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As the civilized world of Antiquity transposed into the Middle Ages, the biggest problem that the Jews had was how to hide all of their gold and silver.

The mud-brick Mesopotamian temples and the stone-built Jerusalem Temple had proven to be useless against warfare technology.

Battering rams and catapults were more powerful than any walls; but secrecy and concealment were more powerful than any battering rams or catapults.

Vast amounts of bullion were difficult to hide in large piles and difficult to protect; but easy to conceal when distributed among large numbers of Jews each hiding small hoards.

Jews were rigorously trained from childhood to believe that touching the “sacred gold” of the Temple would bring down leprosy followed by lightning bolts with the earth then opening up and swallowing the filcher and his whole family.

Such thoroughly brain-washed members of a community who were being constantly monitored by the rabbis, could be trusted with small hoards distributed among many Jews.

The main concern of the rabbis was to keep the Jews fiercely loyal through preferential treatment and financial gain.

Once Jews had bribed their way into any position of authority in Gentile society, they always gave well-paid jobs to more and more Jews over better qualified Gentiles.

Interest-free loans for going into business or for loaning-at-interest to the goyim, and cheap imports to sell at high prices, and positions as managers and landlords and as tax-farmers, were always made available to those Jews who attended synagogue services without fail.

Thus, the Jews always flocked to synagogue services to hear the lies of the rabbis because their livelihoods depended upon it.

The masses of little Jews hid the big Jews from the scrutiny of the non-Jewish societies among whom they were allowed to live.

All Jews benefited from the World’s Oldest Organized Criminal Conspiracy.

All that these outlaws had to do was to maintain the façade by following the rabbis’ rules of the “Law” and paying their tithes.

Then, the riches and lucrative appointments would be theirs, distributed both by the rabbis as well as by the Big Jews who had already wormed their way into the services of a king.

Under the concealing cover of Judaism, what inquiring Gentile could know that the very Jews who dressed in old clothes and who whined about how bad business always was, each had access to the major wealth of the entire world while he also hid a small fortune under the bricks behind his fireplace?

The corporate buying power of the Jews was enormous.

Funds could be quickly assembled for use or secreted away in a trice.

And it was all distributed discretely among the adult male synagogue members spread out over entire countries.

The rabbis distributed the wealth to the male heads of families in this trickle down Semitic system of organized of crime, based on the military precision of the God of Armies whose leader then resided in Babylonia.

All synagogues were connected by the “sacred envoys,” those traveling rabbis bearing documents of Hebrew gibberish which concealed:

  • gold bullion
  • gemstones
  • receipts of deposit

as well as the latest commercial and military espionage.

However, no bank can profit by hoarding all its gold.

It needs to be out-on-loan-at-interest for the profits to increase.

It is also safer for the gold to be out on loan because if it is stolen from a Jew, it is lost; but if it is stolen from a debtor, the debtor is still obligated to repay both principal and interest.

And so it was with the Jews, always loaning and always greedily grasping for the interest on those loans, living off of the Sumerian Swindle and its resulting slavery – just as it had always been.

Through simple arithmetic, those who loan-money-at-interest eventually gain ownership of the entire world.
No god gives it to them, unless it is the god of falsified accounting books.

Judaism is a fraternity of merchants and moneylenders who know that honesty among themselves gives them tremendous advantage for swindling and cheating the vast numbers of non-Jews among whom they are allowed to live.

Judaism is almost the perfect crime.

As in any organized criminal gang, its greatest weakness are the “informers,” those Jews who tattle and tell the non-Jews what devils the Jews really are – the “informers” who must be murdered and their associates silenced – “informers” such as Jesus and all Christians.

As previously proven, because Judaism is a façade for banking and commercial operations, the center of world Judaism has never been around the Temple but centered around wherever the most money could be made.

In its original incarnation, while the Temple was being maintained in Jerusalem, the actual center of Judaism was among the merchant-moneylenders of Babylonia.

Then, as Jewish finance moved into the Roman Empire and into Europe, the concentrations of money-grubbing Jews also moved to where the money was, while the religious center that was smashed by the Romans moved from Jerusalem back to Babylonia, its original starting place.

After 70 AD, the organized criminal gangs of Jews established their hideouts along the world’s trade routes with synagogue safe houses in every city of commercial importance.

Using the concealment and protection of their religious hoax, they re-established the ancient gold smuggling and money-transfer operations of the rabbis by sending the “sacred contributions” to that rabbinical fraud, the Gaon, located in those training centers for Jewish criminality in Pumbeditha and Sura, Babylonia.

Thus, both the religious and economic center of world Jewry moved.

This should always be understood about Judaism – it is a Babylonian banking system and commercial cartel concealed behind a religious façade.

It is the ancient tamkarum, the merchant-moneylenders of Babylon, who are hidden behind Judaism.

As a corporate entity, they can move anywhere on earth and still be protected by the illusion of religiousity concealing their crimes – all the while moaning and crying about the “Holy Land” and “Jerusalem” so as to mislead inquiring minds away from their financial base and satellite banks.

Concealing the gold with deceit and lies, was more powerful – and cheaper – than protecting it with walls of stone.

It was bad enough for Mankind when only the Jews were stealing and murdering under an umbrella of religion.

But once Muhammad (mhrh) began using the same Jewish racket with an Arabian motif, the world was then plagued by two Semitic liars telling the Devil’s Truth – two fangs of a Semitic viper pretending to be different.

Both of them were enemies of Christianity, murderers of Christians and of any other religious people unfortunate enough to allow either Jews or Muslims a toehold into society.

They were both Semitic demon religions of:

  • murder
  • theft
  • subversion

both based upon the Biggest Lie Ever Told.

This should be clear to most Readers by now.

Those Readers who are atheists or agnostics, please be patient and you will get a better understanding of this in what follows.

When dealing with two sets of liars, it is an error to think that one or the other of them is telling the truth merely because they are both telling different lies.

Choosing to believe one liar over the other, can be fatal when both are murdering fiends.

And so it is, when comparing the difference between those two Semitic frauds, the Jews and the Muslims.

Judaism and Islam both support their hoaxes by telling the Devil’s Truth.

The Devil’s Truth is a lie reinforced by threats of violence, such as,

“You must believe what we say or we will cause you harm”


“You must believe what we say or we will kill you.”

Even if you cannot immediately prove it, when a statement is presented to you with such a penalty for doubting its veracity, then you can be certain that you are being told a lie, a lie that cannot stand on its own without its supporting threats.

Even if you cannot immediately prove it, merely by perceiving the Devil’s Truth for what it is, you know that you are being told a lie.

Both the Jews and the Muslims tell the Devil’s Truth.

Both use threats to enforce their lies.

Whether subtle or blatant, the threats, themselves, reveal the concealed lies.

The Devil’s Truth shows itself for what it is.

If you understand what the Devil’s Truth is, you will be able to instantly and always understand even modern hoaxes like Communism or The Holocaust or “Affirmative Action” for what they really are – lies propped up by threats of various degrees of violence.

And all of them are the invention of the lying Jews! In modern times, there seems to be some well promoted assertions that Judaism and Islam are very different, so different that they are allegedly enemies!

But where is the truth in this?

Both Jews and Muslims depend upon the:

  • frauds
  • hoaxes
  • counterfeits
  • plagiarisms

and lies of the Hebrew Bible as a basis of their deceptions.

Claiming “the Word of God” while telling lies, is basic to both of these religious hoaxes.

The Jews use the Semitic Aramaic technique of abracadabra – telling lies as they speak – to benefit the Jews.

The Muslims use the Semitic Arabic technique of taqiyya – telling lies for the sake of Allah – to benefit the Muslims.

Neither of these lying frauds can endure criticism of any kind.

And so they use the Devil’s Truth –

“believe what we say or we will kill you!”

There is very little difference between Judaism and Islam because both are hoaxes in very similar ways, based on the Biggest Lie Ever Told.

Both Jews and Muslims tear down and burn other religions’ cult centers and scriptures and murder the priests, while claiming that their very own “god” wants them to do it.

Judaism and Islam are especially hostile towards Christianity.

The Jews hate and revile Jesus while the Muslims respect him but relegate him to no higher place than:

  • Moses
  • Noah
  • Daniel

all mythological characters and all lower than Muhammad.

Both Judaism and Islam forbid the reading or distribution of the New Testament under pain of death.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Exposing the New Testament – Library of Rickandria

The only thing that Muslims actually know about Christianity, are the twisted and weird tales found in the Quran. [698]

In other words, they know absolutely nothing about Christianity.

Yet, they will kill you if you don’t believe their ridiculous, twisted lies about Jesus.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria

Everything in both Judaism and Islam revolves around the circumcised, Semitic penis.

Both are circumcised perverts.

  • Masturbation
  • rape
  • sexual deviance of all kinds

is endemic to both of these demon “religions.”

RELIGION: Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria

Both practice and approve of paederasty.

While the rabbis limit their Jewish perverts to attacking boys nine-years-old and a day or younger, the Muslims will sodomize a child at any age.

While the Jews prefer to rape little girls who are three years old and a day or older, Muslims will rape a female of any age and of any beastial species with the only stipulation being that the animal is not a swine.

A swine is, of course, “unclean” so the “holy” Muslims only sodomize animals that are “halal” or “clean.”

Afterwards, both Jews and Muslims imagine themselves to be “holy” simply by ritually washing their filthy selves and then praying to their demon gods.

RELIGION: DEMONS – The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rickandria

And if there is no water available to make himself “clean,” the Muslim will rub himself with dirt or sand.

What could be dumber than a Muslim washing himself with dirt to be “halal clean”?

You guessed it, a Jew washing his clothes in three-day-old urine to be “kosher clean.”

Any sin is permitted to both Jews and Muslims behind closed doors as long as that sin is hidden from public scrutiny.

With their sins hidden, they both can hypocritically make a public show of being “holy” with
the certainty that their demon gods forgive them after their ritual washing of hands and feet.

RELIGION: DAEMON – Library of Rickandria

Both Judaism and Islam promote, practice and condon slavery, as a “divine right” for themselves to enslave Mankind.

Christianity dealt with slavery as an institution inherited from earlier historical times because it 

“had always been here.”

But it was Christians of both Europe and America who ended 5,000 years of slavery, not the Jews nor the Muslims.

Slavery is still practiced by both Jews and Muslims today.

The Jews economically enslave Mankind to their banking and financial swindles and the Muslims still physically practice it in Muslim countries hidden from Western influence.

Imam Anwar al-Awlaki brags that there is nothing to prevent modern Muslims from once again imposing slavery upon Mankind since Islam only recognizes the Muslim Sharia Law and slavery is permitted to the Muslims because Allah the Moon God said it was okay.

Because the Muslims and Jews both believe in the “divine origin” of the Hebrew Bible, what differences do they have?

Muhammad claimed that only he taught:

“the religion of truth”

and that he was a genuine prophet who could out-Jew-the-Jews and that his Moon God rejected the Jews because of their iniquities.

Muhammad claimed nine reasons why Allah was replacing Jewish thieves with Muslim thieves: 

  1. They broke their Covenant.
  2. They rejected Allah’s guidance as conveyed in His Signs.
  3. They killed Allah’s Messengers and incurred a double guilt, viz, that of murder and that of a deliberate defiance of Allah’s law.
  4. They imagined themselves arrogantly self-sufficient, which means a blasphemous closing of their hearts forever against admission of Allah’s grace.
  5. They rejected Faith.
  6. They made false charges against a saintly woman like Mary, who was chosen by Allah to be the mother of Jesus.
  7. They boasted of having killed Jesus when they were the victims of their own self hallucination.
  8. They hindered people from Allah’s way.
  9. By means of usury and fraud they oppressed their fellow men. [699]

And yet, as history shows, even with all of these reasons claimed by the voices howling inside Muhammad’s head, the Muslims and Jews worked together as allies against Christians.

Why is this?

The simple answer is:

Because they are both devils.

But the complete answer is more complicated than this, as you will see.

Except for the perfidious Jews, Muhammad taught that the Muslims could most reliably trust the Christians.

“Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou find those who say,

‘We are Christians,’ because among these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.”
 (Quran 5: 85)

And yet, as history shows, the Muslims were at odds with and viciously oppressed the Christians while allying themselves with the Jews.

Why is this?

The simple answer is that the Muslims understand the religion of Jesus only as interpreted by the Quran. [700]

In other words, the stupid Muslims have no idea whatsoever what Christianity is.

But the complete answer is more complicated than this, as you will see.

Mankind was on the very brink of being saved from the Devil during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

There are some rare individuals for whom God (or the Tao) opens the way for them to become leaders of Mankind, for the benefit of Mankind.

However, most leaders of Mankind weasel their way into leadership positions simply because of the lure of wealth and power which they seek.

You can usually see who the true leaders are and who are the real weasels simply by observing which government officials take bribes and accept gifts that corrupt their decisions.

By this definition, one might think that the Roman General Titus was also a weasel, since he accepted bribes like all other Romans accepted bribes.

But as the son of General Tiberius, the Way was opened for him to become a General and an Emperor of Rome.

That he accepted bribes didn’t make him any more corrupt than any other official under the classical Roman system of government where everyone accepted bribes – just

“as it had always been.”

However, being bribed by a devil is a grievous error no matter what the circumstances or the historical time frame.

When the Pharisee Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai was allowed to escape Jerusalem in 70 AD, Titus released upon Mankind a demon-rabbi who should have been immediately executed upon capture instead of being allowed to establish a Jewish school for villains in Jamnia.

All Jews are guilty of the crimes that other Jews commit simply because all Jews conceal and deny the crimes that other Jews commit.

It’s a conspiracy of criminals who commit crimes surrounded by their gangs of apologists who defend them and deny any crimes.

From this one devil Pharisee who escaped justice in Jerusalem, the fiendish teachings of the Pharisees spread via Zakkai’s rabbinical school to the Jewish bankers and merchants as well as to the common Jewish criminals scattered around the Roman Empire and Persia.

Just as a single pathogenic bacteria can multiply, sicken and kill billions of people, so too can a single rabbi infect a multitude.

Good health for society cannot be achieved when a pathogenic bacterium, a Jewish rabbi or a Muslim Imam are allowed to live and proliferate their Semitic toxins.

Zakkai was allowed to spread the evils of Pharisaism to his students.

When enough rabbis had been trained in the Oral Law (the “Tradition of the Elders” that Jesus warned against), they began weaseling their way into positions of ultimate power and authority over the gangs of Jews scattered throughout the known world.

The Pharisees began claiming for themselves the power that the high priests had had when the Temple scam was in full operation.

It was beneficial to organized Jewry that this be so, because all Jews, from simple pickpockets to the bankers and import-export swindlers, could benefit by hiding behind the façade of the Jewish religious hoax in the same way that cockroaches benefit by hiding from the light or like individual crows hide within a flock.

Under Judaism, the Jews could freely swindle the world, avoid military service and remain safely concealed behind the world’s oldest organized criminal conspiracy.

So, the rabbis had a willing throng of Jewish admirers for their talents in lies and larceny.

Through the synagogue and Kehillah system, the bankers and merchants had a way to safely exchange gold and commercial and military intelligence.

The rabbis got regular donations plus ten percent of all profits and loot from Jewish businesses, so they were enthusiastic promoters and enablers of the entire criminal charade.

