After Nibiru, the tenth planet in our solar system, entered the inner solar system clockwise and achieved relative orbital stability around the Solaris (our sun), life on Nibiru evolved until it culminated in technologically sophisticated, long-lived homo sapiens, the humans of Nibiru.
Nibiruans unified, after disastrous thermonuclear wars, under a single kingship.
But Nibiru was losing its atmosphere, critical to heat regulation and survival.
500,000 years ago, King Lahma vacillated over how to deal with the escaping atmosphere.
Should he nuke the volcanoes to regenerate the atmosphere?
Or should he send miners to Solaris’ Asteroids, where probes registered gold which could be powdered and spread as a shield for Nibiru’s atmosphere?
Prince Alalu, exasperated by Lahma’s inaction and desperate to save Nibiru, pushed Lahma off a tower.
Lahma’s heir, Anu, agreed at first to Alalu’s rule.
Alalu and Anu sealed their alliance when Anu’s firstborn son, Ea/Enki (whose autobiography, compiled by Sitchin, is the principal authority for our tale), married Dimkina, Alalu’s Daughter.
Ea related how Anu had earlier denied him his bride-to-be, his (Ea’s) half-sister Ninmah, when she bore the child of their half-brother, Enlil.
Anu simultaneously honored Ea and proclaimed fealty to Alalu by offering a compromise successor to the houses of both Alalu and Anu via the child Dimkina and Ea will create the baby Marduk.
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