A. Elementals and Gods are the same kind of entity structurally, though they differ enormously in personality and behavior.
You might say that Gods are civilized elementals.
So, for our descriptions of how the astral bodies and minds of these beings function, we’ll use the general term “Elementals.”
On one level, Elementals are specialized types of Theocratic bands.
They are very large composite spirits containing thousands of human astral souls very closely linked together.
On another, they are sentient creatures in their own right, with personalities and emotions quite different from those of ordinary human beings.
One thing we want to stress:
Elementals and humans are not two races of beings, but different forms of one race.
The astral DNA template of both is identical, but humans are the individual form, and Elementals are the composite form.
Composite physical life forms exist on Earth.
- bees
- ants
- termites
and other social insects are the most intelligent of these.
The Elementals bear the sane relationship to humans as an ordinary honeybee colony does to a primitive, solitary bee or wasp.
Q. I’ve speculated for years that a colony of social insects might have a single soul or group mind that’s much more highly developed than the mind that could fit into the tiny brain of a single individual insect.
Certainly, the behavior of a whole colony shows much more intelligence than the behavior of an individual.
A. The nature of group minds depends on the amount of control they have over their individual members.
There are roughly four levels of control, though each integrates with the next.
These can be verbalized as:
- co-operation
- persuasion
- coercion
- compulsion
Co-operation is working with others because your mutual interests coincide, and the shared effort is of mutual benefit without major concessions on the part of either party involved.
Persuasion is essentially barter:
“I’ll do this for you if you’ll do that for me.”
Coercion is similar, but the barter is negative:
“I’ll do harm to you unless you do some particular thing for me.”
Compulsion is direct control of someone else that transcends that other person’s volition.
Q. It looks to me as if human societies on Earth operate on all four levels, so they probably have group minds by your definition.
A. No.
Earthly societies operate mostly by co-operation and persuasion, with some coercion and only a small amount of compulsion.
A bee colony operates entirely by compulsion, almost in the same way that your brain operates your body through the nervous system.
Q. People don’t like coercion and compulsion, so we tend to think that they are among the most important factors governing society.
However, you are correct in pointing out that co-operation and persuasion are much more common.
The reason we worry about the two negative factors so much is that we have an instinctive aversion for them.
A. There are two reasons why human societies resist becoming a true composite entity.
- First, people have highly developed brains and are fully intelligent as individuals
- Second, each person has a separate astral soul with an astral will that resists outside control
It is possible to control the minds of living people by psychic compulsion under certain circumstances, but this is very difficult.
People strongly resist such control because of their highly developed brains and souls.
A bee colony is a composite entity because individual bees don’t have large enough brains to support true intelligence and because they don’t have individual astral souls.
A colony of social insects has a single astral soul that is linked to the body of every individual in it.
The brain of a bee has very limited capacity for storing information, and little programming for processing data. Instead, the individual uses telepathy to pass information to the astral mind of the hive.
This group mind processes and stores the information received from individual bees and does the thinking for the entire hive, passing down its orders by telepathy.
The collective mind of a bee colony shows intelligence far beyond the reasoning and memory-storage capacity of an individual bee.
In fact, in certain narrow areas, this group mind displays a level of intelligence almost equal to that of human beings.
One example is the colony’s ability to direct the physical changes that individual bees go through during the course of their lives to perform different specialized functions:
gathering food, cleaning and repairing the hive, rearing the young, defending the colony from enemies, swarming to produce a new colony, etc.
A bee colony is actually better organized in terms of division of labor than a human society.
Another example is the colony’s ability to control the temperature within the hive, using a biological central heating and air conditioning system.
When the group mind perceives that the hive is too hot inside, certain bees are instructed to act as living ventilator fans.
They cling to the walls of passageways that lead to entrances of the hive and circulate cool air by beating their wings.
When the hive is too cool, the entrances are sealed with wax; but the bees serving as fans keep on circulating air, which evenly distributes the heat generated by the metabolism of all the bees in the hive.
Human societies are superficially similar to composite entities, but they aren’t true composites, because individual people have independent intelligence and will.
However, the human astral soul has a strong potential for forming composite entities while it is in a disembodied state, because souls can literally link themselves together, as was described in the chapter on Theocratic bands.
There is much more compulsion in a Theocratic band on the astral plane than in any totalitarian society on Earth, because Theocrats attach their silver cords to other spirits and control them as directly as the human brain controls the hands.
The structure of a Theocratic band as we described it earlier is similar to a wheel:
the spirit controlling the band is the hub, and the subordinate spirits are the spokes.
Notice that the world’s oldest surviving religion, Vedanta, uses such a spoked wheel as its symbol.
The rayed sun used by many other religions is the same symbol, minus the rim of the wheel.
However, the rim is extremely important, because it indicates that a Theocratic band naturally produces a structure of astral matter separate from the individual souls attached to it.
Q. Are you saying that over the course of time, a Theocratic band develops its own astral soul and astral mind that is the equivalent of the composite astral mind of a bee or ant colony?