After all, the priests and rabbis invented it.

Although all rabbis everywhere were experts in Jewish criminal techniques, it was those rabbis who had studied the Pharisee Oral Law under Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, who developed Jewish crime to the high level of sinister sophistication that it is today.

From roughly 589 to 1038 AD, the Talmudic Academies in Babylonia, also known as the Gaonic Academies, were the training centers for the development of the laws regulating daily Jewish criminal life.

Talmudic academies in Babylonia – Wikipedia

The training schools for their gangs of inbred schemers, was concealed from Mankind with the deceptive use of such words as “colleges” or “centers of learning” or “academies” or “yeshivas.”


Such deceptive words as these, gave the general public the idea that actual knowledge was being taught rather than the sociopathic hatred and demonic mendacity of the Pharisee Jews.

All of it was concealed behind what the rabbis euphemistically refer to as “scholarship” and “learning.”

Their job was to refine the criminal Laws of Moses and the plagiarisms and counterfeits of the Hebrew Bible into the finely honed system of deceit and subterfuge practiced by the Jews worldwide today.

The Oral Law was concentrated and written down into the Babylonian Talmud.

One example among hundreds of the rabbis’ skills in training the Jews to be the world’s foremost crooks, can be seen in their refinement of the rules of arson.

In the Book of Judges, you will remember, the story is told of how Samson burned down the fields and farms of his Philistine neighbors and relatives by sending out three hundred Hebrews in groups of two and then hiding the gang nature of the attack by calling them “foxes.” (Jdg 15:4-5)

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In that way, Samson could brag that he had gotten his “revenge” on the innocent Philistines while hiding the complicity of the other Hebrews.

That is how the ancient gangs of “innocent” Jews of about 1000 BC got away with arson, by blaming it on the foxes.

The Jews have a long history of blaming their sins on a scapegoat.

But 1600 years later, the Gentiles were not as easily deceived into believing that three hundred foxes could be captured and then trained to burn down all the farms in the countryside.

So, the rabbis taught the Jews how to commit arson on fields and buildings while remaining “innocent” of the deed, by blaming it on the wind.

Then, after the Gentile farmers were ruined, the “innocent” Jews would step forward magnanimously to offer them loans until they could grow new crops – of course, using their land, their farm equipment, their cattle and their children as security on the high interest rates.

The Jews had no fear that they could burn down the Christian farmers’ fields and then a Christian moneylender would help the Christian farmers at lower rates of interest.

And why? Because the Christian popes had made moneylending a sin for Christians and a monopoly for the Jews!

Throughout Christendom, only Jews were allowed to lend money at interest and confiscate the property of those who fell into their clutches.

To “prove” that a Jew is always “innocent” of arson, the Jewish Law works like this:

“If a man sent out something burning through a deaf mute, an idiot, or a minor and damage resulted, he would be exempt from the judgments of man, but liable in accordance with the judgments of heaven.

But if he sent it through a normal person, the normal person would be liable.

If one person first supplies the fire and another the wood, he who supplies the wood would be liable for he being last is mostly to blame.

Where, on the other hand, the first supplies the wood and the second the fire, he who supplies the fire would be liable.

But where another person came along and fanned the flame, the one who fanned it would be liable.

If it was the wind that fanned it, all would be exempt.”
 (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Kama 59b)

Billy Joel We Didn’t Start the Fire Casey Simpson Parody | We Didn’t Start the Virus

This is the kind of teachings that the Babylonian rabbis performed for the four hundred years that they worked like devils in refining the Laws of Moses.

They taught the Jews how to work together in committing crimes, so that none of them are ever, ever guilty!

They could burn down the Christians’ fields and farmhouses and blame it on the wind!

And if a Jew stands accused, then crowds of his fellow Jews noisily push forward protesting his innocence and shouting that it is the “bigotry” and “prejudice” of his accusers that is to blame because the Jews are innocent!

Make no mistake, Jewish Law is for the criminal benefit of the Jews.

Everyone else is its victim.

Jewish Law is the Devil’s Law.

The Babylonian Academies, in operation from about 550 to 1038, were situated in an area between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, primarily in the towns of Pumbedita (modern Fallujah, a town west of Baghdad) and Sura, a town farther down the Euphrates.

Beginning around the year 550, the main work of these academies was the compilation of the Babylonian Talmud.

Through the continuous work of generations of rabbis and their creepy Jewish students, it reached its final form around 700 AD.

Thus, while the Europeans were going through a variety of chaotic events and transitions from Roman rule to the Medieval period, the Jews worldwide were unifying their attack and subversive strategies through the Talmudic system of Jewish organized crime.

For the Jews of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, the yeshivas of Babylonia served much the same function as the ancient Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, that is, as a council of Jewish religious frauds, all claiming to speak with the voice of God.

The activity of these bearded and circumcised wonders of iniquity covers a period of nearly 450 years.

The Gaonim, or presidents of the two rabbinical “colleges” of Sura and Pumbedita, were the spiritual leaders and undisputed authorities of the worldwide Jewish community in the early medieval era.

In contrast, the Exilarch wielded secular authority over the Jews only in Islamic lands.

The Gaon’s decisions were sought from all sides and were accepted wherever Jewish communal life existed. [701]

It should not be forgotten that none of these so-called rabbinical “scholars” worked for nothing. 

These rabbis were all well-paid to be the lawyers and con artists that they were and still are today.

To hide their income from both Gentile tax collectors and the little Jews over whom they ruled, they usually maintained false business fronts such as:

  • jewelers
  • bankers
  • even cobblers

None of the Gentile kings or commoners knew that they were being paid a tenth of all Jewish business profits and then re-distributing and loaning those profits to their Jewish congregations so as to further undermine and buy-out the Christians and Muslims among whom they were allowed to live.

Thus, at the very time that the Muslims were overrunning the Near East, Persia and North Africa, the Jews were “girding their loins” (Bible-speak for tying up their holy circumcised dongs and dangling balls) for action.

At the very time the Muslim werewolves were pounding on the doors of Europe, trying to break in and do what Muslims do by turning civilization upside down, the Jews in every country worldwide were:

  • an organized
  • single-minded
  • subversive
  • criminal

element in every town where they were allowed to live.

Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II -Chapter 13: Muslim Werewolves Howling at the Moon God – Library of Rickandria

While the Muslims were killing all:

  • Romans
  • Persians
  • Christians

who opposed them, they were being met everywhere by the Jews who cheered and welcomed them as

“saviors from the oppressors”

and who offered them their undying “Jewish Loyalty” in exchange for positions of authority over the Christians, positions of authority and material rewards for their treachery.

By 700 AD, along with the worldwide Jewish interconnection of commercial enterprises and the complete unification of Jewish legal and religious standardization in Babylonia, there was one other aspect of the Jewish Criminal Conspiracy that tied these worldwide gangs together – marriage contracts.

The Jewish Marriage Code cemented alliances which were strictly controlled by the rabbis. 

Especially did the rabbis and the big merchants and bankers collude in their own marriages, investigating pedigree, obtaining the genealogy from the archives and producing a number of witnesses.

And this was practiced wherever there was a Jewish colony. In every city and village, a strict account was kept by the rabbis and their marriages. [702]

Thus, through the iron grip of Jewish Law which controlled every aspect of a Jew’s life, and the marriage bonds between Jewish crime families, an:

  • international
  • interlocking
  • subversive
  • organized
  • criminal

organization became firmly established by 700 AD.

Judaism was founded upon fake genealogies that tied together unrelated tribes of Hebrew bandits ruled over by the Babylonian banking family of:

  • Terah
  • Abraham
  • Isaac

and Jacob.

This ancient fraud was perpetuated by these Pharisee rabbis of Babylonia to claim for themselves the Hebrew Bible hoax of a Jewish asl “inherited” from Abraham.

And the whole hoax was enforced by the rabbis who had the power to torture and murder any Jew who stepped outside of the bounds that the rabbis had set.

The Jews made it standard procedure to bribe whatever local authorities were in power at the time into allowing the rabbis to administer beatings, tortures and execution on Jews who broke Jewish Laws.

Jewish Law is the Devil’s Truth.

But their bitingly harshest targets were the Jews whom they called “informers.”

Everybody knows what an informer is.

But to a Jew, what is an “informer”?

The modern Yiddish short story “The Penitent” by Ansky (S. Z. Rapoport, 1863 1920) [703] will give you this same perspective that the Jews have always had toward their foremost enemy – the informer.

The Jewish attitude is, that no matter how murderous and thieving a Jew is – even, as in Ansky’s story, by killing his own parents, robbing and killing hundreds and thousands of people including eleven priests – an informer is even worse!

But a Jew who kills an informer is granted forgiveness of all sins by God.

What kind of a “religion” is it that fears the truth being told about them?

If you answer, “gangsters” or “devils” then you have answered correctly.


The Jews are gangsters and devils – real ones!

Not myths – real ones!

They are gangsters disguised as prayerful supplicants who claim to be innocent victims of everybody on earth!

Yet, all of Mankind is both their victim and their scapegoat.


  • Christianity
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Taoism

or any other genuine religion, people who are “informers” of the goings-on within these groups are usually called “missionaries.”

These religions have something to teach and nothing to hide.

They go forth and tell other people what their religion actually believes and what their religion actually teaches so as to bring others into the fold.

These True Religions encourage their members to tell the truth and to “inform” the world of what they teach.

But the two Semitic hoaxes of Islam and Judaism – especially Judaism – are not like this at all.

Informers are routinely murdered because Judaism and Islam are not religions; they are criminal cults of gangsters posing as saints.

If a Jew informs a non-Jew about the inner workings of Judaism, then by Jewish Law his fellow Jews are required to murder him.

Only criminal gangs with something to hide, kill their own members for informing.

This is one reason why, throughout history, the Jews are forever screaming about “anti-Semitism” and whining about how everybody else is so full of “hate” against them and about how everybody else is “prejudiced” against the innocent Jews.

They are “innocent” in the same way that every criminal claims to be “innocent” – they claim innocence to avoid prosecution and punishment for their crimes, not because they are actually innocent.

Using the ancient Scape Goat Technique of putting the blame on somebody else, the Jews have successfully escaped countless attempts to bring them to justice.

For example, the Jews claim that the Christians have always been their greatest oppressors.

But who is the real oppressor, the Jews or their victims?

Can a criminal claim that he is being “oppressed” when he is punished for his crimes?

Imaginary portrait of Sisenand, by Bernardino Montañés (oil on canvas, 1856) 2.59 MB View full-size Download

Sisenand (Spanish, Galician, and Portuguese: Sisenando; Latin: Sisenandus) (c. 605 – 12 March 636) was the Visigothic King of Hispania, Septimania and Galicia from 631 to 636

In 633 AD, the Councils of Toledo, Spain, under the Visigoth king Sisenand and Archbishop Isadore of Seville decreed that those Christians who had been lied to and corrupted by the Jews and had converted to Judaism, were to be forced back into Christianity.

St. Isidore of Seville (1655), depicted by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 1.86 MB View full-size Download

Isidore of Seville (Latin: Isidorus Hispalensis; c. 560 – 4 April 636) was a Hispano-Roman scholar, theologian, and archbishop of Seville. He is widely regarded, in the words of 19th-century historian Montalembert, as “the last scholar of the ancient world”.  At a time of disintegration of classical culture, aristocratic violence, and widespread illiteracy, Isidore was involved in the conversion of the Arian Visigothic kings to Chalcedonian Christianity, both assisting his brother Leander of Seville and continuing after his brother’s death. He was influential in the inner circle of Sisebut, Visigothic king of Hispania. Like Leander, he played a prominent role in the Councils of Toledo and Seville.

Fourth Council of Toledo – Wikipedia


This does not mean that they were to be killed like the Jews and Muslims kill their own apostates, but merely forced to go to church and learn what Jesus taught about God and about the lying Jews.

For the Jews, this was a great “oppression” of their “rights.”

But what are Jewish “rights” other than the right to swindle and destroy the people around them?

Although the Babylonian Talmud was being taught in every synagogue in the world at that time, it was still a secret teaching among the Jews.

No Jew was allowed to teach the Talmud to non-Jews upon pain of death.

For more than 300 years, the Christians did not even know that the Talmud existed.

In a cognitive dissonance, the Medieval Christians were completely baffled by the crimes that they observed these allegedly “Chosen Ones of God” practicing.

COGNITIVE DISSONACE.jpg 90 KB View full-size Download

It boggled their minds that these allegedly “Apples of God’s Eye” were such scoundrels.

When the Jews were around, nothing went right.

It was as if the world was infested with

  • sneaky
  • malicious
  • vindictive

pixies or goblins or sprites who played dirty tricks, caused things to go missing, poisoned farm animals, or urinated in the drinking water when you weren’t looking.

Gates were left open, so the cattle trampled the standing grain.

Fields burned down with no one to blame but the village idiot who, strangely, had been wandering about in broad daylight with a burning torch in his hand.

The ox which the farmer needed to plow his field somehow ate some poisonous plants and died.

Children went missing as if vanishing into thin air.

And there were always Jews around to offer loans to “help” the farmer through his bit of bad luck.

All he had to do was put his field or his farm or his wife or his children up as collateral on the loan.

None of it made any sense to the god-fearing Christians.

For example, while claiming a military exemption from all of the kings in the world because they were so holy as to keep the Sabbath and thereby disqualify themselves as soldiers, the rabbis actually taught their perfidious Jews that destructive acts are allowed to the Jews on the Sabbath!

Rabbi Abbahu recited in the presence of Rabbi Yohanan:

Any work on the Sabbath that has a destructive purpose entails no penalty for the violation of the Sabbath, with the exception, however, of the act of inflicting a bodily injury, as also of the act of setting on fire.

Said R. Yohanan to him: Go and recite this outside for the exception made of the act of inflicting a bodily injury and of setting on fire is not part of the teaching; and should you find grounds for maintaining that it is, you may say that the infliction of a bodily injury refers to where the blood was required to feed a dog; and in the case of setting on fire, where there was some need of the ashes.”
 (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Kama 34b)

So, you see, the Pharisee “Tradition of the Elders,” the Oral Law that had become the Babylonian Talmud, allowed the Jews to murder and arson the people around them on the Sabbath as long as they fed some of the blood of their victims to a dog or used some of the ashes from their competitor’s warehouse to make a poultice.

If they did that, by Jewish Law, they were innocent!

Not knowing the secret teachings of the Babylonian Talmud, but knowing very well who benefited from the crime, when the enraged pagans or Christians or Muslims would show up at the Jews’ doorstep with clenched fists and curses, the Jews would roll their innocent eyes toward heaven and claim that the crime could not possibly have been done by a Jew because it had occurred on a Sabbath and –

“as everybody knows”

– all work of any kind is forbidden by God, Himself, to the Jews on that “holy” day.

Because the crime had occurred on a Sabbath, that “proved” that it could not possibly have been committed by a Jew!

Thus, by the Talmudic Law of the rabbis, all Jews are always innocent of all crimes!

And they would proclaim it to their dying breaths because as a people,

“higher than the angels,”

it just had to be true, and the Talmud proved it!

Thus, it was, that the kings and councilors of the various places where Jews lived, began making laws to protect themselves against these hypocritical sociopaths living among them who were pretending to be so “holy.”

