Our story far:
King Anu of Nibiru sent his dynastic heir, Enlil, to Earth to rule it and check Ea’s claim of vast gold to send back to Nibiru to save that planet’s atmosphere.
“Father Anu,”
Enlil broadcasts from Earth to Nibiru,
“Affirm, by the law of succession, that I, your son by your own half-sister Antu, precedes and has authority over Ea, though, he, your eldest son, be.”
Enlil implored,
“to Earth in person and deal with Alalu, too, who thinks he’s king here and says he should rule Nibiru as well.”
So, 416,000 years ago, Anu flew to Earth and drew lots with Ea and Enlil.
At the drawing, Anu decreed, one lot would bestow rule over Nibiru; another lot would give its holder rule of Earth and control the Persian Gulf headquarters; the last lot would give responsibility for African mining operations and sea transport.
By their lots the tasks they divided; Anu to Nibiru to return, its ruler on the throne to remain.
The Edin [Mesopotamia] to Enlil was allotted, to be Lord of Command, more settlements to establish, of the skyships and their heroes charge to take.
Of all the lands until they the bar of the seas encounter, the leader to be.
To Ea the seas and the oceans as his domain were granted, lands beyond the bar of the waters by him to be governed, in the Abzu [southeastern Africa] to be the master, with ingenuity the gold to procure.
[Sitchin, Z., Lost Book of Enki, pages 92 -93]
Enlil’s first act was to award Enki his initial settlement, Eridu, on the Persian Gulf, in perpetuity.
Enki Speaks: 7 – Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining
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