A. Yes.
This is another important reason why Theocratic spirits don’t achieve true immortality.
The longer a Theocratic band lasts, the more it develops into a composite entity with a mind of its own.
At first, the controlling Theocrat completely dominates the group mind; but eventually that mind becomes powerful enough to become independent, and the band becomes an elemental.
Q. When I hear the term “Elemental,” I think of the Windigo legend.
Several North American Indian mythologies describe the Windigo as a huge, powerful disembodied spirit that is capable of both reasoning and speech.
However, it behaves like a predatory animal, not a human being.
The legends say it eats the souls of the dead on the astral plane and can sometimes kill living people and devour their souls as well.
The Windigo is one of the most frightening spiritual monsters in human mythology.
A. Similar beings are described in mythologies from all over the world, but only a few Elementals have become as dangerous as the Windigos.
Most of the Elementals that have formed on Earth so far have been less dangerous than a large Theocratic band controlled by the spirit of some human tyrant.
Most Elementals that become independent of their creator are no more intelligent than a human infant or a predatory animal. In most cases, the Elemental stays in one place, feeding on the disembodied souls of animals or humans that approach it: it was conditioned to do this while still under the control of human spirits.
Q. I assume this is why so many myths talk about magic spells to “chain” evil spirits in one place.
And it also explains why primitive religions performed sacrifices and rituals to placate the spirits that inhabited specific places.
Elementals lived there and feeding them made it safer for living people to travel by the place.
A. Sometimes the “spirit of a place” was an Elemental, sometimes a Theocratic band.
It really didn’t matter:
both wanted to be fed through sacrifices and rituals.
The uninhabited areas where such sacrifices were made were very often places where large-scale religious sacrifices of humans or animals had once been conducted, where a city had once stood, or where large numbers of people had died in a battle or disaster.
Any of these activities would have formed Theocratic bands, which may have later turned into Elementals.
Most Elementals of this type are not particularly dangerous, because they were formed by first- or third-stage religions and aren’t particularly large or powerful.
However, the second stage religions that practiced mass human sacrifices created Theocratic bands that eventually formed Elementals of vast power.
Second-stage Theocratic bands had to be extremely large because this was the only way they could exert enough power over their living slave populations to keep the whole society from collapsing.
Invariably, such bands quickly became Elementals.
Many ancient cities that practiced second-stage Theocratic religion were abandoned after being conquered by their enemies.
Carthage is one example, and the Judeo-Christian Bible mentions several more.
No one wanted to live on the site for a long time, because of the presence of large and dangerous Elementals.
Of course, if people avoided the place long enough, the elemental would die of starvation, making the area safe for human habitation again.
The Windigos were a related phenomenon, except that the Elementals didn’t remain where they were first formed.
The Windigos had originated in those areas where the:
- Incas
- Mayas
- Aztecs
practiced second-stage Theocracy.
When a new Elemental formed in this region, the other Theocratic bands attached to those tribes didn’t try to chain it to one place but worked magic to drive it far away.
Some of these banished Elementals went all the way to North America and gave rise to the Windigo legend.
Others went to the southern tip of South America, where the Aurucanians have similar legends.
Similar things have also happened during modern wars.
The fate of Hitler and a number of the other top Nazi leaders and their Theocrat friends on the astral plane after the surrender of Germany in 1945 is an example.
Q. There were persistent rumors for many years that Hitler didn’t really die at the end of the war, but successfully fled Germany.
Ever since I made the breakthrough, I’ve suspected that these rumors might be true, but not in the physical sense. In other words, he did commit suicide in that bunker, but immediately took charge of a band of Nazi Theocrats on the astral plane, and is probably still up there today, sustained by the psychic energies of the creeps and misfits who continue to wear the swastika and practice the Nazi creed of bigotry and violence.
A. The truth is much stranger than that.
Hitler and hundreds of other Nazi leaders fled as disembodied spirits to Japan to assist their Theocratic allies there.
They hoped that a D-Day-type invasion of Japan would prove too costly to the Allies and that Japanese Fascism would survive after a negotiated peace.
At this point, both the German and Japanese Theocrats had access to enormous amounts of energy from the millions of victims of World War Two, and they deliberately manipulated the American government into dropping the atomic bomb to provide them with even more victims.
Their hope was to create an Elemental and use its vast psychic power either to turn defeat into victory on the Earth plane, or to flee to another world.
Fortunately, the attempt failed, and the Theocrats involved were devoured by the entity they were trying to create.
This Elemental still survives on the astral plane and will become an important focal point in the struggle between the Invisible College and the Theocrats in the future.
Q. One thing I read into what you just said about the Nazi leaders is that the Theocrats themselves may be natural enemies of the Elementals.
A. This is quite true.
That’s why the third and fourth stages of Theocratic religion were invented to allow Theocratic bands to remain stable on the astral plane for long periods of time.
However, either a Theocratic spirit has to reincarnate or else its band will eventually turn into an Elemental.
That’s a fact of nature.