Thus, it was, that any Jew who informed the Christians about the real teachings and practices of the Jews, would be mysteriously murdered and the murder blamed on a “bigoted” Christian.

Informers in Judaism became the Jews’ number one problem, especially those informers from among the Jews who realized what evil they were practicing and who understood that Jesus was, in fact, the Messiah that the Torah had been promising.

Thus, it was, that those Jews who became Christians were the rabbis’ biggest nightmare and were the special target of the rabbis’ vindictive wrath.

Unfortunately, Christians (as well as Muslims) everywhere believed that the Jews were the same ones who were featured in the Old Testament; the same ones who bragged about what an illustrious history that they had had; the same ones who claimed to be the holiest people on earth and the “apple of God’s eye”; the same ones who followed the Ten Commandments written with the finger of God upon the stone tablets; the same ones who were so holy that Muhammad had duplicated their system into his own Semitic hoax.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Exposing the Old Testament – Library of Rickandria

That is what the Jews claimed.

But what could actually be observed about them was very different, indeed.

Trusting that the Old Testament stories were true, while not yet knowing of the deceitful treachery taught to the Jews in the Babylonian Talmud, the Medieval Christians only knew that nothing ever went right when the Jews were involved in society.

Bad things happened but, while the Christians strongly suspected who did the dastardly deeds, proof was usually lacking, as if a huge conspiracy of cooperating demons or professional criminals were draining society of joy and prosperity and getting away with it through a carefully orchestrated concealment.

It was as if a gigantic conspiracy of demonic lawyers had gone into the business of being criminals.

Careful planning always preceded a crime.

Proofs were hard to find.

Alibis were always at hand.

The Jews were always innocent; just ask them and they would tell you.

It was always someone else’s fault.

A scapegoat or a patsy would be found to accept all the sins of Israel and all of the Jews in unison would point to the patsy, leading their accusers’ eyes away from themselves and fixing it on a victim, any victim.

These were the worldwide, unified Jews of 700 AD, infiltrated into every town of any commercial value between Persia and Europe.

And all of them were mysteriously wealthier than the people among whom they were allowed to live, mysteriously wealthier and aggressively pushier, arrogant and confident that their clever frauds and swindles would not be found out by the lowly and stupid goyim who were so gullible.

And while they were filching the wealth of the Gentiles with their scams, all of them were whining and crying and claiming to be poor and oppressed!

You will find throughout history that as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, civilization, itself, does not get richer but instead declines.

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL BANKING: Power of the Purse – The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria

Of course, the wealthy find it desirable for themselves to have every extravagance supported by legions of slaves and servants.

NEW WORLD ORDER: Of Modern Servitude – Library of Rickandria

But society stagnates when there are a few of the very rich lording it over multitudes of the very poor.

For the relatively few people of the Treasonous Class – the: 

  • bankers
  • financiers
  • merchants

and politicians – where else would they get their wealth other than by taking it from the multitudes of poor?

The most efficient way for the Treasonous Class to gather wealth into their counting houses is through manipulation of money and by warfare, as long as they, themselves, can count the money and avoid the warfare because many must suffer and die so that a few may live in luxury.

By the fifth century in Europe, indeed throughout the entire Western Roman Empire, the international moneylenders and merchants had exported so much of Europe’s silver and had put so much of its gold and silver into their own strong rooms, that they caused a severe depression throughout Europe.

Entire areas – such as Britain and most of Gaul – became effectively non-monetary.

Silver coins mostly disappeared, leaving the common man destitute.

Coinage continued in use further south around the Mediterranean, and further east in the Byzantine Empire, although by the seventh century it went into decline there too. [704]

For the rich, this was acceptable because that meant more wealth for themselves and more impoverished servants and vassals to work cheaply for bread alone.

Servants working for bread alone, means that they will always be working for bread alone and not accumulating enough money to quit and go elsewhere.

Money is, after all, an invention, an ancient invention in the same league as a lever or a wheel but potentially more powerful if allowed in the wrong hands.

BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – (5000 BC to 1500 BC) – Vol. I – Library of Rickandria

The merchant moneylenders, led by the bankers and financiers, are always the wrong hands because (as proven in Volume I, The Sumerian Swindle) it is impossible for moneylenders or financiers to be honest people.

No nation can prosper when dishonest people and crooks such as bankers control its money supply.

When a nation cannot mint its own money and determine the value of its own money, then control of that nation’s economy, and therefore control of that nation, goes not to the king or to the elected officials vowed to protect the People, but control of the nation goes to the Treasonous Class – the:

  • merchants
  • moneylenders
  • bankers

and the scoundrels whom they hire to represent them, usually known as politicians.

Please remember the definition of True Money:

“True Money is anything that the government declares to be money, and which the government spends into circulation interest-free, and accepts back in taxes in order to regulate its quantity.”

But in the West during much of the sixth century, with the silver siphoning away to Asia, the only coins to circulate were high value gold solidi (4.55 grams).

Such coins were far too valuable to be of any use in most transactions, reducing the common man to bartering for his livelihood and trading his labor for a sop, that is, a crust of bread in a bowl of wine to fill his stomach and ease the pain of his poverty.

Cheap pay, indeed, and an intrinsic part of the ancient Sumerian Swindle!

The governments could have had all the money that they needed for their people if they had known what Real Money is, simply by minting brass coins and regulating their quantity like the ancient Romans did.

But this knowledge had been forgotten.

And the bankers wanted it to remain forgotten.

The rich and moderately wealthy could do business among themselves with gold coins both internationally and in wholesale lots, but there were few silver coins available with which the common man could prosper.

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL BANKING: GOLD: For Humans & Others… – Library of Rickandria

The common man had no money with which to buy and sell his goods and his labor.

The moneylenders wanted to keep it that way.

With the serfs working for bread and beer, it was the beginning of the Dark Ages, a dark age in which only the Jews were allowed to lend money at interest, a Dark Age when only the Jews prospered.

Quite literally, the Dark Ages of Europe were created by the Jews.

As Persia fell before the Muslim werewolves and was consumed in an orgy of:

  • rape
  • pillage
  • murder

and as Byzantium was shaken, in Europe there arose a counterbalance to the Semitic demons and a champion to Christian virtue in a people we know as the Goths.

The name “Goths” was a shorthand way of indicating the Germanic peoples who had come from the lands east of the Rhine, lands which the Romans had failed to conquer.

By 500 AD all of the Roman provinces of the West had become Germanic kingdoms:

all were white, Germanic kingdoms.

Ultimately this change in rulership had stemmed not from huge military attacks and the outright conquest of territory from the dwindling Roman Empire, but from a break-down of Roman political structures in the last quarter of the fourth century, which exposed the weakness of Roman rule at the local level. [705]

The breakdown of rule from Rome and from Byzantium, allowed local Gothic kings to fill the power vacuum.

By 700, to all intents and purposes, everyone north of the Loire was a Frank, everyone in the southeast was a Burgundian, everyone in Spain was a Goth; everyone in lowland Britain was some sort of Anglo Saxon; but you had to go to Italy to find Romans [706] or go all that great distance to Byzantium.

However, the Germanic kings did everything that they could to follow the outline of Roman law and civilization.

They had had centuries of contact with Rome, had served in the Roman military in various capacities, and appreciated Greco-Roman Culture.

As an example, although they were Germans, they did not write in German; they wrote in Latin. [707]

Beginning in the later third century, the Germans whom the literary sources called Franks, had joined with other barbarians to challenge Roman rule in Gaul (later taking the name of the Franks as Francia, then as France).

The Franks included various peoples who had previously settled north and east of the lower Rhine.

The Franks provided recruits, and sometimes entire units, that served in the Roman army throughout the Empire.

Franks also began to serve as officers and, like other Germans, some rose to become important generals who influenced imperial politics.

Whether as enemies, recruits or mercenaries, from the beginning, the Franks appeared in the Roman Empire as warriors.

Even as boys, their love of war was full-grown. [708]

With the ranks of the Roman army being filled with Germanic Europeans, the Franks learned both Roman Culture and Roman military science.

Stupendous fighters individually, once they were trained in disciplined military strategy and tactics, they were peerless.

Although the Eastern capital of the Roman empire was solidly established at Constantinople, the beginnings of decline for the Western Romans in Europe can be found with Attila the Hun.

King Attila (Chronicon Pictum, 1358) 887 KB View full-size Download

Attila (/əˈtɪlə/ ə-TIL-ə[3] or /ˈætɪlə/ AT-il-ə;[4] c. 406 – 453), frequently called Attila the Hun, was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in early 453. He was also the leader of an empire consisting of Huns, Ostrogoths, Alans, and Gepids, among others, in Central and Eastern Europe.

In 447, Attila ravaged Moesia and Thrace as far as Thermopylae.

Then, turning westward, he marched upon Gaul, crossed the Rhine in the spring of 451 and laid waste to the countryside as far as the Loire.

The Byzantines, supported by the:

  • Germans
  • Franks
  • Burgundi

and Visigoths, all of them recognizing the Yellow Peril at their doorstep as a mutual enemy, behaved as loyal allies.

They checked Attila in the neighborhood of Troyes.

The military art of the Romans and the valor of the Germans collaborated.

The death of Attila in 453 spelled the ruin of his ephemeral achievements. [709]

But it was not his death that saved Europe, the valor of the Germanic Goths fighting with well-disciplined, Roman military science is what saved Europe.

However, once the Goths realized their military might, and saw the declining power of Rome, they naturally filled the vacuum in Europe.

Both “Frankified” Romans and “Romanized” Franks were the products of their cultural and political assimilation in northern Gaul. [710]

The pagan nature of these Franks is exemplified by Clovis.

King Clovis consolidated his control over the Franks in typically bloody fashion.

Ragnachar, a relative and a king at Cambrai, had helped him in his campaign against Syagrius. Clovis later repaid the favor by murdering him and his two brothers.

Chararic was another Frankish king who had remained neutral during the war between Clovis and Syagrius.

Although Clovis first forced him and his son to become clerics, he eventually murdered them, too.

Sigibert, another relative and king of the Rhineland Franks at Cologne, helped Clovis against the Alamans, and his son, Chlodoric, helped Clovis against the Visigoths.

Clovis later encouraged Chlodoric to kill his father and then avenged Sigibert by having his son murdered.

By eliminating his rivals Clovis was able to establish what would be known as the Merovingian dynasty of Frankish kings, and upon his death in 511 only his own sons were left as his heirs.

BLOODLINE: MEROVINGIAN – The Lost Kings – Library of Rickandria

Their inheritance was by now a large kingdom, because by defeating or dominating neighboring barbarian kingdoms, their father had extended his influence throughout much of Gaul.

But despite Clovis’ efforts to eliminate any relatives who might become rivals, his sons and grandsons continued the family squabbling by feuding among themselves. [711]

Clovis and the Frankish nobility, who were still pagan, at an imprecise date between 496 and 506 embraced Catholicism, which seemingly transformed him into a champion of Catholic Christianity. [712]

These Germanic people are known as the Merovingians.

The Europeans could accept Christianity because the teachings of Jesus demonstrated many of the spiritual powers that they already had attained through their:

  • swastika
  • spiral and sun wheel energy knowledge 
  • power skills

Such spiritual power was a recurrent theme in the Old Norse heroic poems.

Therein, we find this spiritual relationship between man and animal.

It is expressed in the words “hugr,” “fylgja” and “hamr.”

 means “spirit” or “soul” that can leave the body in the guise of animal or human.

This was a skill that the Egyptians had also attained through control of their “Ka” or “spirit.” “Fylgja” means a sort of doppelganger or alter-ego or eventually “skin,” “cloak” or “animal clothing.”

It represents the protective spirits which attach themselves to individuals, often at birth, and remain with them right through to death, when they transfer their powers to another member of the family.

“Fylgja” often appears as an animal (or a woman) and it is usually visible only at times of crisis, either in waking or in dreams.

It is an externalized “soul” but also an embodiment of personal luck and destiny and the concept has much in common with the less attested “hamr.” [713]

All of these words describe the manifestations, both willfully and by chance, of one’s spirit body of Qi when directed by one’s Mind.

As proven in Chapter 4, the Europeans were already a highly spiritual people with actual supernatural powers.

They had these supernatural powers and mystical skills long before they were introduced to Christianity.

So, the Europeans could understand and accept the teachings of the New Testament because they already knew many of the powers that had manifested in Jesus.

What Christianity did for them was to focus their knowledge of these powers into a single storyline and connect such powers with the concept of immortality of the soul sustained by the All-Father which they had called Wotan or Odin.

In many respects the Merovingians and their armies seem to have treated warfare like sport; so, when one supporter of Sigibert came upon a son of Chilperic,

“with horns and bugles he pursued him like a fleeing deer.”

The Franks and their kings obviously enjoyed the chase, and some of their small-scale military campaigns were similar to hunting expeditions. [714]

As you will see in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah, this is one of the heroic attributes that the Jews try to breed and brainwash out of the Europeans and white Americans and Australians – the Caucasian-Nordic-Germanic-European martial spirit and manly valor.

The Jews promote homosexual perverts and lesbians in Western society because modern, 

  • masturbating
  • homosexual
  • pedophile

Jews can more easily dominate societies that are weaker than themselves.

As previously stated, the Jews do not evolve, they devolve societies so as to pull them down below their own level of existence so that they can more easily lead them to extinction.

By the time that the Germanic Merovingians began to take control of Europe, the Jews had already had the virtual monopoly of moneylending for two hundred years.

They were experts at extracting the highest profit from their unwilling victims.

By offering the usual bribes, the Jews were protected by the kings who benefited from the high tax returns that the Jews, acting as tax farmers, gave them.

The kings also enjoyed the imported luxuries and spices that only the Jews could sell them.

As a mark of their tax-farming ruthlessness, the Jews always extracted the highest returns on taxes to the kings because they had absolutely no pity upon the luckless Christian peasants.

Backed by the king’s troops, the Jews could wrest the smallest scruple from the Christians under their charge.

Europe was on the verge of getting Jewed as far back as 325 AD when the Christian Fathers of the Church had stupidly believed that by disallowing the Christians to lend money at interest to one another while allowing the Jews to defraud everybody with the Sumerian Swindle, that that would make the world a better place.

They believed that their Christian flocks would be saintlier, loving and kind to one another while they were being eaten alive by Christianity’s worst enemies.

They believed that the Jews could be turned into Christians, eventually, through prayer and by having some holy water sprinkled on them.

Before the Muslim conquests, the Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium supplied Europe and the West with manufactured articles, luxury objects and imported spices.

Constantinople’s trade goods were transported through Syria.

This country, in turn, was connected by the ancient trade routes through Babylonia.

Syria was the terminus of the routes by which the Roman Byzantine Empire was in communication with India and China, while by way of the Black Sea and its river systems, it was in touch with Northern Europe.

Along with the Syrians, the Jews were to be found in all of the cities of Byzantium.

They were ship owners, wholesale brokers and bankers [715] who sold wholesale to the little Jewish retailers at lower prices than to the Christian retailers.

So, the Jews always had the cheaper prices and the best imported rarities and spices, driving the Christians and everyone else out of business.

The Jews were like the Walmart of the Middle Ages, buying wholesale lots cheaply in distant foreign lands and then selling at retail to the locals.

