Given everything we have seen, it is even logical that the purpose of this elite that controls everything is that we do not wake up, that we do not know the truth and that we do not think on our own.
They know very well that we are very impressionable, and they use this to their advantage.
Apart from everything we have talked about, if this book can be of any use to you, it is for you to look inward, not so much outward.
Maybe here we saw many things from the outside world, but that is not the main focus of the message that contains “the only truth”.
To stop being unconsciously controlled by everything that happens externally we must start by having control over our life.
Such control comes with the responsibility that we can decide how we take things.
This book is not a material to empower you with anger because you are being controlled or because you are not being told everything that happens out there, but to focus on the most important thing:
In this last chapter we will talk about those people who were on the verge of changing things and ended up mysteriously disappearing.
They were people who had many ideas and were carrying them out for the good of humanity, but from one moment to the next, they were never heard from again.
Let’s dive into these stories, but again, it’s not to think
“How unfair, nothing can be done.”
but to remember that even if they want to control everything, the truth will always eventually come out.
You and I and the millions of others who will read this book are part of that change.
We may not be able to do anything individually other than change our own inner world, but if millions of people also change their inner world and come to the truth, then millions of beings transforming their inner world are now indirectly transforming the outer world.
Three people who were to open our eyes, but mysteriously vanished.
The first one we will talk about is Dr. Frank Suarez, who died on February 25, 2021, after falling from the balcony of his ninth-floor apartment in the Parque de Loyola condominium in Hato Rey, according to the Puerto Rico Police.
The curious thing about his death is that it was just before launching his new book that would deal with the cure for cancer and metabolism.
Frank began to give negative comments towards pharmaceutical companies, he did not recommend using these types of products since many of them could cause illnesses again since they usually contain many side effects.
In other words, even if they work in the short term, in the long term they are not at all beneficial to the human body.
There are two versions of Frank’s death.
The first is the one that everyone knows since it was in the news, that he committed suicide by falling from the ninth floor from where he was staying.
The authorities simply said that Frank took his own life because a year ago he was “taking depressants” because he simply felt very bad.
His friends and family did not agree with this because he had a lot of projects and things he wanted to do.
And this is where the second hypothesis appears.
Frank days before started to talk about the pharmacies and the drugs that people normally consumed explaining about the side effects and the profits that these pharmacies had in order to keep making more and more money.
In a video he said the following:
“With the information that we give here in Metabolism TV, with the idea that all of you are not victims of the System, victims of ignorance, the only defect of the body is that sometimes it has an ignorant owner.”
Frank turned to a whiteboard and started explaining some things about the
“10 most harmful drugs, the list of the most sold drugs and there really is no drug that is not harmful, there is no drug that does not have side effects.”
In a video titled “Episode #1200, Is it helping me or hurting me?”, Frank explained that a famous doctor named ‘Nicolas Gonzales‘ passed away suspiciously as he was working on ways to cure cancer naturally.
Nicholas James Gonzalez (December 28, 1947 – July 21, 2015) was a New York–based physician known for developing the Gonzalez regimen (or Gonzalez protocol), an alternative cancer treatment. Gonzalez’s treatments are based on the belief that pancreatic enzymes are the body’s main defense against cancer and can be used as a cancer treatment. His methods have been generally rejected by the medical community. and he has been characterized as a quack and fraud by other doctors and health fraud watchdog groups. In 1994 Gonzalez was reprimanded and placed on two years’ probation by the New York State Medical Board for “departing from accepted practice”. In one non-randomized clinical trial of terminally ill patients with pancreatic cancer, the Gonzalez-treated patients were found to have died much earlier than those treated with conventional chemotherapy. A better quality of life was reported by the chemotherapy arm.
Frank started mentioning that people were in danger when they tried to get into that section and that they died mysteriously, woke up lifeless and even fell from places where nobody falls.
This is where it all seems to come together.
Stanley Allen Meyer
This is the case of one of the inventors who would have brought about a major change in the automotive industry.
Meyers was a North American scientist who developed, manufactured and patented the first real alternative energy source to oil, using only tap water.
Water fuel cell – Wikipedia
Specifically, an engine capable of driving a vehicle with only H2O as a source of energy.
His theory consisted of breaking the water molecule by means of positive kilowatt pulses, at frequencies of between 10 and 15 kilohertz.
The mixture was then injected into the engine, which produced water again.
It was not even necessary to recharge the engine with more liquid, since the component coming out of the exhaust pipe was recycled back into water autonomously, and only 7.4 microliters of water were needed for each explosion to generate 50 horsepower.
Stanley Meyer went on to work for NASA and was named inventor of the year in 1993.
However, he died of poisoning under mysterious circumstances at the age of 57, one day before signing a multi-million dollar contract with the U.S. Department of Defense.
Some conspiracy theorists pointed to the oil industry as his killers, and even his brother claimed that months later Meyer’s buggy and experimental equipment were stolen.
Jacobo Grinberg Zylberbaum (born Mexico City, 1946), known as Jacobo Grinberg was a Mexican scientist, neurophysiologist and psychologist. He studied Mexican shamanism, Eastern disciplines, meditation, astrology and telepathy, using his own interpretation of a scientific method. He wrote more than 50 books about these subjects. Grinberg disappeared in December 1994.
Jacob Grinberg
We talked about Jacob’s discoveries in the previous chapter, but perhaps what the reader did not realize is that he was on this list of people who mysteriously disappeared.
Jacob was directly concerned with many things that are still hidden from the general public.
He was already testing the telepathy and psychic powers of human beings.
This, although for you the reader is nothing new, Jacob’s case is that he was spreading it all over the world becoming very well known.
The scientist has been missing for more than 28 years, since December 8, 1994.
The news was given by his family on December 12 of that year, as they had prepared a birthday celebration for him, to which he never showed up.
Although nothing is known about it, theories are that he could have been the victim of a crime, that his investigations disturbed the CIA and the FBI and even that he could have been abducted by extraterrestrials.
We could go on adding people to this list, but it is not necessary since the end is clear:
there is a certain limit to our outer freedom, but there will never be a limit to our inner freedom.
Death is nothing to fear.
If anything, we should move away not from our purpose in life, but from wanting to fit into the mold set by the elite.
There may not yet be a car that runs on water, there may not yet be the definitive book on the cure for cancer, there may not yet be telepathy and other mental powers accessible to everyone, but these are just excuses.
In reality, there are people with “supernatural” powers, there is a lot of information about how to prevent diseases and what they really are, and there are also many inventions that are revolutionizing human life.
If you want to know them, just put that on YouTube:
“Inventions that will revolutionize human life”
or something like that.
Of course, this book does not contain the whole truth, but it contains the only truth:
you create your own.
Know the Only Truth: Final Reflection – Library of Rickandria
Know the Only Truth: They Do Not Want Us to Wake Up (basecamp.com)
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