefs.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warns Humanity for ‘New World Order’ (
Abp. Viganò warns US Bishops about COVID Vaccine – The ‘Great Reset’ wants ‘Billions of Chronically Ill People’ (
Archbishop Viganò warns of coming Ecological Dictatorship (
Archbishop warns of ‘Collusion between Deep State and Deep Church’ to overthrow Trump and bring in New World Order (
TESTIMONY by His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò – Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana – Apostolic Nuncio
The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda – “SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu” – Carlo Maria Viganò and Steve Bannon (
The COVID ‘Pandemic’ Farce served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order – Archbishop Viganò (
‘The New World Order Agenda requires that Italy should Perish’ – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (
The Viganò Tapes – The Complete Interview
Carlo Maria Viganò (born 16 January 1941) is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016.
He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 2009 to 2011.
He is best known for having exposed two major Vatican scandals.
Dr. Robert Moynihan is founder and editor of magazine Inside the Vatican a monthly journal on Church and world affairs from Rome.
He is regarded as one of the world’s leading Vatican analysts.
He received his Ph.D. in medieval studies from Yale University and divides his time between Rome and his home in the U.S.
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