At first glance, this might appear to be just the way that capitalism works, with successful Jewish businessmen undercutting the non-Jews for the sake of a profit.

But, in fact, making more money was not the only reason for driving their competitors out of business.

There is no level playing field of equal chances allowed by the Jews.

According to the rabbis, the goyim competitors of the Jews were not to be merely sidelined into some other kind of work so as not to compete with the Jews; but they were to be genocided down to four generations.

According to the teachings of the rabbis, all goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) were to be made extinct, leaving only the Jews in possession of the entire planet.


As long as the non-Jews did not know of the conspiracy against them, they would always be lowly insects and stupid cattle within the grasp of Jewish finance.

So, special care was always made by the rabbis that no Jew would ever be an “informer” and live.

The Christians and pagans were to be annihilated and made extinct, to be replaced by the Jews and their huge numbers of inbred children.

That was the teaching of the rabbis, the goal of Jewish finance, and the fervent desire of every Jew – to prove that the lies of the Hebrew Bible were true by dispossessing and murdering everybody on earth just like the god of Israel, the god who hated all of Mankind, had “promised” them.

And the whole scheme was made into a very real possibility by the fact that moneylending-at-interest allows the criminal moneylenders to eventually own the entire world.

It is the “blessings” of simple arithmetic, not the promises of a god.

It was a secret warfare subversively and ruthlessly practiced against all of Mankind by the Jews (then, as today) who concealed their malicious treachery behind lies and deceits, behind loans of gold and silver coins, and behind the mercantile swindles of their import export monopolies, sucking away all wealth while simultaneously weakening and destroying the very customers who buy their goods and believe their lies.

Inexplicably to the Christians, who not only lost their homes and goods and wealth to the swindles of the Jewish merchant-moneylenders, but they were also made to suffer whatever additional injuries that the Jews had the power to inflict upon them.

Once a Christian was dispossessed or enslaved, a Jew was quickly installed in his business or home or overseeing the workers on his farm.

While the Jews were malicious to the Christians, they simultaneously concealed their brutality by whining and crying out about the “bigotry” and “hatred” that they felt from their victims, attempting to place the blame anywhere but upon themselves.

After all, by Jewish thinking, the Chosen Ones of God should be loved and not hated.


The rabbis lied to those Jews who inquired as to why the Jews were hated, with the excuse that the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) hated the Jews because the goyim hated the god of the Jews.

Thus, the rabbis encouraged the Jews to be even more vindictive by attacking the Gentiles with ever increasing cruelty.

And why?

Because these demented and self-righteous Jews felt ever so holy by defending their “mighty god,” a god who always lied to them and never kept his promises, a Canaanite god which they had stolen and whose previous worshippers the Jews had murdered.

But the Jews are even funnier than that.

While the Christians were encouraged to forgive every insult and abuse, the Jews were taught the ancient lex talionis of 

“Never Forget, Never Forgive”

and to apply every evil of Semitic vengeance upon their victims.

Thus, did the Gentile hatred for the Jews increase over the centuries by every people who ever came into contact with any Jews.

BOOK: EXCERPT: The White Man’s Bible – Relentless Problems Go Back with Jews for Thousands of Years – Library of Rickandria

But none of this hatred came from “bigotry” or “prejudice” or “anti-Semitism” or any other scapegoat.

Hatred for the Jews arose one hundred percent from the actions of the Jews, themselves.

No one ever hated a Jew until they came into contact with a Jew.

The Jews are the cause of their own anti-Semitism.

They carry it with them and give it to non-Jews.

While the Christians would

“forgive and forget,”

and not hate or hold malice toward the Jews, the Jews never forgave and never forgot.

The result was that while the Christians forgave the Jews and allowed them to live, even four generations later Jewish vengeance would be brought down upon the great-grandchildren of those Christians whom the Jews never forgave.

Murdering the children – that is, “crushing the loins,” destroying the seed of their enemies – has a long Jewish tradition.

In this way also, the Jewish population increased while some of the Christian population died off.

The genocide practiced by the Jews spans many generations until their victims dwindle without even realizing by what agency they have been brought to extinction.

Thus, does the silent conspiracy of all Jews work, deceiving the non-Jews with lies and attestations of “innocence” because the Jews are oh-so-clever while their gullible victims are disdainfully considered to be mere animals when compared with their “superior” Jewish perfidy.

But even as they feigned poverty and misery, they were also always protected by the allegedly Christian kings who wanted to keep these profitable tax farmers extracting taxes from the people.

Plus, the Jews could offer him military intelligence, cheap loans and provide dainties and luxuries from distant lands.

As a tick-behind-the-ear of the king, the Jews were always positioned to take maximum advantage of the king’s People.

And as the only people allowed to practice the Sumerian Swindle during the entire Middle Ages, they always had plenty of gold to bribe any king.

With plenty of gold while their victims were impoverished by their schemes, the Jews felt that they were “blessed.”

Carefully hidden from the Christians were the demonic teachings of the Babylonian Talmud. 

Concealed in distant lands was the international infrastructure of finance and trade sources. 

Lied about was how the Jews bribed the kings for advantage and power.

Thus, the Jews were a difficult problem for the Medieval people to puzzle out since all sources of Jewish wealth and political power were carefully concealed.

The Jews always prospered but how did they do it?

All that the Medieval people could see was their own wealth disappearing and their families destroyed, while standing at all compass points were Jews grinning malevolently at them.

The Jews could only be the assholes that they were, living among the people they were swindling and enslaving, because they were protected by the kings whom they had deceived and corrupted.

At all times during their sinister history, the Jews always corrupted the leaders as a first stage for allowing them to ravage the leader’s own people.

This is true into modern times as well.

The Jews corrupt society starting from the top down, so that they are allowed to swindle everybody from the bottom to the top.

Thanks to the geography of Mediterranean Basin, the Roman Empire constituted an economic unity.

It was one great territory, and it enjoyed the enormous advantage of a common monetary unit, the gold solidus of Constantine, containing 4.55 grams of fine gold, which was current everywhere. [716]

But as the Empire’s silver was siphoned away to India by the merchant-moneylenders, gold became more common while silver became scarce.

This did not mean that the common people were any wealthier with so much more gold.

Quite the contrary!

Only the rich profited from a gold standard, leaving the little man without money and in poverty – just as it has always been.

By 500 AD all the Roman provinces of the West had become Germanic kingdoms:

  • the Franks and Burgundians in Gaul
  • the Ostrogoths in Italy
  • the Sueves and the Visigoths in Spain
  • the Vandals in North Africa
  • the Anglo-Saxons and the Britons in Britain

Ultimately this had stemmed from a breakdown of Roman political structures in the last quarter of the fourth century, which exposed the weakness of Roman rule at the local level. [717]

And what these emerging Germanic kingdoms inherited from Roman rule, were the colonies and communities of Jews living in every town of importance.

The Semitic Jews were numerous, marrying their children off as soon as they reached puberty in order to increase family size, keeping numerous wives who each had eight to twelve children.

They were distributed thickly in every trading town between Byzantium and northern Europe. 

With their quickly increasing numbers, they were constantly under pressure to place their many children onto the lands and into the businesses of the Christians and pagans whom they had dispossessed.

The Jews were like a plague of two-legged, mutant locusts, always greedily eating up and swarming over everything and growing in size like a malignant tumor upon Mankind.

All of these barbarian kingdoms became Christianized either as Arian Christians or Catholic Christians.

The various histories of the Germanic Merovingians and Germanic Carolinian dynasties are not detailed herein since such can be found in other sources.

What is notable here is how the Jews were able to swindle and subvert all of those kingdoms for so many hundreds of years.

Centers of Jewish commerce were established during Roman times by Jews who followed the Roman armies.

So, when the various Germanic kingdoms came into being around 500 AD, the Jews were already well established, waiting to sell to the soldiers

  • trade goods
  • wine
  • gambling
  • harlots
  • and short-term loans through pawn shops

A major article of consumption that figured very largely in the commerce of the period was olive oil.

There was a demand for it everywhere; in the first place for alimentary purposes, for it seems that in Southern Gaul nearly everything was cooked in oil, as in Spain and Italy.

The native olive trees did not suffice to meet the demand.

It was necessary to import oil from abroad; all the more necessary inasmuch as the lighting of the churches at this period was affected not by means of wax candles, as it was at a later date, but by means of oil-fed lamps.

North Africa was the greatest oil-producing country in the Empire and was to remain so until the Muslim conquest.

It was exported from Africa in 126-gallon casks. Gregory of Tours tells us something about the oil trade at Marseilles, the center of Jewish finance, commerce and slavery in Europe at that time.

He speaks of a Christian merchant who had seventy, 126-gallon casks of oil stolen off the quay.

This was equivalent to 160, modern day 55-gallon barrels.

This was an unusual thing for a Christian bishop to remark upon because Marseilles was a Christian city.

Yes, in those times, the people exhibited the grossest:

  • moral decadence
  • drunkenness
  • debauchery
  • cupidity
  • adultery
  • murder
  • abominable acts of cruelty

and a perfidy which prevailed from top to bottom of the social order. [718]

But at the same time, those Goths were newly converted Christians.

Very much unlike the Jews, they were trying to be good people.

Marseilles was a Christian city also inhabited by many Jews.

Even among pagan people, stealing 160 barrels of oil in a single night could only have been accomplished by a well-organized gang who had shipping and warehouse facilities in which to hide the casks as well as a means of selling the oil either retail, which meant through an established shop, or wholesale by the cask.

Almost everybody went to church where the priests tried their best to make the pagans into honest people.

And the Jews went to synagogue, but the rabbis had no interest in making the Jews into an honest people – after all, they were Jews, so why bother?

If the Christians believed that the Jews were honest, so much the easier for the Jews to steal from them.

Thus, it was a great mystery to this bishop as to who was able to steal so much olive oil all at one time in a single night.

What he didn’t know was that even though the Jews made a great show of going to synagogue, they were not following the Contract of the Hebrew Bible that they claimed to be following.

They were surreptitiously following the Babylonian Talmud wherein the rabbis preach the Jewish laws of theft.

“All things pertaining to the goyim are like a desert; the first person to come along and take them can claim them for his own.” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Bathra 54b)

A Christian merchant could leave his casks on the wharf overnight, confident that no Christian would steal his goods and that they would be there the next morning, under the watchful eyes of the Jewish wharf owner.

Marseilles was thickly populated with Jews, all of them following the teachings of the Talmud. 

So, what does a rabbi do when he finds out that the Jews in his synagogue have stolen property from the Christians?

This is what the rabbis of Babylonia were teaching the Jews worldwide:

“If a thief, a robber, or an annas consecrates a misappropriated article, it is duly consecrated; if he sets aside the portion for the priest’s gift, it is genuine terumah; or again if he sets aside the portion for the Levite’s gift, the tithe is valid.” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Kama 114a)

In other words, the rabbi demands his ten percent share of the loot!

Is it any wonder that the Christians got very annoyed with finding their property missing whenever Jews were in the area?

Or is it any wonder why modern rabbis say nothing about the huge swindles by the modern-day Jewish:

  • financiers
  • bankers

other Jewish gangsters?

Unlike a Christian priest who scorns the money offered by a Christian robber as sinful, the rabbis eagerly encourage the Jews to steal whatever they can get – as long as the rabbis get their ten percent!

Marseilles was the port where the oil for the church lights was generally purchased.

This oil therefore found its way even into the north of Gaul. [719]

So, whoever stole it, had a means of shipping it to a ready market.

No ordinary thief could do that.

It had to have been a member of the merchant community.

And all of the oil importers and wholesalers were Jews with their commercial contacts and sources among other Jews throughout:

  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Asia

So, who stole the oil?

Do Jew know?

The luxuries of the supper table were also supplied by the East.

Gregory speaks of the wines of Syria which were exported from Gaza.

They were to be found everywhere and in great quantities.

Wines were also exported from Alexandria.

Foodstuffs were also imported from the East.

At all events, during Lent the ascetics used to eat bitter herbs imported from Egypt.

Gregory of Tours in 597 speaks of the hermit in the neighborhood of Nice who ate nothing but roots which were brought to him from Alexandria.

Such were the efforts made by the monks to attain God consciousness and immortality, living on bitter roots to discipline the soul away from the body.

All of this speaks of wholesale quantities which went beyond the mere importation of jewels and articles of clothing.

But the really important and profitable branch of Oriental commerce, was the importation of spices.

One cannot insist too strongly on the importance of this trade.

The Roman Empire had received all sorts of spices from:

  • India
  • China
  • Arabia

It was the trade in spices that built up the prosperity of Palmyra and Apamea.

Their diffusion throughout the Roman Empire was not interrupted by the Gothic invasions.

They continued, after the invasions, as before them, to form a constituent of the everyday diet. [720]

And even far into Gaul and Germania, spices were available through the Jewish merchants, always at lower prices than could be obtained from Christian merchants.

Those merchants were also moneylenders who were always eager to make loans with whatever land or goods could be put up as collateral.

The interest charged was 33.5 per cent.

Those who engaged in this money trade were mostly Jews.

Jews also worked for the kings as tax farmers and collectors of the market tolls, and there were a great many of them, since the Christian Councils protested concerning their number.

There were also Jews among the moneyers, and we find the names of some of them on the coins which they struck.

Their clientele, like that of the moneylenders in general, was very considerable.

At Clermont the priest Euphrasius, the son of a Roman Senator, offered the king, in order that he might be appointed bishop, the money which he had borrowed from the Jews. [721]

Thus, a prospective bishop owed not just money to the Jews but favors to be repaid when he was ordained to the high office of bishop.

From whatever standpoint we regard it, then, the period inaugurated by the establishment of the Germanic Goths within the Empire introduced no absolute historical innovation.

What the Merovingian Germans destroyed was not the Western Roman Empire, but the Imperial government in the West.

NEW WORLD ORDER: Pax Europa – The United States of Europe & the Merovingian Master Plan – Library of Rickandria

Far from seeking to replace the Empire by anything new, they established themselves within it, and although their settlement was accompanied by a process of serious degradation, they did not introduce a new scheme of government.


In short, the essential character of “Romania” still remained Mediterranean. [722]

And no matter who was in control of the government, or of the kingdoms, they all must buy their imported supplies,

  • their oil
  • their spices
  • their silks
  • their gemstones

and pearls, from the Jews.

The Righteous Gemstones Season 4 | Official Teaser | Max

And if any citizen fell behind in paying their loans, the Jews would sell them into slavery across the sea into North Africa – all with the backing of the king’s soldiers.

The population of Narbonne in Gaul in 589 consisted of:

  • Goths
  • Romans
  • Jews
  • Greeks

and Syrians.

The Jews were almost as numerous as both the Greeks and Syrians combined and were found everywhere before the Gothic invasions and they remained there after the invasions, doing business with all sides.

In Naples, the Jews formed a great part of the merchant population of the city.

In Rome and in Ravenna, the People, having had enough of the Jews, destroyed their synagogue.

But the king, always well bribed and well-provisioned with imported luxuries, intervened in their favor.

He ordered the Catholics to repair the damage which they had caused.