The fact that human beings tend to create a technology that allows the planer’s total population to increase steadily is another factor preventing Theocratic spirits from becoming truly immortal.
Of course, a rising population generates new souls in large numbers, which in turn increases the number of souls on the astral plane that are easy prey for Theocratic spirits.
But this superabundance of souls is a mixed blessing, because it encourages Theocratic bands to grow so large they go out of control and turn into Elementals.
This is why Theocratic religions often try to inhibit technological progress; but such a policy is self-limiting.
Q. I see what you mean.
If the Theocrats keep their particular society from developing technology at the same rate as neighboring societies, it’s likely to be conquered from outside.
Can you tell me why human beings have this instinctive drive to achieve technological progress?
A. The cause of technological progress is a process of Darwinian natural selection which allows a society to survive natural disasters, defeat enemies in war, and develop the natural resources available to it more fully.
All these give it an advantage over any society that doesn’t do these things.
Cultures that encourage their members to work for technological progress survive better than those that don’t.
This particular cycle contains the seeds of its own destruction: technological advancement on a primitive planet like Earth invariably causes the human population to increase to the point where exploitation of natural resources seriously upsets the planer’s ecological balances.
Most people on Earth are now aware that a population bomb is ticking toward explosion.
Scientists are predicting that this rape of the planet’s resources will destroy the Earth’s biosphere and cause the extinction of the human species, or, at the least, destroy technological civilization. Others are more optimistic.
They predict that almost everyone in the underdeveloped countries will die of plagues and famines, but that the advanced nations will survive the crisis with most of their population and technology intact.
Biologists on Earth already know that population explosions in a particular species followed by massive die-offs are quite common, and usually are not a sign that the species is headed for extinction.
Overpopulation/die-off cycles are commonest in successful species that are trying to extend their range but are blocked by environmental barriers.
The process often creates new variants of the species that can survive in a wider variety of environments.
We are reasonably sure from our experiences on other planets that Earth’s biosphere is not so fragile that it can be destroyed by the actions of human beings, except possibly by a massive nuclear war.
We are also reassured by the fact that the populations of all the technological advanced societies on Earth are already reasonably stable, even in countries like the Soviet Union where the official government policy is to encourage population growth.
However, we still broadcast telepathic messages that urge people to take an alarmist position on overpopulation and possible destruction of the Earth’s biosphere.
If Theocratic spirits and Elementals didn’t exist, the massive cycle of poverty and over-population which now afflicts the majority of the inhabitants of this planet wouldn’t exist either.
Political radicals are partly correct when they blame First World greed for Third World poverty, but economic imperialism is itself just another effect of the same root cause – a Theocratic plot to swell the Earth’s population to the point where massive die-offs occur.
We’ve already described how an increasing population forms new souls.
If there is an abundance of human astral souls at a low stage of development in the astral plane for the Theocrats to recruit or feed upon, Theocratic bands tend to grow larger and larger, making the creation of new Elementals more common.
Right now, Earth has more Elemental spirits than it ever had before in its history.
And this is a very dangerous situation.
As long as the Earth’s population goes on increasing, the existing elementals and Theocratic bands have a steady supply of new souls to feed upon or recruit.
But when massive human die-offs occur, vast numbers of new souls will be stranded on the astral plane at once.
This overabundance of souls will cause thousands of embryonic Elemental spirits to start growing very rapidly towards adulthood.
Once a young Elemental reaches a certain critical mass it becomes able to seize and capture souls psychokinetically against their will, something that ordinary Theocratic bands cannot do because they lack the necessary psychic energy.
As such an Elemental grows in size and psychic power, it can forcefully capture disembodied souls at a higher and higher stage of spiritual development; if it becomes big enough, it is able to devour ordinary Theocratic bands, and finally even the astral souls of living humans.
If this happens, then most of the planer’s human population, living and disembodied, can end up being taken over and eventually devoured by a small number of elementals.
These adult Elementals are then forced to leave their planet of origin in search of a new food supply.
They can travel interstellar distances.
Advanced civilizations can usually defend themselves against such beings, but they can depopulate whole planets at a lower stage of civilization very easily.
This is why the Invisible College is intervening in the evolution of human society on Earth.
The natural order of the universe is for people (not necessarily in Earth-type human bodies) to start developing an advanced technology under the control of Theocratic spirits.
Such a world never gets beyond the second stage of Theocratic religion, but it does develop enough technology to allow the human population to reach into the billions.
When it does, a nuclear or biological war suddenly reduces the population, and the Elementals and the Theocrats start fighting among themselves over who controls the planet, and which Elementals will reach adulthood.
Within a few years after this point is reached, the adult Elementals leave the planet and go off into deep space.
Sometimes the sudden growth and violent end of the human civilization destroy the planet’s biosphere, and sometimes the biosphere survives but human beings do not.
More commonly, a few living people and a few Theocratic spirits survive and the whole cycle begins again and runs its course over a period of thousands of years.
War in Heaven – Chapter 23: Gods – Library of Rickandria
War in Heaven – The Invisible College – 22 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
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