In Matthew 5, Jesus teaches what has become the basic tenants of Christianity.

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These are the reasons why Jesus is so much hated by the Jews even to this very day.

Wealth is what the Jews strive for even in modern times, greedily taking and getting all that they can.

The Jews have created:

  • death
  • disease
  • warfare
  • poverty

and treason for the sake of swindling wealth from the gullible peoples who allow them to live among them.

Money has always been the

“God of the Jews”

no matter how those devils tried to hide that fact behind their countless lies and the sparkling white stonework of Herod’s newly built Temple.

There has been a lot of misunderstanding about Jesus’ simple teachings, but the confusion disappears merely by accepting the immediate meaning and not adding anything to them.

Those Readers who can control your own Qi (pronounced “chee”) will understand this better than the average person.

To put it plainly, here is what Jesus said.

“How happy are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


Because entry into heaven is not attained through might and fury.

The Jews of Jesus’ time liked to strut and preen, confident that their money and their adherence to the ridiculous Laws of Moses would serve them well after death.

Their wicked rabbis knew that all that the richest Jew ever got was a hole in the ground.

They buried their dead quickly so as to more quickly inherit their wealth.

“Happy are the gentle, they shall have the earth for their heritage.”

And why?

Because odd as it seems, the gentle overcomes the aggressive in the same way that the soft rope binds a bull or water dissolves the rock.

On the spiritual side, those who are gentle are able to dwell within the Great Spirit that suffuses all of Creation.

And, most importantly for attaining true spiritual power, only by being gentle can your muscles relax, which allows your blood and lymph and Qi to flow unimpeded throughout your body. 

This radiates as light and manifests as a kind of super-power similar to the hydraulic power of an automobile jack.

“Happy are those who mourn; they shall be comforted.”

And why?

Because mourning is only temporary; bliss is the intrinsic character of Mankind and joy is the foundation of Man and the Universe.

“Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied.”

And why?

Because even during the darkest times, light eventually shines forth.

Goodness and justice triumph over evil because they are spontaneously alive within the soul of Man.

“Happy the merciful; they shall have mercy shown to them.”

And why?

Because the Jews and moneylenders of his time were merciless in the suppression of the people.

Mercy goes hand-in-hand with gentleness.

The doors of heaven are opened with gentleness and swing wide with mercy.

None of the leaders of his day understood this because the deceptive power of their fake Mosaic Law was wielded with brutality and the laws of the rabbis were enforced with violence. 

Judaism is the Devil’s Truth.

“Happy the pure in heart; they shall see God.”

And why?

Because how else is it possible?

Can the tricky and deceitful or the false or corrupt see what is True and Pristine?

No, because even as they view Purity, they are blinded by their own corruption.

When Jesus preached that the kingdom of Heaven is at hand, he was indicating that God and Heaven are not far away.

They are Here and Now, not anywhere else.

They are within the moment and among us.

A snap of your fingers, instantaneously present.

One need only look, to see.

“Happy the peacemakers; they shall be called the sons of God.”

And why?

Because peace is natural to the Universe.

Even against the exploding fury of the sun, it all happens within the peacefulness of space.

And peacefulness is found in one’s heart.

Those who promote peace are those who establish Heaven on Earth.

It should here be noted that Jesus was calling anyone who was a peacemaker as a “son of God.”

He was always careful to refer to himself as “Son of Man.”

He was not claiming to be the only son of God as the lying Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, would later claim.

Saint Paul (c. 1611) by Peter Paul Rubens 1.63 MB View full-size Download

Paul, also named Saul of Tarsus, commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul,[8] was a Christian apostle (c. 5 – c. 64/65 AD) who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. For his contributions towards the New Testament, he is generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, and he also founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD.

“Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right; theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

And why?

Because the Good Fight is animated by the spirit of righteousness while righteousness, itself, engenders joy.

Jesus teaches that the truth of his message will always bring happiness to those who proclaim it.

And so, it is exemplified by the various Christian missionaries, even though their message is not identical and often quite different from what Jesus taught.

The salt of the earth and the light of the world, refers to the ordinary people, we who make civilization function.

It is not the wealthy and the powerful who are important to society but rather the everyday folk who make the whole world function.

The rich and the powerful tend to be the most:

  • ruthless
  • selfish
  • corrupt

among Mankind and therefore require an occasional hanging.

When Jesus uttered his much-misunderstood slogan that:

“I have come not to abolish but to complete”

the Laws of Moses, he was lecturing at the very beginning of his ministry.

He had not yet fulfilled all of the prophesies.

So, he counseled that those laws must be followed.

It was only after he had fulfilled all of the prophesies that the Laws of Moses became null and void and utterly destroyed.

This was apparent as he explained that the new Christian standards are higher than those of the hypocritical Jews.