RELIGION: VATICAN: JESUITS – Library of Rickandria

There were Jews in:

  • Palermo (508)
  • terracina (591)
  • Cagliari in Sardinia (598)

and they were numerous in those cities, for they had synagogues in all of them.

In Spain, too, there were Jews in Merida, and the bishop, still influenced by Roman law, received them on an equal footing with the Christians.

The Law of the Visigoths makes mention of the Jews.

Visigothic Code – Wikipedia

It confines itself to forbidding them to undertake propaganda.

You’re Not Immune to Propaganda

The Jews’ position was then the same as it had been under the Roman Empire – fully protected by the king.

Later on, the laws concerning persecution show that their numbers were considerable.

It was the same in Italy.

But naturally, thanks to Gregory of Tours, we are most fully informed in respect of Gaul.

there were Jews in:

  • Clermont
  • paris
  • Orleans
  • Tours
  • Bourges
  • Bordeaux

and Aries.

Their center was Marseilles, which was the center of commerce from the Mediterranean and the center of slavery from Europe.

We obtain some idea of their numbers when we consider that no fewer than five hundred were converted in Clermont.

Even if the Jews were disliked by the people, they were not at first molested by the authorities.

Rome’s Great Enemy: Who Were the Gauls? (Rome and Romans)

In 582, however, in Gaul, the king had them converted by force.

Some allowed themselves to be converted, but others fled to Marseilles, where they were not molested because of their great commercial power in that city.

They were sometimes accused of sacrilege and of that they were guilty beyond their actual convictions and punishments.

At Bourges, in the first half of the 7th century, Saint Sulpicius caused large numbers of them to be baptized.

At Clermont, Bishop Avitus had many Jews baptized, without, however, subjecting them to constraint.

Chilperic also caused some Jews to be baptized, and one of these, having refused, was imprisoned; but Gregory the Great, in 591, reprimanded the laity of Aries and Marseilles, who were forcing baptism upon the Jews.

He also rebuked the Bishop of Terracina, who had expelled the Jews from their synagogues.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno – Wikipedia

They must, he said, be led by kindness.

He would not even allow the Bishop of Naples to prevent the Jews from working on Christian feast days and holy days.

The only restriction which he sought to impose upon them was in respect of owning Christian slaves.

He requested Brunehaut to promulgate a law forbidding them to own such slaves.

Certain Councils, like the Council of Clermont, in 535, enacted that Jews must not become judges.

The Merovingian Councils made many stipulations prohibiting marriage between Jews and Christians, forbidding Christians to attend the banquets of Jews, and Jews were forbidden to own Christian slaves.

An edict of 614 forbade them to bring public actions against Christians. [723]


  • Vandals
  • Visigoths
  • Ostrogoths

had far more in common than possessing adjacent kingdoms around the Mediterranean.

They were all Arian Christians, which denied that the Father and the Son were of one substance as taught by the Council of Nicaea (325), a circumstance which marked them off from both the Byzantines and the great mass of the people among whom they had settled.

Arianism – Wikipedia

These Goths were connected by marriage alliances.

One of Theoderic’s daughters had married the Visigoth king Alaric and his sister married the Vandal king Thrasamund. [724]

Theoderic, himself, had married the sister of Clovis, the king of the Franks, and one of his daughters had married Sigismund, the heir to the Burgundian throne.

Catholic influence was also strong at the Burgundian court. [725]


When Gregory became bishop in 573, he not only succeeded his mother’s cousin, he also noted that almost all of his episcopal predecessors there had been his ancestors.

Much of this continued influence was of course a consequence of successful marriage strategies; in Gregory’s case, his father came from a prominent family in the Auvergne, and his mother from an even more prominent family in Burgundy.

These families had been able to protect their local standing despite the transition from Visigoths and Burgundians to Franks, by placing family members as bishops at Langres, Lyons and Clermont, as well as at Tours. [726]

Thus, the Church, on the fall of the Roman government in the West, not only venerated but in a certain sense it continued the Roman Empire, since the upper ranks of its personnel were composed entirely of descendants of old senatorial families who remembered the Empire with respect and regret.

The whole Church was subject to Roman law. [727]

Thus, it is very obvious that the kingly families of Gothic Europe were interconnected families whose political power extended over many generations.

The era of Leovigild (568–586) marks the apogee of the Visigothic Spanish kingdom of Toledo in its Arian phase.

Isidore’s words reflect how this Visigothic state was constituted and what Leovigild did in order to strengthen it.

The monarch, who was at the head of the state, was in principle but one more among the most powerful nobles, with both clientages and vast patrimonies in lands and precious metals.

Thus, whichever of the nobles had the power to challenge the position of the king, and become a pretender and competitor, tended to do so.

As a result, Leovigild was not only confronted by enemies outside the kingdom and at war against more or less independent peninsula peoples, but, according to Isidore’s testimony, he also had to eliminate the most dangerous elements of the nobility, including his own son, whom he killed or sent into exile and whose goods he confiscated. [728]

So long as the king was powerful, he was able to hold the aristocracy in check.

RELIGION: SATANISM: Liberty, Liberation & Aristocracy – Library of Rickandria

So long as the treasury provided him with sufficient resources, he had in his hands an admirable instrument of kingship.

It should be noted that since the market-toll belonged to the king, the treasury was abundantly supplied, so long as commerce continued to flourish.

This treasury enabled the king to maintain a royal bodyguard, which might really be called his permanent army.

But the treasury, which was the actual basis of the royal power, began to dwindle in the course of the 7th century.

In the first place, it could no longer count on the booty of foreign war.

There were no longer any foreign wars, and there were no more Byzantine subsidies.

The king was by no means a “landed proprietor” entirely dependent on his estates. [729]

One addition to the king’s tolls and taxes were the tolls on slaves.

The Barbarian peoples constituted the great source of slaves.

The slave merchants would go into the country to raid for slaves, and also to bring back furs.

The pagans could be bought and sold without scruple because the Councils only sought to hinder the sale of Christian slaves to persons outside the kingdom which proves that the slaves were sold to foreigners. [730]

A few Moorish slaves (Negroes) also were sold in Gaul as curiosities.

RELIGION: Jews Have Cursed the Black Race – Library of Rickandria

Other slaves came from Thuringia, and yet others from England.

There were many English and Saxon slaves for sale in the market of Marseilles.

Slaves could be bought in all parts of the country.

Bilichild, who became the wife of king Theudebert, was purchased from some merchant-moneylenders by Brunehaut, no doubt on account of her beauty.

All the slaves captured on raids by traders, or procured in Britain, were despatched to the Mediterranean ports.

They were offered for sale at Narbonne.

There is mention of them also in Naples.

These came, no doubt, from Marseilles, which was the great slave-market and the commercial center of European Jewry.

Many merchants were engaged in the slave-trade.

They were principally Jews.

The Council of Macon in 583, permitted Christians to ransom slaves from the Jews for twelve solidi, (1.9 ounces of gold) either to set them free or to take them into their service.

There is mention of Jewish slave-merchants at Narbonne and in Naples.

As you can see, slaves sold at a high price.

They were paid for with gold.

So, only the wealthy could afford to own slaves.

After the Muslim conquests, the wealthiest slave owners were in the Muslim countries.

And the only ones who could sell the slaves and deal between both the Christians and the Muslims, were the Jews.

Trade in slaves was of considerable importance; and there seems no doubt that the ships which brought:

  • spices
  • silk
  • papyrus

to the West carried slaves to the East as return cargo.

For that matter, Gaul seems to have sent to the East not only slaves, but:

  • clothing
  • textile fabrics
  • timber

and madder root for making a red dye.

In any case, the abundant circulation of gold means that there was a very considerable export trade.

And part of that export trade was the silver coinage of the Gothic empires because the international merchant-moneylenders could make a high profit selling their goods for silver and then doubling their profits yet again by exchanging that silver for twice as much gold in India.

Besides this international commerce, which was largely if not exclusively in the hands of foreigners, the inland trade filled an important role in the economic life of the West.

Here a different picture presents itself.

Of course, the Jews played a prominent part in this trade, distributed as they were in every trade center throughout Europe and along every trade route.

In addition to these, the European merchants were much to the fore. [731]

In all of these thriving kingdoms, the absolutism of the king is explained by his financial power. 

Everywhere, as the successor of the Roman Emperor, he controlled the treasury and the taxes. 

The wealth of the treasury was enormous.

It included:

  • the Imperial domain
  • the forests
  • the waste lands
  • the mines
  • the ports

and the highways, and there were also the taxes and the mint.

Thus, the king was a landed proprietor of enormous wealth, and he also possessed a formidable treasury of minted gold.

The Merovingian kings granted large assignations from their treasuries: before 695 the Abbot of St. Denis drew an annuity of 200 gold solidi (32 ounces of gold) from the treasury and another of 100 gold solidi (16 ounces of gold) worth of supplies from the royal warehouse and cellar.

The kings lent money to the cities, paid missionaries, and bought or corrupted men at will.

And they did everything they could to increase the treasure upon which their power was based.

It was to seize one another’s treasuries that the kings fought and slew one another. [732]

This was the perfect situation for those merchant-moneylenders who had ready cash to lend, a situation that they would encourage to continue throughout history.

While the Muslims were giving the Jews whatever they wanted in the Near East, in that same year of 638 in Visigothic Spain, king Chintila was getting really tired of the Jews.

Imaginary portrait of Chintila, by Bernardino Montañés in the Museo del Prado. Oil on canvas, 1855 2.24 MB View full-size Download

Chintila (Latin: Chintila, Chintilla, Cintila; c. 606 – 20 December 639) was a Visigothic King of Hispania, Septimania and Galicia from 636. He succeeded Sisenand and reigned until he died of natural causes, ruling over the fifth and sixth provisional Councils of Toledo. He wrote poetry as well He was succeeded by his son from an unknown wife, Tulga.

He didn’t understand why they were so dishonest.

As a Christian, he knew what the Ten Commandments declared.

What he had no way of knowing, was that the Jews were not following the Contract of the Hebrew Bible; they were following the evil rabbinical teachings in the Babylonian Talmud, teachings such as this:

“Theft, robbery and rape of a beautiful woman and similar deeds are forbidden to every goy toward another goy and also toward a Jew.

But they are allowed to a Jew against a goy.”
 (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57, also Abodah Zara 13b)

Not understanding that the Jews are an organized criminal cult and with such thieving, lecherous Jews being everywhere evident, Visigoth king Chintila demanded that only professing Christians should remain in Spain.

As a result, many Jews ran away to the Muslim-controlled countries and did what Jews do – they offered their “Jewish loyalty” to those who don’t know any better while swearing a never-ending vengeance upon those who don’t like being betrayed and swindled by the “Chosen Ones of God.”

In rabbinical Jew-Speak,

“to object to being betrayed and swindled by a Jew”

means that you are “persecuting” the Jews by not letting them swindle or betray you.

You are a “bigot” who hates “innocent” Jews for no reason whatsoever, while the Jews demand that their crimes against you are counted as nothing.

It is a major lie of the modern Jews in claiming that they were “persecuted” by the kings of the Middle Ages who forced them to convert to Christianity.

Those kings did not want to persecute the Jews, they only wanted the Jews living in their midst to stop being deceitful and dishonest Jews and to start being, if not honest Christians, then at least honest Jews.

But you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Five hundred years after they had murdered Jesus, the Jews were not as bad as they ever were – they were worse!

Much worse!

For now, they were organized and unified worldwide under that demonic lawyers’ book, the Babylonian Talmud.

The decline of commerce began about the year 650, a date which exactly corresponds with the progress of anarchy in the kingdom brought by the Muslim attacks in the Near East and Africa.

The pecuniary resources of the king had certainly diminished enormously by the end of the 7th century.

These resources depended principally upon tolls and taxes imposed on the circulation of merchandise.

The collection of such tolls was infinitely easier than the collection of the land tax and met with hardly any resistance.

The impairment of the treasury, which had the effect of weakening the monarchy and the State, was due above all to the increasing anemia of commerce resulting from the expansion of Islam along the coasts of the Mediterranean.

The regions of North Europe, which were essentially agricultural, were much less affected by the reduction of commerce.

But with the decline of commerce and with the concentration of the whole life of the country on land ownership, these gave the landed aristocracy a power that could not be thwarted by the king.

Henceforth, the king was in the hands of the aristocracy [733] and dependant upon whatever sources of gold could support him.

And what a coincidence!

Those sources of gold were always found among the Jewish merchant-moneylenders, offering him cheap loans and imported luxuries.

As partial repayment, the Jews obtained the right to swindle his people while being protected from the wrath of their victims by the armed power of the king’s army – just as it had always been.

The monarch could borrow and buy from the Jews, but the People were stuck with repaying the loan through their taxes to the king and the enslavement of their persons.

This was just as in modern times where the governments borrow from the Jewish bankers and the People repay the debt with their:

  • taxes
  • sweat
  • blood

Meanwhile, the Jews are protected by “anti-Semitism” laws and “anti-Hate” laws.

SPIRITUALITY: EMPATHY: How Hate Works – Library of Rickandria

All of this is the same ancient scam by the same ancient con artists.

When the Muslims began cutting off all commercial traffic, the urban life of Europe which had been maintained by unimpeded commerce, was obliterated.

The Mediterranean sources of commerce, which the Gothic invasions of the 5th century had not seriously affected, were dried up once the sea lanes were closed by the Muslims.

From the middle of the 7th century, society was becoming rapidly de Romanized, and the process was complete, or nearly so, by the beginning of the 8th century.

They were the same European population but were no longer the same civilization. [734] 

Meanwhile, as Europe faltered from Muslim attacks, between 589 and 1038 AD, the Talmudic academies in Babylonia were still sending:

  • regular mail
  • commercial and military intelligence
  • gold transfers

between synagogues throughout the world.

Rabbis carrying the “sacred gold” from the synagogues of Europe and the Near East, converged in Pumbedita and Sura, Babylonia, where the laws regulating and coordinating all Jews worldwide were being forged in the mendacious minds of the demon rabbis.

In Spain, a considerable proportion of the Visigothic Hispano-Gothic population continued living in slavery.

By the time the Visigoths had arrived, they had lost their lands and their freedom to the moneylenders while under Roman rule.

So, the Visigoths saw no reason to free them.

Freedmen were numerous given the frequency with which they appear in the archives, but there is no mention of tenant farmers.

The tenant farmers, besides being tied to the land, were bound to the proprietor of the land in such a way that legislators ended up disregarding the slight distinction existing between tenant farmers and slaves. [735]

Under the effects of the ancient Sumerian Swindle, Secret Fraud #5,

“The debtor is the slave of the lender.”

And after five hundred years’ worth of swindling Jews, there was no longer a difference between tenant farmers and slaves in Hispania by the time the Visigoths took over control of that country.

The king’s power in all the European countries was based on tax collection above all else.

The collection of these taxes was possible because the king had at his disposal the tax farmers.

As usual, because of their ruthlessness, the Jews excelled as tax farmers.

Despite the disapproval of the Christian Councils, the kings granted them the right of collecting taxes.

One such a tax collector was the merchant-moneylender Salomon, who was ceded the tolls collected at one of the gates of Paris. [736]

Thus, everyone who wanted to enter Paris through that gate had to pay a toll to a Jew who pocketed the proceeds because of his “Jewish Loyalty” and other services to the king.

