No, you won’t be magically transforming into a werewolf or a bear, you will be learning how to transfer to one construct to the next and also create new construct from scratch.

Technique 1:

Relax and clear your mind.

Sense and get a feel for your energy.

Create an energy ball.

Now choose a geometric shape like:

of some kind.

With this shape in mind, envision your energy ball changing from a sphere or shape
you chose.

Do this until you can feel the shape in your hands.

Work on this and try different shapes over and over until you get it down and can envision and change without too much of a struggle.

If you don’t do it the first time, don’t fret with a bit of practice you’ll get it.

Technique 2:

Relax and clear your mind.

Sense and feel your energy.

Like in technique 1 picture or visualize a geometric shape a:

  • prism
  • pyramid
  • cylinder


Now picture your energy flowing down from down your arms out your palms.

Now picture said energy forming into the figure of your choice.

Do thing until when you move it around you can actually feel the edges of the shape.

That’s it!

You’ve made a new construct.

Try move this with different shapes until you feel comfortable.

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