Human relations and brotherly love were to be higher than the mere ceremonies of the Temple. (Mat 5:20-26)

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Matthew 5 (KJV) – For I say unto you,

The purity of the Mind (Mat 5:27-30) was to be considered of utmost importance.

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Matthew 5 (KJV) – Ye have heard that it

One cannot have impure thoughts and still consider oneself holy or enlightened.

That is what the Jews do, filling their own minds and the minds of their audience with:

  • lies
  • filth
  • murders
  • pornography
  • violence

and obscenity, all the while practicing the empty rituals of Judaism and the worthless laws of Moses – washing their hands and, for good measure, swinging a chicken over their heads to absorb their sins.

Thus, a Jew who lusted after a married woman was just as guilty as a Jew who actually had sex with her.

This spiritual and mental purity of thought became one of the great gifts of Christianity to Mankind.

Of course, this has also been made into a point of derision by the demonic Jews who even in modern times fill the Media with pornography and violence in an effort to sully the minds of the People and bring lofty minds down into the Jewish gutter where the demon Jews can step over them.

Prohibiting divorce was a new addition to a people who misused women as the Jews did. (Mat 5:31-32)

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Matthew 5 (KJV) – It hath been said, Whosoever

Speaking mildly without cussing and swearing leads to a calm mind and cautious thought that does not attract the demonic influences of anger and hatred (Mat 5:33-37) and keeps one focused on the holiness of Now.

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Matthew 5 (KJV) – Again, ye have heard that

Being kind and not returning hurt for hurt, has been much ridiculed among today’s White Nationalists as being a sign of weakness.

NEW WORLD ORDER: Communism or Nationalism – Library of Rickandria

They blame this attitude of acceptance of insult as being the main reason the Christians allow the Jews and Muslims and other devils to cause chaos in the world.

And they are right to a certain extent, because Christians have been deceived by both the ignorant preachers and the devil Jews.

But the problem, like so many, stems from a misunderstanding of Jesus’ teaching, not the teaching, itself.

In the Semitic cultures – all of them,

  • Ammonites
  • Amorites
  • Hebrews
  • Arabs

– vengeance and revenge were (and are) an intrinsic attribute of the crude and barbaric tribal cultures of goat-rustlers and bandits.

Returning insult for insult, returning injury for injury, hunting down and murdering without trial anyone who killed or insulted a relative – all of these were daily intrigues among those people. 

Jesus taught them to be less contentious.

Anger leads to anger and hatred is inflamed by more hatred.

All of this demonic malice leads to hell both on earth while alive and within the earth, after one dies.

Jesus taught them to cool the heat of their passions.

The lex talionis (eye-for-an-eye) laws of the Jews with its vengeance and malice, was to be replaced with a patient turning away of anger by gentle kindness.

This is why he taught this lesson, so that the:

  • vile
  • contentious
  • law-suit happy
  • vengeful

and malicious Jews would calm their hatreds and learn to love their neighbors rather than hate them.

Jesus’ teachings were directed towards those particularly brutal and benighted frauds and con artists, the Jews.

But the Christians misunderstood this teaching and applied it to themselves and today allow all manner of insult and injury to occur to them and to their Christian nations by the demons of Judah and Islam and Communism and Capitalism and other enemies of Man and of God.

Jesus was teaching the loathsome Jews to turn away from their never-ending violence.

So, Christians should not assume that those teachings are all meant for them.

Jesus taught men how to be shepherds, not how to be sheep.

NEW WORLD ORDER: The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death – Library of Rickandria

Christians should stand up as men, not lie down meekly like sheep beneath Jewish and Muslim assault and subversion.

Evil must be opposed, not submitted to.

Tyranny must never be accepted because, if accepted, it will always become more tyrannous.

Being mild to rebuke your neighbors or your brothers, is not the same as allowing demons and devils to attack and destroy your family or your country.

But this is what today’s deluded Christians do.

They allow foreigners to displace them, they allow Jews to betray them, they allow politicians to subvert Christian principles and they believe that they are doing the will of God to allow their babies to be murdered through Jewish abortion, their children to be debauched with Jewish Media, their daughters to be impregnated by Negroes or Mexicans or Muslims and other lower types, and their country to be stolen by foreigners.

It is not that Christians are weak but that they are fools for believing the Lies of the Jews and not understanding what Jesus taught.

To inherit the earth, means that you and not others inherit it.

To allow yourselves to be dispossessed and murdered, is not being proper stewards of your own country or of your own lives.

Jesus’ example was to convince the Jews to change their ways and to free them from the enslavement of the rabbis’ lies.

He preached to the Jews.

Jesus was the first Christian and the only Hebrew to ever have found God.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Why Jesus was Not a Jew – Library of Rickandria

As the first Christian, he taught the Jews to give up the false beliefs of the rabbis and to directly find God through prayer and meditation.


BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – Matthew 6 – Library of Rickandria

BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – Matthew 5