It was always very profitable for the Jews to corrupt and bribe the kings because with relatively paltry bribes, they could garner great wealth.

Bribing a king for a million coins was cheap if the Jews could thereby swindle from the king’s people a billion coins.

The kings protected the pitiless Jews because no one else could guarantee them so much tax and toll revenues or provide them with such rare and incredibly extraordinary “luxuries” as pepper on their meat, glittering stones dug out the ground, shiny pearls plucked from an oyster, and some incense and scented toilet water.

For such “rarities,” the European kings betrayed their people to the Jews.

While the Merovigian Germans and the Carolingian Germans were contesting for Europe, the Arab conquest, which had brought confusion upon both Europe and Asia, was without precedent.

Miles Williams Mathis: LAWRENCE of ARABIA – Library of Rickandria

The swiftness of its victory is comparable only with that by which the Mongol Empires of Attila and Genghis Khan were established.

But those Empires were as ephemeral as the conquest of Islam was lasting.

The Arabs, on the other hand, took possession of whole sections of the crumbling Persian and Roman Empires.

In 634 they seized the Byzantine fortress of Bothra (Bosra); in 635 Damascus fell before them; in 636 the battle of Yarmuk gave them the whole of Syria; in 637 or 638 Jerusalem opened its gates to them, while at the same time their Asiatic conquests included Mesopotamia and Persia.

Then, it was the turn of Egypt to be attacked; and shortly after the death of Heraclius (641) Alexandria was taken, and before long the whole of Egypt was occupied.

Next, continuing the invasion, they submerged all of the Byzantine possessions in North Africa. [737]

And always, the werewolves of Arabia increased the size of their rapacious hordes by offering their Muslim “freedom” – you are free to choose to become a Muslim or free to have your head chopped off.

And who can argue with such wonderful Arabian logic?

After all, it was the Devil’s Truth.

BOOK: Monsters of Babylon – How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 6: The Devil’s Truth & the Hebrew Bible – Library of Rickandria

Muslim werewolves bit people on the neck and turned them into Muslim werewolves!

MBOOK: Monsters of Babylon – How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 13: Muslim Werewolves Howling at the Moon God – Library of Rickandria

But the illiterate Arabs were too stupid to rule the countries they had conquered.

For that, they needed help.

The boundary that separated the Mediterranean world from the Persian Empire was swept away.

After the Arab conquest of the eastern provinces in the 630s and 640s, that boundary, the Tigris-Euphrates valley, became one of the arteries of a new empire, with its capital first in Damascus (660–750) and then in Baghdad (from 750).

By the middle of the eighth century, it was a boundary that stretched from Spain in the west to the valleys of the Oxus and the Indus in the east.

That empire, far larger in extent than Justinian’s Byzantine Empire and larger even than the Roman Empire had ever been, was also hugely richer than any of its neighbors because the Muslims had stolen everything.

Islam caused:

  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • North Africa

to be reconfigured around the Muslim bandits, forcing the Byzantine Empire (and the emerging Frankish Empire) into virtual satellite status [738] to the thieving sheep-molesters and murdering bandits of Arabia.

In 651, in recognition of his services to Islam, the Jewish Exilarch, Bustanay, was given one of the captured daughters of the last Sassanian shah, as a wife.

(PDF) Back to Bustanay. The History of a Legend

This also indicated the Caliph’s recognition of the “kingly” status of the Jewish Exilarch, scratching at the lice in his beard and popping them in the approved kosher manner between his two thumbnails.

This Jewish monster ruled over all of the Jews in Muslim territories.

Further showing their “Jewish loyalty” to Islam, mobs of Jews welcomed Caliph Ali into Firuz-Shapur in 658, singing and dancing the hora in the streets and hailing him as a “messiah” and “savior” from the terrible Persians – those same “terrible” Persians who had trusted “Jewish Loyalty” and given the Jews every consideration as well as the most incredible wealth.

But now – just as it had always been – the Jewish fingers pointed in unison at the Persians as “oppressors,” the new scapegoats for Jewish “suffering.”

Because of their whines and moans and pointing fingers, their new Muslim friends were expected to dry their crocodile tears and recompense them with the wealth and the lives of their alleged “oppressors.”

All of this Jewish treachery did not pass unnoticed by the Christian kings who were alerted by the monks and nuns who had been able to escape the Muslim werewolves.

The Christians were torn between following their ideas of “Thou Shalt Not Kill” and letting the Jews live – letting their most dangerous enemies who wished nothing other than their complete extinction, to live – or else killing the Jews and ending their problems once and for all.

The kings chose a Christian course of waffling and uncertainty through the application of various restrictive and thoroughly useless laws.

In Spain, after the conversion of Reccared, the laws against the Jews became severe.

Sisebut (612-631) compelled certain Jews to become Christians, for which he was blamed by Isidore.

King Chrutela (636-640) ordained that there should no longer be any but Catholics in the kingdom.

King Recceswinth (649-672) prohibited circumcision, the celebration of the Sabbath, and the Jewish festivals.

King Ervigius (680-687) commanded the Jews to abjure their religion within the year, under penalty of confiscation and exile.

King Egica (687-702) forbade them to trade with foreigners or with Christians.

A popular revolt against the Jews broke out, and the upshot was that all Jews were declared to be slaves of the Christians (696).

Isidore of Seville composed against the Jews who offered money to King Reccared, who refused it.

At the time of Sisebut’s so-called “persecution,” numbers of Jews took refuge in Gaul, where they were welcomed and succored by the parasitic Jews who were already in residence there.

This Jewish bilking known as “persecution” should be kept well in mind since the word, “persecution” for a Jew, actually means,

“anything that does no allow the Jews to murder, steal and swindle under Talmudic Law.”

It has never been actual “persecution” that the peoples of the world have practiced against the Jews, rather it has always been the non-Jews protecting and defending themselves against the criminal Jews with laws rather than with the gallows.

“Persecution of the Jews”

is nothing more than self-protection against robbery and mayhem at the hands of the Jews by using half-measures that always fall short of the actual solution to the problem.

But the Jews are never satisfied with half-way measures against them since they remain whining and crying about “persecution,” trying to elicit sympathy from their victims, instead of thanking God that they have been spared their lives even in the face of their horrible crimes.

“Persecution” has always been a lenient mercy shown to the Jews who, instead, should have been executed if the full depth and measure of their many Crimes Against Humanity had been known.

In Gaul, certain Jews were sailors, or at all events shipowners; others owned land which was cultivated by colonists, others again were quack physicians.

But the immense majority were engaged in commerce, and above all in lending money at interest.

Many of them were slave-merchants, for example, at Narbonne.

Some were engaged in maritime commerce.

Gregory of Tours mentions several who sold spices at Tours at unduly high prices with the complicity of the bishop to whom they had given cheap loans.

In Paris, the Jew Priscus furnished King Chilperic with spices, unless indeed he was his banker, for certainly the word “species” which Gregory employs seems, in a certain passage, to denote money.

Priscus (left) with the Roman embassy at the court of Attila the Hun, 153 KB View full-size Download

Priscus of Panium (/ˈprɪskəs/; Greek: Πρίσκος; 410s/420s AD – after 472 AD) was a 5th-century Eastern Roman diplomat and Greek historian and rhetorician (or sophist).

The Gesta Dagoberti speak of a merchant-moneylender, Salomon, who was a Jew.

Gesta Dagoberti – Wikipedia

But many of the Jews – doubtless the majority – were engaged in moneylending and banking, and of these a large number were very wealthy. [739]

As usual, the rich extract their wealth from the poor.

So, as the Jews prosper, the entire country and all of its people fade into poverty – just as it has always been, but not how it must always be.

The early Middle Ages saw the establishment of Jewish colonies in major parts of Europe.

In this period the Mediterranean-Hellenistic Jewry of antiquity separated and developed into Byzantine-southern Italian, Roman, Catalan-southern French and Arabic Sicilian branches – the Sicilian branch later became what is now known as the Mafia.

During the later part of the period, Ashkenazic (north-western and northern European) and Sephardic (Spanish) Jewry came into being as distinctive entities very different from earlier patterns. [740]

And yet every single one of these allegedly “distinctive entities” were unified in Talmudic Law and by the international financial links of Judaism’s banking and Kehillah system, all linked together along the:

  • Roman
  • Persian
  • Muslim

roads and trade routes and across the sea lanes, like a gigantic spider web laid down by the “sacred envoys,” those beetle-eyed, subversive rabbis carrying coded messages and donations of gold in their luggage.

Regardless of variations in spoken language and details of cultural patina, they were all Jews and all of them followed the Talmudic books of demonic chaos and genocide, which they called their “sacred texts.”

In 694, at a Council held in Toledo, king Egica announced the discovery of a plot by the Spanish Jews in collusion with Jews overseas to betray Christian Spain to the Muslims.

Despite his benevolence towards them, which had led him even to restore Christian slaves to those Jews who had been deprived of them (because of their infidelity to their promises), the Jews, under cover of their “Jewish Loyalty” and promises of sincere conversion, continued practicing their rites and ceremonies, all of which included the most demonic curses upon Christianity.

Finally, he asked the assembly for a firm decision as to what he should do with their persons and goods.

The conciliar assemblies ratified the royal accusations and agreed that Jews were to be deprived of all their stolen and swindled properties and, together with their women and children, be reduced to slavery and dispersed throughout all the provinces of Hispania, unable to recover their status as free men while they persisted in their perfidious infidelity.

The king could give their Christian slaves letters of freedom and award them part of their former Jewish masters’ goods.

Finally Jewish children of seven years and up were to be separated from their parents in order to be educated as Christians. [741]

It was these kinds of laws throughout history at which the Jews point their accusing fingers and claim that they were “persecuted” – not for any fault of their own – but because the kings coveted Jewish wealth.

It is a fact that all Jewish wealth comes from swindles and deceits, all of it!

Calling goods by the possessive tense of “Jewish wealth” is the same as calling the loot of a burglar as a “burglar’s wealth.”

The wealth does not belong to the burglar any more than it belongs to a Jew since it is all swindled and stolen property in the first place. (See Volume I, The Sumerian Swindle, for details of moneylender frauds.)

BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle – How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – (5000 BC to 1500 BC) – Vol. I – Library of Rickandria

This same error is used when speaking of “Muslim lands” or “Muslim knowledge.”

None of it was ever the property or invention of the Muslims.

All of it was stolen from others.

By 700, the Arabs had conquered Algeria and had exterminated Christianity in Africa.

In Europe, to all intents and purposes, everyone north of the Loire was a Frank, everyone in the south-east was a Burgundian, everyone in Spain was a Goth; everyone in lowland Britain was some sort of Anglo-Saxon; and these were all Germanic peoples.

You had to go to Italy to find Romans.

Where had the Romans gone? [742]

Actually, they hadn’t gone anywhere.

The Romans had simply become more Germanic while the Goths tried to become more Roman. 

There was a tremendously great difference between how the Christians and how the Jews fared under Islam.

Once defeated in battle, all non-Muslims whether pagan, Christian or Jew, were offered the Devil’s Truth –

“believe what we say or we will kill you.”

Those pagans who refused Islam, were immediately beheaded.

But the Christians and Jews who refused to convert, were allowed to keep their heads as long as they paid a yearly fee into the Muslim protection racket in the form of a variety of highly oppressive taxes and social humiliations designed to always remind them that they had “submitted” to Islam.

The jizya “neck tax” was simply

“pay the tax or we will kill you,”

because under Islamic domination everyone must submit to Islam in one way or another.

There is no compromise in Islam, either believe the Devil’s Truth or be murdered; or if you are a Christian or a Jew, you can keep your head by “submitting” to the payment of a tax.

The Jews always did much better under Islam than the Christians did, because as an 

  • international
  • interlocking
  • corporate

banking and mercantile fraternity, the Jews always had access to monies and trade goods that were unobtainable to anyone else whether Christian or Muslim.

The Jews had gold and trade goods to offer the Muslims as bribes while the Christians had nothing but their labor.

As always, to the kings, Caliphs and leaders of whatever ruling party, the Jews offered their “Jewish Loyalty” to stand bravely and sincerely behind the king and to whisper advice into his ear while holding their empty palms upward to be filled with the rewards of such “loyalty.”

The Christians could not betray God nor the truth of their convictions to serve a Muslim master.

But the Jews considered the only “truth” to be that of serving themselves under whatever master presented himself.

As long as the king was deceived by their “Jewish loyalty” and allowed them to stand behind the throne, always the Jewish tactic was to become “the master of their masters.”

And how?

By betraying and deceiving their masters.

As a basic and inerrant rule of Judaism, the Jews always did whatever they could to bring harm and disaster upon the Christians in both obvious and covert ways.

The Jews were thus very useful to the Muslims because the Jews were always ready to help the Muslims to conquer and destroy Christian peoples and churches.

With the Biggest Lie Ever Told – the Hebrew Bible – as the basis of both Judaism and Islam, neither were constrained by the teachings of Christianity.

With the Hebrew genealogy swindle of Ishmael, claiming the Jews to be at the root of the Arabian genealogical tree, the Jews were in the position both to guide Islam and to aid Islam in destroying Christianity.

The stupid Muslims actually believed that the lying Jews were their forefathers and gave them every consideration and respect.

With the Jews:

  • denigrating
  • slandering
  • insulting

and murdering Christians at every opportunity, they had found a perfect Semitic match with the Muslims.

The Jews could fully accept that the Muslims considered themselves to be inheritors of Abraham’s Promise through Muhammad, because that also bolstered up their own phony claims to legitimacy via Abraham.

So, they could accept an Arabian continuation of the Jewish Hoax.

What the Jews could not accept was the Christian teaching that Jesus had fulfilled all of the Jewish “prophecies” and thereby had made Judaism obsolete, null and void.

What they could not accept was the Truth being told about them in Jesus’ teachings that the Jews are:

“liars, deceivers, hypocrites, murderers and the very children of the devil.”

Adam Reveals GOD is Actually the DEVIL in 2,000 Year Old Book

How could they swindle and betray the people of the world if their victims were warned of that?

What they could not accept was a loving God who forgave money loans and other “sins” without the need of slaying innocent animals or of offering to the Jewish rabbis and priests their gold and silver as “atonement.”

In the swindle of Judaism, all of Mankind owed the Jews all wealth and all honor on earth because of Adam and Eve’s eternal “debt” to the Jewish God, a debt to be perpetually repaid by paying the Jews.

Such a deal!

The entire “promise” of the Hebrew Bible was that the Jews would gather in all of the wealth of the world and enslave all of Mankind through the Jewish system of moneylending and religious fraud.

And in that regard, such a banker’s promise becomes true because, over time, anyone who lends money at interest automatically becomes the owner of the entire world – it’s simple arithmetic on an enormous scale of fraud.

It’s the Sumerian Swindle disguised behind the “promise” of the Hebrew Bible!

The Muslims believed that they would conquer the world, gather in all of its wealth for themselves and enslave all members of Mankind whom they didn’t kill first – all based on both the delusions of a maniac and on their circumcised cocks which “proved” to an ignorant goat-molester that he was descended from a Jew called Abraham.

Who else other than a Semite would be stupid enough to cut off the end of their penises?
(How the Gentiles of modern times were circumcised, is described in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.]

So, the Jews and Muslims had much in common.

All that the Jews had to do was to convince the Muslims that their “Jewish Loyalty” would be of benefit to the Muslims, and the two of them could destroy the Christians and share the wealth together.

The Jews were very eager for the task.

While the Christians were defending themselves from the Muslim werewolves on the borders of Europe, another strange event was taking place on the lower steppes of Russia.

The Biggest Lie Ever Told (the Hebrew Bible), the Arabian Psychopath’s delusions (the Quran) and the teachings of Jesus (the New Testament) were causing great confusion among a group of Turko Mongolians known as Khazars. [see Map Figure 117 – Map (700-1016) AD Khazar -Jewish]

Map Figure 117 – Map (700-1016) AD Khazar -Jewish 888 KB View full-size Download

CIVILIZATION: KHAZAR: The 13th Tribe – Library of Rickandria

The Khazars were nomadic tent-dwellers who had settled in the steppes north of the Black Sea.

Squeezed between the battling empires of the Christians and Muslims, their king was trying to decide what was true and what was a lie.

If he allied his people with one side or the other by becoming either a Christian or a Muslim, either way, it would involve war with greater forces than his own.

So, convinced by a lying rabbi that both the Christians and the Muslims respected the Hebrew Bible as being true, while the Jews disparaged both Christianity and Islam as being false, the king of the Khazars decided to become a Jew by choosing the Biggest Lie, told by the biggest liars, as the best choice.

In this way, a multitude of Turko-Mongolians became Jews by religion, creating a Jewish kingdom among a people who were genetically and ethnically unrelated to the Semites of the Near East.

By the very definition of the Jews, themselves, only those people who were descended from the mythical Abraham could be Jews since that is the only genealogical and racist lineage that could inherit the so-called “Promise” of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

So, how could the Khazars be Jews since they were not Semitic Hebrew bandits but were Turko-Mongolian bandits?

Thus, was born yet another Jewish hoax of Jews who were not Jews.

Immediately, the homosexual and child molesting rabbis rushed into the Khazar kingdom to circumcise them and – picture this – because these Turko-Mongolian Khazars were adults, the rabbis had to get down on their knees, cut their Khazars’ foreskins and suck on their cocks to give them the “Rabbi’s Blessing.”

So, if a Jew ever wants to give you a “Rabbi’s Blessing,” don’t do it.

These Khazars, mimicking all of the empty rituals of Judaism and following the evil teachings of the rabbis, eventually became what are known as Ashkenazi Jews from which the Hassids and the founders of both Communism and the modern state of Israel would appear in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

They weren’t descended from Abraham-the Babylonian-Banker, or David-the-Hebrew-Bandit, or even Moishe-the-Pawnbroker; and as inconceivable as it may sound, they nevertheless became even bigger troublemakers than the Jews.

When the Russians and Byzantines finally destroyed the Khazar kingdom in 1016 AD, all of these future Communists and anarchists ran to Poland and wherever else their Jewish co-religionists would give them shelter and free loans while encouraging them to hate the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) with all the demonic fury hidden within every Jew. (See Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah for details.)

In 711, the Arabs began their attack on Spain with the help of the Jews.

Indeed, the Muslims could not have conquered Spain without the help of the Jews.

In their usual disguise as merchants and “holy” rabbis, the Jews could freely travel between the two warring factions, the Christians of Spain and the Muslims of North Africa.

Being able to carry messages between synagogues either in a Jewish merchant’s goods or by the rabbinical “sacred envoys,” easily kept the rabbis on both continents as well as the Exilarch in Babylonia and his good friend the Muslim Caliph, well informed of the political situation and the balance of Christian troops in Spain.

The Jews had already proved their usefulness to the Muslims in the defeat of Persia and the Byzantine Roman territories.

So, they had ready ears among the goat-molesters of Arabia on the best ways to attack Christian Spain.

Because the Jews owned wine shops and taverns throughout Spain, they had direct access to the gossip grapevine in every town and city.

When a dispute arose between the two leading Visigoth families for the kingship, it was a simple matter for the Jewish tavern owner and his Jewish cronies to keep themselves safe while backing whichever pretender was popular in that section of the city with vociferous denunciations of the opposite prince.

In this way, the Jews were able to fan the flames of discord throughout the country (as well as throughout every country) simply by taking the side of whichever party had the largest number of arguing adherents in his neighborhood.

So, when Roderic seized the throne in 711, the family of king Witiza rebelled.

They had landed enormous fortune to which they were heirs, and they wanted to keep it.

Fighting broke out between the Visigoth factions leading to widespread disorder. [743]

In those days, a vestige of the Byzantine Empire still remained in the strip of land on the western end of North Africa, the city of Ceuta, which had not yet been taken by the Arabs.

They besieged it in 708 and destroyed the surrounding area, but the fortified city held its own.

The governor of the city was Julian, a Byzantine officer.

Realizing that help would not come from faraway Byzantium, he made contact with the Visigothic rulers of Spain, the house of Witiza, seeking their protection.

He had at his disposal a number of Jewish merchant vessels, as well as Jews who knew well southern Spain, its cities, and its regions.

Julian placed those ships and scouts in the service of the Muslims. [744]

Once again, the scraggly Arabs were able to take advantage of a confused situation among the Europeans.

Even though they were still scraggly Arabs, they had learned much from the captured Persian and Byzantine officers who had joined with them rather than have their heads chopped off.

The Muslim war machine was quite sophisticated by the time it attacked Spain.

With the advanced military intelligence supplied by the Jews, the Muslims knew the precise time to attack.

Roderic, the king of Toledo, was fighting in the far north against the Basques.

So, the Visigoth army was entirely withdrawn from the south, leaving the country vulnerable.

The Jews apprised Governor Julian of this situation.

The Muslims could safely attack with no opposition.

So, in April, 711 AD, the Muslim invasion of Christian Spain was launched.

Using his merchant vessels, Julian ferried the Muslim army across the Straits at night.

It was a new moon and very dark. [745]

Tarik, the Moslem commander wasted no time concealing his camp on the rock that later bore his name, Djabal al-Tarik (Mount of Tarik) – or, as the Europeans called it, Gibraltar. [746]

Jews were waiting for them with pack mules and containers of water.

They guided them to a big cave in which they could hide during the day.

Within four nights the Muslim army had crossed the Strait and fully assembled, began their sneak attack on Christian Spain. [747]

Thanks to the Jews, the Christians were taken completely by surprise.

The Christian army was away to the north and could not protect them.

So, the Muslims quickly overwhelmed every city.

King Roderic, when he was informed of the disembarkation of the Muslim army, immediately marched south.

But Roderic was betrayed by his troops who sided with his rival Witiza for the throne and the king was defeated and killed in the battle.

This was no doubt greeted with great elation by the Witiza family.

With Roderic out of the way, there was nothing to prevent them from attaining the throne – except for one thing.

The Jews informed the Muslims of the political rivalries and explained to them the relative power of each contending side in the civil war.

As they had done numerous times in their long and evil history, the Jews pointed out the leaders among the nobility who had the most influence in society.

Thus, the Witiza family, after trusting the lying Muslims to help them and not understanding the perfidious nature of the Jews living among them, were all executed.

With the leaders of both contending sides dead, this left only Muslims and the Jews to run the country.

The Muslims usually offer their:

“special Muslim three way deal”

even to the leaders of a conquered country – become a Muslim, or pay the jizya “neck tax,” or have your head chopped off.

In this case, at the urging of the Jews who pointed their accusing fingers at their enemies, all of the enemies of the Jews among the Visigoth aristocracy were executed.

Thus, the Jews had their revenge upon the Christians and there was no aristocracy left alive to warn the Muslims about Jewish treachery.

With all the Christian leaders executed, the Muslims had no worries of any leaders among the Visigoths rising up to lead a counter-offensive.

This left the Christian people in Spain in disarray with packs of Muslim werewolves rampaging throughout the country [748] and no leaders and no army to defend them.

From ancient times, the Jews have been practicing this same method of betraying entire countries while giving their whole-hearted and sincere “Jewish Loyalty” to the new tyrants.

But in this case, the new tyrants were preaching a similar Semitic hoax, Islam – a hoax that would help the Jews to destroy the Christians.

One similarity between Islam and Judaism is their Semitic predilection for obliterating the sites and records of other people.

Thus, for the historian of Muslim Spain, whether of its Jewish or its Muslim history, there are no archives; scarcely a document survives, and those that do survive are largely much later copies. [749]

Like burglars wiping off their fingerprints, the Jews are always careful to wipe out anything that tells the truth about them while preserving with great fanfare anything that records how wonderful they are.

Thus, people get the wrong impression about the Jews by only learning the Jewish side of history, the skewed side, the side they write, themselves.

What history that we have of that era must be pieced together from meager sources.

But one thing is very clear, once the Muslims had taken a city, the Jews helped the invaders by providing them with manpower to garrison the newly conquered towns. [750]

Jews by the tens of thousands joined the invaders.

The ranks of the Muslim army grew from day to day.

They were joined by serfs and peasants who wanted to gain their freedom and get the land for themselves. [751]

But none of them were allowed to join the Muslim army without first becoming Muslims by chanting the Shahadah.

Or they could remain Christians and Jews by paying the jizya neck tax and would be deferred from fighting in the army.

This was entirely acceptable to the Jews because they could afford to pay the jizya tax with the loot that they were stealing from the Christians.

They could stay safely behind the walls of the cities while guarding the loot and murdering their Christian enemies – a Jewish “Golden Age” was in the making!

With all of their “sincere” and “loyal” hearts, the Jews sided with the Muslims at the gates of the city.

But inside the city of Cordova, they were powerless to betray the Christians because Gothic soldiers stood between them and the Arab and Negro werewolves outside the gates.

However, once the city was captured, the Jews of the city exulted.

This was the day they had hoped for.

They immediately made contact with the Muslim officer and offered their “Jewish Loyalty” for which he mobilized them into his army as a Jewish militia and police force over the city.

As guards over the Christians of the city, they now had the power to murder whichever Christians had ever given them problems.

In Cordova, the Christians learned first-hand about Jewish vengeance – a never ending, relentless, Semitic obsession that transcends time.

The governor of Cardova, however, escaped with his forces to a church in the western quarter of the city and fortified himself inside with about four hundred Christians who defended themselves courageously.

The Muslims laid siege to the church and after three months succeeded in cutting off the water supply of the Christians, who were compelled to surrender.

By the Laws of Islam, they should have been offered Muslim “protection,” that is, they could keep their heads in exchange for paying the jizya tax.

But at the urging of the Jews, the governor and all of those Christians were put to death.

The events at Cordova were repeated in other Spanish cities.

Everywhere the Jews rose up and volunteered aid to the Muslims.

An early Muslim historian relates that wherever the Muslims came upon Jews, they appointed them as a militia and left a few of their own soldiers with them.

Then, the majority of the army continued on their march of conquest.

Another Muslim historian adds that where no Jews were available, the Muslims had to leave a greater number of their own forces to enforce their conquest.

From these historical records it is evident that the aid of the Jews was highly important for the Muslims.

Since the Muslims had to leave behind soldiers in cities already taken while sending ahead troops to conquer other cities, the Muslim commander’s small forces grew ever smaller as he penetrated deeper into the heart of the country.

The cooperation of the Jews was very advantageous to him, since it enabled him to release some of his soldiers from guard duty in the conquered cities and to utilize them as an attacking force in new conquests.

It is clear that the Jews gave the invaders important military information and also acted as spies.

So it was, that in many cities, small groups of Muslims, with the aid of their Jewish allies, solidified the Muslim domination of Spain.

Moreover, because many of the Christian nobles and officials, the wealthy, and the clergy had fled to the north of the country, large numbers of houses and much property were abandoned.

Of course, the Jews, as loyal subjects to the Muslim “liberators,” took possession of them.

But it was the Semitic desire for revenge that primarily motivated the Jews to help the Muslim armies – revenge and a rich reward for their “Jewish Loyalty.”

The Muslims gave the Jews the opportunity to repay the Christians for the “bigotry” and “persecution” and “oppression” of the Christians for not allowing the Jews to swindle and steal as was their “right” [752] which they had carefully given themselves in the Biggest Lie Ever Told.

It should be noted that this Semitic “desire for revenge” is a basic building block of Judaism, a demonic revenge to the fourth generational destruction of their enemies.

Only through genocide is Jewish revenge a complete revenge, wiping out not just four generations of their enemies but also burning documents and erasing all memory of Jewish crimes against their victims.

The Christians had objected to being swindled and, with Christian mercy, instead of killing the Jews and ridding themselves of this menace, they had allowed them to live in Spain while merely restricting their criminality with legislation against them.

This was “persecution,” according to those master criminals.

As a reward to the merciful Christians for letting them live, the Jews massacred all of those Christian fools.

When the Muslim troops reached Malaga, they broke into the city and took it.

Following the pattern set in Cordova, the conquerors mobilized the Jews into the militia.

The Muslim commander supplemented his ranks with auxiliaries from among the natives who saved their heads by chanting the Shahadah and joining him as “Muslims.”

Thus, it became possible for him to penetrate into the Meseta, that high plateau which stretches across the center of the Iberian Peninsula.

Then he moved onward to Toledo. [753]

When the Muslims arrived at Toledo, the capital of the country, the Goths, having only a few troops while the ranks of the Muslims had been multiplied, gave no thought to defending their capital but fled while they could.

All the government officials, the priests, the wealthy, and the officers left the city; only the commoners remained behind.

The Muslims penetrated the city almost without resistance.

In this city, too, the Muslims mounted a garrison from among the Jews.

The Jews became the masters in the very city where the Christian Visigoths had ruled and where church synods had gathered to promulgate edicts against their criminality.

Christian sources tell how it was the Jews who opened the gates of the city [754] to the Muslims with welcoming songs and dancing in the streets.

This was an age-old tactic of the Jews whereby even a few Jews can betray an entire country by getting control of the “gates” of a country.

In modern times, you see this happening with the Jews who control the immigration gateways that allow Muslim werewolves into European and American lands.

Just a few Jewish politicians and Jewish immigration officials can submerge white countries under a flood of colored, Third World riffraff, because the People trusted the Jews into positions of power.

It is the same, ancient betrayal advised in the demonic Contract of the Hebrew Bible – Jews gaining control of the “gates of the city” and country and then opening those gates to betray city and country to enemies – then, offering the victorious enemies their “Jewish Loyalty.”

A larger Muslim army landed in June.

The new army was headed by Musa ibn Nusair and numbered eighteen thousand men, almost all of them Arabs.

He crossed the straits in June 712 and followed the same procedure as the first invading army.

Though his forces were greater in number, he did not leave behind many Muslims in Seville; instead, he mobilized the Jews of the city and established a garrison from among them.

Thus Seville, the city of the renowned prince of the church, Isidore, fell under the rule of the Jews. [755]

In the city of Beja, the Muslim commander also settled a number of Jews, entrusting them with the task of guarding the city.

This occurred in the summer of 713. [756] In city after city, the Jews betrayed the Christians to the Muslims and in return for their “Jewish Loyalty,” were rewarded with power and wealth second only to the Muslims.

The Muslims gathered the Jews into a specific area in every locality.

They transferred into the large cities those Jews who lived in their environs, concentrating them in one area there.

A Muslim historian relates:

“This became the fixed method of the conquerors: in every city that they took, they concentrated the Jews within its fortress.”

This is because the Jews were the garrison forces for the Muslims.

The Jews dictated to the Christian population.

And for this service, the Jews demanded the supreme protection by being garrisoned within the city walls. [757]

The Christians were left outside the city walls and were left entirely out of the power structure of Muslim Spain.

Once again, the Jews were able to swindle and betray their way into a position where:

“… great and prosperous cities not of your building, houses full of good things not furnished by you, wells you did not dig, vineyards and olives you did not plant, when you have eaten these and had your fill, then take care that you do not forget Yahweh who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” (Deu 6: 10-12)

The demonic cunning of those creatures who follow the Biggest Lie Ever Told and the Babylonian Talmud, had once again betrayed and destroyed a better people among whom they had been allowed to live.

But there was an even greater bonanza for the Jews to come.

The Muslims were all illiterate camel jockeys who didn’t have the ability to administer the countries that they had burglarized.

Indeed, this was the situation in all the lands conquered by the ignorant Arabs.

But guess who knew how to read and write and to add up numbers bigger than ten fingers? 

Thus, it came about that the supervision of houses and estates – all the vast property that was deserted by the Christians who had fled or who had been murdered – was turned over to the Jews.

News of the conquest of Spain by the Muslims, spread throughout the breadth of North Africa and to Jewish communities everywhere.

In those lands, especially in the cities of Morocco, dwelt many Jews who had been run out of Spain for their crimes.

Many of these moneylenders and Jewish pimps had been unable to adapt themselves to the conditions of life in the places where they had settled because there were not enough people with money whom they could cheat.

Besides, the Muslims didn’t drink Jewish booze (except behind closed doors) or use Jewish whores since they had plenty of slave women and sheep.

The difference in the economic and cultural level between wealthy Spain, a land with an age-old Greco Roman and Visigoth culture, and the arid lands of the flea-bitten, illiterate Berbers of Africa, was very marked.

Even the inbred, sidelock-wearing, buck toothed children of those Jewish exiles, had heard much about Spain and had turned greedily toward it just like big-nosed, beanie-wearing buzzards look at a piece of carrion.

This has always been a characteristic of the Jews, flocking towards loci of ruin and loot.

Many Jews rose up and set forth to the port cities to sail across the sea and return to Spain. 

Once Spain had been conquered, thus began a wave of Jewish immigration that lasted for centuries and became a veritable flood of Jews emigrating into Spain.

This migration was the most important phenomenon in the history of the Jews in the Mediterranean Basin during this period.

It was destined to result in gathering great numbers of Jews into Spain, in settlements that numbered in the hundreds of thousands in every village and city, overseeing every estate and farm, guarding every gate and port, and advising the Muslim rulers in every region on the best ways to make money and to dominate the Christians.

Moreover, the call went out over the Kehillah network to every synagogue in both Muslim and Christian territories of the opportunities now available to the Jews in Spain.

Free land and loot and positions where bribes and graft could be had, called forth from the Diaspora (Spores-That-Die-Ya) not only the usual Jewish merchants and moneylenders but also Jewish purveyors to the army,

  • slavedrivers
  • whoremongers
  • tax farmers

and the like.

Hence, it was not just Jewish refugees from Spain who returned to the Iberian Peninsula after the Muslim conquest; other Jews from all over:

  • Europe
  • the Near East
  • Persia

and North Africa also stampeded into Spain. [758]

As they realized the incredible profits, they could obtain by working for the Muslims to impoverish, dispossess and enslave the Christians, a veritable rage to migrate possessed the Jews in all those lands. [759]

The gold rush of Jews into Spain grew from all over the Mediterranean Basin – Jews intent on profiting from the chaos of war, the booty of monopoly capitalism and the chance to offer their “Jewish Loyalty” to a Muslim ally who could help them destroy the Christians and make them rich in the process.

But for the Jews, it got even better than this! With the ongoing wars between the Muslim and the Christian kingdoms, all trade between Europe and Africa; all trade between Europe and the Near East; all trade between Byzantium and Africa; all trade between Byzantium and the Near East; all trade between the Christian and Muslim countries came to a halt.

That is, all trade came to a halt unless the Jews were the middlemen.

Only the Jews could trade with both the Christians and the Muslims.

So, Jewish profits from their monopoly of all trade between:

  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa

were astronomical.

The profits could be nothing else other than enormous.

War had always been a favorite profit for the Jews because they didn’t have to fight in them.

But now, with the werewolves of Arabia waging constant jihad against Christendom, and with Jews securely standing behind the kings and caliphs of both camps with a monopoly over all trade between them, the Jews had never made such profits in their entire history of treason and larceny.

But for the Jews, it got even better than this!

With only the Jews doing business, the Christian merchants and the Christian kingdoms became impoverished.

Especially do poor people tend to borrow money where they can.

By putting their meager possessions and their children up as collateral, they put themselves into the power of the Jewish moneylenders.

And all Jews, both big and little, were moneylenders.

Thanks to the idiocy of the Catholic popes in putting all moneylending into the grasping claws of the Jews, alone, where else could the Christians borrow needed funds other than from the Jewish moneylender and the Jewish pawn broker?

In Europe, all Jews had the monopoly on moneylending.

The Jews fanned out and thickly settled in every city and town on every continent like a giant net for catching silver and gold and enslaving defaulted borrowers; then, shipping them across international borders to fellow Jews in distant countries.

Therefore, the Muslim attack on Spain in 711 began the Jewish draining of European wealth into Jewish pockets and European people into Jewish slave markets.

The main problem that the Jews had, was in keeping their wealth hidden behind ragged clothes and whining excuses of poverty.

The Christian people could plainly see that ragged clothes did not suit a people who controlled all business and gathered in all wealth for themselves and to whom the very kings went on bended knee to borrow enough gold to manage the kingdom.

The Muslims worked the silver mines in Spain with slave labor, working the Christian slaves to death.

While Muslim Spain was a magnet for worldwide Jewry, it was also a conduit for the movement of Jews through Spain from Asia into Europe, which constituted the only economic link which survived between Islam and Christendom.

Jews were the only economic link between East and West, between Christian Europe and the Muslim Middle East and Spain.

But there was another link between East and West – a crucial one – the merchants of Venice. [760]

And in that, too, Jews played a large part because colonies of Jews inhabited every important commercial center in Italy.

By 715, the Muslim empire extended from the Pyrenees to India with Damascus as its capital.

And the organized criminal conspiracy of the Jews stretched like an even bigger net to encompass it all, as well as stretching across all of Europe.

This Jewish net caught all gold and silver in its meshes, monopolized every trade good and surrounded every king with gifts and Jewish advice on how best to tax the people and wage war on his neighbors – all while whining about how poor and oppressed they were and hypocritically pointing their accusing fingers at their victims.

After opening the gates of Christian cities to the Arab armies, Jews offered their “Jewish Loyalty” to the newly established and illiterate Muslim princes.

They volunteered to be loyal government officials, bankers, and especially leaders in international commerce, stretching from Western Europe to India. [761]

The Jews were always volunteering themselves and bribing their way into these profitable posts in every government.

It may be said that the Islamic invasion was as decisive for the East as for the West of Europe. 

The histories of East and West, were no longer linked to the same path.

Before the Muslim invasion, the Byzantine Emperor of Constantinople was also the Roman Emperor ruling the entire Near East as far as Persia, across north Africa and throughout Europe, Italy and Gaul.

After the Muslim invasion, on the contrary, the Roman Emperor was reduced to the defense of Byzantium in Greek waters.

Henceforth Europe was closed to him. [762] But the expansion of Islam came to a halt on the Byzantine frontier.

Islam had robbed the Empire of its:

  • Syrian
  • Egyptian
  • African

provinces, to some extent by exploiting national differences and to some extent through the Fifth Column assistance of the Jews.

But the Byzantine nucleus resisted and by resisting, it saved Europe, and doubtless, in saving Europe, it saved Christianity from the Muslim werewolves.

The encounter was tremendous. Byzantium was twice attacked while Islam was at the height of its vigor, but she owed her victory to her fleet.

She remained a great naval power.

And within her sphere of influence, was the city of Venice, the story of which constitutes the most curious chapter in the economic history of the ages.

The first inhabitants of the sandy and desolate islands of the lagoon were wretched fugitives, escaping from the hordes of Attila the Hun in the 5th century.

Other fugitives came to join them at the time of the Frankish and then the Lombard invasions. [763]

These were joined also by the Jews who were always on the lookout for a secure base of operations.

In the primitive Venetia of the 6th and 7th century, the Byzantine administration still survived, represented by a few functionaries and tribunes.

Here dwelt a population which was essentially maritime. In the beginning, the people lived by fishing and the manufacture of salt, which their boats carried to the mainland, exchanging it for grain.

The only commercial center of the region was Comacchio at the mouth of the Po, which was frequented by Byzantine ships bringing olive oil and spices.

Beginning about 715, while the Muslims were invading Spain and trade between the Byzantine empire and Europe was being entirely cut off, Venetian commerce developed and prospered. [764]

The peace of 812 left Venice in an exceptionally favorable situation.

On the one hand, her union with the Byzantine Empire enabled her to expand into the Near East, and this without threatening her autonomy, since the Empire had need of her support in its struggle against Islam.

On the other hand, it opened Europe to her trade within the Frankish Empire.

Secure against attack from the West, Venice had nothing to fear, apart from Comacchio, which held the mouth of the Po.

In 875, therefore, Venice destroyed her rival, who disappeared for good.

Henceforth the markets and the ports of Upper Italy – 

  • Pavia
  • Cremona
  • Milan

and the rest – were dependent upon the commerce of Venice. [765]

And ensconced within Venice were the Jewish merchants who had so many more worldwide commercial contacts than did the Italian princes who ruled Venice.

It is true that the Emperor, as early as 814, had prohibited trading with the Muslims of Syria and Egypt, but the Venetians traded with them even while they fought them.

The most important branch of Venetian trade was the traffic in Slavic slaves.

In the middle of the 9th century the Jewish merchants of Venice were selling Christian slaves to the Muslims.

Venice was above all a port and a market.

She played the part which had formerly been played by Marseilles.

Because of the Muslim pirates, trade goods no longer entered Europe via Marseilles but were detoured through Venice and Spain.

From Venice, passengers embarked for the Near East, and from Venice timber for building purposes was exported to Muslim Egypt.

From the Orient came spices and silk, which were immediately re-exported to the mainland, to Pavia and Rome.

There was also traffic into Europe across the Alps [766] into Germany and France.

It was the same with:

  • Salerno
  • Naples
  • Gaeta

and Amalfi on the west coast.

These were essentially active seaports, and, like Venice, they maintained only a very loose connection with Byzantium.

Their hinterland was far wealthier than that of Venice, and they were not far from Rome, which remained, owing to its churches and the afflux of pilgrims, a great consumer of:

  • spices
  • perfumes
  • precious fabrics

and even of papyrus, silken fabrics, purple dye, and vases of chiseled gold and silver, as well as products from:

  • India
  • Arabia
  • Ethiopia


This was only possible because all of these cities had communities of Jews who acted as the intermediaries between the Christian merchants and the Muslims.

This trade between Southern Italy and the Muslims was also a trade in enslaved white people from the Frankish Empire for sale to the Muslims.

All of these Italian mercantile cities raised armies and outfitted warships to fight with one another, to craft a variety of alliances with the Muslims to defeat one another, and to turn around again and fight against the Muslims in a variety of wars and conflicts between 830 and 877.

The gold required for these expensive wartime activities was entirely raised through commerce. 

Those cities were typical Jewish, capitalist corporations, allowing neither Papal nor Byzantine nor Muslim interference with their trade.

Their alliances with the Muslims did not prevent them from resisting to the utmost any attempt at conquest on the part of the latter.

Thus, in 843, Naples helped the Muslims to wrest Messina from the Byzantine Empire to which Naples itself belonged!

They took action only when their prosperity was directly threatened.

By an invisible force of resident Jewish merchant-moneylenders, the maritime states – 

  • Gaeta
  • Naples
  • Amalfi 

– were constantly led to ally themselves with the Muslims.

For them the essential thing was to protect the coast and safeguard their commercial interests. 

By negotiating with the Muslims, they obtained their share of the booty and continued to enrich themselves.

The policy of Naples and Amalfi was above all the policy of merchants who lived by pillage as much as by regular trade.

For that matter, with whom could they have traded if they had neglected the Muslim coasts? 

The Near East was monopolized by Venice via Byzantium.

To summarize the situation:

The Christian Mediterranean was divided into two basins, the East and the West, surrounded by Islamic countries.

These latter (the Muslim war of conquest having come to an end by the close of the 9th century) constituted a world apart, self-sufficing, and gravitating toward Baghdad and the cult of the Arabian Moon God.

It was toward Baghdad that the caravans of Asia now made their way, and here ended the great trade route which led to the Baltic by way of the Volga.

It was from Baghdad that products were exported to Africa and to Spain.

The Muslims themselves did not trade with the Italian Christians, but they did not close their ports to the latter.

They allowed them to frequent their harbors and through Jewish middlemen to bring them slaves and timber, and to carry away whatever they chose to buy.

Byzantium succeeded in preventing Islam from obtaining the total mastery of the sea.

Ships continued to sail from Venice along the Adriatic coast and the coast of Greece to Constantinople on the Bosporus.

The Venetian ships continued to frequent the Muslims ports of:

  • Asia Minor
  • Egypt
  • Africa
  • Sicily

and Spain.

Thanks to this prosperity, both in Southern Italy and in the Byzantine Empire, an advanced civilization survived, a civilization which had retained its ancient Greco-Roman and Christian foundations.

In Europe, on the contrary, the coast from the Gulf of Lyons and the Riviera to the mouth of the Tiber, was now merely a solitude and a prey to Muslim piracy.

The ports and the cities were deserted.

The link with the Orient was severed, and there was no communication with the Muslims coasts. Beneath the sword of Islam, there was nothing but death and looting and Jews who did business with both sides.

With Gaul and Europe cut off from trade with the Near East, the center of gravity of Europe shifted from its Mediterranean Coasts to the north, inland, among the Germanic Goths.

The Carolingian Empire presented the most striking contrast with the Byzantine.

It was purely an inland power because it had no outlets.

The Mediterranean territories, formerly the most active portions of the Empire, which supported the life of the whole, were now the poorest, the most desolate, the most constantly menaced.

For the first time in European history, the axis of Western civilization was displaced towards the North, and for many centuries this center remained between the Seine and the Rhine.

The Germanic peoples were now called upon to play a positive part in the reconstruction of European civilization. [768]

However, if the Europeans wanted the spices and silks and gemstones of Africa and the Far East, they would have to go through Jewish middlemen.

And the price was always high.

The Jews betrayed every country in the Near East and North Africa to the Muslims, leaving the only entry points for trade goods into Europe though Venice and Spain where – What a coincidence! – the Jews totally controlled all merchandise through Spain into Europe and a large part of the merchandise through Venice into Europe and one hundred percent of all slaves from Europe.

However, what coordinated and tied it all together was to be found in the ancient Jewish homeland of Babylonia.


Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 14: The Fiendish Lawyers of Judah